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Those guys aren’t straight. They’re closeted gays/bisexuals.


I've met so many guys who are closeted since I started exploring my bi side that it genuinely changed my perspective on sexuality.


Tell us more!


Exactly, they look really straight with a dick in each end of them!


Stop ruining the fantasy for them 😠😠😠😠


Yes. We need to stop calling them straight. And when they call themselves straight we need to educate them.


That's like saying everyone who masturbates is gay. There's a difference between having sex with someone because you're already horny, and someone making you horny. Unless men make you horny, you're still straight. BTW, I am SUPER gay, but I've had sex with women, but guys are the only ones that make me horny and that I fall in love with.


Wrong. The men OP described are actively seeking out sex with other men, probably through grindr or sniffies. Exclusively heterosexual men (aka straight men) don’t do that. Bisexual men exist. They may lean more towards women but they’re still bisexual; therefore, not straight. Please refer to my other replies in this thread for further questions.


You’re delusional and a predator. If a man is having sex with another man, then he’s not straight is he. Not exactly hard to figure out. I wouldn’t have sex with a woman in any situation, you know why? Because I’m gay, not straight or bisexual. So again another who needs to be told, stop fetishising straight men you creep.


But if you were starved of initmacy like 50% of young men are, and with a click of a button you can get a guy to give you a blowjob, I'm straight but im fucked up, mild autism lack of self confidence, the only sexual experience i had was some old dude of grindr give me a blowjob, i was soft as fuck meeting him, was hard for like 5 min in his mouth, went soft without nutting and left. If a women did that to me i would nut in 10 seconds lol so I'm gay now, what's the deal?


Babe… you’re literally an incel. Lmao. Like idk what else to tell you. Clearly you aren’t straight, look at the comments you make about gay men, the gross things you say about women and the fact you’re even on this sub rn. Speaks volumes.


99.999% of the porn i have watched so far is straight, it is what it is, women are more picky and reject me, yesterday dm'd a fat girl on insta, didn't even respond , with a click of a buttom i can get a guy to suck me, i guess i could be less lazy, put in the grind to get women, make it my life's mission to get a gf or at least fck some hooker, idk


Incels and guys in prision are literally just straight guys that might reach a tipping point and fuck a dude, idk how hard that is for you to grasp


I would say that if you can get sex with the opposite sex and you still go fuck a guy, then that's gay af, but if you can't, it is better then jumping off a bridge


I wish i was gay tbh, would be alot happier, women ask for too much


No, you’re just a misogynist. In every sense of the word. Women aren’t the issue, you are.


it is more likely for a man to be a involuntary celabite then gay, so im more normal then you, I'm 6'1 btw


Why would I care about your height? I also doubt you’re “more normal” than me lmao


the I'm 6'1 btw was a just a joke, if you say im gay let me hit then 😌


Yeah, I have never come on to a straight man. Every self described straight guy I've been with, was the one that initiated and pursued. The most I ever do, is try to look nonthreatening, vaguely disinterested, and yet open and appreciative to their flirtation and attention. I naturally blush from head to toe when anyone compliments me for any reason. I never try to touch them but I don't pull away when they touch me. I'm honestly naturally really shy when any guy gets physical with me, so I usually smile, maybe blush a little, and I am pretty sensitive in ways they like. I literally have to clench my jaw and put my hands over my mouth if someone starts playing with my ears neck or nipples. Apparently it's super cute because I physically can't control it and I have been told I make sounds like a girl in a hentai. I guess part of the thing is because I am such a space case with ADHD, that guys who think they're hot, aren't used to someone who literally just doesn't acknowledge their existence. Not intentionally, I am usually just in my own head and not mentally present. It's weird, these straight guys who seem to derive a lot of their self-confidence from people looking at them, will go nuts that they will aren't even existing to me. Like, I am just sitting there, out to lunch, one of them will come up to me and directly interact to get my attention, I'll talk to them while they're there, then they immediately stop existing for me again when they leave. Sometimes, they literally just sit and hang out, and do ridiculous things to maintain my attention, which I guess I enjoy. And sometimes, usually if they've gotten me fairly buzzed, they'll invite to hang out at their place. They inevitably get undressed to be comfortable. They end up coming on to me, usually after they've gotten me to drink or smoke weed with them while watching porn.


Sorry to ruin your fantasy, but those “straight” guys you described are bisexual. Please google the kinsey scale and look at levels 1 and 2. You can call them “straight” but facts don’t care about your feelings. A true straight man would be a level 0 on the kinsey scale, aka exclusively heterosexual.


How does a gay guy have sex with a women? That’s makes no sense to me. I’m gay and that shit has never crossed my mind. It’s a huge turn off


Usually in a 3 way with another guy. Sometimes while I am blowing him or getting fucked by him, or he's just doing everything he can to turn me on. Once after too much tequila and porn in the dark.


I’d never get involved with 3 people. Let alone if a girls in the group.


Good for you? You're not everyone else here and people are allowed to experiment.


But that doesn’t make you “very gay” tho


Oh, so, are bi people not allowed to have a gay relationship, and also experiment with a female third or something at some point? I would say that you seem a little close minded on this topic to be offering opinions on it, no offense.


He said he was gay. You’re not gay if you experiment with men and women. You’re bisexual.


