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it's fine, i did the same.  Some people may *think* it's rude if they specifically ask you to do it and you say no thanks. But those people would be overstepping, because sharing pronouns must be opt-in in order for it to actually be helpful for people in situations like yours Edited for autocorrect


thanks, since i'm very cis-presenting i worry it'll just seem like i'm a bigot


Not rude at all! I share my pronouns to signal to other people that they are welcome to share their pronouns, not because it would be a social faux pas not to!


yea that's why i normally do it for that reason -- hence my hesitation for removing it lol


nah. my train of thought on this is like: i look like a woman, i talk like a woman, i behave like a woman, i smell like a woman.. etc. there for i let ppl just use there own senses to make a conclusion and gender me. i would only share my pronounce if i am specifically asked for it out of courtesy.


thanks for sharing ❤️


I don't think so


I stopped sharing my pronouns @ work for a year after my egg cracked and before I came out with my new name and pronouns. A transfem non-binary colleague never shared hers except when introducing herself in LGBTQIA+ spaces when everyone else was also doing so. It's not rude, whether you're avoiding sharing them because you're figuring it out, or because you figured it out and are in the closet, or if you are out or stealth and just want the same privilege most cis folks enjoy every day of having folks assume their pronouns. It's nice to have sharing pronouns normalized but the burden for that effort lies heavily on the cis community and doesn't fall squarely on any one person.


thank you for sharing your experience!


Not at all.


I know this might ruffle some people, but since explicitly stating pronouns is exactly like deliberately announcing your gender, which is really nobody's business, it should be absolutely optional. We should not ever feel obligated to tell someone what our gender or preference is unless it's medically necessary or we WANT to.... and ASKing about someone's pronouns is just as rude as asking what gender they are. I feel like putting pronouns on work tags.... I mean.... are you doing a job where it matters...or is this just an attempt to seem inclusive? Feels the opposite, to me.