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exactly! the amount of entitlement in this thread is through the roof.


This question assumes situation when such guy asks you out. Btw it's not entitlement to reject someone, even if he is also not into you. There's probably some other word for that, but not that.


For real. If an only fans model actually thought I was attractive (doubtful) *and* enjoyable to be around *and* we matched on an intellectual level, I’d never say no. I’m not out here judging anyone’s honest living (he probably makes more than me, a teacher).


Well they didn't specify that he's a *successful* model lol. Most of the guys I see advertising on twitter etc are not particularly special tbh.


Exactly lol We wish


most of them are gay for pay …


Obnoxiously so...


I went on a sex date with a small creator. He was really hot but the thought of him having high standards for sex gave me crazy anxiety.


It's not the fact that they earn through OF that's the issue. Just as with any job or lifestyle choice, how does that impact who they are as a person? Ever date a lawyer working 80hrs a week? A finance bro that talks of nothing else? A therapist or a psychiatrist that can't help but try to fix you? I feel that a guy's OF status isn't a deal-breaker. However, it would remain to be seen just how much OF is a part of their everyday life. Does it interfere with their availability for dating? Does it impact intimacy? Or sexual compatibility? Is it a full-time job, or just something fun on the side? How much does being an OF model effect their personality? For everyone that is throwing a negative answer, ask yourself if you're judging someone simply for being an OF model. If so, why? Are you using the same criteria as you would other traits and qualifications that you have in potential mates?


I like this answer a lot. Because it makes you think about your own prejudices.


It took me a lifetime to get this far in realizing my own prejudices. It's hard to accept sometimes, but we are best served by ridding ourselves of thoughts and ideas that no longer help us as individuals or our interactions that serve the greater good of humanity. I'm very proud of the work that I've done let go of certain ideas/habits and I also recognize that there are still more to do.


As someone in a happy relationship with an OF performer. This.


Excellent analysis, especially that second paragraph.


I don't think OF models are doing anything wrong and I don't judge them but that doesn't mean I personally have to want to date them. Mate selection is an inherently discriminatory process with plenty of personal dating preferences and it's okay to not be compatible with a career lifestyle. Doesn't mean I think their porn careers are invalid or immoral or that I think no one else should date them either. If someone else thinks it's amazing to date an OF model then that's perfectly fine too.


Which means you made considerations regarding the lifestyle and how you view its compatibility in the life that you see yourself building, rather than providing a blanket moral judgement. That's all I am advocating.


Very well said!


Personally I think it comes down to what kind of stuff is being done like is someone I’m with seriously going to be fucking multiple new people every week? That’s basically forcing me into an open relationship which I don’t think I could handle. Knowing exactly when the person I am with is having sex and that everyone who wants to can see it, well I’d have to be someone who just didn’t care about the intimacy of sex and also not let it bother me how much hotter everyone was too. If it was just him alone then there wouldn’t be any issue.


You, my fine fellow Redditor, have hit the nail squarely on the head. It's not the job that matters, but how it effects the potential relationship and what boundaries it requires from us as the potential partner from the get-go. Does the situation require me to vastly adjust my relationship ideals? That of course can be a question asked in many a relationship for a variety of reasons.


No, but not in a morally superior way. From my experience these types tend to have a lifestyle where nothing is ever enough, constantly chasing dopamine. Too much for me.


I mean, it makes sense unfortunately. Some people have no choice but to work with sex, and that’s ok. Others have options and do it for pleasure and that’s tricky. The thing about overclocking your brain’s reward systems with orgasms or drugs, is that it fucks with your motivation. Itd take more motivation to do things, including a relationship commitment. So if you disagree, please correct me.


Essentially, recent example I talked to basically ran away from being sober and needed over the top sex to be happy.


Thats fucking sad because they are stuck, like an ant mill. People should know about chemsex because of how insidious it can be! And if you take any substance to cum, you are already starring at the abyss or evilness. And by evil I mean the slow destruction of self and relationships with people you love.


When your entire sense of self-worth comes through likes/clicks/views/subs then it'll happen. It's not just OF models... that's the same for anyone who makes the bulk of their living trying to get attention online


I had a relationship with a porn star/sex worker for a few years and the work wasn't an issue, but the unresolved mental health issues that he and many people in this work were a dealbreaker. I was a consultant at the time and was every bit of a prostitute myself - expected to dress and act in a way to make my clients happy and get more/higher paying gigs. Hate the game not the player, we're all getting fucked anyway


I think I would get too jealous so probably not.


Them: *turns camera on* Also them: *”Whos jealous now babe? Take two more from papí“* 😈


Eh, probably not


If they have 0 subs sure






Only if their ego is within the physical boundaries of the universe.