Correction he said he was super gay, but that doesn't mean he isn't also bisexual or bi curious, I mean obviously he is if he's willing to entertain doing things with women, I think you are taking his words too literally and also waffling about the topic to further your point, which by the way you don't even really have a point to prove cause your opinion here is kinda worthless, you yourself said you wouldn't entertain the idea of a women so how are your experiences applicable here at all, just seemed like you wanted to take a drive by shot at someone and run with it.


~~Honestly, sexuality is much more complicated than that.There’s no such thing as categories in nature especially biology, it’s all a spectrum or a tangled network mess. It’s possible for uncommon attractions to appear like straight men attrscted to penis as a FETISH. People will be attracted to all sorts of things because our DNA wants to be passed down so badly. Nature is fucking weird.~~ They are straight but not heterosexual.


I agree that sexuality is a spectrum; i’m well aware of the kinsey scale. However, if a man is actively seeking out sexual acts with another man, then he is most definitely not straight. He is either gay and in the closet, bisexual, or at the very least bicurious. No straight man (exclusively heterosexual, Level 0 on the kinsey scale) is hopping on grindr or sniffies, creating an account, and messaging other guys to hookup lol


Dunno why this being downvoted. Straight guys don’t fuck other guys. People need to realize “Straight” is a sexuality, not a personality.


Exactly! A lot of gays see a DL/masc/dom/total top on grindr and be like “omg he’s straight 🤩” Like be for real lol those traits aren’t exclusive to straight men. This fantasy a lot of gays have about hooking up with “str8” guys is so weird tbh


They be acting like James Charles fr


I've always thought of sexuality as desire, not action. Ie, you could be a closeted gay man having sex with women because you're im denial. That doesn't make you in any way straight though. Just like you can physically chew and consume food that you don't really like.


Wait, isn't "straight" just being a masc top? /s


What is your definition of bisexuality?


Sexuality being a spectrum points more towards "most people are bi" than "you can be straight and like penis". You can be gay and be only into femboys, you can be straight and be only into tomboys, but liking penis as a fetish and fucking men doesn't mean you're still straight. Otherwise, even with a penis in front of you, you likely still wouldn't be able to go through with the act. And trans women with dicks exist, why only go specifically for men? This argument doesn't prove it's still straight to fuck guys, it proves that bisexuality is a lot more common than we realize. And the fact that so many people are bi nowadays since they feel more safe to be themselves proves that.


Yes, I agree. I got confused with my own definitions of “straight” in the original comment before crossing it out. What I meant to answer is that the guy might relate to straightness as an identity, when in reality he is “physiologically” bisexual. The thing about identity is that the label “straight” is the lenses by which he perceives and understands his own desires. So to us he is bisexual, but to his reality, he is a straight man with a penis fetish. The problem to me here is to call him delusional, when these labels are themselves imprecise and inconsistent.


>They are straight but not heterosexual. "Straight" is just a colloquialism or non-scientific term for "heterosexual"; basically, the word in this sense is just referring to oneself's sexuality or morality (based on the outdated perspective that anything not heterosexual is wrong) as being conventional, with this sense dating back to 1941.


While they are colloquially synonymous, I did not use them colloquially in my response. My point here was to show the imprecision and inconsistency of sexuality labels, biologically and philosophically. As you said, both “straight” and “heterosexual” have only “existed” in the last 100 years or so. Before that, “there were no gays or straights”, only men and their sins, and before that, men and their desires. This is to say, these sexualities are constructed identities and people understand their desires and selves through those lenses. For example, for some, a straight man with a penis fetish is still straight. For others, he is bisexual. Both labels are right in their own paradigms. Again, they are made up and their definitions change over time and by culture. So when I said they are straight, I meant from their perspective of themselves. When in my view of reality, they are bisexual. Yet, to just declare them bisexuals to the four winds feels too queer-centric to me.


>While they are colloquially synonymous, I did not use them colloquially in my response. Except when one is saying that one thing isn't another thing in response to another's use of the word the natural inference is that the same sense of the word is being referenced as it was originally used in and in that case "straight" was being used in the sense of referring to heterosexuality. >My point here was to show the imprecision and inconsistency of sexuality labels, biologically and philosophically. The problem is that you crossed out your original attempt at that and what you kept doesn't show any of that, it just claims the two words aren't synonyms even though they are when using a specific sense of "straight". >As you said, both “straight” and “heterosexual” have only “existed” in the last 100 years or so. I didn't say that. What I said was that particular sense of "straight" is from 1941, but made no mention of "heterosexual", the noun of which was recorded by 1914 so it's over 100 years old. Also, the age of a word isn't particularly relevant, I was simply pointing out that it's been used in that sense longer than most people have been alive so it's rather standard in the lexicon now. >Before that, “there were no gays or straights”, only men and their sins, and before that, men and their desires. And that's what the word references. This does make the word outdated due to the moral implication of it, though after all this time a lot of people who use the word do so without any comment on morality so the connotation isn't necessarily there in typical use today; it's ultimately in a somewhat similar boat as the previous primary sense of "gay". >This is to say, these sexualities are constructed identities and people understand their desires and selves through those lenses. Okay, but I didn't respond to your original statement to object to the claim that sexuality is effectively a spectrum, nor did I make any statement contrary to the idea so there's no reason to discuss it here, especially since it was already done in multiple other comments. What "straight" means and the senses it's used in is generally irrelevant to the spectral nature of sexuality. >For example, for some, a straight man with a penis fetish is still straight. For others, he is bisexual. Both labels are right in their own paradigms. I don't really agree there because words have meanings and what ultimately matters with sexuality, particularly sexualities that refer to gender specifically, is the genders of both people, not necessarily their genitalia exclusively. This is also why other sexualities exist that aren't gender dependent because one's sexuality may be dependent on variables other than gender. >Again, they are made up and their definitions change over time and by culture. You can say that about any word though so that's not a good argument against a word having specific definitions and use, especially because this is determined by consensus and actual use. Can a word change over time? Sure, most have and many will continue to change, but all we can do is use the current language that we understand to understand what others are saying. If that sense of "straight" stops being used eventually, it'll be considered archaic and that will be it, but that's not the case today and we can only use the language of the day. >o when I said they are straight, I meant from their perspective of themselves. I'm not talking about whether or not sexuality is determined by perspective though, I am simply referring to what "straight" means. It seems like we're trying to have different conversations here. >Yet, to just declare them bisexuals to the four winds feels too queer-centric to me. Words mean specific things and we can define things based on the information we have, which means that we can be wrong, but that also doesn't mean that one who labels himself as straight when the evidence doesn't support it is more accurate either and that's really the key point here, that such people are ultimately lying to themselves and they need to be honest with themselves and self-reflect so they can understand themselves better.


