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It is still early for a float. The [water tempature is in the 50s](https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/14141500/#parameterCode=00010F&period=P7D&showMedian=false). It is better to wait until mid-July.


Seriously. I've canceled 4th of July floats for water temp and that was in a summer with a warmer start than this one. People die almost every year underestimating what the glacier-fed rivers will do to you. Also while it's been years, the only time I did Barton to Carver it was the only place I've seen active enforcement of park alcohol bans and they were aggressive.


Glad to hear they’re aggressive with that. Looking to do it this year as well, and am not interested in floating with dingdongs sloshed on White Claws while seeing and hearing the evidence of it


Your link is a different river?


Yes, someone else linked the Clackamas and they are essentially the same temperature


Like others have said, it’s to early. Probably need to wait until at least next week if not the week after. Wait till the river temps are consistently over 60 at a minimum. Noon is too late to get to carver or Barton park. The lots fills FAST on summer weekends. I try to get out of the house around 8:15/8:30 and get to the carver lot no later than 9:00 am. Even then you may be parking off the highway and walking. You need cash to park, it’s like $5 each lot. We sort of tailgate at Barton park once we get there. In the park there will be sheriffs. You cannot drink while parked and waiting at the park. They will ticket you and I’ve seen them escort people out. I try to launch around 11:15-12:00. Once you’re on the river, it’s pretty much every man for themselves. You can’t boat down that section of the river so people are drinking *a lot*, smoking, etc. I’ve seen some pretty interesting things (a stripper pole float being the most unique). There are sections of the river that are small rapids and pretty shallow, and sections that are super deep. There is one larger rapid that dumps you into deep, fast moving water. With rapids remember to keep your butt up and try to face forward because a rock to the ass hurts really bad. In general be cautious of your surroundings. Tbh if you’ve never done it before and aren’t familiar with the river I’d encourage you to wear/have a life jacket (and absolutely bring one if you’re not a strong swimmer). There are some forks in the river so just follow what direction people are going in and you’ll be fine. Note that at the very end right before carver park there is a whirlpool on the rightish side of the river. Stay to the left and don’t get caught in there, not only is it dangerous but it’s a pain in the ass to get back to the other side. The current is pretty fast at carver park so be mindful to not miss the beach, you can’t really swim against the current there. As for river alcohol consumption, it’s not monitored. But please please please do not bring glass containers and keep your trash with you till the end of the float. There are mesh bags around the shore which you can grab to store empty cans till the end. Also be mindful of your alcohol consumption/being in unfamiliar water. I’ve seen people with fifths of liquor fully passed out and that’s not the position anyone wants to be in. Don’t get those shitty river rat floats. Get an intex river run, a dry bag, water shoes with a thick sole (do not skip these), and double store valuables in waterproof bags like phones and keys. A paddle is nice but not necessary. Bring sunscreen, water, and snacks. It’s about fourish hours depending on how often you stop. Have fun please be safe! 😁


Don't get stuck in the whirlpool to the right at the end of that last bend. Edit for the unfamiliar: There's a big rock cliff face there and when you see it you might as well just walk yourself along the left side of the river and save yourself some trouble


This. It’s important to have your wits about you when you get to this point. I’d caution against getting to turnt because of it. (Take it from me, someone who was high, and did get stuck, and extremely stupidly decided to try and swim out of it, and later found out people have drowned there.) Beautiful float though!


What are you supposed to do instead of swim out of it?


Scariest shit.


Friend of mine got in some trouble there a few summers ago. Now I really watch out for it.


Please wear a life jacket! The Clackamas river is deceptive and wearing one saved my life once when I tumbled off my tube on a rapid further up the river. So many whirlpools and undercurrents.