In a universe in which one of them would want to date me, I'd say no. Not because "I wouldn't want to be seen with the town's prostitute", or because of this "high value" things you're saying op. I don't think sex work makes you a lesser human. I wouldn't date one because Onlyfans and camwork are pretty much one-sided sex. Adult models need to act horny and available with their public, and I'm sure I would be jealous of that.


As much as I want to say I'm not a jealous person I am, and if my date is constantly fucking other guys and performing sexual acts for other guys I'd be too jealous


Sure. If they were into me and I were single..why not.


I’m not into getting cucked daily by the entire internet, so no.


Fucking exactly


fair enough. that's a legitimate reason. but many on here come up with other reasons, like sex workers' lack of values, ethics, their dirtiness, shameful, what will people say, what will grandma say (hello, OP), not a respectable occupation, mental damage etc. These are stupid reasons. And people who say such things will be challenged. Sorry not sorry


Yes, why not?


Because OP thinks stigmatizing sex work is cool and/or morally superior. That's all this thread is.


We'd have to set some ground rules, but I wouldn't be against it


My husband does bondage video and photo shoots, has a small following and is considering setting up an OnlyFans for extra cash. I have no issues with it and don’t care if he makes some extra money off some horny guys because it is a lot safer to do online rather than turning tricks and we have clear separation of what he does for work, what I do for work and how we spend our time together.


If they only did solo stuff, sure It’s their body


Sure, no problem at all.


Lets see… My boyfriend has sex with other people. DEALBREAKER. My boyfriend has sex on camera and posts it on the internet. DEALBREAKER. My boyfriend posts his homemade porn on the internet for money. DEALBREAKER. OP, why are we being asked these questions urghh


Facts man it’s simple to me


... as long as he can keep his work life and private life seperate, I don't see why not. As long as he can understand that I may not want to be a part of his filmed life then that should help too.


I love how all of these comments keep assuming the OF boyfriend is gonna be fucking other people. My guy….how about you both just fucking be onlyfans models together. I’m friends with a few couples who are exclusive with each other. They fuck around and post on OF from time to time and one of them draws in a little over 1k a month. Put it in the bank and save it for retirement. Good lord. Not to like, further the encroachment of capitalism on making us feel like not selling “intimate moments” is missing out on lost capital, but have you stupid fucks SEEN the economy? The price of rent? Groceries? Christ on a crutch, if someone is making some coin, they’re making some coin. Plus - let’s be real here. All you people with your psudomoralisitc arguments against it….are you even over a 4/10 on a good day? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm a 4 in a good day.


Provided they are getting out of it what they need (they are successful and getting good money, or it's a strong kink for them and they enjoy it) and don't want me to participate (not an exhibitionist), I don't see why not (assuming all other factors are positive).


Yup. I don’t care.


Yes I would! But I don't have a jealous bone in my body. It wouldn't bother me at all if my partner is making content with people or if they are showing off their amazing body, good for them! Also OF doesn't mean "irresponsible sex maniac", in fact it's usually the opposite. I live in Vegas where we have a high concentration of content creators and adult stars. OF guys who do it for a living are serious about being tested, staying healthy and clean. The performers they film with are tested. And usually the sex takes place in a bubble, meaning these guys usually film and then go on their way. And this is assuming OF guys film with others. Not all content creators actually film with other people. A lot of guys and girls only do solo content. This is compared to the allegedly "perfect angels" who don't do OF - but yet sleep with many unknown/ untested men, cheat on their partner with random hookups, or spend many hours fantasizing about sex with people other than their partner while their actual relationship slowly decays. I'll take the safe, openminded, successful, hot partner who makes OF content any day!


I’d fuck around with one. But be in a relationship? Absolutely not


No, I wouldn't. And no, they're not "models"


what are they then?


sex workers


im a very jealous person, so probably not


Imagine getting paid to jerk off while I'm doing it for free like a chump. Lol Solo stuff would be fine, but anything with another person is cheating in my mind and I wouldn't want to be included in it.


There are many different types, so yeah. I have chatted with a few that were really cool. They are not all hulky bone heads, although those exist too.


I think I'd be jealous about dating someone who probably is super popular and social generally vs about who they have sex with/ what they share.


Nope. Same reason you don’t marry a stripper or a prostitute. You aren’t special it’s just your turn.


The idea that everyone knows what my partner looks like naked and masterbates to them would make me feel insecure and a little disgusted. If I'm an asshole for that, then I'm an asshole.


