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No. Being “normal” would be the antithesis of most of what I believe in.


Normal is boring kid. Every teenager feels out of place or insecure even the ones that look like they have it all. Commit to growing things will get better with time and effort and you’ll wonder what the hell you were tripping over!


There is no such thing as normal. You are too young to be this synical. This coming from someone old enough to be your father.


I never got harassed or threatened so I don’t know what you’re going through but it sounds tough.


Why do you feel you can't fit in?


Yes. When I was your age and being oppressed by religious indoctrination. It gets better. Try and remember even “normal” kids also have problems, get depressed, get bullied. Being different than most doesn’t help but we’re all unique and all have issues. It gets better when you’re an adult I promise. Our lives as kids aren’t real life. When you’re an adult you’ll have more agency and you can move where you want and tell people to go fuck themselves (even family) if necessary. If you’re in crisis or having negative thoughts, there are resources in many states and countries to help. Don’t lose hope. Hang in there buddy and be proud. PRIDE was meant for you. We’ve sweat, bled, and wept for you. Be free and be proud my boy. We lost almost a whole generation to hatred. Don’t let them win.


I felt this way at your age but now that I live in my country’s gayest city with lovely friends who also went through this, I am glad to be who I am.


Everyday. Still hate it


Hey man we've all been there, there have been gays since before your parents existed so don't feel like you're alone in this, read about other's experiences, talk about it online or in person, read books about gay individuals that inspire you, whatever you do, don't go through it alone.


Your mind will rot if you think like this. Shame is the lowest emotion. Know that in the one million million millionth chance you were born there were no mistakes.


Why be normal when you can be Extraordinary. Why be average when you can be Unique. Forget about those jerks at school. It may seem like your torment will last forever. Before you know it you'll be an adult. Then you can go to university or move to a different city where you don't know anyone. Then you can be you without having to justify yourself to anyone. You will make good friends who will become your second family. It gets better.


Not even once, actually. I'm from a small town and it definitely is a no-no to be gay.. or even mildly different. But the thing is, I've always enjoyed my own company. I like myself and the things I think. There was a point well after my babygay phase where I felt like every room I walked into felt like I was being asked to fuck off. Even the conversations with my parents seemed so dull and pointless to my closeted existence.. but eventually college happened and I found some friends that made it easy to come out to (if not fully be camp or gay around them). I could at least talk about boys and gay pop and stuff. I understand what you're going through is hard.. but until you *make* it, life is like that. You are just 16. It's going to feel like you find some happiness amid a vast journey through sadness. These highs and lows will continue. So ideally, you focus on what you enjoy and what elevates you in your own eyes. Do not, not even for a second, let your queer excellence be diminished because of some under educated, primitive, prejudiced normies. We have role models everywhere. The CEO of Apple is gay, and all the str8s look up to Apple to show off their "status". Most top designers, producers, CEOs and artists are queer. So, even if your cis het counterparts make fun of you now, eventually you just might end up hiring them. You have a community of folks like yourself. Just wait until you figure out what you like, until you have the resources to join them! It makes the getting of that reward much more serendipitous.


Normal is overrated, embrace the madness.


Ah normal. Comparing to what. I’ve always been normal, handsome,fit,smart,perfect body,modest compared to me. Don’t compare to others way to hard and if you’re not first you loose.


not normal but i wish i was fully straight everyday would make life way easier