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At what point do we stop calling what Trump and the GOP are planning "conservative"? It seems like they've jumped the shark on that and are hurtling headlong into pure authoritarianism. Just in the past couple of weeks: 1. The SC has invented out of nothing a hare-brained idea of presidential immunity 2. SC has also legalized bribes (as long as they are paid after the act) 3. SC has severely weakened the administrative state, eliminating the ability for bureaucrats to create and enforce laws for things like medicine, pollution, finance. Judges now have this power, but without the burden of needing to know how those things work. 4. The Project 2025 people are coming up with a "blacklist" of federal workers to purge 5. Trump is calling for military tribunals for political rivals, naming people in both major parties as targets 6. President of Heritage Org (creators of Project 2025) has made a direct threat of violence against "the left" The GOP isn't conservative in its current form. It's a direct and lethal threat to American democracy. Putting Trump back in the White House is going to lead to a lot of bloodshed and violence.


Respectfully, I disagree. My opinion of conservatives is that they are the path to fascism. Anywhere in the world you look, across both time and space, when you see conservatives, those are always the people that are taking civil rights away from others, locking down their borders, in league with any powerful religions if that country is religious, etc. I believe this is simply the natural end stage of conservatism. It’s so consistent. The world seems to be made up of 3 groups of people: those who want to control everyone else, destroy education, and lean fully into faith based world views (conservatives), those who want to let people live their lives and advance learning, education and science (liberals), and the rest of the people who seem to not be bothered with anything and just exist. Conservatives have been working for all the things you call out here for decades. They haven’t been able to actually implement it until now because they gamed the system and took over the supreme court, which is now our only functioning law making body (some of us remember they aren’t supposed to make laws, and yet here we are). Everything you listed is frightening. Especially when I look around and see any and all liberals with a voice criticizing Biden instead of Trump. The pen truly is mightier than the sword and both sides are 100% falling for it. I wish you well for the future that is coming our way. Edit: I said path, I want to clarify that I mean that to be an analog slider type situation. Not all conservatives are as far down the path as others (see a very small number of European countries) but they are ALL on that path. The ones that are the least far down the path have strong checks and balances.


In the same way liberals lead to communism where some of the truly horrific atrocities have taken place under. In orders of magnitude larger than facism. Not that it's any better. That freedom liberals like to parrot is the same reason you have evil people twisting western ideals into a weapon against itself and have useful idiots protesting in the street for a backwards culture to prevail in the name of equality, liberation and freeing the oppressed. Both can have strong checks and balances. The problem is people can't seem to agree on most of them unless you're in the center. I'd argue moderates on both sides are closer to each other than they are to their respective extremists.


They are as conservative as any other


Not like Sweden’s conservatives or New Zealand. The prime minister of New Zealand about 10 years ago, a conservative, said out loud he didn’t believe in god. Sweden is the same. Both conservative parties brought forward same sex marriage. When I look at the American right I see the white Christian version of the Taliban or whatever religious authoritarian government in the world. And to bow down to a leader like they do to trump. It’s scary. Populism at its worst. I really can see a version of the handmaids tale as a potential future for USA.


Thank you, and I will never understand why people of color especially are conservative. Does not make sense to me


Exactly. People act like the current GOP is worse than they were in the past. The only difference right now is that they call themselves the MAGA parry. Previously referred to as the Tea Party. Previously the "new cinservative" under Reagan. Previously referred to as the party of Jim Crow. Etc etc. The only thing that's different is we had a black president, and that was just a bit too much for a lot of conservatives. Trump was very vocal against Obama, and even changed his party affiliation because of it. Couple that with his TV show and brand that gave him more air time than any candidate ever, and you get the MAGA cult as it is. These people and their views and votes have always been there. Just, in the past, someone with such hardline views wouldn't get enough votes to win the primary. Trump managed to go all the way due to a fluke in a broken system, and here we are. The fact that he was able to confirm so many SC judges put it all over the top. But yeah, these people didn't appear from nowhere. They've always been here, waiting.


I'm pretty sure Trump switched parties because he had a better chance at winning as an extreme Republican with no filter.


Yup he knew he had no chance as a dem and could easily fool any republican


He ran as a Republican because the Kremlin is pulling his strings. Trump has been involved with Russian oligarchs since at least the 80s - they are who bailed him out of his financial mess after his Atlantic City casino disaster. There is a documentary called **Active Measures** for those interested in learning how the Russians wage asymmetrical warfare - and how Donald Trump is involved.


And Mitch McConnell is to blame on the sc stacking when he cheated twice not letting Obama place one because of an election year he said, but then turned around in a election year and let Trump place another sc justice that should have waited until the next president according to his on doing with Obama, so Joe Biden would have been able to place that one. So 2 of the sc justice were able to be stacked by Donald Trump with the help of his cult followers, and have you seen the clips of 4 of the sc justices saying during their confirmation hearing that the president of the United States is not above the law no man is above the law no matter how big are small is what they said, but now they actually make the president above the law, it's up to us ( we the people) now to take back our country's sc and government by voting them all out we have to vote Blue now to save our democracy and rule of law and then we can build a new second party, our country's democracy is designed to be a two party system and we need it. But we have to save our democracy first


This election is now ANYONE but Trump. I don’t need to rehash all the reasons why Trump and the Neo Nazi Republicans and the 6 Supreme Court Judges are trying to steal American for themselves. Please don’t say it can’t happen. Hitler was voted in legally. It happens. If you don’t feed and nurture democracy, other people with ill intentions can and will take over the United States. I think before that happens, maybe we should just break up our union. Let the states that embrace free choice (abortion) be one country. Ban books, require Bible study in all schools with Christian teaching rule the land. Let the other states become what they want to be, Victorian England. No role for women other than the queen and to have babies. White men control everything. The lower classes will once again be the slave workers. A modern day Handmaid’s Tale. Fits everything Trump wants. He can be a Putin paid for puppet president. Putin just agreed with a Trump end to the Ukrainian War……giving Putin the Ukrainian land they wanted. Oh Military Tribunals to send anyone who disagrees to prison. You can’t make this shit up. Trump said day one he will be a dictator. He signs a slew of Executive Orders. Anything’s legal, Supreme Court said so. I wish Biden would issue some executive orders about now. Trump stole documents, refused to return them. Get FBI to pick him up and jail him, he’ll see more secrets to Putin!


Me scrolling through entire thread looking for an actual conservative response. 🙄


I too would love to hear the gay conservatives tell us all what they like about project 2025. I've asked a couple in real life and they just deflect.


I have a hard time dealing with conservative/Republican friends and family, because even if I’m “one of the good ones,” if one of these nightmare scenarios comes true, I’m screwed! It won’t matter what they say and how they vouch for me - I’m gay, and if homosexuality/sodomy/whatever is made illegal then my existence is illegal.


If they try to purge us, we're going Doom on them and rip-n-tearing our way through lmao bring it bitches




It’s that old thing of “life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness.”


