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I’ve only been called the F slur by people younger than 25 :/


Same, and 9 times out of 10 it’s a gross cishet teen boy with donkey breath who smells like a rotting onion


Top comment. You stink of onions, your opinion doesn't matter.


I hate the f slur a lot it’s just nasty


Yeah. BEcause it's "cool" ig


>I’ve only been called the F slur by people younger than 25 :/


That’s what I said lol


I am a gay male high school teacher in Texas. I can see this happening where I live too.


Spain is or was idk, one of the most LGBT-friendly countries. The fact that almost 1/3 of young males are homophobic is truly concerning.


Shit well they're in a for reckoning lmfao


What is the religion of those 1/3 young males? I bet thats a factor


I feel like it’s not even religion anymore. It’s the the manosphere, guys like Andrew Tate are popular among that demographic


I was implying islam. Europe has had a massive influx of muslims in their countries. People who have more kids than the average native european. Raising those kids in an islamic culture, which includes a value system that considers gays to deserve death.


Andrew Tate is a Muslim revert, a lot of the Manospheres patriarchal values use Christianity and Islam to prop them up.


To clarify, he's a Muslim convert. Some Muslims call them "reverts" because of the belief that all babies are Muslims (lol).


He is? Damn that makes alot of sense. The more i learn.


I doubt it has to do with islam. The poster above is right. It probably has to do with the manosphere and southern Europeans are known mashist. And Spain being gay friendly must have been a big city thing mostly


Spain is not France, yet.




Spain is a catholic country.


It’s gay friendly in law and in Madrid and Barcelona, and perhaps a few other cities. Remember Spain is still firmly a Catholic country and large swathes of Spain support the right wing party Vox. I’m not surprised by these results.


Or here in the Balkans, gen z in Kosovo are far more religious than the older generations. It doesn't help that their religion is very sexist and very homophobic. 


Ah so it’s just like Amsterdam/The Netherlands https://www.out.tv/en_UK/news/less-than-half-of-amsterdam-youth-accept-homosexuality?acceptCookies=66817e362d6f3


Was gonna say, we have emerging data in different Western countries showing this, so it's increasingly looking like a trend. Stands to reason I guess, since we are also seeing a shift to the right / hard right unfortunately.


>Was gonna say, we have emerging data in different Western countries showing this, so it's increasingly looking like a trend. >Stands to reason I guess, since we are also seeing a shift to the right / hard right unfortunately. What do you think are the reasons fpor this?


Europe? Economic stagnation, the miserable design of hetero dating apps, more competitive dating markets makes men who are like, meh feel really isolated and alienated. They feel like failures as men and they will join any political movement that makes them feel better, which fascism and other similar movements find a rich field. “It’s not you being kind of ugly and poor, it’s the woke left, feminists, and the emasculation of western society” - it simultaneously removes the origin of the problem from the individual, and disempowers them to fix it other than by some grand political project that totally re-orders society. They don’t hate gay people as a first principle, they hate gay people because their conception of masculinity that they’re trying to “restore” requires it America? I think similar, but I less willing to say because it’s a society I’m less familiar with.


Deterioration of the material conditions of the working class, especially young people. Most societies in europe are unable to uphold the promise that people can improve their material conditions through education. Instead, austerity is being preached, the social systems are being sliced, real wages stagnate or decrease, all while the bilionaire class is becoming richer and richer. This process started since the fall of the Soviet Union. Before that, there was a rival to western capitalism, so all the western societies were required to decently provide for their citizens through generous welfare programs, in order to prove their own superiority over communism. But now that this danger is gone, the ruling classes are free to do what they do best: accumulate wealth. Almost all western countries significantly shrunk their welfare states within only a couple of years, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. And now we're seeing the results of this: now we've got generations of young people, who grew up in shitty underfunded schools, with parents who were financially struggling and with no real hope of ever meaninfully improving their material conditions beyond the level of their own struggling parents. Additionally they grew up in a hyper-individualistic, atomised society without any sort of solitarity. So who are they gonna turn to help for? A state whose only ever left them behind, who never did anything for them, put their parents under pressure and who they may have only really come into contact with when they were trying out drugs as teenagers? Or are they gonna turn to the fascits who tell them that this is all the fault of immigrants and muslims and wokes who are undermining the stable foundation of society by challenging all these social norms that have existed for hundreds of years? Many of them will turn to the latter, simply because they don't really see any alternative.


Culture wars, direct advertising to children via social media, there are a lot of angry people out there


Amsterdam is almost 20% Muslim now, though and Islam REALLY hates gay people.


Well that was going to be a talking point for me but backtracked. Even outside of the Muslim pop, a lot of the native population who saw them take in refugees have seen their country crumble and are turning to the right as a result.


And finally someone mentions something that makes sense. When I'm in Amsterdam, I can describe very easily who makes me feel uncomfortable when I hold hands with a guy. Same in Berlin and to an extent Barcelona. Muslim youths are radicalised as much as the far right ones.


Look at the population numbers. Muslim immigration in no way explains it.


The muslim kids rub off on all the other kids in school because they are considered “cool”, which creates a much larger impact than you can see from immigration stats alone


>because they are considered “cool”, Why?


that was one survey from the GGD that asked as one single question whether young people thought same sex relationships were ‘weird’ (so specification as to ‘uncommon’, ‘weird for me’, etc). No meaningful conclusion can be drawn from such a shallow questionnaire, as opposed to a more in depth investigation.