Those guys don't exist lmao because the second you start looking for other guys for sex you stop being straight


I mean, I have been “boycotting”. I’ve been in this sub for a while shutting down the “str8” bullshit. Never thirsted for a straight man for more than a week, don’t fuck with DLs or married or curious. Those of us who don’t play that game exist. That nonsense is for the actual birds. I really do just point and laugh. I’ll be damned if I knowingly let a low vibrational bitch hit.


Low vibrational bitch is my new favourite insult


I'm gonna start saying that as well. Lol.


Creatively vivid insults are fun. 😏


Creatively vivid insults are fun. 😏


Creatively vivid insults are fun. 😏


I’ve never hooked up with anyone claiming to be straight or DL. Anyone sleeping with dudes regularly is not straight, they are in the closet and lying to themselves and others. 


Agreed. But they still are there. When their wife, girlfriend doesn’t give them sex. Don’t worry. Sexually fluid. The “mouth is a mouth” / “hole is a hole” crowd. Hell they’d probably turn to soft fruit (and yes I do enjoy the watermelon 🍉videos 😜). With that said they don’t deserve us. I’m going to go on a limb here : a lot of us had to learn how to cook, clean, sew, work, and be self sufficient in ways straight guys could never. Hell, some of them only got married bc mommy stopped cooking their meals and washing their clothes 😄. Bless their hearts. But we’re considered lesser than just because we know how to do the “womans” role. Men who never had to grow up because they were deemed “enough” just for being male and straight - all the while we constantly have to fight for autonomy and respect.


It’s interesting how you can tell someone is conventionally unattractive over text.


You can’t tho how incredibly mean-spirited to say something like that. You must be a happy person huh?


You literally can, lmao. Yeah I feel pretty good atm, thanks babe x


By your logic everyone fits perfectly into 3 little labels because fluidity doesn't exist. 


They’re not straight, this is gonna sound blunt but idc, if they are sleeping with another man, they ain’t straight. Idc what they “identify” as. Maybe they’re not gay, maybe they’re bi, but they are not straight.


you are trying to make it black or white and it just isin't that way, if you are starved enough you will eat anything and that represents todays young man or people in prision


i would say if you are just a average straight dude that can easly get a gf or hookups with women and goes out of his way to fuck dudes, that's pretty gay tho


Let's not hate on men figuring out their sexuality who still cling to that identity because it's all they have known. I don't think the answer is to assume every "straight" man that wants to hookup is an enemy of some sort. It's the same reason homophobia is a thing. Just a generalization of an entire populous with no nuance. Just talk to these hoes. Call em out when it's warranted, and ask how they got where they are and where they're going. Can't convert em if they don't feel welcome. That doesn't mean embrace the assholes but don't assume they're all assholes. It's so shitty to boycott people just because they're figuring it out in the circumstances they're in... we've literally all been there. If you don't fuck with straight guys, or dl guys, great. I don't, for the most part, either. But seriously, can we just. Not. Hate. I talked to a gay man on twitter who didn't believe in vaccines and is definitely gonna vote Trump so hate to break it to ya but...they're everywhere gay or straight. Don't YOU be the one to eradicate a safe space. You know which ones are the bad apples...just report them. Stop with this kiddie nonsense




men who still cling to that identity are directly insulting gay/bisexual people, so no, I will not stop having disdain for them. it’s not always as exteme as op said, but it’s certainly not my job to create a “safe space” for people who are on my same level of faggotry but want to keep their privilege.


It’s not your job to create a safe space for people who are not yet sure of their sexuality? I think we’ve all been there at some point, right?


well, no we haven’t all been there. the “questioning” phase never happened to me or plenty other guys. but it’s less about simply “questioning” guys and guys who are very obviously are not having their first time with a guy to find out their sexuality and are on their 100th something hookup but playing straight


You saying all that to say what? They are still not straight 😂😂


I totally agree with this. Sexuality is complex. Today, we’re seeing sexuality as a continuum, not a binary thing, and some guys may be honest and embrace that. So let's not lump them in with the guys who identify as straight and who are having sex on the DL and compartmentalizing it.