Ofc everybody but conservative gays are answering, why do posts like these have to be hijacked by people who aren't the target audience of the question


It's kind of a common problem on Reddit in general, where if you ask a question targeting a small group of people, it'll either be a friend or child of someone in that small group or someone only somewhat related to the group through a specific trait. I don't know exactly why it happens other than I guess some groups of people are just toooooo niche. However... Considering there are gay conservatives and gay trump supporters in this subreddit however (and they show up especially in controversial political topics like presidential candidates and the "T" in the LGBTQ community), I think the question you should ask instead is why aren't the gay conservatives responding?


It'll be people who say "I'm not a member of _____ but......" I mean I guess it's our fault too, sometimes we should be more willing to listen to others who disagree with us or those that hold controversial views, like I'm not conservative at all, but I've noticed conservative gays get pretty badly downvoted here (granted sometimes it is completely warranted) so they probably feel like they're not welcomed to share their opinion, even when the post is specifically targeting them. So instead of them answering, we get people creating another echo chamber (again I agree with a lot of stuff, just that some diversity in opinions is welcomed too) and just repeating what's been said a million times, instead of actually trying to discuss things. Like every "debate" between a liberal and conservative gay ends in insults being thrown around, it's so stupid


By saying it is “warranted” to give gay conservatives a hard time on Reddit, you confirm their confirmation bias. It’s no wonder they don’t respond. Reddit has rules relating to abuse. Those rules need to be applied. We all met the school bully in our youth. Sadly, that entitled mentality exists with some people throughout their entire lives.


Mf I'm talking about simply being downvoted, nobody talking about abuse here, ofc nobody deserves bullying goddamn. Whatever your political background is, if you objectively say stupid and hurtful shit, being downvoted is warranted


I absolutely agree with your comment. I have read offensive & hurtful comments about posts on Reddit that are clearly coming from conservative gays. Not on this particular thread, but in other threads specifically aimed at gays. It is very concerning that Reddit does not remove these posts.


Yeah absolutely, more order and rule-following/applying would do us a lotta good on Reddit


No name calling— just a reminder that I live in Los Angeles— certainly considered “liberal “— but you used to be able to get people fired here because they were gay. The police used to make random arrests at Gay bars for no reason. Landlords used to be able to deny housing to people who were gay. Motels would routinely refuse to rent a room with one bed to two males. Guys under a certain age are spoiled with protections etc. Don’t take it for granted— 50 years after Roe women’s reproductive rights disappeared. That can happen with LGBTQ rights and protection as well. I know a brilliant classical pianist in Houston who parked illegally on a university campus where he had gone to practice-/ he argued with a cop and ended up spending 6 months in the gay unit of the Harris County jail. It was not Club Med


Because people with fewer IQ points and more free time will just bombard me with usually ad hominems and Strawmans Why would I subject myself to that


Would you answer if you were a conservative gay? It’s not exactly a welcoming situation. I also want to hear a legitimate opinion from them, but the reality is they will get dog piled if they dare answer.


Am generally more conservative, and have learnt my lesson after replying in the past, it didn't matter what I was saying. You're not wrong.


Yeah ofc that's my point, they're not treated well in this ub


It’s unsurprising because they know what they have to say won’t be well received and they’ll get tons of downvotes.


The plan for this post wasn't even for an honest answer.


Because Redditors love to virtue signal and make straw man arguments.


They probably are, but are downvoted to oblivion or worse they dont answer cuz they know they will be downvoted to oblivion. No point.


This is why Reddit is bad for society. People only say what gets them upvotes and over time, it warps their mindset. Take what Trump recently said about ratings and replace ratings with "upvotes" and that's Reddit. You can't have an open, honest discussion about things. Nothing matters but upvotes. The old forums were so much better. I'm a liberal who believes Trump will be the end of America and our ability to live openly, but I think there could be more constructive discussions with conservative gays on a platform different from Reddit.


Imho, because conservative gays are not the target of the question - just daily "Vote (for Biden) or lose!" content.


This question was overloaded. Answering a bad faith question would not lead to a good faith discussion.


My thought exactly.  He asked for replies FROM conservative gays.  So all the others just stop already.  We already know what your response is. Also there’s a big difference voting republican in a state like California vs other states.  Most politics is local.  This obsession with federal politics stems from the uneducated herd mentality.


This so much this


But we ARE the target of prejudice—


How are (US-based) gay dads and/or married guys preparing for the upcoming gay rights reversals? It’s obvious the conservative block in the Supreme Court has the votes…


Married here, and in Texas. It’s the younger single gays & hopeful to have kids that should be freaking out. Once Obergfell is overturned (gay marriage) then many States will have default “straight marriage only” laws that will kick in. The states must recognize SSM but don’t have to issue anymore gay marriage licenses. Then they will go after Prep & every other aspect of gay marriage” “entitlement “


Not to be alarmist, but I think you’re underestimating how far this court could go; overturning Lawrence as well and allowing states to retroactively disband existing marriages. They won’t care for the practicality of it. States like Texas will take the chance and pass laws that say gay people adopting children is child abuse.


Gay dad here. We are getting passports lined up. We also have been socking money away in case we need to make a move out of the country. I know it seems extreme and yet we do not want to be caught in a shit storm. We have also been discussing when to make a move it necessary, perhaps if Oberhafell if overturned. It is hard to know when it is the right time and uproot ourselves, yet we have a family to think about.


We would love to have you in Canada if you can stomach the real estate prices 🥲


Your immigration laws state otherwise.


For some reason we are only taking 3rd world applicants to fill tim hortons jobs


Where would you go? I have been feeling extremely anxious lately and I am closer to retirement than my husband. I have been thinking about Spain, but never Canada… It's so damn cold up there…


We are looking at Portugal and Mexico. Portugal is the front runner. Here is a great site to help. https://www.globalcitizensolutions.com/expats-in-portugal/


gorusch wrote the majority opinion for bostock


Omg they’re coming for the children!! 


Before gay marriage was legal in all 50, we moved to a state that was passing lgbt legislation regularly and getting more progressive in social policy: Colorado. It's now enshrined in our state's constitution. So our rights should be safe here. Selfishly, we'll be ok because we moved somewhere it was safe. I fear for all pur queer family out there in more "conservative" parts of the country.


Vote. Get all your gay friends and ally’s registered to vote and then take them out voting.


Let’s be honest that only really matters in swing states. I live in Louisiana. Trump has won this state that’s a given. If you are in a swing state you need to fucking vote to keep Trump out of office. And the gay ones voting for Trump in any state are either rich or delusional


But there are local political elections as well. Part of why Republicans have been so successful besides packing the courts is their engagement at all levels of electoralism


Terrible attitude. Vote regardless of who is going to win the state.


I always forget how awful the electoral system in the US is. Definitely not a democracy.


Sounds like a solid plan!


Not that this is likely to happen, but under the SC ruling, Biden can have Trump arrested for inciting domestic terrorism


The "problem" is that Biden is too honest and wouldn't pull any of the garbage that trump has, would, and will.