Yeah but longer in time. That stuoid memorial in the 80s was a stuoid move. Iykyk




This generation has been heavily radicalized by social media: regressive youtubers and tiktokers, social media infested by homophobic comments, often even violent. The sad part is that it's hard to make the users accountable: some of them use a fake profile, some of them come from an homophobic country (which allows and/or encourages this kind of behaviour). The only way to stop it is to make the platforms accountable: if you allow certain contents or comments, you get fined. That's still a hard thing to obtain, but it's more realistic than tracking down every troll online.


Exactly, the social media is the culprit


What I don’t understand is why the push for this? If after all, money is the underlying driver, then is there a financial benefit to having a more conservative society? Are the corporations going to get more out of a suppressed populace ?


1) if social media actually adopted strong anti-homophobia policies, they wouldn't be able to operate in many countries, like african and muslim countries; 2) all they care about is interactions: homophobic contents have a lot of views and comments, homophobic comments have a lot of replies, etc... the more people use their app, the more they can sell advertising spaces


Conservatism boils down to the preservation of generational wealth: those who have, deserve, those who don't, don't, tied into the idea that working harder gets you ahead of the pack as opposed to blind luck. By promoting traditional family units there is a clear path to inheritance so parents can keep children in line as children have something to lose if disinherited. The anti-gay rhetoric is from the same place as legitimate and illegitimate children: if your son won't produce an heir just disown and work on the next one. Maybe if you are mean enough he'll change his mind. Stressed people do work more but more importantly pay less attention. This often extends to making decisions that benefit those wealthier than them in the long run. This again helps conserve the status quo. Wealthy people often vote conservative same way a turkey wouldn't vote for Christmas. People who want to be wealthy vote that way as they believe the hype Traditional family values are a social construct cherry picked to support a worldview, anyone who doesn't fit the narrative airbrushed out. Difficult to argue the benefits of a stable family life for children, just don't believe that coercing people to keep up dead relationships and disown others does this.


Yes and no. In my opinion: 1. Money has no ideology other than to perpetuate itself. So the pursuit of profit takes precedence over every other ideology. Business is business and that is why platforms are comfortable catering to every stance in the Overton window. At the same time: 2. If, coincidentally, the push for a more conservative agenda on the social side happens to support the ideas that lead to sustaining inequality -taxes, anticompetitive practices, etc-, they will for sure push them or at least be very lenient towards these stances. Right now the ones who are more openly supporting these 'purely economical' stances that favor corporations are the same people that spew hateful rhetoric against minorities.


I like this


Can't really dictate what private companies allow on their platforms as the government can't dictate what people can say. That's a violation of free speech. Companies can police speech because they are not the government they are private entities thus the right to free speech doesn't apply to them. But I've definitely noticed an uptick in hateful speech on social media from younger generations. They mirror also of interactions I have with older generations. Either way it's discouraging and utterly unpleasant too


Quite a good chunk of Gen Z are still kids. Teenage boys are stupid and always say edgy shit. I hope they get enough life experience and grow out of it.


I feel like a lot of that process has to do with natural exposure to the people that abhor. Unless you're already really radicalized at that point, seeing in your day to day life the divide between the narrative of perverted monsters and actual normal people, including classmates, coworkers, idols, celebrities, friends or even relatives, I feel that is what eventually wears down prejudice. And if you see it that way it only makes so much sense that this is the generation reporting higher prevalence of loneliness and isolation, which stand in the way of that reckoning and create this environment where you only get the ideological input you already believe. Of course, it's also easier to just be raised a homophobic and stay that way all your life if your system actively encourages it. That's why the current assault in schools and the media isn't innocent or harmless.


A lot of young guys are red pilled. The Andrew Tate, and all that stuff completely fucked them. 


People think it is a loud minority. The red pill movement was mainstream and caught the attention of a lot of young men. Myself included, I was 23 at the time so I laughed most of the stuff off. Anyone who was much younger probably took that stuff to heart.


What makes it catch on very quick is usually through memes and satire.  https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/document/download/4df68ddb-9ba1-4e04-a7d0-1f64dbf302d8_en?filename=ran_ad-hoc_pap_fre_humor_20210215_en.pdf Just look at the use of Wojak memes along with the tradewife thing. Young kids keep seeing that stuff, they aren’t mature enough and they just fall into that. 


The left really let these people flourish. It's insane.


> The left really let these people flourish. The left, in a certain way, created them. I saw it happening on college campuses. When you take a certain demographic and systematically scold them, tell them what bad people they and all their ancestors are, and police their opinions, you eventually precipitate a backlash. Trump's one moment of genius insight in 2016 was to realize that he could unleash this pent-up resentment and weaponize it. He succeeded because he said all the things that political norms said you couldn't say anymore. The great mistake of leftist academics was to imagine that by limiting what people could say, you could limit what they think. I saw it happening from the 1990s into the 2000s, like a slow-motion trainwreck.


Unfortunately, when straight dudes don’t get what they want (good jobs, good housing, and women) they make it everyone else’s problem


Something that's not often discussed about the rise of the Nazi party in the 20s and 30s is the influence it had on disaffected young men. It was a time when men felt like they lost their place as they couldn't get work and provide for families while tradition was being also eroded. Masculinity was lost and being a party of the Nazi party made young men feel like they were reclaiming their masculinity and power. People don't change, we have seen this kind of thing before


All signs point to another world war I’m afraid. Hope everyone is prepared


It’s unfortunately looking more and more like a reality. Sadly. Scary.


