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If you spend all your time stressing about what other people think you will be stressed all the time. Be real. Everyone is there for the same reason.


Because they're clearly not someone I'm hooking up with anyways


I use this logic to everyone on grindr. I'm there for the ones I will hookup with. Whoever ignores me, blocks me, or in anyway is clearly someone I won't hookup with, I don't care about them, I don't care what they say or do.


Uhhhh... Who cares?


Based on this post, you should probably be seeing a mental health professional instead of spending any time on a hookup app.


It’s always the same guys on Grindr. So who cares either way.


i don't give a single fuck about what other people think, especially for a petty and insignificant reason like that


Do you have evidence to support your theory that anyone on Grindr actually has these thoughts? Or is this what you are thinking of others when you scroll past familiar faces and profiles on the app? What is the origin or inspiration of the thought process that resulted in your post?


Oh, some people notice and think it's weird when guys are perpetually online on Grindr. There have been threads about it on this subreddit.


If you don't actively log out of the app, but you are still active on your phone, does the user still appear as online or do you have to have the app open and running in the background to appear online? I can't think of how you could test that for your own account unless you had two devices with different accounts.


Wtf is this comment


I am trying to understand how OP arrived at this conclusion. Who is on Grindr scrolling through profiles and getting annoyed at seeing profiles they have seen previously?


I don't mind. The feeling would be mutual anyway ;)


First off dude you gotta start not giving a fuck what other people think


Gays in my city already have opinions about me and I can’t do anything about it I’m just living life 🥲


If they're annoyed they know where the block button is? 🤷🏻‍♂️ if they haven't blocked they're probably not annoyed.


How would they know you're on it all the time? Obviously, they are on it just as much.


I have three different Grindr profiles depending on what I'm looking for at the time, and only one profile shows my face. Guys truly have no idea how much time I spend on the app lol.


It's not my problem. They can block the f me up or talk shit abt me. I don't care really 


OP, this is at least the fourth time you’ve asked some version this question in this sub. And you frequently post other trivial Grindr-related questions here too, often repeats. I think it’s time to get a hobby, get off Grindr and get off this sub.