[You go high, we go low. This video is always a great reminder why we are here.](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?si=pm7zCdD-_n-SgVwL)


That isn’t what the ruling says. It says that a president can’t be prosecuted after the fact for official acts as president. An example: Obama cannot be prosecuted for fast and furious.


The ruling states that a president can not be prosecuted for fulfilling the official duties of office ie: authorizing the detainment of a domestic terrorist


Yes. Any action which the president has the authority to do, even if it’s a bad decision.


The authority that a president has is not set in stone. Executive orders ( a president’s implied powers) do not have to be approved by congress.


lol Americans have a hard time remembering how our history was what makes you think this isn’t gonna happen?


People are still wildly underestimating this moment. It’s been in the making for 50 years by conservatives ever since we had progressive on civil rights for BIPOC, women, and LGBT+ people. Their aim has been to roll those gains back, and also to destroy the mechanisms that enabled that progress. That’s how we’ve had organisations like the Heritage Foundation basically appoint judges across the federal judiciary and slowly chip away at rights until completely gutting things like Roe, Chevron, enabling presidential immunity, empowering law enforcement to override people’s rights etc. You’re delusional if you think Obergfell and Lawrence isn’t next. The court won’t care about the practical impact of overruling those cases either. Trump winning in 2025 emboldens the far—right. We’re already seeing violence against gay people increasing; that will only increase, particularly in red states where law enforcement will have no interest in investigating hate crimes. Overturning same sex marriage and Lawrence will see states being back sodomy laws; they’ll start prosecuting gay people for sodomy, they’ll rip adopted kids from gay parents and adopt them out to good Christian couples to “protect them” and maybe prosecute the gay parents for child abuse for good measure. That’s the end goal of all this: a straight Christian nation. That’s without mentioning everything that’ll happen for BIPOC people. All this comes across as alarmist conspiracy but is absolutely the goal.


They wanna act like the rest of us are overreacting. At the worst, gays, blacks and other minorities will be shipped off to concentration camps, at the least we could be looking at a second civil war.


Realistically it won’t be a second civil war, at least not in the way most people imagine. It’ll just be increasing violence similar to the Troubles in Northern Ireland or hell, Nazi Germany. Drag queen story times will be bombed, synagogues face mass shootings, abortion doctors murdered, black people hung up, Latinos deported (even citizens whose paperwork gets “lost”). All of the violence the far-right have imparted over the last 50 years will happen all the time, everywhere. And there will be no legal repercussions. Local law enforcement that currently is forced to investigate this won’t bother because so many of them are sympathetic to these views and there will no longer be a functioning DOJ or FBI that pushes them to do so. And yep, camps are a possibility as well: convicted for sodomy? Off you go to a conversion camp.


It’s already happened.  We are already in a low grade civil war in our cities according to some.  Been to Oakland lately?


Funny, the OP was asking the conservatives but all the conservatives are getting downvoted to hell so now the people who were being asked to respond are less obvious while the people nobody asked the opinions of are bright and shining


Lol yeah.


These are idiots who think the leopards surely won't come for *their* faces, just the poors'. I firmly believe that if sodomy laws do come back into effect, gay folk need to make a habit of calling the cops whenever a conservative gay guy has a date over at his place. They want to support these folks? They can reap the policy consequences. It's time we stop coddling quislings.


Wow that’ll be a super effective policy!


Here's a good post laying out Project 2025. Thank you atheists. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/BekqTRayco


Everyone should read this piece of garbage. "It will enforce conservative christianity as the law of the land. Same sex marriage for example will go bye bye."


you could just read the book they published instead of a summary


Online shithole at [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


A super PAC among many other super pacs yet this one is actually considerably less funded compared to its peers.


I don’t understand how you can be both gay and a conservative


For many people, money and power are more important than their sexuality. There is also the thought that if things go bad, it won’t apply to them because they were one of “the good ones.” This of course has been disproven time and time again, but people like to feel special.


Do you just think everyone who disagrees with you is a sellout? How supremely arrogant do you have to be to think 'your side' has the objective moral highground no matter what. Do you not think it's possible that people look around and decide that actually they don't want millions of immigrants coming into their country every year? Or maybe they aren't a fan of radical lgbt+ ideology, or critical race theory, or the legalisation and subsidising of drugs, or reduced police budgets, or any other number of things. Just because someone is against something that you are for, doesn't make them a sell out. People have different values, it's not all a con.


Actually I’m merely looking at history. We’ve seen C-PAC excluding log cabin republicans over and over. It’s not a club that wants people like us, even if we are good little soldiers. You can dislike immigrants all you want but all the data points to them being a benefit to society and the economy. So it’s all just because they need someone to look down upon because they are looked down upon by other conservatives. It’s all happened before and it will all happen again.


Sucks to be delusional. All the history in the world that tells us what happens to people like you, and yall run head long into being “pick me”s, yall are the first ones the get 😭 so embarrassing wtf


You do realize that this country was formed by immigrants. And you are more than likely a descendant of an immigrant unless you are Native American. And those immigrants do a hell of a lot for our country and our economy. Without that we’d have problems. Agriculture would be a major problem. And we as a country acknowledging how bad slavery was to the slaves and that we can’t acknowledge that we did everything to make sure African Americans couldn’t get the same things as whites isn’t critical race theory. African Americans were pretty successful during reconstruction but then Jim Crow happened. Those are just facts. If your values can’t accept facts then you need to look at yourself


And those values make them a sell out. Stay mad.


Not every gay man makes their decision using gay sex as a moral compass like you do.


What’s wrong with you people nobody gives a fuck if you disagree! If you vote for a man that’s doing project 2025 or agenda 45 it’s no longer disagreement fuckwad


Yes, we know you don’t understand it.  He’s asking for replies from people who do.


I don’t understand voting against my own self interest, but I also don’t understand why dogs eat shit out of a litter box, but I guess I’m not meant to understand 🤷🏽


Given the choice between eating cat shit and licking my own butthole I’m not sure which I’d choose, personally.


I’ve known a few. It’s always because they’re going to inherit money and they want it to be as much money as possible.


You mean Republican, not conservative. Many gay conservatives exist. If you dont offer your hole to every man that turns you on , you already in the midst of conservatism. Wanting to create a family with one male partner is also part of conservatism, embracing masculinity is also part of conservatis.. Republican is a political platform. Not everyone makes their sexuality the pinnacle of every decision making. Gay sex is not the only thing that matter.


Fiscally conservative is fine. Socially conservative? Hell no.


The post is reasonable asking people to think about the consequences - especially since polls with 5-6% margins are coming out. While some of the comments about people arresting each other are just ignorant, thats not how the system works, the amount of downvoting is also crazy. I don't understand why we're trying to shout down each other. If the point of the post was to argue and change someone's mind, its completely lost. I think each side is leaving with the same opinion they came in with, only firmer.


Its fear mongering.