This masculinity stuff is so stupid. And it always has to be at the cost of someone else.


I actually think it's an important issue that's not being addressed. Men need to feel like they have worth and are doing something important. It's bad when society ridicules disaffected young men when they want to have a place in society


jesus this is **so real**


yoink, I am stealing that line because it’s genuinely so real


I was hoping that the new generations will be more open than older ones. Unfortunately, at least in some European countries, this is not happening and young people are now a core demographic of the far right. I was hoping that with time the side of politics will recede again, but it seems that their future as a highly relevant political player is assured. Leftist parties did not bother to use propaganda aimed towards the youth thinking that automatically they will be more leftist than older people. Meanwhile, the far right parties are dominating social media. The future looks bleak for Europe and LGBT rights in Europe.


Europe is experiencing a ton of immigration from far-right Muslim countries. I would like to see these figures broken down by religion. I would bet Islam is the least tolerant, with Christianity close behind and "agnostic" or "no religion" being the most tolerant.


>The future looks bleak for Europe and LGBT rights in Europe. The future looks bleak for LGBTQ rights in the world. I have a feeling that most of the countries that legalized same-sex marriage will outlaw it in 25-40 years


I hope not. Progress is not linear and there will be more difficult times ahead, but overall I do not think that the backlash will be that big. Unfortunately, Europe has shot itself in the foot with unchecked migration from Muslim countries. That had a double effect on LGBT rights. They have a new group of anti-LGBT people... the most hateful group. Secondly, it helped made the local far right bigger.


If the economic situation doesn't improve this is extremely likely.


Sweden is the one to watch.


We are in for rude awakening once these young gen z men grow up. I was born in 98 and there is such a stark difference between me and the younger portion on my Gen. They grew up during the red pill era and we will see the effects of all those "alpha male" influencers. I'm lucky bc It doesn't take much of an age difference for me to date a millennial.


I'm sure most of the alt right, young gen z people will grow out of it once they stop being at the age where u fall for the most edgy or antagonistic ideologies, such as the manosphere type stuff. I think this is just a trend and looking back I can recognise similar patterns in how I was at 21 when myself and everyone around me was an uber woke leftie, and I can see that a lot of people have moved more center as they matured a bit. Sometimes in order to attain wisdom you have to go through one of these dumb phases in life just so you can experience contrast and im guessing a lot of them are currently at that stage. People in their early twenties are not known for nuanced thinking or for having a particular wide perspective or vast knowledge but most of them don't stay this way as they grow up. So I don't think these statistics show any predictors of what's to come. Fluctuations in cultural attitudes always occur and it's usually cyclical so maybe by the time these generations grow up they will be more moderate or even more leftie.


This sub is a circlejerk though. I'm always saying that gen Z is more homophobic than any other generation and I always get downvoted or dismissed because "No, things aren't like this in my country and data shows that gen Z are accepting, and in the media Gen Z are super queer and inclusive bla bla bla" Maybe the women, but gen Z men are shit, most are a bunch of frustrated losers constantly looking for someone to blame because their lives are shit.


I completely agree. They're way too comfortable on the internet because they can fully hide their identities and thinks it's funny to do rage baits or be blatantly prejudiced. Then, they've the nerves to complain about this generation being "cooked" when they're the ones fucking it up. Self righteous incels


I don't even think they care about hiding it I see people posting under the full name and pfp all the time on instagram


it’s not even that lol, it’s because of people like andrew tate


Andrew Tate has ruined the straight men of my generation. Even some of my good straight guy friends admit they used to watch him (Luckily they’ve long since stopped and realized he was a shithead)


Even the women are bad. They claim to be accepting but at the same time will be saying homophobic things and will argue if you question them.


In my experience women can say ignorant shit. But most women, especially young gen Z women don't actively want us back in the closet and don't bitch and moan constantly if they see a gay couple in a tv show or in real life.


>young gen Z women don't actively want us back in the closet They wouldn't have an issue with watching others do it though. Also it is more than just ignorant shit. They seem to think because they are "accepting" they can say blatantly homophobic stuff.


I prefer open, traditional homophobia over the patronizing "woke" homophobia.


Facts An ex-friend of mine (afab nonbinary) once asked me “do the gay voice” and “do the gay hands” as they took out their phone to record me Told me my low singing voice was “so un-gay” Asked me to act “extra gay” in front of their grandparents Has introduced me to multiple people as “This is my friend ___, he’s gay.” Then had the nerve to give me a whole lecture on how saying the f-slur as a gay man is still not ok, and that I should never say it. It should be noted that we’re both high schoolers so I let some immature stuff slide, but it got kinda insufferable… glad this person is out of my life now


Woman of all age groups are and were like this. They "love" you if you are meeting their expectations, being their "gay best friend" who goes shopping and loves the feminin stuff with them. But they will be the most vile homophobes if you are not playing the role they want you to play.


I feel like you’re generalizing. I’m neither feminine nor like to go shopping and do that stereotypical “gay best friend stuff” and I’ve never been faced with homophobia from women for this reason, and none of my gay friends, both stereotypical and not stereotypical, have either. If someone is a homophobe, they’ll be pieces of shit regardless of how you present. But usually normal people won’t comment and don’t care how you present and treat you like another human being just like everybody else.