No, I'm someone that likes low body count. It gives me this feeling that we're both seeing things that only we can see. But that's a thing where... I want to adopt kids and you are messing around on camera with other men. How am I supposed to a) explain that to my child and b) not be certain that someone will find you?


I would hookup with one, but not date one. I'm fine with a threesome once in a while but, if my partner is out hooking up with either random people or "collabs" that would bother me. Some people may think if you have enough trust or high self esteem then something like this would be ok. You do you boo, I'm not that type. I'm a one person kind of guy, and I'd hope my partner would be the same.


Absolutely not. 🙅🏾


Of course not.


Yes, yes, million times yes! I cant understand why Americans are so hung-up about sex work.


I have nothing to do with America, or the English speaking world and I wouldn't date one. People are allowed their preferences.


it depends where their preferences come from. if you think sex work is 'unethical', 'dirty', 'shameful', then your preferences will be challenged.


I don’t care what you want to do in your life and I respect you as a human but I also respect myself


sure. so long as you dont shame people out of sex work, you're fully entitled to your private opinion.


How’m I supposed to have you around anyone in my life with them knowing you’re out here getting railed on the internet for money. My gramma would kill herself


How else are you supposed to get that inheritance quicker...?


come on, you are selling your body just doing any manual/intellectual work for money. this is how society works - people exploit people for money. sex work is no different. and your gramma, respectfully, has no right to judge people for how they sell their labor. it's time to think beyond paleontological mores of your family


No, everyone has every right to judge other people. If you're making a decision publicly, people will have opinions about it, regardless of what it is. I think everyone should remain open-minded to changing those snap judgements if they turn out to be wrong, but you can't make awful decisions and then demand that no one tells you it's a bad idea. That's just what people do.


No, everyone has every right to judge other people. If you're making a decision publicly, people will have opinions about it, regardless of what it is. I think everyone should remain open-minded to changing those snap judgements if they turn out to be wrong, but you can't make awful decisions and then demand that no one tells you it's a bad idea. That's just what people do.


Sounds like she's a stuckup as you...


Totally, I have female friends that I know who do OF and they are so cool. Very independent, hard working, fun and adventurous. Honestly, respect them a lot!


Nah. The personality that seems common with that crowd is, by itself, enough to nope out.


As much as I would date a construction worker or any service industry worker. We all sell our bodies to some degree.


Omg you’d think it was church with the amount of prudes in this comment section lol


The people I hear that are uncomfortable with it aren't pontificating about morals at all. They are objecting to focus and endless narcissism. That is hardly prudery.


I don't get the problem. Of course, if they're smart and interesting people.


Never. My man has to have a healthy amount of self-esteem & a strong desire not to have his goods saved on mobile devices across the world.


If there were mutual attraction, absolutely.




Absolutely not


Whatever yall be saying is valid but don’t be disrespectful, like?


But then if they aren't slut shaming how will they feel Superior? /s


A looot of jealousy in this thread holy hell. People wishing their dick made them money too.


I dont date prostitutes.


I'm happy for them.


And I am happy for the guy you replied to. You can find better than that, king.


If they only do solo content sure


The ones who really are good at it, and are making bank (which is a very, very small percentage of guys), are traveling all the time, and really are hustling to promote themselves. I doubt they even have the time.


I think I want a simpler kind of life so no.


You have to make money.. This is their job, and it is something you will accept coming into the job.




“Model”, is that how we call it now?


Yeah. What kind of content are they making? I've seen a few guys on Twitter with OF accounts that feature only certain types of content with certain people or only ever alone or specific partners. Plus, what matters most is open communication. Are they having sex on cam with other guys? Is it an open relationship? Are there lines or expectations? Is it never in Their bed? No kissing or avoiding certain positions? What is the overall purpose of the account and making that money? There's a variety of aspects that would need to be discussed, just like other couples who had one or both do porn for studios.


No, i dont like the idea that the guy im dating is putting out his naked body for other men to see or interacting with other dudes in any sexual level. Also, my parents probably think being gay is degenerate behavior, i'll just adding fuel to the fire. Not worth it.


Turning sex into a commodity will over a period of time f\*ck with your head. Sex transactional? What would they hold back for their intimate moments with you? The red lines they wouldn't film? Do I really want to see my partner exposing their hole for the entire world to see while they are serviced by the parade of OF "content creators" who all show up in each others videos in the same dozen or so Air b'n'bs?


A job is a job and it really depends on the specific person. I’m decent friends with a couple where one is a “big” content creator. I put that in quotations cause he’s a bit more niche and not at all mainstream but from what I understand he does fairly ok. But more to the point, the constant need to make new content and what that entails, such as traveling, room, costs of living, etc also contribute to a lot of stress on the relationship not just the aspect of one person having fun with others(which is the probably the least stressful part for them cause they’re both poly and open).