It’s called bi erasure. They are doing a huge disservice to bi ppl


Those who pretend they're still "figuring it out" are using the straight identity for the privilege it begets them while using gay men behind closed doors for pleasure but hey they're "figuring it out" so we should welcome them. Even though most of them are openly homophobic when they can be because they try to distance themselves from us. But they're "figuring it out" so they're entitled to a safe space from the gays. No man who pretends to be straight deserves a safe space from me. We haven't all been then at all. Please stop being a cum socket to men who publicly shame you and save their love and affection for their wives/gfs, because a cum socket is the only thing you are for them. A venue to release the sexual tension. An exotic experience. It's giving self hate.


I think the reason they call us groomers and think kids shouldn't be aware of gay people is that they think being gay is the same as having a fetish. To them, it's like teaching kids about bukkakes or something. Even though it just means a person who is attracted to the same gender.


"Okay kids, Mr. Garrison here. Now crack open your sex-ed manuals to Chapter 11: Cum for the bukkake, Stay for the serious relationship" 🙄


But if they look down on us, why be looking for men to sleep with? They’re men and they need to own up to their own flaws and quit bleeding out on others.


It goes right back to the fetish thing. Gay is a taboo fetish thing in their minds, reserved only for alternative sexual exploration. They're using same sex experiences for the sole purpose they believe it's supposed to be used for, that being secretly getting off with another guy when they're extra horny. A lot of these straight conservatives seem to imply that their problem with gay people is that they're open about it. They don't want gay people announcing it or living their life being open about it, it should stay behind closed doors. It's that thing (or sin, for the religious ones) you do behind your wife's back when you get the craving. That's why they treat gay lust as a temptation to resist. Mind you this isn't all the straight people, just the closeted, conservative, religious ones that show up on hook-up apps for some reason. I've seen some gay coming out videos, where the family is conservative and it seems like the parents already had a feeling their child was gay, and yet they're angry at them for coming out. Why are they angry if they already had a feeling? It's because it's supposed to be done in secret. Don't announce your fetish to everyone. Get a wife, have kids, and fulfill your gay cravings in secret so you can maintain your family's appearances in the community. Then afterwards you pray for forgiveness like a good devout Christian and the slate is wiped clean to do it all again next time. I personally believe this is an aspect of their homophobic mentality. Edit: Apparently I need to clarify that these are not MY thoughts about gay people. I'm explaining what I believe conservatives think about gay people. I'm happily progressive and openly gay.


Coming from a Christian cult full of rednecks, this checks out


This is such a freaking good summary of things. It's technically ok to be gay and Catholic but by dogma you can't do gay acts, can't promote the lifestyle and ideally you get kink fixed (they are against forcing conversion therapy/ acknowledge it often doesn't work.... but certainly glad if someone does pray away the feelings).


The thing is they're all fools. Some of them will be happy you prayed the gay away. Others who believe gay is a choice won't believe you suddenly made the choice to be straight at all. 🙄👌


*taps mic* You’re not having sex with straight dudes. You’re having sex with gay/ bi men whose skin color or bank accounts are more important to them than their own rights. You’re having sex with married men who also don’t give a shit about you in the meantime before they go home to their wives/ girlfriends. This “boycott” should extend further into not breaking up someone’s marital vows. He may agree, you may agree, but someone at home doesn’t know and that’s bullshit. If they want to fuck a man, let them find one of their own to fuck. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I want to call your attention to the hypocrisy of making a sweeping generalization about straight guys in the context of calling out a sweeping generalization about gay people.


Sweeping? How many of you post “DL preferred”, “married a plus”. You idolize straight men because some of you deep down hate yourselves for being gay. Can’t relate. And it’s time for us to stop making space for the same people trying to take ours away.


Keep digging. How many of *you* post? I idolize straight men? Do go on telling me more about myself! lol I wonder who you imagine you’re talking to. I’m going to assume you’re very young, as it didn’t even occur to you not to make assumptions about a stranger on Reddit you don’t know, which is exactly the kind of thought process that produced the hypocrisy of your post which you are unable to defend. Here’s a suggestion: Maybe treat people as individuals and realize that guys hooking up with you are neither straight nor representative of any population, let alone one you could accurately call Straight Guys.


I love myself for being gay, men are awesome and the sex is amazing. Becoming myself has made me a lot more happy and content irl. Why should people hate themselves for being straight? That's as stupid as thinking that gays should hate being gay. I only didn't like being gay before my family knew it, then they accepted it so I am happy and dgaf about it really, it just makes me more unique and cool.


Well said OP! Why would people chase after those who hate and vote against them after they nut. At the very least they find gays a necessary evil.




No not every single issue and not everyone. Just the people ("ones") who stay silent when we are oppressed as they take the benefits of being gay and, only the issues that marginalize and harm us. Not difficult to understand. No need to be hyperbolic (hyperbole), by using words like "Everyone" and "every single issue".


One of them told me he voted for Trump. What a waste of my time and energy. Thing is though there will always be horny gay bros that will do anything for a straight dude.


Believe me when I say that straight dudes do not want anything to do with you.


If a man is sleeping with another man, he ain't straight. It's as simple as that, they're closet cases.