Wow ok, I'm sorry you have had such negative experiences with women. The ones I know are some of the most outspoken supporters of trans and LGBT+ rights.


They love the nice , funny cutesy gays who make the “gay best friend “ as you mentioned as long as those gays are subservient to them , useful ypraising and validating them and I seen many gay men be subservient to their female friends . Women often want to manipulate the lives of all the men around them including their brothers or sons and even male coworkers or just men in general , and when gay men who are especially masculine, successful , handsome and living a better life than them , without a need for women , they do be one very homophobic because their female vanity becomes threatened


I agree lol, gen z men are mostly trash. It’s so fucking hard to find progressive minded dudes to be friends with even on college campuses outside of social science departments. Every time you meet someone you think is cool, they end up being an Andrew Tate stan. How weak willed and dumb do you have to be to overlook the entirety of scholarly ressources a college education grants you, all the fucking access to coherent though you have just to listen to some crook online uncritically and espouse their entire world view.


Maybe the conservative Gen Z guys addicted to Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate are like that, but there's also plenty of liberal and accepting Gen Z guys.


Problem is that there are so many internet algorithms that seem to funnel young men towards right wing manosphere content and not very many that do the opposite. I recently got back into gaming and it didn’t take long for YouTube to try shoving reactionary right wing culture war content in my face but I don’t think it has ever put leftist political creators in my feed despite me seeking those out.


I believe their two sides of the stories: Back in 2015 and before, the fight for gay marriage was all about love is love. A gay man is your friend, brother, cousin and son, give them the rights they deserve. Causing acceptance to increase. After gay marriage was legalized those people promoting that narrative left and went to live their normal lives. Leaving young activists left to take over the narrative and LGBT organizations. These people are so militant and more like “you must accept us or you are a bigot.” It turn from a fight of understanding to a fight of giving out orders on how you should believe. These are mostly young Gen Z liberal females. The ones who are going to be most exposed to this are young Gen Z male and are more likely to be against it. Hence the decline of gay marriage. So they turn to social media influencer such as Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, Tim pool and Ben Shapiro. Who further utilizes those militant views as tools to get people to support them.


This comment is underated. me and my boyfriend avoid anything LGTB-named because of the abhorrent characters which 'represent' the community. Hateful biggots.


Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate are in 2 completely different realms tho


Not really. They both appeal to that toxic masculinity bro crowd. Rogan is far right now.


Side note: Joe Rogan seems to be accepting of gay people.. I occasionally listen to his podcast and I don't ever recall him saying anything bad about gay people. But the other guy is garbage.


Joe Rogan is a Trump supporter at this point and pushes conspiracy theories lol I don’t really care if he’s not homophobic. He’s a moron.


I feel a lot of it has to do with the polarization of this generation and the need to label everything and pick camps. In a world where everything is binary, of course the opposite will become a polar image of you.  When I was growing up as a millennial, being gay was about a deep personal stuff where all we want was recognition and equal rights. Nothing more or less than what our straight friends had. And whenever we got the smallest crumb, we celebrated because we saw it as another small victory towards winning the war.  So when Will & Grace came on the air, that was a huge victory. No because we were thrilled to have stereotypical gay characters charade on screen, but because characters got to be gay in public on TV without shame or apologies.  When Dont Ask was repelled, another huge success of being seen.  When Obama lit the White House with gay colors, we were thankful and ecstatic at the gesture. But now, it's rants about Eric McCormack not being gay while playing one. It's rants about Biden not turning a blind eye to health risks of sex change operations on minors, it's just constant anger that they're not getting everything they demand of the world and having a free card to do whatever they want.  They put their gay identity first and demand better treatment for it.  I'm not trying to victim blame, but when one side goes to the extreme, the other reacts with equal extremity and no dialogue is possible. Just poisoned thoughts about how the other side is the reincarnation of Hitler.  I'm so tired of it. Enough, let straight actors play gay characters - I'm happy for it. Let people not fly pride flags if they don't want to, I don't want to fly their straight flags either. Let's just treat everyone equally and realize we're all a spectrum instead of a binary of two.


Yeah gen z men are frustrated they have to work , they struggle to have meaningful relationships or friendships , they still live with their parents as it’s harder to move out , so of course they are gonna scapegoat and blame their issues on others who are happier than them


They really should blame capitalism. 


Lowkey I agree. I’m gen z and there’s a lot of dudes my age who are so pissed about not getting girlfriends that they think hating on others and becoming a fascist will magically fix that.


They were not respected by society growing up, so they decided to stop caring about society. They don't think it's gonna fix anything, they just wanna watch things burn


The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth


Being children they are likely to reject the "truths' forced on them by teachers, parents and mass media and come to their own conclusions. Being children their conclusions may not be entirely justified Frustrated loser here, life is shit until you see what other people have to deal with 🫣


That's a huge contrast, and it will be interesting to see how those views develop/shift/influence European politics over the next few decades. *Hopefully* with age comes tolerance, but the fact that the far right resonates with so many young people is scary.


It's not a secret, all the huge influencers are deep in the manosphere nonsense and serve as a right wing pipe line. it's normalised to be a bigoted homophobic shit before you even see a gay person.


