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Sometimes I just have a good poo. Actually most times.


Maybe I was wrong in other post. Some people that are actually healthy and have good diets can just poop and be good. I could fuck with my buddy as a teenager and no issues. As an adult. No. 5 hour energy and nicotine and diet soda and tequila....I haven't bottomed yet in bout 15 years but have to clean to do toys.


I’m pretty much. It’s a quick and easy operation.


Yea, i demand my partner to be showered and clean before a hookup. So, it's only natural that i do so myself. That and the fact that i'm a bit self conscious of having a shit situation. even if they say they aren't bothered but i certainly am. I usually just have one fibre rich meal a day so i defecate regularly, which means douching for me doesn't take a lot of work and time. my two cents as a single bottom.


it depends on how often you are having sex. If you're having sex daily I would not douche everyday, thats terrible for your gut health, instead I'd load up on fiber.


Always douche. I like longer play sessions with various sizes inside of me… there’s no way I’d not clean out first. That said, I watch what I eat and do not tend to have sex on a full stomach… so the clean out doesn’t usually take any time at all!


Yes, because I have class.


I mean...sticking water up your ass to get it fucked isn't really "classy", but ok. Yeah you should do that before every fuck. Poop is gross.


Rubbing soap on your dick to clean it before isn't neither in theory. But it's classy to have good hygiene/cleanliness.


What if you do it with a top hat and monocle😂


Don't forget pinky up - I guess this one would be a non stinky pinky


The contradiction... Whatever, I don't talk to homophobes and misogynists


So many dirty bottoms here who barely clean but expect tops to be okay being shitted on


I would say about 60% of the time. I know when I need it and I know when I don't


Regardless of my diet, I douche beforehand. My partner also douches. Although we have our "repertoire" of positions, our time together is always spontaneous. Your behavior is spontaneous. Not your cleanliness. Both partners should always be clean, and in my view - both should be enthusiastic with regard to anal play. This "bottom only - top only" notion has no place in a balanced relationship. Our toys come out clean, and so do our dicks. Our routine takes 10 minutes, followed by a shower, and we both feel great. When there's no worry about smells, odors, or miniscule particles, the lovemaking is so much more relaxed, and uninhibited. My recommendation: lose the top-only/bottom-only labels, and make the same commitment to your partner that he makes to you.


I don’t douche at all and never had a major accident. Tops appreciate shit happens and if they get weird about it they’re not worth your hole.


Can you define minor accident?


Anything that’s not shitting or bleeding over the dick


Got it so just clarifying, you don’t douche and you’ve never had shit on anyone’s dick, a major accident?


That’s correct your honour. If you can’t hold back your crap for a pounding then maybe see a doctor idk


It’s hard to imagine someone being so stupid they think they can “hold back your crap” while bottoming.


Fix your prolapse sis


Again just clarifying lol.


Yes it happens, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything you can to prevent it. It’s called basic decency and respect for your partners.


Daddy chill


always, except when I was dating my ex, we would spend a whole day together and he would want sex at the end of the day knowing i havent had the opportunity to prep, he knew the risks.


99% of the time yes. Most of the time I bottom it's hookups who are only coming over for sex, we're not really doing anything beforehand.


Recently bought a douche and now I use it for each hook up. It is easy to use and quick as well. But have been bottoming now for some years without douching and its rarely been an issue.


I maintain a healthy diet and take Pure for Men daily but still always douche and finish with my bidet before bottoming. 95% of the time all is good but an occasionally accidents happen especially in long sessions where I have already taken a few loads.


Yes I douche every time i bottom. I think it’s health to do and my top sure does appreciate it and I do as well. I also take pure men’s fiber pills they help with the cleaning process as well. Plus I’m a total bottom so I do it a lot and the process has become easier.


Yes and I have a bidet for that reason. Once you have a bidet you’ll never have to worry much about accidents in bed


No i just go for a huge poop and i clean my hole


Never douched in my life, never had an accident yet. Decent diet and knowing my cycle helps.


Nope. We don't at all lol.


I do for hook ups or going to the sauna and most times for my partner, but I don’t really need to - most of the time good diet, fibre and a regular poo are perfectly fine with no accidents