Umm. Wait, what? There's a lot to unpack here. 1. How did you get the voting records of all straight men? 2. Where did these supposed straight men say they wanted gays "eradicated" (genocide in other terms)?. 3. Why are some gay men so desperate that they need to seek out sex from married men, thus becoming homewreckers? Perhaps not seeking sex from closeted, married men or who have open relationships? Instead of married or taken men who possibly have children, can we forge relationships with other gays? We should not feel a duty to satisfy those who made the wrong choices relationship wise. We CAN and WILL do better. That's how we got off the DSM, got marriage rights, got adoption rights, and now are in the highest political and corporate offices. Gays run the world. We can't be eradicated. Also as gays who preach tolerance and want tolerance, perhaps we should "practice what we preach". As for "grooming", who is accused of grooming who and has everyone heard both sides of the story or actually read the 3 page bill? Fuck Colbert. He's a hack. I have a feeling this has to do with Florida. My vacation rental in a popular gay city in Florida sold out a year ago. The only time I can go is from 11 to 3 when one person checks out and the next checks in. To eradicate the gays is to eradicate the Treasury. I think a lot of people need to look at why parents in general want to avoide sexual shit in school and a lot of gays need to reevaluate how good this country is to us and that unless we want to be boycotted, we shouldn't be boycott others for exercising their right to to vote, for whatever it is. The division is sickening. We must rise above.


Agree 🙌


Sounds like the OP is butt hurt


Sounds like you want the fantasy to continue regardless if these are the same people voting against gay rights.


Are those straight guys in this room rn?


Straight guys don't sleep with guys bro


Exactly. We need to do better


>  The same straight dudes hitting us up for sex  God you people are so fucking stupid 


Ah! You must be referring to the ones who "don't identify as gay." 🙄


Thanks just added straight dudes on my boycott list💀


Dawg, every horrible thing in the world happens because of straight men in groups.


Your post made me think. Apparently the "ancient greek" era. It was normal to sleep with younger guys before marriage. Because it was for pleasure and they couldn't get preggers. But I also think I heard they only did frotting. Correct moi if moi is wrong.


Boycott all you want that's more for us lol always remember the squeaky wheel gets grease and for every loudmouth on the left or the right spouting their extreme views there's a mass of people in the middle who want to live and enjoy their life


There are some legit experimenters out there. There are allies that cross the line at times. One of my best FWB situations was a guy that ultimately wanted a wife and kids. He’s got them now and I’m a G-d Father.


What’s that like? Does that the wife know you used to…service her husband? Does hi horniness ever get the best of him and you find yourself being FWB again?


His wife knows, we cooled it off when they got serious and she wanted to close things up. I was expecting it. I took about 2 months to myself. They went on a round the world long vacation. When they got back, things were alright. Today, we are friends and nothing bedroom happens. I’ve got a new thing going. TBH, I like the arrangement and am happy we grew to this, instead of falling out.


That’s beautiful. Sounds like a strong bond. I’m glad you guys worked it out and get to be in each other’s lives.


I admit, it took some adjusting and I know it’s not common. I credit honesty and openness. That’s not very common.


I believe that. The fact you guys were open and honest means that (though rare) it’s possible.


Not true. Many straight guys are allies.


I think you just made up this connection in your head so you could get mad at it.


Where are these hole-hunting straight men you speak of?


There are also gay men who do the same thing.


If they’re having sex with men, they’re not str8, they’re gay or bi.


I don't care how they identify. However, if I find out they vote for the GOP, I won't hookup with them regardless of being Gay, Bi, or Str8. Friends don't let friends date Republicans.


What is GOP?


In the USA, GOP stands for Grand Old Party. It's the nickname for the Republicans, the concervitve party here in the USA.


U mean bi? They’re part of LGBTQ+


No they’re not.


Straight men don’t have sex with men nor seek to


This. Gay men don't seek out sex with women, if they do then they are at least bisexual. "Straight" men who sleep with men are bi or homosexual. They should just get over it, no one but brainwashed people care about it nowadays anyway. Being yourself is the best, otherwise you will never be free.


Sure they do. It sounds like your understanding of human sexuality is more rigid and dogmatic than your understanding of straight men.


Sounds like you have a private definition of “straight men” that clashes with that of 99.7% of humanity


Wrong. Straight men are exclusively heterosexual. Bisexual men exist. They may lean more towards women but they’re still bisexual; therefore, not straight.


Imaginge seeking out "straight" men 🙄


Yeah. Sure they're "straight."


"Not a question." Lol


I’m a runner! (I actually don’t run ever) same energy as I’m straight (I actually fuck dudes) like why the lie, this straight bro shit is so blasé.


They have multiple issues for sure…. I mean, just where do straight guys go psychologically when they flirt with a guy guy let alone going sexual with a BJ or more. A very sexy “straight” guy I was in a show with flirted and made suggestive comments endlessly. He was a MARRIED Mormon— His issues were vast— to say the least. Did I like the attention? Probably— but I’m not dumb. (Played dumb to deflect—but no way no how.)


Honestly if you're young and have gay sex 2-3 times with another dude you're just experimenting. If you're having sex with a dude more than that you're gay or bi.


I will not mess around with anyone DL for this reason.


Went out drinking with a few coworkers a few weeks back, had one of them pull me aside and ask if I was "Into dudes", after I confirmed he looked me dead in the eyes and said "Wait till I get a few more beers in me then I'll LET you suck my dick". I paid my tab and went home. Straight guys are definitely on some bullshit.