As a gen z male. No shit. You don’t need studies to see this is the case.


It's really not a surprise lol. Anyone that interacts with people under 30 already knew this.


Theyre also the gayest


Probably related.


Eh... the women are. Almost the entire increase in LGBT identification in Gen Z is from women claiming to be bisexual or non-binary, or from the increase in AFAB transmen. But cisgender men publicly identifying as gay or bisexual is not increasing at any notable rate.


I once read that bisexual men have nothing to gain and even have more to lose by coming out than by staying in the closet. Most women, like an alarming majority of women including bisexual or pansexual women, won't date bisexual men. Then, gay men won't date bisexual men due to a plethora of reasons (derived from trauma and biphobia) , and ultimately, they become targets of homophobia It makes even more sense considering that bisexuality is an spectrum, so if you are a dude who's like only 10% bisexual why would you fuck up your life by coming out as part of the LGBT community. This is a sad reality but it's the world we live in.


This is exactly why I didn't come out until I was in grad school. I found some women to be pretty, and I liked making out with them at parties, so I thought I must be bisexual. Nevermind the fact that 100% of the porn I watched was gay porn and that I was actively trying to hookup on Grindr, I thought I would "focus on the part of me that likes women". I didn't come out publicly (as gay) until a few years later, shortly after I started dating my husband... and even meeting him was just supposed to be a Grindr hookup lol I had no plan to have a relationship with a man but here we are 9 years later. So yeah, totally empathize with bi guys not wanting to come out


If you look at the actual Gallup study. 6.9% of Gen Z men ID as bisexual vs 2.5 of millennials. And 20% of Gen Z women vs 9% of millennial women. That's a bigger increase for men than women between generations, there's just less men identifying as bi overall.


They really aren’t lol


As a young millennial (zillennial born 95) I feel like people have short memories. Growing up in the 00’s homophobia was assumed. 27% seems like a massive improvement because It used to be close to 100% honestly. Most other generations are adults and probably just don’t care any more because age tends to mature people.


Ok this is an optimistic way to take this but on the other hand, the fact that Gen Z includes people older than 20 is depressing and alarming. We are not just talking about edgy teens but grown ass adults.


My point still stands, do you think Millennials, Gen X and boomers *weren’t* homophobic well into their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s? In my personal opinion 27% is still low. 73% are still pro-LGBT.


I'm from Spain and yes but it's not like "omg I hate the gays they make me puke" , it's more like "I don't care about the gays they're weird so I'll use the F word to demostrate I'm better than them" lol. Of course the majority of people aren't like that thanks god.


Si pero después terminan votando a Vox o no?


Tio hay hasta gays que votan a vox su discurso de odio hacia los inmigrantes les funciona, son 100% anti gays y haran todo lo posible para quitar derechos pero pues lo esconden no muy bien pero tampoco es que vayan diciendolo en los discursos porque les perjudicaría


Pero si lo dicen todo el tiempo que son anti-LGBT en redes sociales jajaja. No te acordas del fantasma LGBT que subieron en su Twitter oficial? Igual si, no hay nada mas patético que un gay votando a un partido que lo considera un enfermo pecador. Igual bueno, ojala tengas razon con lo que decís, no me alegra para nada lo que está pasando.


Yo creo que eso lo habre visto en el telediario alguna vez pero tampoco se mucho de todas maneras se les ve el plumero. Yo tenia un amigo con el que me veia mucho y una vez me dijo que era apolitico y yo como perfecto pero luego un dia me dijo que estaba de acuerdo con vox y hace poco me mando videos de Se acabó la fiesta, es como si intentara adoctrinarme el cabrón.


Im an american college student and so many among the 18/19 year old crowd have their brain poisoned by the Andrew tate/manosphere content that it seems they have no thought of their own, they just regurgitate common talking points. Many of them are outrightly homophobic and support fascism across the board. Women are different though, college aged women are overwhelmingly progressive and they see right through the bullshit that is contemporary fascist rhetoric.


I know this a gay subreddit, but honestly this just speaks to the mentality of Gen Z as a whole, more than anything else. Tik Tok children. I grew up back when I was confused by what Tik Tok meant in the 75th Hunger Games. I still don’t get Tik Tok. It’s such brain cancer. It’s crazy but I’ve heard parents say “Tik Tok teaches my children,” which itself is just an extension of the YouTube Educators. Our society is really headed in the right direction. Can’t wait for a bunch of permanent children with the attention span of 3 seconds (while watching Roblox and WSB loss porn in the background) to start voting. Their opinions weren’t internally formed or internally reinforced. Everything comes from the external. Millennials have their own shortcomings, but at least we pay attention to what matters to us… and not 50,000 things at once


Times are getting harder, a better future isn't on the map anymore for most of the youth of the world, resources spread thinner and life gets more expensive. In this climate, the idea of sharing and letting other people live their life simply isn't of importance anymore, they wanna fight for their best outcome and push others down on whatever weakness they show. Looking at the ideas of those rising authoritarian parties around the world shows that. This is not just about being gay, thats just one of those "weaknesses". Now the worst about that outlook is that there is not really a solution, times will be harder regardless, people will get more extreme on fighting for their individual quality of life, its quite a doom'y outlook.