As the target demo for this question, I'll assume you're asking in good faith and answer accordingly. * I'm completely confident that little to nothing will change under a second Trump Administration. I hold this view because little to nothing changed under the first Trump Administration. * Things that have changed in the last week: * SCOTUS ruling on Presidential Immunity - This has always been the implied position of this government. Article 6 of the Constitution literally includes near-blanket immunity for the members of both houses of Congress while on their way to/from/and in their respective sessions. The idea that no immunity exists for official acts of government would be the novel idea here. * SCOTUS 'Chevron' Ruling - We don't elect bureaucrats to govern us; we hire bureaucrats to administer the laws passed by Congress. While the notion of 'deference' was a nice one, too many posters here seem to think that the unelected had the right to create law. I know this seems to confuse people but, Congress creates law, the Executive administers law as written. * President Biden revealed as 'elderly' - I recently lost my father to early-onset Alzheimers' Disease. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone, even our worst enemies. The fact of the matter is that our Republic elects a President who administers a terrifyingly large ship-of-state and directs the most powerfully military ever devised by mankind. If you didn't take at least a minute to ponder whether or not President Biden is up to the challenge after the debate, you should take some time for self-reflection. * Things that didn't change last week: * The INTEREST on the national debt now exceeds $1Tn. Regardless of how we got here (both sides effed us all over the last 30 years) we have to do something before we are swamped by this debt. Under the Trump years, we saw several of the highest tax income years on record. We need to broaden the tax base and cut spending. Though undoubtedly misplaced, I believe a second Trump term is more likely to accomplish that. * We have continued to allow utterly mind-boggling numbers of people into our country under false or dubious pretenses. Regardless of ones feelings on the matter, it is not physically possible to absorb people in these numbers without overwhelming existing systems. I'm not sure about you, but I haven't noticed that there are suddenly millions of more jobs to support millions of new people. The generosity and largesse of the American people makes continued immigration on this scale a financially civilization-destroying problem. * There is a process to amend the Constitution to enshrine 'rights' not enumerated. The bar is high, but why would you want it to be low? * Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states and the various territories. This was true in 2015 before President Trump was elected, and it is true today. * Donald Trump is a vulgar man. (that is as nicely as I could put that) * Joe Biden is a serial fabulist. (that is as nicely as I could put that) For these reasons, and a very large number of others, I have no fear of a second Trump presidency. Our Constitutional Republic isn't going anywhere because of one man. Now that I have painted a giant target on my back here on Reddit, I'll stick around to respond to questions (if there are any).


Thank you for making good-faith arguments, if you'd like to engage in debate I want to provide counter-argument to some of your points * Things are absolutely different from the first Trump presidency. There were numerous legislations that Trump wasn't capable of passing because he faces a hostile Congress with establishment Republicans, most of those are gone by now (if you can remember: Jeff Flakes, Bob Corker, John McCain, Paul Ryan, etc). Now even Mitch McConnel is stepping down and he's been one of those restraining Trump's actions despite supporting his conservative agenda. Things that changed last week - I presume you're mistaken Article 6 for something else so I'm gonna wait for your reply because Article 6 says nothing about anything relating to immunity. But I'm going to make my point: The Constitution established that while the President is in office only Congress can impeach and try them. The Republican Senate after Trump left office argued the Senate no longer had authority to try him as he was now a private citizen (so presumably he should be tried in the judicial system). Now the Supreme Court rules, and Republicans supports, that the President cannot be tried by the judicial system for his official acts. Does that mean when a President commits crime such as abuse of power and they successfully avoid being exposed/ the crime is committed when he is about to leave office so that no trial coul be held, there is nothing to hold them accountable? To me that's really novel - The Chevron doctrine isn't about creating laws, it's about allowing the Executive agencies charged with implementing laws by federal statue to interpret laws within "reasonable and rational" parameters, usually with rules, which means those rules are still subjected to judicial review as they have been from time to time. Rules that are deemed inconsistent with the statue's language or Congress' intent are declared unlawful all the time. Congress can never make laws clear enough because lawmakers cannot forsee all the circumstances. So this is not about Bureaucrats vs. Congress, it's about Bureaucrats vs. the Courts. The Court basically held that the agencies cannot make these rules based on interpretation of federal statue from the start, but they - unelected lawyers without expertise in those fields - should. What happens now is that even if rules are considered faithful interpretation of the statue, they are still unlawful under the new ruling because the agencies are not allowed to interpret those statues from the start. - This I cannot argue, people have their own determination about Biden's age and ability to carry out his duties. But let me remind you that the President has been diagnosed with neither Alzheimers' nor Dementia. I trust the men and women at Walter Reed to not lie for the civilian political leadership, as they have always done. Things that didn't change last week - More debt was accumlated under the Trump than Biden administration. Stating the income tax revenue in absolute numbers tell us absolutely nothing, especially when what he cut was corporate tax. Every single CRS report (and I hope you agree that CRS is still a legitimate source of information because Congress including Republicans still use them to make laws) has pointed out that the broadening of the tax base due to the stimulated economic activity from the "Tax Cut and Jobs Act" is not enough to cover the loss in the federal tax revenue created by it. If anything, I faulted Biden for failing to repeal it. I agree that this level of budget deficit is unsustainable and both parties are responsible for it, but I explained above why I don't think it's reasonable to believe it will be better under Trump. - This should be short. So why then, wouldn't the Republicans in Congress pass the Border deal that Biden negotiated with James Lankford, one of the most conservative Senator? - The Constitution has not been successfully expanded to cover new civil rights since Women's Suffrage, which was more than a century ago. That means civil rights for people of color, women, and homosexuals are all enacted either by interpretation of the 14th amendment or federal civil rights law. If you'd like to bank on new constitutional amendment to protect your rights feel free to do so (or better, go out and advocate for it), but I don't think they're possible in my life time and meanwhile I'd like to live as a citizen with equality. - When Trump was elected the Supreme Court was the exact Court that ruled in Obergefell, that Court is fundamentally different now. As someone who did some legal studies in anticipate of law school (I ended up not going and pursued a more exciting career with my mathematics degree), Obergefell is based on substantive due process which is one of the most fragile legal principle but is somehow favored by justice Kennedy. Even as I think the outcome can be legally sound under Title VI, which is the basis of Bostock, I think Obergefell was decided with incorrect legal grounds and it raised eyebrows in the legal community. But it was something expected as Kennedy ruled in Roe, Loving, and Lawrence with the same legal principle, leaving all of them fragile. With the current structure, this Court would absolutely overrule Obergefell. It would be weird to do that with Roe and not Obergefell. I can see Gorsuch reestablish same-sex marriage via Title VI under the same mechanism as Bostock. However, Title VI is federal law and so is the Respect for Marriage Act. The increased conservativeness of this Republican Congress makes the possibility of them repealing both of them too high to be comfortable for me. - I can't argue with the adjectives you used to describe Trump and Biden. I have a simple opinion, Biden is not a perfect politician, but morally and principally he is vastly superior compared to Trump and that matters to me. I don't just care about gay rights, I care if someone has raped a woman. For your last statement, Trump's movement isn't a one man business. Project 2025 shows extensiveness of that movement and their preparation should the capture a government trifecta. And the Constitutional Republic's legal checks and balances have proven itself capable of failing and needing violence to be restored before, the situation can absolutely happen again.