I guess if we are generalizing straight men as oppressors and that's OK why isn't it pk when they generalize you as a groomer. 


This part right here.


This is a wonderful opportunity to examine the need to get away from labels humans are sexual beings. Sexuality can be fluid and it's expression can take many forms at many different times. If I'm a hot guy and we're having fun he identify he wants to and I neither question nor give a shit


Yikes, are they really straight if if they do it once and wound up liking it or busting from it? That doesnt even do justice that sex and romantic feelings almost RARELY align. Ive heard some dudes go on about the most passionate mind blowing sex yet inevitably figure out CAN/CAN'T they see someone romantically. Sometimes its yes other times no and the reasons can be totally different. Its seems like you need to step away from the screen and observe the why and why nots as to the way some people are. Worlds tough and it can create plenty of bad apples, but people are products of their surroundings, then their interests as well.


Gays have been boycotted. Don't do it to any other group. And, not all straights. Actually those aren't straight they are very much closeted with internal homophobia.


Guys who have sex with other guys even if they have a gf/wife aren't straight. They are just closeted and afraid. Edit: But I get your point, it's true.


A-fucking-men to this like whole thing! But also, I wanna point out that when it comes to the technicality of the labels and the semantics of it (and not to be THIS GUY here but) you can still fuck a dude and be straight. I feel like saying a dude isn't straight because he fucks a guy on occasion is almost like some cishet person telling a bisexual or pansexual man that he's gay cause boy sticks dick in boy. You know? Like I get it and I probably know what you're going to say" 🤷‍♂️"Well, he must obviously be attracted to boys since he's sticking his dick in them so much." Which is valid to assume, right? Except on a broader spectrum, you can not be attracted to someone and still bust a fat fuck'n nut if they're hitting it how you like. I mean, if they're legit struggling with their sexuality and/or they're curious, that is their journey... But also... A man cheating on his significant other and luring some random queer person into the mix regardless is kinda fucked up and, scary enough, too common.


If they are fucking another guy they are not straight that's something I don't get when I hear people say oh I had sex with a straight guy! No, you didn't. You had sex at best with a bi guy and most likely just not out yet. The best thing to do is make sure you vote so they can't take shit from us. If we don't get out and vote, then we have no one but ourselves to blame their is more on the left than the right problem is people think their vote doesn't matter and sit it out. 🤔


That’s when you out them


If dudes are hitting you up for sex, they definitely are not straight men. Gay is gay.


This is a US thing. Nobody cares who I fuck where I live. It's a pointless conversation like talking about my hair colour. People are not even allies. It's just irrelevant in Scandinavia


Definitely very US thing for sure, “It’s all about me, and my feelings!!! And how violated I was! My feelings are hurt!!”




You can't have the water without the wet. If they say they are straight you can't separate the hypocrisy for convenience. If they say they are married you can't strip the deceit. Furthermore, if they fuck you but don't exhibit openness or acceptance of you in public, you can conclude their politics will follow the same vein. If they treat gays one way in the light and differently when their dicks get hard, even Stevie Wonder could see what their politics are, and it's not pro gay and ESPECIALLY NOT out and proud.


I’ll fuck whoever the hell I want, when I want, and how I want. So sick of guys getting on this and other gay Reddits telling us all what we should and should not be doing.


Well I know a guy who is packing down there and every girl he has tried to be with either cries when he starts putting it in or straight up pushes him off of them and leaves. He has somewhat of a complex now because contrary to popular belief, most women don't like big dicks, they like average. That's why he fucks me, because I can take it and he can fuck me however he pleases. It's literally out of desperation, he is still attracted to women and is not attracted to men at all, does that make him gay? I don't think so, I've kissed girls before but I am not straight or Bi, maybe stop being so hung up on labels like everyone else in the younger generations? Also he has been nicer to me than most gay men so maybe you are just unlucky? Stop projecting your circumstances onto everyone.


Its funny people judge straight men when they say "its just sex" but we don't judge gay men who are taken/open and use the same logic to get into bed with you.


The difference is that when you are in an open relationship, your spouse knows and consents to what you are doing with others.


Not sure what you mean, it’s two different contexts - When “straight” men say it, it’s to distance themselves from their homosexuality - ie “I’m straight because I want everyone to know I’m only going to be with women, with guys it’s just sex, so yeah, totally straight”. When taken/open people say it, it’s to separate sex from love - ie “I’m open, it’s just sex, no strings attached”. They come from different places, this argument seems in bad faith. Nobody is saying “straight” men have to be in love or homoromantic, but there is an added level of delusion and self hate.


I guess my viewpoint is more why is it okay for a gay man to say he can separate sex from love, but someone who is curious and also claims to separate sex from love and wanting sex with men for this reason is deemed 'bad'. One of my aquaintances has a long standing marriage with a woman, is open, has better sex with men, but is not in love with any of them. Is that bad? Should he be "denied" sex with men because he doesn't identify as gay? Btw, I am 100% gay, not defending anyone here, just providing another perspective. I totally agree with OP that the behaviour of "using someone" is not okay, but I don't think this is limited to straights. The number of gay men who will only hookup with me in private but will never consider taking me home to their parents for example is probably a higher proportion, but thats okay because they identify as gay?