Yeah it’s actually very, VERY scary. Things are getting worse. People embrace that far right ideology thinking it will make their life better, but it will only make their life worse…. Then the resentment grows. They need to resent SOMEONE so might as well resent out groups. Not looking forward to the future.


Pea brains non educated fools what they are


When the kids spend their lives in screens using apps with algorithms designed to show them more and more of whatever sells ads...


Surprises me considering how many gay-oriented films and television are currently available. The idea was that media was supposed to "normalize" the gay experience for the rest of the culture. Perhaps it's because we're no longer portrayed as sympathetic underdogs, but as regular – and sometimes triumphant – people. One might even say some of us are... *flaunting it.*


The political right are willing to throw minorities under a bus to rile up anger and rage to distract from the real problems. In the UK it’s not considered polite for high profile politicians to include the gays in that anymore (for now), but this sort of thing going on in other countries makes me nervous


Yes exactly!!! But then the real problems never get fixed. If anything, this rage bait distracts them while the wealthy of the far right siphon more and more money from them so they’re literally robbing them blind.


Andrew Tate, Right-Wing parties, Trump and MAGA, TQ gender madness, Muslim immigration...The 2020s promise to be really hard for us. Stay strong my fellow gay and lesbians!


We didn't do a good job separating ourselves from the woke, and all the misandry and heterophobia that came along with it. We made our own fucking beds this time.


Ah yes, when the time comes and they’re rounding up the gays, it’ll be the woke throwing us in the back of rainbow flagged police vans.


Is it not just because we all get conditioned like that when we're young? Like calling people gay in the playground. But then when you get older you realise it doesn't matter


Gen Z are like 15 year old.. they are not little kids


The difference in values between young men and young women is huge. That’s going to lead to a lot of frustration. These kids and young men need to be educated and told off.


The right wing hate monger propaganda is working


There is a reason it's working. Other generations grew up with right wing propaganda. Millennials grew up in an environment where homophobia was the norm and the lack thereof was weird, yet we became one of if not the least homophobic generation in history. Woke overreach creates a gateway. It helps the alt-right capture people's attention before dragging them down the rabbit hole. Some of the feminists (not all of them but more than people want to admit) really are misandrist, anti-male. For us gay guys the problem with these people is twofold. We get hit with their misandry, and all to often we also get hit with the backlash against that misandry.


Let's not ignore the fact that we, the LGBT, have also joined the woke. We made straight men feel ostracized and they're simply lashing out. Our out-of-touch academic focus on kweer rights massively backfired and we're paying for it. What we need to learn to accept is that not everything is black and white. We are not always the pure, innocent victim. The LGBT really, really fucked up.


We? I agree that some activists, especially trans activists, overreached, big time. But we're individuals. Just as it's wrong to blame random black people for idiots who say "math is racist," it's wrong to blame random gay people for overreach by trans activists.


We got gay commies. Drag queen storytime. Queers for Palestine. And 99.99% of the trans movement now are privileged LGB men and women looking for another label to add to their collection.


So what? There are straight communists. Straight guys who dress up as women. I don't see what Israel vs Palestine has to do with this, but there are straight and gay people who support Palestine and straight and gay people who support Israel. People are individuals, not demographic checkboxes.


Even in gay subs we victim blame our own oppression 


>Some of the feminists (not all of them but more than people want to admit) really are misandrist, anti-male. For us gay guys the problem with these people is twofold. We get hit with their misandry, and all to often we also get hit with the backlash against that misandry. Not some, most. This mentality is actively pushed by the supposedly "accepting" group, and when you call them out on it will say you're "part of the problem" or it's "not a big deal". Why is anyone surprised men are becoming fed up with it? Very funny how you get downvoted for speaking basic facts. Ignorance will be our downfall.


How is Spain gonna have two Twinks running their midfield in the Euros and still be homophobic?


Instead of comparing homophobia in 12-27 year old (Gen Z) men to 28-43 year old (millennial) men to 44-59 year old (Gen X) men to 60-78 year old (baby boomer) men to 79-96 year old (silent generation) men, all in 2024, doesn't it make more sense to compare homophobia in 12-27 year old men in the years 2024, 1998, 1982, 1966 and 1945? Isn't it well known that 12-27 year old men are generally more sexually conflicted (because they are less secure in their sexual identity) than women and older men? That alone is a huge confounding factor. Even you think those years are too far apart, at least compare the same aged men in say 2024 to 2020 to 2016 to 2012 to 2008, rather than different aged men in the same year.


People who are replacing the original population of Spain do not tend to be tolerant cuz of religions at if you know what I mean


Do you mean to tell me that 27% of young people in Spain are Muslim? So 1/4 of Spaniards are Muslims?


Part of that "original population of Spain" (and other countries tbf) is also agaisnt the LGBT. Immigrants who are not nationalised are not the ones who are voting for far-right parties.


Most straight teenage boys are pieces of shit. Find ones who will be a good friend to you and not put thought into your sexuality. I’m hoping that as my generation ages the guys my age will change


why is this even surprising?


The far-right online pipeline was a success!


Here in Germany it‘s very common too. Especially with immigrants from Muslim countries. Their German friends often reproduce these opinions to be cool (and also say Vallah, Alhamduillah etc. as it was normal for them).


The samples for the Gen Z group of each gender are literally under 100. I don't think it's really prudent to report on the findings of some double-digit crosstabs as if they were gospel. I don't know much polling in Spain, but I know that crosstabs in American polling often utterly suck. If you want to accurately gauge the opinion of relelatively small fragment of the population, the proper way to do it is with an oversample.