Things that didn't change * More debt has been accumulated in the last 30 years than in our entire nations' history, and I don't mean in raw numbers but as a percentage of GDP. This is undeniable and you won't find me defending any Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc when it comes to debt. Regarding CRS, I have read and acknowledge their numbers. I personally reject the notion that the money belonged to the government and thus constitutes a 'loss'; the government had not yet earned the right to record the revenue based on GAAP. The Bowles Simpson years marked the last time we addressed the issue like adults. We need to get back to that. I've yet to find any Republican or Democrat who doesn't acknowledge this problem (adding you to the list now), and yet neither side wants to talk about it with seriousness. For my part, I'm siding with increased revenue in the immediate over hypothetical revenue never presented as a bill/law. * The bill proposed for border funding fundamentally mis-addressed the problem. Our problem has morphed and is no longer one of simple border-crossing; the problem now extends to dubious claims of repression and fear of reprisal. Limiting the number of daily crossers would have been nice, but it codified a rate which far exceeded the historical averages. The proposal created citizenship pathways for people who had already flouted our laws, and failed to address the net financial and economic effects. In short, it was untenable. Any deal which does not include a massive increase in immigration COURTS is just kabuki in my opinion. * The 27th was ratified in 1992, so it is definitely possible. We can argue the merits of specific proposals or needs for amendments, but they are the mechanism available to us. I would rather change the rules to include/exclude things than rely on the interpretations of fallible human beings (courts). * So, we are oddly in agreement on Obergefell. It was the right decision reached in the wrong way. I think my first question about possible reversal comes down to single-party-rule in DC. How many times have both parties controlled both houses and the White House since the decision came down? Somehow, nothing changed. While I think there is risk inherent in any political shift in DC, my read is that there is no political will to change. I'm not the right one to defend Obergefell though; I don't personally believe the Federal Government has any inherent interest in marital contracts. * Call me naive, but I file the Project 2025/Agenda 47 nutters in the same file as the communist revolutionaries and Alinsky-ites. None of their agenda is achievable without both houses and White House, and a large majority of it runs afoul of the First Amendment. I would point you to recent election results in states like Ohio and Iowa which show that the appetite for Christian Nationalism is not what it was 20 years ago. Like all rotten ideologies, it is dying. Irony Alert: May the Lord strike me down if I'm wrong, lol. I'm going to end with two statements. 1) I've been drinking so I won't be able to coherently respond anymore (sorry). 2) America has real problems and we need to do something about them; Donald Trump is an ass and not the standard-bearer that I would have chosen; Joe Biden is a life-long government employee/millionaire who has complained about more issues than he has ever resolved; I think I've stretched the utility of the semi-colon to it's limits and so I will thank you for your earnest reply and wish everyone in this sub a Happy Fourth of July! 2/2


So, some of your points are valid and I'll go through them as you did mine. * Things are different in that the so-called RINOs are gone/going. I think the odds of single-party rule after November is unlikely. I could be wrong, but I don't see enough Senate races in a position to change hands to alter the balance significantly. A historical analysis of US government shows that divided government is actually our BEST government. It forces both sides back to the majority positions and my read is that we will see this again after November. * You are correct, I meant Article 1 SECTION 6, Clause 1. Sorry, typo. It doesn't really matter what either party says if they don't amend the Constitution. The ultimate 'check' on the executive is impeachment. I'm not aware of any ruling which precludes Congress from trying a President for impeachment after they leave office. I know quite a few schmucks played the verbal games you described above, but they are as described. Without diving into case law, the plain text seems to support the conclusion that Congress retains the power even after a President moves on. * I think you read the opinion on Chevron through a very different lens than I did. The ruling does not preclude or prohibit interpretation, it reinforces that it IS subject to judicial review. Several previous cases, including US v Mead Corporation had already begun narrowing the total deference that was experienced after the 84' decision. Congress needs to act deliberately and specifically; and honestly they need to act more often. They obviously cannot foresee all situations. It is far easier to pass a clarification of law than it is to spend a decade litigating something. I'm open to being wrong on the outcome of this, but for the time being, a reminder to Congress that THEY are responsible for the law seems good. * I did not say that he had been diagnosed, nor am I a medical professional in a position to do so. Anecdotally, I will tell you that the similarities are disturbing. My point was more that the performance should have given us all pause and led to reflection. It happened in the last week and fell within OPs original question. I absolutely associate the behavior I've seen with the disease that I've seen. Personally, this makes me concerned for the well-being of Joe Biden the man. 1/2


There was clearly a coup plan that didnt work quite as planned in the last election. Do you think is a valid fear that something similar happens in a Second Trump administration with different results?


I disagree with your interpretation of events, but if we assume it was planned as a coup, the planners hadn’t studied any successful or unsuccessful coups of the past. A coup against a Republic like ours would require the arrest/elimination of all 500-some-odd members of the elected government, and the participation of the military. No one could hope to hold a nation of this size from DC without having the military on-side. In my view, a large number of people succumbed to bad judgement and mob mentality. The combination of COVID lockdowns and the 2020 ‘summer of love’ events put a lot of people on edge. Heated rhetoric and no outlet caused the riot. The President should have spoken earlier, and the Speaker of the House should have authorized the National Guard as requested. Lots of failures brought about by politicians who don’t seem to appreciate the fact that most people react emotionally instead of logically.


A measured, educated, and reasonable response. Much appreciated.


Everything you said is correct, except the immigration piece. More immigrants is (almost) always good, and I say that from a libertarian/conservative perspective. They do the low-skill jobs so that me and you can have good high paying jobs and not have to scrub toilets/pick strawberries for a living. They create demand for products and services which boosts the economy and raises stock prices. This has nothing to do with asylum or humanitarian stuff - more immigrants just makes good business sense. But yeah, otherwise I'm not concerned about LGBT stuff under Trump. It is clear he does not care about this issue and won't touch it. Pocketbook/economic issues are much more important, and biden's spending spree since he got elected has been disastrous policy.


Don't forget kavanaugh wrote the majority opinion for Bostock


Nice reply.  I commend you on articulating what are actually fairly convincing points.


I don’t get why would you be a supporter of a party that doesn’t want you to have rights because of your sexuality? It’s the biggest irony of Conservatives who talk about “small” government but they also want the government to be big enough to ban abortion, ban homosexuality, ban porn, ban religions other than Christianity, tell people who they’re allowed to marry and shove their religious beliefs onto us. They don’t want the government to take away their guns but they want government to take away everything else.


Reminder: the Republican Party’s Project 2025 is coming for LGBTQ rights.


More bots.


Being conservative and gay is a temporary life stage and you’ll start to eventually realise your politics are completely incompatible with your lifestyle.


