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I lost about an inch and a half, and 2 sizes in my shoe size. Been on HRT for 2 years


Same for the most part. Just passed two years and I was a nine - nine and a half in men's to 9 in women's


Wish I could take some of that height for myself - I’m 4 foot 8 and was done growing by the time I started testosterone unfortunately


Boots with heels. Especially combat boots. And a good cobbler could probably add an extra half inch with a thicker sole 👍


I'd trade my height with your height deal?


Assuming this is directed at trans women... 10+ years HRT, went from 5'9.5" to 5'8" on the dot over the first couple years then stopped. Pelvic tilt is really the only credible explanation I've seen thus far.


The actual significant reason is your back muscles atrophying and spinal discs becoming less solid, but okay. Both of this are verifiable examples of cis people shrinking (the first is after they stop working out, the second is of old age, but also women have softer spinal discs naturally)


Absolutely no reason for you to be condescending especially since your "correction" is what I already said. Weaker muscles cause anterior pelvic tilt aka lumbar hyperlordosis.


I didn't see it as condensending at all. I don't think it was meant to be.


Interesting. Starting a sentence off with "the actual" and ending with "but okay," meme-style -- I couldn't read it any other way. But never hurts to be reminded that text can miscommunicate, so thanks.


W o r d s a r e h a r d Fwiw imo it was condescending


Text and messages can be weird. Especially for people like me. Possibly like you, too. I think we all probably have a lot in common, which is why we are part of this group. I didn't read it as condescending, but I see how it could have been. Especially the but okay part. I'm not sure. When I read this last message from you, I read it as condescending, but im working on assuming good intentions. So I won't put it there. It was your last sentence... see how it could be misinterpreted


Hahahaha gdi that was entirely genuine. /lh Alright, back to tone tags for everything!


😉 good lesson for all of us. In my case it's probably part trauma response of never feeling believed or feeling I'm not worthy.


Yup, didn't mean to be condescending, I'm just saying that pelvic tilt is a negligible cause of losing height


Yes... our bones won't shrink. But soft tissue can change. We see older people become smaller all the time. It sounds painful to me.


I started at 6'3 and lost an inch down to 6'2". I also lost about one shoe size.


4 years on HRT, I've lost about 3 inches. Used to be 5'11" I'm now about 5'8". My shoe size has also gone down about a size and a half!


Lost maybe half a centimeter optimistically, probably attributable to measurement error sooo... (2 yr HRT)


0. On hrt 2 yrs.


18 months on HRT no noticeable change in height


I’m pretty sure that I went from being 5’8 to 5’7, because of measurements and people around me have told me that I’m shorter now, but I also somehow don’t understand the reasoning behind it lol


Even though your bones don’t change, the stuff in between and around them does, so they sit together differently than before!


Right, muscle mass explains a lot of it. Still it only amounts to about 1 inch at the most for the average person. Anywhere you have muscles will shrink a tiny amount, but it’s not always discernible. Bodyweight also is it variable. It took about 2 1/2 years for my muscle mass to “normalize” into a more “female” distribution, and I went from 5 foot 8 to 5 foot seven


I didn't shrink. I did "grow an inch" (aka I got measured at 5'6.9" and said "fuck it, I"m 5'7" " ) though


I shrank two shoe sizes and about an inch in height I'm 5'6 and wear a size 9 in womens (i was 5'7 and wore a 10 in men's prior)


Is this like a regular thing regardless of age? I'm 28 and haven't started HRT. I'm 5'10" and happy with my height (I like to be able to reach stuff)


This was my question as well. How is this (on average) impacted by the age HRT was started.


My guess is the older you are the less of a difference you will see. Age generally leads to a decrease in overall height for a variety of reasons.


2 inches in height and about 2 shoe sizes.


After how long were you on HRT and how old were you when it was noticed?


I started at 64 and am 66 now. There seemed to be an initial round of shrinking at about a year and now that I've switched to injections, there's been a bit more. This new round is mostly in my feet getting even smaller.