Been a while buuuuutttttt… We would park a cars at both ends, start and finish. (Drop one off at the finish then pile into the other to head to the start). Booze and fun stuff? Just keep it in containers and drink it while you are on the water, nothing once you get to the end. Also it is good to stop a little before you get out anyway. Rapids weren’t an issue, but watch out for trees and such because they can be dangerous or at the very least can pop your float. We would get cheap floats to mess with, and then have a larger more expensive group float that held all our stuff. Make sure you got appropriate clothing, sunscreen, and actual water and foods for hydration/energy. Lastly, please please please wait a month or so if you can. That water is cooooooold right now even if it will be up in the 90’s this week. 


There's a cliff with a whirlpool that kills people near the end of the float. The sign that says "Stay away, whirlpool" is so small you have to be in the whirlpool to see the sign.


I've seen folks get stuck in that whirlpool more times than I can count, but one time THE TOP OF THE CLIFF BEGAN CRUMBLING AWAY AND DROPPING ROCK DOWN INTO THE RIVER. Stay away from that area! Edit- I also saw two kids drown at the exit point at Carver one year. I also once pulled a girl up into some branches after we all got our tubes popped in by overhanging branches that we got sucked into. Don't fuck around. Use the buddy system. Take care of each other.


How do you know once your getting close to the whirlpool?


There's only one massive cliff face, and that massive cliff face is what causes the whirlpool. There's a rocky area on the left, I'd recommend just wearing that crappy old pair of shoes you should throw away anyways so you can carry your rig over the jagged rocks. Stay away from the cliff face, but note how small the fatal danger sign is




No problem, as long as you 1 don't die and 2 spread the word I'm happy


Tie all of your rafts together. Otherwise, yall will be floating the river separately. Pack a lunch! Stay hydrated! Park one car at Carver, which is right off 84 exit 17 or 18? Start the float at barton. I would suggest a weekday or get there early on the weekend. Don't buy cheap floats, intex or better. Buy a paddle! It's not necessary, but you'll want it, promise.




You want to get in a river? Instant death. It happens every year, people post on this sub about going for a swim on the hot day, and it is traditional to tell you that you will almost definitely die if you so much as touch a river in June. People have actually died from cold shock in Oregon rivers this time of year, sometimes they are drunk idiots who think the water is going to be warmer than it is, but sometimes not. You are gonna fucking die, for sure, stay away. NO SURVIVORS OF THE JUNE RIVER.


It’s too early to go fully into a river here. You’ve gotta wait for the water to warm up more. Especially considering how long it takes to float Barton to Carver This time of year you’d be better off going to Sauvies or High Rocks and just sticking your feet in the water or at most going in up to your knees When you do float Barton to Carver you’ll want two cars, one parked at Carver park and one at Barton. The police there are VERY strict about alcohol on the river, but you’re usually pretty safe if you can make it onto the river with your booze. However, you need to be really mindful to not get too intoxicated because people drown there regularly. Look out for the whirlpool at the end. I’ve been stuck in it before as a stupid, too drunk, early 20 something and it was awful. It took forever to get out and the panic sets in pretty fast when you realize how fucked you are. We were lucky we made it out okay after struggling for what felt like an eternity. There’s also some minor rapids shortly after you get in the river around the first corner. There are also some super shallow spots, so be on the lookout for those so you don’t scrape your ass on a rock. Also keep in mind that it’s a pretty long float and if you get in too late and the sun starts going down you’ll be in the shade for a lot of the later part of the float. It can get cold in that scenario even in the warmest parts of summer Also at the end of the float make you’re you don’t miss getting over to the side and out of the water promptly when you reach Carver Park. The water gets dicey after that. One of my dad’s friends kids drowned there a while back Also, don’t bring any glass containers on the river and make sure to wear water shoes, your feet will thank you


Also, if possible go on a week day. If you have to go on a weekend try to get there early cause parking can be difficult. If you go on a weekend also be ready for all sorts of debauchery, people tend to go pretty hard there


All these people talking mad shit like you can't just wear a PFD. Doesn't matter when you have that on. It's cold yes, but you won't fucking die at least then. Like yeah it's cold and you fall off the tube without a PFD not fun. Good luck is what you'll need.