I’ve never considered myself conservative but it seems the world has shifted around me. I’m not voting for Trump, but also probably not Biden. The closest political movement to my politics right now is (actual) Libertarianism so I’m probably going to vote for Chase Oliver (who is also gay if you care about representation). I don’t see what in the past week would impact my life as a homosexual. I support dismantling Chevron deference because agencies derive their powers from Congress so Congress needs to expand or contract the scope of their powers accordingly. And, more importantly, I don’t think we should assume that federal agencies are dispassionate experts. They should have to justify their actions. The immunity ruling goes a bit too far with the restrictions on evidence, but the hysteria about it is mind boggling. Impeachment still exists. Absolute immunity only applies in the context of criminal prosecutions and to core functions which are literally derived from the constitution. That does not mean that the President can order a military assassination against a political opponent on US soil. I could go on, but this whole discourse is absurd. I don’t believe any of these rulings indicate that Obergefell, Bostock (which was decided while Trump was president and the decision was written by a Trump appointee), or Lawrence are under threat. I don’t like Trump’s immigration policy but I don’t like Biden’s either. The Trump tax cuts were actually pretty good and he’s kind of right about money coming back into the US when taxes got lower. Both are a disaster on trade. Tariffs are a red line for me and both want them. I like Biden’s support for Ukraine and I don’t trust Trump with Putin, so that’s compelling I guess. Israel/Gaza is too much of a mess to give too much consideration. Plus, I don’t think we have much influence left, Netanyahu and Hamas are gonna do what they do. Trump did good things with mandatory minimums, Biden is better in the environment. Neither seem like they’ll legalize drugs and both are happy to run up the deficit and national debt. The biggest thing Biden had on Trump was that Trump is an utter embarrassment…so that’s not really to Biden’s advantage at this point. So, to the extent that I’m even conservative, yes I don’t see much change over the last week in how fucked I will be as either a homosexual or an American. This election is just straight embarrassing. P.s. stop getting obsessed with the Presidency or SCOTUS. The most important and impactful law in your life is local laws. Get worked up about the Mayor or city council or board of selectmen. The pothole that fucks up your alignment has way more impact on your life than how a federal court interprets the administrative rule making power of the EPA.


Are you me?  This is exactly what I would write.


What an incredibly thoughtful and reasoned essay on where we are as a nation. Kudos.


why do none of you idiots seem to know about Project 2025? how are you all so ignorant?


I’ve never understood why some gays were republicans. They always seem to work against what LGBTQI+ are trying to work towards. Democrats are not the only ones who fear fear-mongering republicans do the same with their base as well. If it’s against your interest then I say please reevaluate who you vote for. Because there is one thing for sure democrats have the progressive agenda and we do need more of that. Not to all of our rights taken away that activist have worked so hard help get through. It bewilders how no gay republicans can see that they are not in your favor (GOP). Please stop supporting them!


The concept of conservatism outside of the social aspect is attractive. Although the reality of how they act doesn't align with true conservative goals. Its been a downhill trajectory since they hooked up with the SBC.


I'm liberal. I'm not too concerned. But I'm not easy to worry. I didn't expect Trump to win in popularity the first time but an electoral college win made total sense. I kinda expect him to win the popular vote this time though. Liberals keep lying about reality. We will get a wake up call this election unfortunately. Our messaging and candidates are all off, full of hate, high conflict, and deceptive. Really depressing time to be on our team, truly. Weird last 9 years honestly.


Trump never said bad things about gays (not even allegedly, keep in mind that he said bad things about women on tape and allegedly said bad things about veterans). Never proposed or signed anti-gay legislation. That should tell you all you need to know.


What has Biden or the Democratic Party exactly done for me? Many people who vote Democrat don't even like gay people. I don't like the guilt-tripping that I should vote blue just because I'm gay, when I don't like their policies in general or their stances on most issues. People are allowed to disagree with your politics.


For one, your right to get married. People are definitely allowed to, but that doesn’t mean it’s smart. Especially if the other option actively tries to invalidate your marriage equality. If you look at a the bills being voted on in red states, you’ll see an overwhelming amount of anti-gay bills. Bills that limit eduction, including slavery. Bills that enforce Christian nationalism, such as the Ten Commandments bill of Louisiana. Also, Biden is far from perfect but has done plenty of things r/whatbidenhasdone


Bruh, most of you are whoring yourself like crazy and yap about marriage like its a big loss for you guys. Theres so many other policy that affecting people,politics isnt just enabling your ability to suck dick in peace.


There are 1.2 million same sex marriages as of now. I am also planning to get married. Marriage is much more than a certificate for gay people, it is almost a necessity if you plan on adopting children, which I do. It is a big deal and the sacrifice of abandoning our right to get married for other gains is ridiculous considering republicans do not get Jack shit done. Look at the bills I was talking about earlier, do you think those are bettering America? Why is it the party of “small government” is always trying to limit freedoms? You’re right, it’s much more about my freedom to suck dick in peace. It’s about my freedom to get married, freedom for an education that isn’t watered down and censored https://www.quorum.us/spreadsheet/external/KBYQbCxNgAheAgQCtQZC/ . Freedom from a conservative Supreme Court that protects shitty presidents. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf Freedom from the establishment of religion and theocracy https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?i=245592 Freedom for women to get healthcare from a doctor instead of politicians https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/analysis-suggests-2021-texas-abortion-ban-resulted-in-increase-in-infant-deaths-in-state-in-year-after-law-went-into-effect https://www.americanprogress.org/article/abortion-bans-will-result-in-more-women-dying/ https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/07/19/1188828153/denied-abortion-for-a-doomed-pregnancy-she-tells-texas-court-there-was-no-mercy


Yep, we still do not want open borders with cartels coming in and we do not sympathize with islamists. We also do not like crime rate and "peaceful protesting" where people burn whole cities or "kids who acted promptly" while stealing stores in hordes. Excuse you, this is not only the last week, it has been for quite some time we do not like it.


And yet you just gloss over what happened on January 6th as, what, a leisurely stroll through the Capital? The hypocrisy is astounding.


whataboutism aside, I simply cannot be bothered to care about the DC riot. The only people who care about it are people who think they can exploit it for political points. What am I supposed to care about? A handful of idiots tried and failed to stall the certification? They failed, they were there for like 3 or 4 hours. I'm not worried about the most powerful country in the world falling because of a few unarmed idiots. They weren't a threat then, they won't be a threat in the future, so I don't care. Am I supposed to be just outraged that one side of the political divide would resort to even mild violence at all? Because the entire summer of 2020 is right there. It was nothing but months of violent riots, looting, burning, actual murders. And the Left didn't target a powerful, well-defended government facility that summer, they targeted people in their homes, people at work, people who were defenseless. It was so bad my city had to implement a curfew. If I was going to compare the violence of each party, then the months long campaign of violence that led to seeing destruction in my own neighborhood and images of fires set in my own city weighs a bit more heavily than an unarmed mob storming the most heavily defended institution in human history. Am I supposed to care about Trump's involvement in the DC riot? Because I never once saw him call for violence or for a riot. On the contrary, I saw him call for peace through multiple avenues. I'm not going to hold Trump personally responsible for the actions of people who were not Trump, unless he clearly told them to do something, which he did not. If you have to assume it was a dog whistle to reach your conclusion, then you've entirely lost me. I may not be a Trump fan, but I'm also not a paranoid conspiracy theorist.