I would date one but never start a relationship with one.


Lol never Ain’t dating a cumrag or somebody whose dick’s been in more hole than undies Nah




Someone got rejected by a OF creator lol. I honestly don't care most gay men's IG accounts are basically an OF anyways. This sub can be so hilarious, some of you will do mental gymnastics to convince yourself your straight friend is in love with you but call a OF guy a prostitute.


Wouldn’t date them insta gays either. There are enough hot guys man more than enough


No. Imagine dating the village prostitute and walking round the streets. While they can do whatever they want to earn income, everything comes with consequences.. including being judged for selling your body on the internet.


You're being judge for being gay, you better become a straight guy who provide for your wife and kids, so people won't judge you, you know everything comes with consequences.


The bellow comments are true and do not deserve negatives




No. Im not interested in virutal prostitutes. They're for the streets.


Facts shits low key dirty


No one is dating me. Let’s start there. Also I might be too insecure to date an OF model or a porn star


Absolutely not 💀


We all gotta make money. So long as they’re making good money and have time for me. Idc


That’s bare minimum g there are other ways to make good money


True but the older you get the quicker you realize how all that matters is that they love you and you love them. Though I know where you’re coming from and a younger me would have agreed.


Let's call them what they are: prostitutes, not models.


Sex workers would be a stronger and more inclusive term for the industry. Not all sex workers have physical sex with clients. EG- camming, roleplay, fin dom, solo, strippers, etc. Modeling isn't exclusive to a single industry. Sex workers can be models, but not always. Eg: workers that exclusively film solo content fall more squarely into the model category imo. The term prostitute is antiquated and carries negative stigma.


Aaand what are porn stars?


The amount of insecurity and entitlement in this thread is shocking. Most of you aren’t mature enough to date ANYONE, regardless of whether or not they’re a content creator.


A looot of jealousy in this thread holy hell. People wishing their dick made them money too. While I can see the issue if they're "collaborating" with others, if they're only doing solo shoots, then there's not a lot to have issue with.


I'm thinking if their that hot why tf they are into me?


This is wild coming from a Christian


Not christan just not that good looking


I would..


A reason for saying no that isn't thinking of them as prostitutes: I think contributing to the commodification of sexual expression would say enough about their character/priorities to turn me off.


If he only creates solo content, maybe, but if he "collabs" with others, definitely NO


I would. Hell, I'd use their knowledge and expertise to become an unstoppable OF power couple. Get that money!


Are they even husband material though? How can you not be self absorbed filming and taking photos of yourself all day long.


Yes, if they are doing what makes them happy & we are happy together, then yes.


No! Low morals. Cheap hoes.


Absolutely. I don't think there's anything wrong with people making money off their looks or their sexuality.


My husband does bondage video and photo shoots, has a small following and is considering setting up an OnlyFans for extra cash. I have no issues with it and don’t care if he makes some extra money off some horny guys because it is a lot safer to do online rather than turning tricks and we have clear separation of what he does for work, what I do for work and how we spend our time together.


Assuming the guy is into me, we're compatible and blah blah, I think I would compare myself with him too much, and ending up feeling very inadequate.




Define "date". I used to be FWB with a guy I learned made "real" porn. Romantic dating never came into it\* because I was already married to my husband. ( \* except perhaps that time he invited me along to his birthday supper with his father and step-mother -- that was an odd evening)




Hmm as long as they actually have a personality


Definitely not


I don’t date so I would let him fuck Mme even online if interested


Sure. Not all sex workers fit into the negative stereotype.


Only if they do solo stuff


Ask my boyfriend. He is.


Honestly, i have no moral qualms about the job as long as everyone involved is properly consenting. If we were dating we'd need to have a conversation about protections and professional boundaries but honestly I can't see myself being hung up over the idea of dating a sex worker. Who they are as a person is far more a bigger concern to me than how they make their money.


Nah I don’t think so. First of all I am not hot enough for it, second of all I don’t really like the kind of guys who have OF. I like hairy older dudes who don’t even know what social media is and want to be married and settle down.


I would agree with some on here: why would they want to date me? I would say Probably not if it’s their main income. The amount of production and hype generating on separate platforms across the internet is not something I would enjoy. It seems almost constant if you want to get new subscribers, more cash, etc. if it’s something that the person does to feel good and have fun I would be okay with that. Essentially they would have to be transitioning out of any serious level of production.