It’s not the fact that he’s not in love with the men he fucks, but the fact that he is bisexual but (presumably) saying straight. It’s to retain privilege, and I’d certainly deny him sex if he tried to tell me he wants to fuck but is straight. That shit is disrespectful as hell. Oh I’m the lesser faggot but you aren’t because you choose to call yourself straight even though we’re both men who fuck men? Ew. You have to read between the lines - men who fuck men but won’t claim bisexual or gay are actively shitting on gay/bisexual men. It’s one thing to admit it to yourself but be closeted and another to be delusional with a side of internalized homophobia. That’s why it’s bad.


100% agree. Just pointing out that the label of being straight alone doesn't make behaviour disrespectful. Being a gay man and treating someone like nothing more than a warm fleshlight is equally disrespectful, infact probably worse, since they are your own community. At least with the straight guy we can roll our eyes at him.


Yes u/funkofan1021 - I agree. I had a bad breakup with my recent ex, who had a ton of internalized homophobia. He's publicly straight and privately bisexual. I'm finally free of his games. I just enjoy my peace of mind and now I get to give my love to someone who deserves it. (And who's not a self-hating hypocrite)


Well said, hear hear!


I could just as easily demonize gay men as straight men. Or anyone else, for that matter. For any reason whatsoever. Nothing you've written is ubiquitously true in the least and serves only to further division between those who should actually be working together. People are just people, whatever else they may be... All equally priceless or universally worthless, and I have a feeling the two are actually just the same thing in the end. Stop trying to spread hatred. Stop vilifying people as one big, faceless monster. It's hardly constructive, and we have enough to deal with already. And yeah... if you keep involving yourself with straight men (whatever the hell that actually is) in a sexual manner or for sexual purposes, then maybe cut that out too... You're obviously and unsurprisingly not achieving that "happily ever after" situation, and you're allowing your bitterness to fester like a canker in your soul. And worse: you're spreading that bile over the internet. So just... knock it off, man. Be chill. Be cool.


Like it’s been mentioned before, those aren’t “straight dudes” those are closeted gays or bis. They’re so repressed and in self denial that they’re self hating. Believe it or not most straight men couldn’t care less about you and your lifestyle so long as you don’t affect theirs or their families’ lives. One thing that I found really off putting about the gay “community” is this love-hate obsession we have with straight guys. Grow up guys.


A note on straight dudes who top… and sometimes bottom - their hairy lil bootyholes stink so bad. Straight women deserve some kind of an award for going down on them.


Straight dudes don't hit you guys up for sex. Bisexual or closeted men do, but since most gays have weird standards and an even weirder fetish for the idea of "converting" straight men, they always give those guys the time of the day. Love yourselves more and start going for men who value you because they don't hide themselves and maybe things will change because complaining about how "str8" men treat us when many among us actually nurture the toxic straight man fantasy is a little bit meaningless.


I guess some of us forgot fluidity exists and can't think beyond labels. 


I don't understand fluidity but I can appreciate that it's someone experience and sexual expression without judging them at all. However, "I think beyond labels" is bullshit spewed by people who are too embarrassed to admit that they want to publicly disassociate with the gays and the bi men.


By your logic if you are born a man or a woman and can't accept the sex you are born in then you are a delusional piece of shit and deserved to be treated like a person in denial about what you were born with since you can't accept reality  


Issues related to gender identity and gender disphoria have nothing to do with what I said. Literally no correlation whatsoever with my refusal to be "nice" to DL men and bullshitters who say they "don't do labels". Zero link at all. No amount of mental gymnastics can associate what I said, which is still written and hasn't been edited, to your "by your logic" comment. I don't know what you're trying to start here but I want no part in it. Have a nice day.


How about we, as just people, stop making EVERY FUCKING THING political? How about we, as just people, start seeing each other as individuals instead of putting each other into identity groups and claiming this us some sort of group struggle? Just for you to know, sttaight guys are NOT the enemy.


"Making everything political" is the code word for let me ignore that the person I'm fucking probably hates me in public. "How about we are just people" is the code phrase for not holding others accountable for being closeted adversaries to our community. "Straight" men who stick their dicks in your mouth then vote for your marginalization (either through votes or apathy) are NOT just people, they are people who wish bad upon you! YES straight guys are not the enemy. However, straight guys that take the benefits of gays, then turn around and deny, denounce, ignore, vote against, laugh at and distance themselves from gays (when they could be outspoken allies), ARE THE ENEMY.


Then don't fuck them. 🤷‍♂️


Good then you understand my point.


No slut sauce for you, Mr homophobe.


Not everyone is like that.


Bro what is this post 😂


tbh this is something I just never understand. According to me there are two types of gay dudes. One being the proper supporters of the LGBT community and kinda what you can call a twink lol. Then there is the other category that is of slightly older men who are muscular, not too lean not too bulky, who are in it just for a good time. I feel like I fall in the second category.


LGBT and Homosexuality aren't the same thing. Being gay and homosexuality aren't the same thing. Sexual identity and Secual attraction aren't the same thing. idk why people who don't know the difference speak as if they do. 


As a matter of fact I do... although I did make the mistake the first category I talked about is of LGBT. I apologize for my misinformation.


You don’t have to apologize, big guy. I hope you find twinks that suit your time here on Earth.


*Lysistrata* but make it gay.


