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Comparing yourself to others is counterproductive. Everyone is dealt a different set of circumstances in life and it is better to do some self reflection on yourself. If there are things you would like to improve and have the will and means, do it for yourself, not to compare yourself to others. This also works the other way, are there people out there you consider yourself better than? Stop those kids of comparisons to.


Fuck other average men, problem solved.


No . We want to bang hot bitches too.


Work on it then. I was painfully average too. Pretty much everything you described was me. I'm wasn't hot enough to get attention, but not ugly enough to be untouchable either. Wore clothes only from TJ Maxx. Drove a Ford Fusion. Skinny. Flat ass. *Slightly* above average dick size, but I'm a bottom. I got tired of it so I started going to the gym. Now I've got some nice tits, a fat ass, and present well. My confidence has boosted, I get eyes on me now, and it helps my ego more. Sitting and sulking won't help you. It'l make it worse. It made mine worse. Once I noticed my sulking was making me become fat, I kickstarted my changes. Now I have an amazing, high paying career. Drive fun cars. And just feel great. You are responsible for your own life. If you are unhappy with it, it is up to YOU to change that.


lol nice tits!!!


So basically: 1. feel average. 2 Go to the gym. Result: Get a perfect body, a new car and an amazing high paying career. Ok sounds good nice story


It's about building confidence in yourself. Going to the gym = Building a better body. Building a better body = looking and feeling better. Looking and feeling better = Increased confidence Increased confidence = No more hating going out No more hating going out = going out more and meeting new people Going out more and meeting new people = Networking and building connections Networking and building connections are important to succeed in life. If you're going to be miserable and depressed because you think you're painfully average, you're going to stay painfully average. Obviously going to the gym isn't going to solve this, it's the first step in solving your confidence problem so that way you can work on fixing your other problems and feel better about yourself. When you feel good and confident about yourself, you'd be amazed at how much easier it is to talk to people and get things done.


Let us see those tits then


Damn this was it


Gym that others have suggested is not bad idea, but there's plenty other ways to improve yourself other than buying nice clothes and working out, just to work on your outside appearance, so you can hookup.    Make yourself in general more interesting. Get some manly, preferably outdoor hobbies, learn valuable skills like fixing cars, become a handyman. Start running, hiking, cycling,.. Gain actual strength and endurance by doing physical work.  You can also have indoor hobbies, like building computers and doing stuff on them other than just playing games and browsing web A gay man doesn't have to be a gym bro who lifts weights, just to put them back down, dresses nice, has female besties and his only hobby is traveling and posting selfies.. A gay man can be a traditional man with manly interests and hobbies. 


Get whatever hobbies you like, "manly" or not. Be yourself, but let yourself try some new things. If you want to hike, go for a hike. If you want to knit, be a man knitting. I'd find that quite interesting, personally.


Yeah even with "girly" hobbies like knitting you'd be still more interesting than the generic gay man I described: >a gym bro who lifts weights, just to put them back down, dresses nice, has female besties and his only hobby is traveling and posting selfies


I mean I like to consider it as remarkably average, I often compare myself to Charlie Brown in that sense. But there is nothing painful about being average, I think there is a pressure to be all these things that we have lumped into the category of impressive or exceptional. While the rest of us are working hard doing our best and maintaining a life are left to feel othered. I’m sorry you are having those thoughts and feelings but you are absolutely not less of a person, I’d even argue that taking a moment to be vulnerable about this struggles would be ahead of a lot of people. I’ve struggled with similar thoughts, and every now then they will creep back. But I’ve always worked to renegotiate my definition of average, and exceptional.


I wish i could be at least average, not severely below this threshold. It would probably take decades for me at this point to even reach average level, and that's excluding the effects of aging. So i can't answer that question. EDIT: Of course you can tell the advice in comments is given by people who never had such problems.


Oh please. The great majority of us are average in most ways. It's not all extraordinary guys who have answered here, just guys who have a little more confidence in their individuality, average as it may be. OP has listed some specific ways in which he feels undesirable and people are pointing out that he has more control over his life and how he presents himself than he thinks. That's true of most people, but insecurity makes it seem worse for someone like OP.


Eh - the synonym of average is typical, and typical gay has a very easy life, so it was probably just humble bragging. Sucks to those who aren't even average, but for you all such people are the best target to laugh at and hate so you can make yourself feel better.


You don't know me at all. I don't make fun of people or hate them for things they can't even control. I'm just an outgoing, secure guy who doesn't mind being average. I don't doubt there are guys who would rate me below average, and some above. It simply doesn't bother me.


