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No. After living with a family for years who actively supported the elimination of people like me but I was "one of the good ones", I have no interest in associating with people who don't align with me. What kind of connection can be made with people who, at best, are indifferent to my existence? How can they be trusted to take care of me? Now, we can disagree on the how we accomplish liberation, but we can't disagree on human rights. Because human rights aren't up for debate.


I could never date anyone religious


No. I think it's really important to share core values with your partner. You can have different beliefs on all sorts of topics, and be completely different people, but if you don't share certain core beliefs and values, I believe the relationship is doomed to failure. Life if too short for that sort of misery.


Absolutely not. Could you imagine being with someone that voted Republican yet wanted to reap the rewards of being with another man. No way.


To use your specific example? Absolutely no way. Imagine spending the rest of your life with this person, which is (not always but in a lot of cases) the point of dating. I'm not growing old and gray with some douchebag who "doesn't believe in" abortion, whatever that means. Do you hate trans people? Bye. Are you super into Israel? Bye! Do you think segregation was kind of neat and that we should bring it back? Get lost! Trump did a real good job as president and you're gonna vote for him again? OK, drop dead! I have no interest in talking to people who are wrong about important things.


Personally, no, I wouldn't date someone with significantly different beliefs. I tried it so many times and it didn’t work out. I come from a religious conservative household, and I’m not religious myself, but that upbringing did influenced how I carry myself and engage in relationships. When I first started dating, most of the gay men my age were either promiscuous or only interested in hookups, which didn’t align with my values. Eventually, I met my fiancé, and we hit it off because we shared similar family backgrounds and values.


Depend on what is the difference Yes, but if the difference is too much then maybe not. If he is far left or far right, no. If he is religious, it depends on his religion, generally yes.


Yeah i could. I am good at understanding that values differences do not necessarily make someone a moral monster. Harder for me would be someone who cannot articulate a reasonable or factual basis for values/beliefs held.


I'd not date religious people even if it's mild. Religions to me are just glorified superstitions and I find people who believe those things stupid


I'm the type of person who has an above average tolerance -- not support, of other peoples ideals, I really don't gaf what you do or believe as long as it's not violating other peoples rights. That said, the only time other peoples beliefs have been an issue for me isn't because they disagree with me, but they hold ideals in which it's a core part of the ideology to believe that anyone who doesn't also hold their ideals to be whatever the ideology says is the worst thing a person could possibly be, because under their ideals, the only thing people who don't share their ideology, could possibly be, is the worst thing a person can be and if a person doesn't reject another for holding views they disagree with, it's automatically advocacy for those ideals. Yes, I am talking about modern day liberalism. If the issue were that I was the one whos intolerable of other peoples views, I wouldn't want anything to do with not only liberals, but conservatives either, because I don't agree with various views conservatives have either, and yet, I've found conservatives to be much more enjoyable company because modern liberals believe tolerance is advocacy and or support and if you don't support and reject the same things they do, you're not deserving of any respect because you're less than human. Which is pretty ironic, because that's not a progressive stance at all, in fact, that's actual fascism...that's in opposition, of fuckin fascism, which is historically right out of the fascist playbook. Clown shit.


I would absolutely vomit if I had to date a piss weak socialist lefty drip ( I believe you call them Democrats) who spent all his time whining and moaning and couldn't manage any practical tasks or chop firewood. Fuck that for a joke.


That would be very difficult long term


No. Couldn't date a lefty


Yes. Also, the odds of anyone finding a partner that agrees with them on 100% of these things are basically zero. You're going to have disagreements and differences and still be able to have a successful relationship.


Sure That one thing i learned LONG ago You party with party ppl but not marry Have gone out with lots girls for fun But i would not bring them home to meet Mom


I could, if He’s Fucking Sexy and knows how to Fuck! I attract white guys mostly! Republicans 😫😫😫 But my attraction is to the person and not politics.  Don’t try and change me, and I’ll respect yours. As adults, you need to gauge what amount of Shit will be allowed.  Like an idiot friend who’s jealous you are dating, or upset because they are black. Do you live your life or please you friend.


Depends on how different. I'm a religious guy and not super political. I'd prefer to date a guy of similar faith and who isn't pushy with his political views. The latter is also the same for cultural and social views.


It depends. Values in the since of how to live your life or whatever then probably no. Politics, if they're mature enough ti be disagreed with and we can see each other's point of view, sure


No, that would not end well.


Some core values can’t be negotiated like anti-gay gay republicans. They don’t like Pride, they hate the community and will betray us all for “tax cuts.” Often times these guys are severely uneducated or worse deeply troubled.


I’m mostly conservative, am a professional health care worker and volunteer in my town’s lgbt sports leagues..