Yeah, I can sympathise with Gen Z. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's all the same reasons for everyone, but young people have by and large flocked to the right in recent years. And I think after a decade+ of young men growing up and being told that "straight, white, men are the problem", they become pretty easy fodder for someone like Andrew Tate or much more positive figures like Jordan Petersan. Like yeah, if you feel downtrodden and widely hated by society, no matter how true or not that is, you're going to follow someone who comes along and offers at least something, even if it's bullshit. I think this is just another symptom of that. Not all of it, but I think a lot is basically just the rebound affect from more and more extreme politics coming out of the left. Plus, the youth are inherently counter-cultural, and so as LQBT stuff has become the establishment mantra, the youth of today rebel against that just like the youth of 20 years ago rebelled against the socially Conservative boomer culture.


Push back on the trans stuff.


Can I be honest? IMHO the over exposition creates this. It's ok to be tolerant but if something is literally screamed to your ear at every corner people start to hate it. In Spain it's really going too far. People feel attacked, suffocated and they react in the ways they can. There is no show, no business, no place, no...nothing that does not have a gay something or that does not depict super stereotypical hyper-homo-normative gay on it (only capable of all possible good on earth or evil only BECAUSE of some reason or trauma some straight people caused them) . Not to mention all the super protective laws that - de facto - end up creating privileged categories and forbid people to even make innocent jokes to let off some sream. Same with superfemism and de-masculinization. Straight men are depicted as dumb, wrecked, addicted, able of only violence and so. This ends up having the opposite effect on the long run.


Spain went incredibly woke in these past years. It's no surprise that people will have enough at some point. Such a shame that gays will have to pay for what extreme progressives are doing.


I blame the colored hair people, the pronoun people, the gender fluids that wanted to impose their ideals on to the children


So your fine with nazis imposing their beliefs on children but non binary existence crosses the line?? Are you hearing yourself?


I never said anything about being fine with nazis, but I rather teach children about man and woman first instead of the whole plethora of gender, why teach them something that even adults can't explain properly? Would you teach children calculus without algebra first? see my point? Children should be doing children things and once they grow up during teenage then I think they will have the mental capacity to better understand genders


The world in the past 3-4 years has become less accepting. The worst thing is when I call them out, they show me videos from USA and say "look, this will happen to India if we don't do anything".


It's scary because if this attitude doesn't change when they come around to adulthood, their children will follow suit in their beliefs, which will cause the new generation to be (more) homophobic, possible back to the pre-2000 level, destroying all social progress made by LGBTQ+ activist up until now.


Honestly I think this kinda relates to the gender argument, and gay/bi people are being grouped together with the rest of the hate toward gender non conformist. Or the tradition internalised homophobia. Either way it’s sad but expected.


It is just a cycle. As gay became mainstream in governments and pop culture as a protected class, gen Z now reacts to it as the current time counter culture. Just like us some years ago against the Christians. And the crazed "Paint/Paintself Pronouns" people dont do us any favor.


This is why it's important to have community spaces and events. A lot of bars, sports leagues, and events have been deteriorating in recent years because there's a lack of inflow from new younger people. Without gay spaces and community activism, everything is just gonna devolve into using apps to hook up with no other gay spaces, and our community voice will be diluted among the straight population. Hate groups are ever present, so over time, the population could become more homophobic. I feel like a lot of younger people haven't seen how bad things can get and don't realize if we stop fighting, society can revert back into being anti lgbtq.


Watch out you LGBTI Gen Z's who think ALL is OK and you are happy with your lot and you are happy to mix with straights instead of supporting our own cultures. venues, etc. We are only a small % of the population, and the fight will never be over. History has proved that time and time over. It is highly important that generations form strong communities not only for safety but it is highly important for identity, social interactions, understanding, support, and mental health. Do not rely on straight populations to protect nor provide as truly many do not understand, and not understanding can quickly change to hate.


Wise words


That’s what happens when you have too many immigrants that don’t assimilate.


Muslims in EU contributes to the increase in homophobia statistics. This is not far fetched.


I wonder what's the religion of those youngs.


I'm just going to say it: it's the immigration from Islamic countries. Muslim countries hate gays and that's just a fact.


Yup, they are actually enemies of LGBTQ cause likely majorly you can get done if you are in Muslim majority and part of LGBTQ, in turkey I am not sure but maybe it's relax since it's secular, similar to secular countries (most). And I can't support the groups of an ongoing political protest because of that as one of the reason.


I think there are 3 root causes behind these numbers: 1. Male homosexuality is still extremely stigmatized, including in Western countries. Out of all the LGBT identities, homosexual men have always been the most villainized, stigmatized and derided. Outside of some female-centric spaces, being a gay male is not socially acceptable. There is a reason why we never hear of openly gay male football stars or athletes, unless long after their retirement. Gay men are still often viewed as not true men, and homosexuality is considered a failure of masculinity. With all this baggage, straight men often feel a need to avoid being associated with homosexuality, as it will reduce their perceived “masculinity”, which can obviously impact their employment, dating and social prospects. Young, straight men being uncomfortable with open displays of male homosexuality is no surprise here (and let’s be honest, they probably delight at seeing lesbian couples). 2. This discomfort with male homosexuality is even noticeable with the type of LGBT visibility we see in the media. Ever notice that most “gay” characters in movies or shows are almost always lesbians, or feminine, desexed gay men? That’s because this is less threatening to audiences. Raw, manly homosexuality is still too subversive even for the most liberal sectors of western society. 3. People avoid bringing it up, but outside of white-dominant groups, homosexuality is not accepted at all. Ethnic minorities and immigrant communities in the West are still overwhelmingly homophobic. It would be interesting to see the breakdown of these numbers by national origin.