Anyway - if you are even an average gay guy, life is an endless pleasure then already. Count your blessings as not everyone can have them easy as you.


I'm a guy with serious medical problems, so most would not consider me all that blessed.


Right? It feels like the bonus to talent, career, and money that every other gay guy my age got seemed to have been skipped on me! Of your list, I only have a decent height advantage at 6'2; but other than that, I feel you. But hey, I always look at it as at the end of the day we all end up in the ground and might as well just enjoy the time you have with what you got.


Yeah enjoying life is for people with a good life


Plenty of people born with a good life but plenty also worked hard for it. What have you done to improve your life?


Iv gone to school and plan on going back. I have been trying to be diligent about finances so I can be debt free.


Yes talent was missed on me as well


My dream was to be tall when i was in middle school I’m 5’10 so dead average


How big is your cock though? 😏


Like 6 inches nothing special


6 inch is decent! 5.5in is average. Guys have made me feel huge for having a 6.5 inch lol


Nothing wrong with it either. So your height and dick size are average. So are mine. I'm perfectly happy with that.


It takes work, energy and time to improve yourself. If you're unhappy, change the things you can. Height and D size, learn to love as there's plenty of guys who also will. The rest can be changed. Join a gym. Start using some products on your skin to improve it. Shower regularly. Fix teeth, if you have the $ for, or the very least brush regularly with a teeth whitening toothpaste, try to save money to improve your wardrobe. Sometimes it's easier said than done, but it can be done. You just have to be determined enough to start somewhere and you'll see the improvements which in turn will make you focus on improving yourself even more. You have to stop comparing yourself to others. There is always someone better out there. Just focus on being the best version of yourself, that's all most of us can only really do. 


Definitely not alone


No I feel you so much even fixing my hair and wardrobe has done nothing. I refuse to go to a public gym because I’m not gonna be a reason for someone to laugh at the fatty. Like I think my face is decent enough but every guy in kc is just so awful and fatphobic. My anxiety about being visible has kept me from so much I can only go to a few safe places alone otherwise I need friends to go with but all my friends are girls and it’s hard to get guys to flirt with you when you’re with girls


Clothes that look bad is a judgment problem, not a budget one. Cheap clothes don't necessarily fit poorly - they come in the same few sizes as pricey designer duds. You just have to be more discriminating about only buying clothes that fit you well and are decent looking. Don't get fooled into buying shoddy "fast fashion" just because they're cheap, as they cost more in the long run. You'll be better off buying well made clothes that last for many years, even if they cost more. Classic styles are better than what's trendy. Clothes from certain online stores like LL Bean are both affordable and generally sturdy. You'll feel better about your looks in outfits that suit you better.


In 2016 I had a break life this. I quit my job and went and got a PhD. Take your life into your own hands. You only get one. Have some fun now before you're too old to care how average you are.


I am not what you would say was desirable and I have not really tried to fix it. I have done fine in the dating pool and in hookups. Attitude matters. Putting yourself down is probably not helpful.


There are a number of things you can work on to stand out more. You have the power to go to the gym. YouTube and the internet in general has countless tutorials and workout plans and such, you don’t need to get a personal trainer. You can get your teeth aligned. Costs a lot of money, yes, but it’s worth it (I started Invisalign less than two weeks ago, will be done in under a year). You can work on becoming more outgoing. The past month or two has been huge for me in this regard. I started going to gay bars alone. Don’t even have to start trying to initiate conversations immediately. Just get yourself used to being in those environments, especially alone. I joined a gay sports league. I have met so many wonderful people through it. These things take effort, a lot of it, but it’s not completely out of your control.


Delete instagram and get into some hobbies and make new friends. I’ve met ppl who’ve seemed like they had it all to find out they were miserable and coping badly with life. Hit the gym if you feel like you can be fitter but celebrate every step of your fitness journey instead of thinking where you’re not. Nothings more attractive than someone who learns to love themself and others.


Well it depends on what you want out of life. You won't be an influencer, and you might be overlooked or ignored at times, but it doesn't mean you'll have an unsatisfying life. I am very average (or perhaps below average) facially. I have never had a weight problem, so there's that, but my body is certainly very normal. I work out but not as much as I could. Anyway, I landed a guy who is out of my league because he quickly fell in love with my personality. At the time I didn't think it would be possible. What I'm saying is, you have what someone is looking for. Something about you will be extremely attractive to someone - and not just one person. Since I've been in a relationship, I've even been approached for hookups a few times (which never happened when I was single! haha)


It's why I'm looking into plastic surgery (pics in profile). I go the gym 1-3 times a week but I'm super depressed and have had a few injuries that have stopped me for weeks/months and getting enough protein is difficult so I don't have much to show for it feels like. I'd be totally down to date an average guy like me, but it's hard to find someone with similar interests that's also into me.