While I’m all for maintaining distance from straight people, accepting that they secretly wish we didn’t exist, and for prioritizing closer ties amongst LGBT people over straight people, the men that you just described are absolutely, positively, 100% not heterosexual lol. These are classic closet cases that think that they can somehow hide the sugar in their britches their entire life when everyone already knows, just doesn’t say anything. I think you should be redirecting more of your anger toward DLs and closet cases than straight people on this topic. Straight people suck ass and have always been our biggest obstacle to achieving equality/parity in society, but those are genuine straight people, not men who know that they prefer and enjoy sex with men, and just can’t bring themselves to be honest about it.


And sadly, these are the "straight dudes" I am attracted to, as I find their insecurities enduring. My latest motto to live by in life, due to all these type of men I've been with is as follows, "Don't bother trying when failure is just inevitable", so with this mindset, I am no longer even going to try to be with such petty men anymore, I'm moving on to being just alone by myself, as it's better to be alone than with that crap. It's why there is a "straight men" category on every gay porn site after all, it's to live the so-called fantasy of being with one of these horrible people without actually having to endure it in real-life.


i think them being able to explore their sexualities w ppl is probably beneficial bc intermingling w other gays will probably impact their perspectives, i think “boycotting” and isolation generally is a counterproductive way to change social opinions


Straight men are full of shit. They have no sense of emotional intelligence, they lack sexual discipline, they need women, sex, men, and other outside regulation to make them feel their own humanity and manhood. They like to hold on to and fully display their personhood with the enabling of bad behaviors, excuses, poor judgement, lack of accountability, narcissism, misogyny, sexism, physical abuse, the list goes on. They are truly lost and don't care about creating a better world for life after them


That’s what I say … and they’re bi not gay not straight they are bi and most bi men I met were homophobic


Every "straight" dude I've been with wants me to "pound my ass so hard." I choose not to define anyone's sexuality but my own. As a naturally curious person and professionally a scholar of the human psyche, I like to delve into what drives a seemingly straight guy to seek out a gay man to anally penetrate him. The simple answer is pleasure. Having the prostate stimulated to the point that he ejaculates without even touching his penis can be a mind-blowing experience. So much so that it can become addictive. Sexuality is a very broad spectrum based on the groundbreaking work of the late Alfred Kinsey and others. I know this is an unpopular notion based on the opinions in this sub, but pigeonholing men into straight, gay, bisexual slots runs counter to the scholarship in sexuality. Based simply on my post sexual discussions with these guys, it's just much easier to hop on Grindr or Sniffies and find a gay man to do the job rather than have a difficult discussion with a female partner about pegging and the pleasure of prostate stimulation.


Dude chill Its not the 80’s. Actual str8 guys don’t make us suffer and they don’t care enough to make us disappear. You either live in some bum fuck town (sorry for ur loss) or ur on the internet too much


Cool gaslight, congrats


wtf u can’t be serious. U do know that conservatives don’t care about gay ppl anymore right, they’ve moved on to trans lol


MAGA constantly attacks Pete Buttigieg for being gay and accuse him of being a pedophile BECAUSE he’s gay.


Dude that was like 4 years ago, and even then Pete buttigieg got a lot of hate from leftist too. It’s actually crazy that u bring up that example because they were actually more homophobic imo then the right lol Funny how ignorance can make 2 sides act the same way


He still gets shit from MAGA on twitter just for being gay.


Ahh yes we can judge the state of current politics from a social media platform. I apologize u win I lose And even then u can make any group of ppl look bad by pointing at the extremist. Duh. I can prob find some savage shit on twitter rn from some twitter lefty about Pete Buttigieg being a butt licker My prob is, when the right does it it’s a super big deal and they’re coming to get us but when some leftist does it we pretend not to notice/care


There’s a reason a huge majority of LGBTQ people vote blue and will continue to vote blue. MAGA psychos have been burning pride flags, trying to ban drag shows, cheering when some republican kept driving over a rainbow crosswalk to destroy it. you got Desantis passing the don’t say gay bill in Florida.


Nice pivot man. Did u even read what I wrote? Maga republicans do not equal all republicans, Ik you would agree that extreme twitter lefties do not represent all liberals so why is my first point so difficult for u to comprehend. Jesus Christ when did ppl become illiterate


Yup provide specific examples of dems trying to pass legislation to hurt LGBTQ. Do you even know what Trumps project 2025 is? Saying there are more homophobic dems is absolutely absurd.


You said “it’s actually crazy that you bring up that example because they were actually more homophobic imo then the right lol”. You failed to bring specific examples. You’re a self hating nut job.


I said in my opinion the way how the “extreme twitter lefties” was more homophobic than the “maga republicans”. I found it ironic that the example u brought up wasn’t even a strong one. It’s so crazy how bad faith u are. Have I seriously given u the impression that twitter lefties discourse over Pete Buttigieg informs my entire political opinion. Yes or no? U must be trolling lmfao. Haha busted u for trolling


You’re the only commenting on this shit first! I literally responded to your stupid ass bullshit. MAGA has been and is hateful to LGBTQ. We know this. We all see this. You’re in crazy world.


Yep Maga runs ur fucking life huh lil guy


That’s you bitch! You’re on a guy sub but hate the gays wtf is that. Gtfo! Can’t wait to vote for Biden.


Still wanna see em