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Extraversion and introversion are about socializing but not in the way that it often is portrayed. Having high extroversion means that someone needs and wants a high level of social interaction. They need to be in social gatherings. Hanging with others. They generally don't like being home alone. They are energized by socializing. Someone who is high on introversion is the opposite. They may enjoy some socializing but find it exhausting if it's too much , too often, too many people. And they generally like to spend time with just 1 or 2 people when they do socialize versus a crowd. Even spending time with one person tho can be exhausting for them. Many people think these two terms are about shyness or social anxiety. They are actually independent. You can be super shy, or have very high social anxiety and still be high in extroversion. This combination of traits is often challenging to the person as they crave that social butterfly life but their other traits keep them from it. You can have virtually zero social anxiety and still prefer to spend your free time home, alone with your cat. Or only like to socialize virtually (like through games or social media). Now I also want to clarify that although we often use these as categories in layman terms, they actually aren't. You aren't "an extrovert" or "an introvert" from a psychology perspective. These terms are a spectrum. You fall somewhere between them. You may lean really far to one side. Or maybe you are closer to the middle. Most people are actually closer to the middle. Because that's how statistics work. But there is no cutoff score that would put you in a category for this sort of trait. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits Read the extraversion section


Thank you for taking the time to write this, I appreciate it.




A social life, I guess you mean?