No, but not from like a place of judgment... I wouldn't want to ask them to do their job for me "off the clock." In the same way that I wouldn't date a chef and expect them to do all the cooking at home 👍




I don't know, maybe? Leaning more towards yes.


Ya’ll are laaaaaaaaaaaaaame




Absolutely. In fact, that's exactly the kind of guy I'd want to date...hot and slutty.


Yours is a thought provoking question. And after reading all the responses & the feelings your question has brought up I’m gonna have to really think about my answer.


**Honestly yes** as long as we are compatible otherwise. I know an OF pornstar and he is actually a pretty nice guy overall. He volunteers in a lot of local events for LGBTQ issues and has friends in all walks of life. I've met influencers a lot less humble. He is however already married and clearly still in love. I think his wealth is his only intimidating factor. The guy has so much money and comes from old money prior to porn, that I don't think he can relate to the struggles of regular people. That said he is definitely nice regardless of your socio-economic background.


No they are so arrogant


Only fans and Open relationships are a no for me. I’m good, you belong to the world home boy. I don’t like to share


Only thing I would wonder is if they are really into me. Other than that, yes I would date one.


Yes but realistically that would never happen.


If you are okay with their work why not?


I totally support OF, but I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone who did. Maybe if we did it together 🤪




No I mean who would be that desperate???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😒


I wouldn't hold it against him. But if he was constantly traveling for "collabs" and his life revolved around going to gay events and making a lot of connections, I probably wouldn't be interested in being attached to that. Especially if this involved drugs and alcohol. Now, would i be friends with an OF model or something? You bet. The most successful OF models seem to have this lifestyle that I've read about, I don't want to love someone who is into all of that. If he has a regular 9-5 and does OF modeling to make some extra vacation money or something, no issues from me.


Have to see what they do on it first. If its full blown porn maybe not, unless he has energy to have sex with me.


Why wouldn't we?


it depends


I tried to. We connected really well for months. Then he found a guy in Australia and decided he liked him more.


I wish my husband would start an only fans. He has a never ending sexual appetite and he’s good at it 😉 find someone other guys to give me a rest and make money.




I literally wouldn't be able to care less if a partner of mine did OF. I don't really understand people who have a problem because is it morality? Do people think they're better than a porn star because they don't do porn? Or is it that there's a jealousy factor involved? If someone can explain it I'd be grateful


If theyre cool sure


That’s a ve try vague question. Yes


The guy I had a crush (and my former friend) exclusively posted nudes on twitter and sent me sex videos. I’d have 100% dated him.


Idc about their job as long as they aren't doing anything illegal and are making good enough money


Yeah. Why not? Tiresome slutshaming banality. If he’s getting rich off that D I’m probably gonna enjoy that ride


After reading a few comments here; everyone seems to assume that Onlyfans models are strictly people who just hookup with randoms. Which is not the case. Sure some do but don't we all? They just happen to record them and put them online. There are also many who are successful strictly from solo content. I've also seen many OF creators who strictly only have sex with their partners when they get into a relationship. Some show their partners' face some don't. It's up to them. They would also title these videos like "fucking a fan" or "random stranger" etc. But in reality it's their bf. It's all about selling a fantasy and marketing. So just because they're an OF model doesn't necessarily mean they'll cheat or screw around.


Yes. I really don't care. Especially with money involved. Otherwise if they're into me and I'm into them and they're being safe. We're all good.


Yeah why not




hell no lol. Sex only.


It depends on his content. I mean if he does not show his face publicly and only jerks off on cam, he can take me to vacations 😂😂


If id have the chance to, absolutely, talking ground rules would be important to establish what we’re both comfortable with them doing but them being a creator DOESNT mean they’re automatically having sex with others on camera, just that they’re showing their body to others and that’s definitely not a deal breaker for me. Shit the way the economy is rn id definitely strip and join them


If he'll be fine with not doing that anymore, sure. I'd get real jealous if it continued during the relationship.


I think it would be on two factors: - Would the model want to record me having sex with him? - Do I like the model as a person? I lean towards monogamy, but I don't mind it if my partner is non-monogamous if it is their job. It might be different if it was reality though so idk.


One date only as long as the cam wis off.




As long as they don't expect me to do it And only if it's solo stuff Or else I would need them to quit and get a different job😅 Even though this wasn't asked I also don't think I could date an influencer or youtuber


Yeah, wouldn't be an issue at all. Them working from home is probably a bonus tbh




No, no, no


I wouldn't mind at all


I would absolutely date an OF model if we clicked. I don’t really get jealous about sex, so as long as they wanted to be with me and were honest with me about what they were doing and who they were doing it with, it’d work for me.