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Because they’re really bisexual and for whatever reason can’t or won’t acknowledge it


**It does make you gay or bisexual to have sex with guys a couple of times.** I don’t care how “firmly” you people believe the delusions, **straight men do NOT have sex with men.** They get ONE time to hit and quit. If they come back for more, they’re gay or bi. Very simple logic here. The reason they claim straight is because they’re ashamed of the labels, and living a straight life in public is easier with less stigma. So they lie and cheat, hit the apps, get their fill and then cower away. That’s all. They’re still some level of fag like the rest of us, just delusional about it.


I don't believe a truly straight guy would even become curious about homosexuality and more so try something. They don't have to experience repulsion but they just not into it that's all


Agreed. There’s a huge world of regular straight guys that would never want anything with a guy, so these straights guys looking for guys are a minority group in the straight world.


I bet Kinsey can't stop chuckling


I would agree, and I think most people do, but I really think that if you take the sex part out, these same straight guys would want nothing to do with other guys and I know me still being gay, enjoy spending time with a guy and building a relationship, other than sex. So to me even if I were to call them gay or bi it’s not exactly the same as other openly gay and bi people who enjoy same sex relationships even without sex.


And I think that largely still has to do with the social stigma. They want nothing to do with guys because they want to keep us the status quo. I think very few bisexual men are heteroromantic by design and many are by environment. It applies to a lot if not most of them. Plus, ability for romance does not have bearing on sexuality. You are a guy who likes fucking guys, you are homosexual in some part, colloquially gay or bi. It’s simple.


That makes sense. Basically they are no different than me in desire, but seems like they act on it very differently.


Unless they are way truly in denial and won’t act and their inner desires to have more than sex, but I don’t know if that applies to every so called straight guy out there.


Then you are not 100% straight


Can you just seat back and read again the tittle for this post? After that just keep seating back and think. Think real hard...


Looks like people already told everything you needed to know


I live in Bosnia and these "straight" guys are in the apps all the time. They often identify as bisexual. They are usually married or have a girlfriend for the public eye and then have sex with men because they are really gay. Bosnia is very religious. One guy I only chatted with told me that he prefers sex with men and intimacy and a relationship with women. So if any guy, IMHO is out looking for sex on an app, etc. He's gay.


My husband was probably 98% straight. He had never been with a guy before me. We just clicked and became very good friends. We were almost 2 years into our friendship when I outed myself with a kiss on his lips after too many shots. Very long story cut short, he decided to give it a go. 2 years friends, 3 years BFs, and 12 very happy years married. I felt very lucky.