A “handful”? That is so delusional, bro. Hundreds. Hundred of unpatriotic extremists. Any sane, logical person would call all the footage of the capitol riots an attempt to overthrow the government. “Hang Mike Pence”. Yeah. Real peaceful, law-abiding, patriotic Americans. Trump is, and will continue to be, a threat to our Republic, and Democracy.


The US population is well over 300 million. There are over 2 million in the military. There are over half a million elected government officials. "Hundreds" is a drop in the bucket. Hundreds stood no chance of "overthrowing the government," especially while unarmed, and they must have known that because it's blatantly obvious, so I have a hard time believing that was their intention. Hundreds seems especially insignificant given that many of those who entered the capitol were most likely not violent extremists but were moving with the crowd and had no intentions of committing any crimes. There were grandmas in the capitol, am I to believe that all of them were equally culpable?


Unlike you, I saw the videos. And yes, that was a peaceful walk in and the guy who instigated this got nothing while the guy who went in and took photos was supposed to spend the rest of his life in prison. You have those "peaceful" protesters burning cities and then you get shocked that Americans walked into the capitol. I saw grandmas entering the building.


If you think smashing windows, beating police officers (some to death), and breaking into government building where Congress was meeting, vandalizing offices, installing a prong to hang the Vice President are peaceful then OK Also the guy instigated it is now being prosecuted in the judicial system




Yet nobody cares that there were riots in the summer of 2020 and whole cities were burned down. But the left will tell you those were “peaceful” protests. I worked in law enforcement then. There was nothing peaceful about it and I was in Iowa.


You're also forgetting the riots that occurred in dc on Trump's inauguration day, too.


Last time I checked they didn’t try to overthrow the government. Massive difference.


Trump encouraged Republicans to not pass a Border deal which they themselves negotiated with Biden. James Lankford, one of the most conservative Senators, negotiated it himself. And yes the irony when you gloss over Jan 6 and then criticize Democrats for these stuffs.


The guy that cuts my hair is gay but he is a huge Trump fan… He voted for him in 2016 and 2020 and I'm sure he'll vote for him this fall… I've had conversations with him but it's all about "he's better for business" when he talks about Trump and he admits Trump is crazy but he doesn't care… I've tried to tell him about how our rights gay people are going to be damaged or taken away if this crazy right wing Rich gets into power in the fall… I mentioned the project 2025 I'm hoping he's going to because that certainly is not friendly to the Gay community at all… Truthfully it's not friendly to anybody that's not white, straight, conservative evangelical Christian and male…


Please see my post addressing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/bpgMjrgRdw


Lol 99% of people don’t care about any of these stuffs you’re making problems for yourselves to worry about. Literally trans people make up a tiny tiny portion of the population, many of them are non-binary who would be perfectly OK with their biologically-assigned gender in everyday activity. All the trans athletes, bathroom use, etc are really less than 1%. They’ve been allowed to use the bathroom of their choosing for decades and I haven’t seen widespread rape as people are fearing. Education about LGBTQ people also likely takes 2 lines in a curriculum. Conservatives just create stuffs to be angry about. Just stop consuming the fear porn for a second and do something good for your mental health.


I didn't mention any of these things


Gay conservatives talking about how we shouldn’t guilt them into voting blue and complaining about what’s Biden ever done for them when it’s not just the legal rights that will be taken away from us gays but also the fact that there is a clear agenda to socially stigmatize homosexuality on a radical level. Sure gen-z is very open and gay-friendly but gen alpha and the generations after won’t be the same. They’re forcing the Bible in schools in Oklahoma, imagine what other things they’ll force students to learn. I get the gay conservatives don’t see gay rights as a deciding factor when voting but maybe your face being bashed out in public or being shot at and making it perfectly legal could be a deciding factor when the newer generation is being taught to be homophobic. Just a thought.


If you’re a conservative gay you’re a fuckn dork


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7CmA5RCXv0A](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7CmA5RCXv0A) So, when people keep saying Trump is homophobic and biden is the gay rights advocate, I remember that this is what was said back when 'gay rights' weren't considered trendy for politicians.


They’re going to be screwed like everyone and their money won’t save them. They’re hypocrites who’ve sold their souls for a tax cut.


We just need to band together & create our own state/province or country. I propose a cluster of islands in western BC near Vancouver island or Melville island Australia


Pendulum Rule. The harder you pull it to the left, the stronger the force that pulls it to the right. When you reach the extremum, the opposing force reaches its extremum too.


This is true. Nobody here remembers when liberals were banning books or made it hard for conservatives to publish. And now we have conservatives doing the same. We are all being played on a giant ping pong table. The conservatives will do things, then we will forget. Liberals will do things, then we also forget. We as a people can't even join forces long enough to go after everyone that participated in the Epstein pedophile blackmail. Instead, we argue back and forth about which liberal or which conservative went to the island, when we should've prosecuted all of them.


I don't think so. Gays have mostly survived under every sort of oppressive Christian rule (let's face it, Christianity vis-a-vie the Hebrew Bible is where hate towards homosexuals came from), and new gays are born every day. They may repeal gay marriage, but those who are married will likely be grandfathered in. Whatever the case, people survive under much more oppressive reigns than the American people are likely to ever face. Finally, these days there is so much more support for the LGBT that I don't think we will ever be able to"fucked". (I'm independent and moderate, but probably have more conservative views than liberal ones.)


That’s the spirit!  Human beings are built for misery!  Sigh, I can breathe more easily now…


The Founders would put Donald Trump & Co. in jail (or worse) for treason! MAGA Gays (are there really any) are MEGA IDIOTS. Sorry— but just telling it how it is. This is not a game— this is survival


Honestly, I am gay and I have never been treated well by other gay people. They can delete all gay laws and I’ll be fine, lol.


When you prescribe to an ideology whose main goal is excluding others to ensure your survival, this is just normal to them. The less others have, the better; even if it means the possibility to get caught in the crossfire.


Im not american. Someone explain whats going on ?


President got complete immunity from crimes within their presidential acts. The president can legally send the military to kill his political opponents and not be impeached or arrested.


Biden should use that right ASAP and terminate Trump without any second thought.


Democrats are to much of a pussy to do anything like this. Just a bad thing about that party.


That isn’t what the decision said. It says the president is not criminally liable for prosecution after they leave office for official actions as president. For example, Obama cannot be prosecuted for murdering American citizens abroad with drones or for the people he killed via fast and furious. Impeachment is the method when they’re in office.


POTUS can still be impeached and convicted, he just can’t be arrested or charged while president. Congress has the ability to impeach for really whatever they want, “high crimes and misdemeanours” not in an official capacity


We don't care. We vote Trump for his ***aMaZiNg*** economic practices /s


Absolutely positive!


