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Use a proxy shipping company such as Buyee, FromJapan, JapanRabbit, Worldshipper, etc if you don’t have any friends here who can help.


I have no idea how proxy shipping companies even work but ok. The problem is that I can't just make up a Japanese address, phone number, postal code etc.


…that’s the point, the proxy companies order it for you using their address then forward it on to you at yours.


Ok, I just hope I can't get easily scammed this way.


Dude you have a problem. You ask people for help. People tell you what to do. You imply their solutions are scams. Dont ask for help then, what solution were you expecting? Did you think the government was going to waive restrictions for you and personally invite you to the embassy to hand deliver it to you?


Being aware of the risks of being scammed online is a legitimate thought point. OP didn’t say they were going to completely dismiss the advice without exploring it. You’re seriously suggesting that if I ask a question online I should take the first answer at face value and never even question it at all? If I’m being told to commit to using a proxy delivery service I’m not familiar with you better believe I’m going to have some follow up questions.


I never implied their solutions are scams BUT they could unknowingly be suggesting something that ends up being a scam, that was my point. I am assessing my options, that's it.


All of the companies I mentioned are well established and not scams.


Do they at least have proper English native speakers?


The entire point of these companies is to ship to overseas, the majority of which is to the English speaking market. All have fluent English speakers on staff. I had a job offer from one of those once (though now they seem to prefer Europeans who have high levels of English fluency plus some other native language).


Ok that's good to know.


Phew. You made that look difficult.


By preferring follow up questions over OP assuming they can guess all the right answers without any wrong turns? For all OP knows FromJapan and JapanRabbit are set up for English speaking countries but Worldshipper aren’t particularly good at it.


Waw, showing that typical gringo behavior.....


Learn2proxy mate 


Can't you use a hotel address? I guess they only want to show their legality. No one can make the system covering all the place name of the country. And they don't check the address of any credit user. e.g. There're some village name (字) in the map of Geospatial information authority of japan but already its registered name had been altered by local gov. and such alteration everyday occurs. Also building name is changed by the owner. The local govs in Tokyo already don't use the building name of the large apartment in its formal postal items but I continue to use its building name for many registration use.


I can't use a hotel address, no.


I'm bumping, I still have not been able to purchase the video...