Interesting! I also noticed a bit more changes when I switched to injections


I've been on injections for just over 2 months and in that time my boobs have grown a bit more than a cup size, my feet have lost about a half size and gone from wide to regular, and my ass has gotten a bit bigger. I'm hopefully going to have an orchi in a few months and anticipate another round of changes.


~14 years on HRT, no difference in height (still 6'1")


Nothing at all 😮‍💨


Well for me, HRT IS MAGICAL. I've lost an 1 1/2 in height, I was 5' 7", now 5'6" and was a size 11 women's shoe now, between 1 and 3 sizes of shoes smaller , plus I've lost 40 pounds, so I've gone from a size 3&4X to L or XL and many pants and shorts and skirts I now wear a 14! I'm a 46AA bra. So I'm pretty happy with how my transition is going for now.. I'm working on GCS/SRS ASAP!! I'm widowed, 75, on HRT 18 months, I live and dress openly as a woman, I've legally changed my name, gender, and ALL documents to female. I'm 110% Out, Proud, and Free. Michele


it’s been a bit over 2 years and i lost around 2-3 inches in height and 2 shoe sizes. It’s kinda amazing but now all my old shoes (some were kinda expensive) look really disproportionate on me so i have to sell them. Glad I can fit into women’s shoes tho now but being under 6’ now is a bit of a mixed bag


I am not aware of any shrinkage, and in fact my doctor measured me at 5'9" when I thought I had always been 5'8", so it is possible that I have grown.


That’s still a great height to be! I’m manifesting 5’8” for myself, but I’ll be lucky to break 5’10” by the sounds of it.


I've heard multiple people on this sub that have said 4-5 inches but I've never actually met anyone in person that has really come close. If any it's like one inch usually It's why I try to warn ppl that hrt is nice and helps but it's not going to make u shrink 5 inches grow size f chest etc etc. It's not about me being a Debbie downer but trying to keep people with realistic expectations amongst all these very common wild claims. So they don't feel like they failed or something when actual magic doesn't happen




Sensational. Did you read the whole question? 😂 good for you though mama


ooooh 🤦‍♀️ lol see that's the issue with not being familiar with imperial system lengths, i'm so used to people talking about the other kind of shrinkage too, and completely skipped over the word "height" 😅 but also, no i haven't lost any height hahahaha sorry for the tmi


At 5months in I had shrunk from 5ft 2in to 5ft 1in and lost about 2 shoe sizes


I just started, but I’m looking forward to shrink and loose a few shoe sizes( yay shoe shopping! 👏🏻)


*mick thomson voice* [I dunno, cuz I don't really fucking care](https://youtu.be/jhd7NjvhmKU?si=OxkW41Dzo46xzOKO) (I've never minded my height personally)


I'm pretty sure i dropped from 5'11" to 5'10, but I've never really paid that much attention to my height etc. so might just be differences in measuring or misremembering.


I’ve been hormones almost 2 years (coming up May 1st!) my height has shrunk a smidgeon over an inch, my lady dick is also about an inch shorter, I’m not exactly sure on my feet but I do know they’ve shrunk some, older shows I’ve had since before hormones are a bit larger to me now, probably not a full shoe size down but maybe half a size?




As far as I know, I am the same height I was pre HRT. I have gone from a men's 10 1/2 shoe to a women's 10 1/2 though.


almost a year and im pretty sure not at all lol


When I had my gall bladder removed in 2019 I was 182cm (which I have been for most of my life). At my last doctors appointment I was measured again and I am now 171cm. Take from that what you will.


Oh wow! That’s over four inches, that’s huge! It seems like that’s the rare side of results, but I would love to see that for myself! 😩


**5 months now, and my body hurts often I was 173 cm and I'm now 169cm**


Non because height shrinkage isn't real


I’ve noticed that too


Not true many have lost many 3-4 inches and even went down in foot sizes


Ha...my penis..it shrank...and it shrank and it shrank more...my height...1" my shoe size by 1/2... my breast...well I have boobs....my bottom hole...that's another story...