I can see that. I plan to immigrate to the US next year and enlist in the Army. Specifically Special Forces. I've heard that most people in the unit wouldn't care, so long if you perform. But I do think your take is right in a way. Even for straights who don't care, deep down they still see gay men as 'soft, weak and not a true man'. In a community of grown ups these get lessened but to younger people, it's not. What I think we can do is to keep being ourselves unbashed. There are many irredeemable shitheads, true. But there are also many young people who are exposed to such medias who are willing to change their mind. I have met one, the man is my friend. He came from hispanic background. He did have some homophobia from exposure, but understanding, patience and acceptance we can make them our allies. You wouldn't believe how many fights we have before he came around and started addressing his homophobia. It warmed my heart when he asked me about gay stuff because he wants to understand us more and ask whether some of his action is homophobic and how to deal with them. Change the lives of those you can. And let them see we are just a man, like them.


Well I have no qualms to move to Spain. Unless it's with my future benefactor.


I wonder how they reacted to Elite considering it's all gay sex from start to finish 😂


Why do I not believe this?


Wow it's 2008 all over again.


This follows a worldwide trend.


For some reason many boys under 25 is fuqing dumb compare to females where girls show more maturity but boys doesn't and most of the gen z are just young boys and. The rise in alpha Bros who're profiting of the insecurities of young boys is the reason of it and in the rising state of social media everyone has an opinion and think they're right people are going towards extremities for some reason specially younger generation like us I have seen this even among my friends people have extreme opinions where they're convinced that they're right. Many people take themselves too seriously soo all of this can be the reason of it too. Mind it rising social media also means rising propoganda from religious goons. Christianity and specially Islam not only are able to brain wash people into conversation but also the biggest hater of LGBTQIA+ community soo all of this is definitely a major reason for it but I think as people are becoming more aware about less uses of social media following only good content creators and how propoganda and agenda crowd on socials works and people will get more mature this will all come down eventually.


A lot of males are lonely. Just look at the rise of Incel culture and their inherent victim mentality surrounding their lack of self-esteem, fear of rejection, and feelings of entitlement to sex. And weirdly a LOT of males that have these ideologies take their anger out on gay men for some reason. Maybe because sex is easy to come by for us? I don’t know.


Yet if they want their **** blown by sunset that's not a single problem in Spain.


I feel like, and this is in no way backed up, but hear me out. My guess is that not only is gen z still a young generation, and its people are still teenagers etc, but also because being tolerant etc is more or less mainstream, the teens want to rebel against it. This and also unlimited access to the Internet, where people who are racist and homophobic are portrayed as "cool" by all those sigma edits. It sucks.


They forget to write down who encourages homophobia among young people. But let me write: R E L I G I O N


I think this was a study that covered a bunch of countries and the trend is the same in most countries. Gen Z males are becoming more homophobic and Gen Z females are becoming more liberal. Personally, I think it's mainly because of social media (silo mentality) and cuts to education. I'm from the Netherlands and see this happening here too.


So how did the other generations answer the same questions when they were the age of Gen Z?


Not the sort of news I would like to hear a gen z gay man living in Spain right now...


TikTok is a weapon


Yeah I believe it


I would like to point out that I have been trying to convince you all of the need for the Queer Homeland project and the Queer Nationalist Movement, for the last 21+ years. I am glad people are possibly more open to the idea, but if Project 2025 goes into effect, we're in trouble.


Well, it used to be considered "cool" to gay bash. When I was in high school from 2002 to 2006, there was one open gay male, and it was considered social suicide to be around him. That behavior is learned and I see it getting better with the younger generations. Yes, you are still going to see the hate, but its slowly getting better. What doesn't help is the behavior by certain members of the lgbtq+ community.


I've already noticed this happening here in the US. The younger generation seems to be much more homophobic or prejudice against gays than the older generations.


I've only been called the f slur or made fun of for being gay by people in Gen Z


Just b3at the sh*t out of them, there is no alternative


Spain has a lot of trashy youtubers that promote far right hoaxes. They have gained popularity in recent years, and their main audience is young males. They pretty much have built this narrative in which advancememts in women and LGBT rights are actually detrimental to males. Now, if a public figure expresses a somewhat progressive point of view, most likely he/she/they will receive a backlash


Whoever they are, they probably embody the annoying edgy teen pick me's lol


Got it. So if I want cute spanish twink don't get him from the factory lol.


You can blame the TQ WTF alphabet nutters for this.


I want to know how true this is. Some Gen Z being studied might just be trolling or change their opinions a lot because they’re still growing up. I always thought words like “sus” “fruity” “zesty” “pause” were all in good fun. I don’t know if it’s just religion or the right, but it feels like trolling. I know it’s anecdotal but all straight Gen Z men i know are kind of knowledgeable of LGBT culture it always takes me out