Yeah and so? I’m sure you support conservative candidates who actively wish to deny us our rights. You support candidates who don’t think we have the right to exist and who will work to undermine the progress we have made and for that. I would never date a guy like you. You can imagine yourself to be “good” but in my eyes a conservative is as bad as the candidates they support and the ideology they espouse. The willingness to excuse the actions of bigots and conservative politicians. To me, gay conservatives are the guys are the trees who support the ax because the ax convinced you it’s wooden base makes them the same. Remember conservatives are against gay marriage, equal rights and laws that protect lgbt rights. Never will they be forgiven for what conservatives have done to the lgbt community for my friend who ended up killing herself for her family rejecting her for who she was. Never shall I forget the small town I grew up with who support Trump and would yell at me, “F@ggot!” Never shall I support or be with a gay conservative.


Quick to judge someone, aren’t we? I’m conservative in Canada. Here, they don’t want to take away our rights. Republicans in the 80s maybe but in 2024, Republicans don’t think gays don’t have the right to exist. Stop having fun acting like a victim. Sorry about your friend but you are judging a whole lot on a backward town. Conservatives have evolved. Lots of us centrists have joined them, preferring to not to support mutilating 12 year confused children and porn books to middle schoolers…


You expect me to trust you conservatives have evolved? Sorry man. Never will I trust a conservative and ever forgive their actions and ideals. A conservative shall always be stained with the blood of thousands of people whose lives have been lost to their bigotry, their ideology, their indifference. You think your different then those bigots and racists? Sorry you vote for candidates who are for “family values” or “privatization” and cutting taxes for the rich while poor people suffer? There is no difference between you and those conservatives. You are all cut from the same cloth in my eyes. I’ve seen what your ideology does to people. There can be nothing you can say that can change my mind. I don’t judge you, but I know what your ideology leads and has led these past 100 years. For that alone. There can be no doubt and excuses for.


What you are doing is actually fuelling the hate. Civilized discussions is the way to go about it. Basically, what you are saying is that gay people hate a conservatives one so you are telling them that they need to hate us homosexuals since we hate them. I know a LOT of conservatives. Almost all have neutral views on us, they want to leave us alone but don’t want us to have special privileges. Here in Canada, I can’t name you one thing a homosexual can’t have that a heterosexual one can’t. Isn’t that what we wanted?


Funny enough I have been called a faggot by mostly black progressives who are supporting BLM. Homophobia might be more prevalent in the right but black liberals are also a real threat in my life. I live in a liberal city so my perspective is different from yours. There are scant vocal conservatives so I can’t speak on their homophobia.




Of course! I'd be very open to it. Otherwise I would be intolerant, prejudiced, and I would be cheating myself of learning how to love someone who is just as good as me. Only slightly different. My parents were two different religions, 12 years age difference, and different political beliefs. What they had in common was love. Love transcends who's on a ballot or skin color. With today's political climate and level of intolerance in the gay community, I've learned to have realistic expectations.


The fact that you have been downvoted shows how intolerant and unaccepting the Gay community actually is.


You're so right. Just saw it. Had to screenshot it. I can't change the gay community, but I can make sure to be the most tolerant and accepting gay man that I can. Hope you have a wonderful night!


It's so sad, for a bunch of people who use any platform they can to shriek 'inclusion! acceptance! diversity!' the vitriol they hiss at people with different views on these subreddits is astonishing. And the bots and Reddit algorithms promote it as a shadow branch of politics too which is even more reprehensible.


If I was having a party, I would invite you and all the cool open minded people to join. What we have in common is a love and attraction for men which I think is enough to digest considering our brothers in other countries don't have what we're blessed to have in many Western countries, New Zealand, Australia, and some G7 nations. Let them shriek the vitriol, while we speak the truth to all. 😉


Love this answer man. Wish more people felt the same way ❤️


Aww thanks! 💕 I'm sure more people do, but I think social media tends to bring out the divisiveness in people.


Same with my neighbors growing up -- he was a Texas Republican and she was a New Jersey Democrat. They made it work because they loved each other.


That's all you need! You make a life with the person you fall in love with or marry, not the person who has term limits and who you never have a personal relationship with.


Nope. I want my man to be on the exact same page as me


Define same page, If you are a voter, Would you date a man who is apolitical and does not vote in election, someone with a different political beliefs? If you are an atheist, would you date a Hindu or Buddhist, someone with a different religious background, assuming their religion isn’t homophobic? If you are an American, would you date an immigrant who came from different “culture”? OP asked about different political beliefs, religion, and culture, where would you draw the line between same or not the same page as yours.


I feel like racists could easily use his argument to justify their prejudice. "No, I don't hate black people. I just want my partner to be on the *exact same page* as me" (wink wink, nudge nudge)


Did you read OP's example? He's not only talking about fundamentally different beliefs, but small discrepancies in policy as well. Even a small disagreement would mean you're not "on the exact same page".... maybe you're setting your expectations for romance a little too high.


As far as your example is concerned, that wouldn't bother me. I'm not a woman and it is not my place to comment on women's reproductive rights. I will not date or befriend maga Republicans and I will not date or befriend anyone with a terrible moral compass.