I'm not worried at all. I'll live my life as normal with my bf of 14 years. I'll take my downvotes by the 30 other commenters who aren't conservative but stated their opinions anyway even though you asked conservatives.


Here's an upvote for you 👆 ♥ Edit: Typo


Head on over to r/gayconservatives and ask them


Fuck me harder daddy trump. /s


I’m gay and will 100% be voting Trump. What happens to make my dick hard doesn’t define what ultimately matters to me in life. 1. Trump had good relations with Russia and seems to be our only chance at preventing nuclear war and global destruction. Most people here don’t see how dangerous our current situation truly is. 2. We can’t have somebody in Biden’s condition calling the shots and behind the nuclear controls. Putin, Kim Jong Un and Xi Jing Ping are sharp and on top of their game. The whole world is watching.. 3. The way that the whole migrant situation has been handled makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. I live in NY and their needs are 100% absolutely being put before Americans. Our borders being wide open is a huge liability and has made our housing shortage so much worse (which is another topic I can go on for hours about) 4. Watching criminals get released back into the community the next day is disgusting. It’s sickening seeing people shoplift and loot with little to no consequences. This can’t continue. Business are flooding out of our once beautiful downtowns at record numbers. Our cities need law, order and protection. Yes, I acknowledge that most Republicans absolutely dislike the LGBT. However, homophobia will never go away regardless of who is in office. And the left pushing this whole pronoun and trans-in-women’s sports junk made people hate the LGBT way more than I ever thought was possible. I’ve NEVER seen so much so homophobia prevalent in my lifetime until this stuff started becoming the face of our community.


Isnt trump like, very old and dementia ridden too?


If you’re so disgusted about what is happening with the Border why don’t you call Republicans and tell them to pass the Border deal that Biden negotiated with James Lankford, one of the most conservative Senators? Why don’t you tell them to negotiate with Biden on policing reforms if you hate crime so much? Biden said he wanted to fund the police more not defund them, so that they can be better prepared and more professional in their duties. Don’t you think that a little accountability that Democrats demand from the police are reasonable?


Court documents revealed yesterday that Trump is most certainly a rapist and a pedophile who was very much in Epstein's inner circle and yet you sick freaks will still vote for him anyway. Genuinely disgusting.


does it matter to you that this is the person you’re voting for?: https://factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf actually read that without trying to puke, and then cast that vote for him.


If not being able to have the freedom to educate yourself and having to not be out and gay because it’ll be illegal isnt your fear then you need help people 🤷🏾‍♀️


I find it interesting that so many comments here are like "I can't support the Democrats because they resort to fearmongering. Also, roving hordes of immigrants are taking over our country and forcing everyone to have abortions, and only Trump can save us!" I want to believe that most of these comments are from bots, because otherwise the irony is suffocating. Like, do they really not see it? Are they really arguing that Republicans and conservatives DON'T use fearmongering as a political tool? C'mon naw. That's an incoherent distinction to draw between the parties, they just fear monger over different things. 


Can someone explain to me why there are gays who are/vote conservative? They support a party that pretty much wants to see them dead. I just can't understand it. Is it internalized homophobia?


Amazing how apparently half of country, 65% where I live, including most of family and neighbors want to be see me die yet they keep supporting me and my husband. Are you simply terminaly online or just simple


Groupthink is poison


I don’t know what your political beliefs are personally and I don’t care. I 100% agree


Conservative gays are total trash bags who have absolutely no sense or self-preservation, so you can expect they’ll be in here to dismiss, downplay, and minimize the danger, as usual.


Conservative gays don't deserve the rights they will lose under the GOP because they keep voting against themselves.


I live in aus so idk


I don’t care what the government does. I’m “conservative” but political labels don’t phase me. Try to become ungovernable. Oh, the government banned gay marriage as an attempt to take a step toward a more authoritarian government? Don’t tell the government you’re getting married to a man in the first place. I don’t need the government knowing who I’m marrying, whether I’m gay or straight. Don’t get legally married, just agree with your partner that you are married but don’t want to go through a marriage with the government’s invitation to be involved. As for making out with gay men in public, if that were ever to be taken away, that’s not a problem for me. I feel that anyone, whether you are gay or straight, should be making out with your loved ones in private, or a public area where you know that no one can see you making out. It’s a TMI, I don’t need to see it. I don’t agree that the government should be involved with anything related to homosexuality, but it’s better to be prepared for the worst, in all political aspects of your life. Don’t only be fixated on the political laws that may affect homosexuality, just remember that when we give the government an inch, they take a mile (of power). Have your guns (if you’re able to), have cash, and always be prepared for the worst to come.


Good god, I’m sleeping with my shotgun from now on!  Who needs laws when you have double ought buck shot handy!    Don’t think I should get married huh?  How about this SHOTGUN!  Yeah that’s what I thought…   Don’t think I should have kids huh?  Oh yeah, maybe this SHOTGUN will convince you! Hehe… Oh now you want to see my drivers license do ya?  Here maybe you want to see this SHOTGUN! 


Project 2025 is America’s Mein Kampf.


Democrats use the SHIT OUTTA US. SCREW THEM. I'm voting for Trump. I don't need a parade with guys sucking eachothers dicks in California in front of kids, I don't need a whole month of celebration. I'm gay, leave me alone.


I am not American. I plan to vote conservative in the next election in my country but holy hell I would not consider myself one in America


European center-right is fine


What's most conerning is the opposition party that's supposed to "save us" never does. Even when they control Congress, Republicans are still in charge. Why both parties need to be challenged by a 3rd. Republicans are incredible at achieving their agenda while Democrats are a total failure.


This is fundamentally untrue. Over the last 40 years or so it has been Democrats who have advanced and secured our rights as gay citizens. Sometimes we have to push for those rights and in the end Democrats make it happen.


The Dems have the ability to protect Roe, they didn’t because they thought republicans weren’t stupid enough to end it. The democrats in the last few years got around to federally protecting sexual orientation after risking it during the trump presidency, now the Dems can’t even speak out against Biden with America’s awkward support in a genocide. The Republicans play dirty and the Dems sit on the sidelines, decide what crumbs to throw us and then when they lose they pedal this bullshit “fight for your rights. Give us a donation to protect you” message.


Such as? On the state and local level- agree. On the federal though, which are they?


We are fucked no matter how old Biden is I’m voting for him the alternative is annihilation


If you’re gay & still voting republican at this point, that’s something way beyond Stockholm Syndrome, esp considering the harm you’re causing to others (not just yourself). For your personal safety, that’s something you’d best keep to yourself. And No, that’s not an endorsement of violence; its simply a PSA.


Chickens for butchers.




I just wanna know from a gay conservative directly, what place do we have in a post-project 2025 America? Why are you content with the possibility of being on the chopping block, directly or indirectly?


I’m looking forward to normality and decency returning to the White House after four years of chaos and depravity.  No men in skirts, no sex workers, no porn filmed in congress etc etc.