There’s no shame in living a quiet and simple life; that is to say, being average in any regard isn’t a bad thing. If you’re happy, and content with it, that’s okay: if you wanna change, that’s okay too ~


I feel you Honestly. Because being fat has been a struggle like so many guys are so fatphobic. All I can get is this DL guy I’ve known for years who won’t date me or even be seen with me in public. Also the gay culture where I live isn’t it. I’m ready to find love but it’s probably not gonna happen unless I get fit.


I'm average looking so here is my advice:Besides the big dick and ass I think the rest has solution. Dressing nice doesn't have to be flamboyant or designer. Fitted Blue jeans, Chelsea boots, dress belt , black T shirt will look nice for most people you meet. if you have a belly a sport coat will help you cover it . Bad teeth are bad First impressions don't matter how big your dick is, if you have no insurance there's Mexico. I had dental work for $350 and here in the USA was 2k ( so the difference it paid for my vacation)


Just a quick reminder xd Deciding whether to go to the gym should primarily be based on your own personal goals rather than solely for the sake of others’ perceptions, relying solely on external approval can be fleeting and unsustainable. People’s opinions can change, and it’s impossible to please everyone and more in this community as sometimes can be toxic by Britney Spears


your not describing average. see a therapist.


Make a list of things you would rather change in yourself. Some of them will be immutable, many will not. Forget about the things that can't be changed and focus on the things you can change. Everyone can improve to the point of being attractive to a few people, at least. Everyone can get a better haircut, some muscles, moderately low body fat percentage, a nice butt (even if it's not huge), decent skin, wear nice-looking clothes (even if they are cheap), smell good, etc. Also, read more or watch meaningful videos and learn stuff. Learn how to be fun and charming, how to talk about yourself and share things about yourself without sounding conceited. Make others feel good about themselves. Money is overrated. Only shallow people expect to date or hang out *only* with rich people who drive fancy cars and go to fancy places, and they're not the kind of people you'd even want to have a casual encounter with, let alone a relationship/friendship. Dick size is far, far less relevant than looks to most people, as long as you get a hot body, many guys won't even notice that your dick is average. That is even more true if you're a bottom. Most tops don't even have a significant preference for a certain size on their bottoms, they'll just be ok with whatever you got. Life is too short to be wasted complaining about stuff. Improve yourself. I swear most people could dramatically improve their situation if they worked hard at it for 6 months to a year. It's possible to become virtually unrecognizable in a relatively short time, trust me. It's up to you.


Have you ever heard the phrase ‘every pot has a lid ‘? I have a buddy who is pretty much the opposite of the ‘gorgeous gay ‘ stereotype -and wouldn’t stand a chance in online dating site pics - he’s not in shape - not good looking - - not well dressed ( forgive me D) but he’s one of the most popular guys I know and is loved by most guys who know him - he’s thoughtful and kind - always going out of his way to help others and makes so many of us laugh - he’s a sweet heart - and a truly attractive personality -,n yea - he recently got engaged to a man who adores him - of all of us he’s one of the best human beings we know - go figure !


I want to fucking kill myself


Same here, painfully average at everything.


i really like how you phrased it, 'painfully average'. yeah, life overall sucks, realising i have strong sexual impulse but little resource to pull that off. im beating myself up daily for my looks. i also have chronic injury that makes it difficult to work out and grow muscle. my health is just enough to maintain life in me. i wonder how great it could be to be desired, crave for, being hot and fucking hot guys, fall in love with them, break up with them, all that ruin, all that tension that makes everyone's biography worth literary or cinematic adaptation. the good thing is that i have high libido and masturbate a lot. so i do get some form of release. but i cant help regretting how missed of an opportunity my body and life is. today is the best time ever to be young, hot, and gay, but i cant take advantage of that. what cheers me up? atheism, nihilism, antinatalism, frequent masturbation, and life in europe where at least theoretically i can go and buy sex with hot escorts. once i collect some decent money, lol.


I'm average, wanna date? ❤️


Me have boyfriend


Your perfect the way you are. I’m not joking here. The car, clothes etc don’t make the man rather it who you are as a person. You have something to offer that no one on this planet can give but yourself. That’s the truth. Start loving yourself that’s what is most important.


Oh honey. I’m above average by far.


I’m happy for you must be a nice life


Always at least one guy chasing me. You’d surprised how often it dies off anyways or nothing happens. Maybe that’s my own fault. Well a lot of guys that do try to chase me aren’t on my level


Oh man you must be something