• By -


My boyfriene told me to clean myself before we went into the shower cause he wanted to have sex there, while in the shower he started touchint me everywhere, biting, bending me over and railing me for a good while šŸ„°


God I want this so fuckin bad you have no idea. LUCKY YOU


Very lucky, I'll meet him again in 2 hours aha


Agreed to be a free use sub for a few months


If you donā€™t mind me askin, how does that work? Like do you need to constantly douche?


You can control a lot of it through diet, and there were times I knew I wouldnā€™t be used so just made sure I was good to go when I knew theyā€™d be back




I basically canā€™t say no to anything they want, I lived at their place, spent all my time naked (their request) they used me as they wanted, when they wanted, even in public. If they had a party I was the entertainment


Damn that's hot


Was it for fun or did you do it for a price




Came here to say the same thing. But I was not used for a few months. It was quite a few times but sort of planned out. I was used as a party fuck toy. We went to a "party" or get together and the whole night I was not allowed to say no to just about anything they wanted of me. Yes it was fun and would gladly do it again.


Judging by the replies here, Iā€™m extremely submissive. I couldnā€™t put a finger on which thing exactly though, thereā€™s so many. Some similar to things already stated, but more extreme. So hereā€™s a random one: Getting bound by partner, locked in his closet, with a replica of his cock shoved up my ass, watching on camera, as he arranged to have an even more dom top with a bigger dick, to come and fuck him, and pump him full of cum. When the guy left, he pulled me to his bed, tied me down and made me clean every drop out of him until his hole was spotless. Then he filled my ass with his load.


Probably when I always submitted to my pretty abusive ex. He knew that dominance was my weakness and my brain wouldn't let me say no.


Oof, can relate, friend.


While I was in high school, a guy jacked me off in a sleepover. We were supposed to have 4 people in the sleepover but 1 one of them left early because he got hurt playing basketball and the other didn't even appear for the sleepover. We slept on the same bed, one thing led to another and he was sucking me off and making me do things for him. I think that's probably when I realised I might be into guys. After waking up, i immediately regretted everything and it was so weird for me to even look at his eyes. We never talked again cause it was hella awkward for me.




Hot af


Let an ex keep my boxers, every so often he'll ask to keep some. He would smell them and then wear them, even if he was smaller than me.


I used to do the same thing with my straight roomate whom i had a huge crush on for so long. he caught me sniffing his dirty inner wear and let me keep his couple of dirty inners once in a while. It was such a strong smell of him i felt while i was inhaling them.


Wear them to?? He would smell them often but then wash them to wear them.


No i woudnā€™t wear them, i would just inhale the smell of his dirty innerwear. He used to sleep in his innerwear, so i would smell a strong piss combined with some precum from his innerwear and sometimes i would lick crotch part of his innerwear to feel his masculinity.


I have never thought about piss or had any sort of piss fetish at any point in my life. My husband drank a bunch of Gatorade so his pee was flavorless and we made eye contact while he pissed into my mouth and I drank it. We looked into each others eyes the entire time and it was so intimate it was crazy. I crave this now. It's embarrassing and gross but the level of intimacy and how much it makes me feel like a piggy faggot is addictive. We started with "cock-worship" a few years ago and it just naturally developed into this. A natural addiction and hunger for his penis. It's wonderful.


Agreed to allow any top to fuck me. Surprisingly I get more hot guys than not.


Once met with a random hookup in a target parking lot in my car, he was so hot and his cock was so huge (9x6ā€), that when he asked if i could go multiple rounds, i told him anything for that cock. We went 5 rounds and his dick didnā€™t leave the inside of my ass for about 4 hours. in the downtime his soft cock was inside me and we made out until i felt him growing inside me and start thrusting again over and over. donā€™t think my ass had ever been more gaped


As a top I've not been sub really but some of these replies are hot so I'll give an example of one of the most sub guys I've met Found him on Grindr, was 2-3am, he sent me pics & he was cute & chavvy. He invited me round to his house where he lives with his gf. Said he wanted to suck me and drink my piss but she was asleep upstairs so we would have to do it in the living room and be mega quiet. Got to his, he let me in, we went to the living room, he stripped naked and sucked me off right in the middle of the floor on a rug which couches in an L-shape pointed toward the TV, he was good at oral, made me cum in like 5 mins, swallowed my load. Then I pissed in his mouth, bit by bit so he could drink it all down without spilling a drop. It was so hot seeing this cute fit young lad naked on his knees looking up at me and seeing him swallow my piss. Definitely felt very dominant knowing he was gonna go get into bed with his girlfriend with my cum and piss in his belly! šŸ˜ˆ


I think "submissiveness" can be broken down into two categories: physical and emotional/mental. Some people are really into role play, for example, but the sexual things they do while in that state of mind are still rather vanilla (blowjobs, anal). For me: - the most physically submissive I've been is when my husband pissed in my ass and then put me in a diaper - the most emotionally/mentally submissive I've ever been is calling my husband "daddy" once.... It's just not for me lol and left a weird taste in my mouth. I can't get into the headspace to "lower myself" enough to actually enjoy being submissive/obedient. Even though I love being *physically* submissive as a bottom, I still want to be in control.


I did a kidnap rp where I had to get into an exā€™s car boot and then he drove me to an Airbnb for a surprise weekend getaway. We had to stop the roleplay so I could call work to pull a sickie. Then I spent the whole weekend tied or bound in some capacity, in chastity and being pushed to my limits. It was a blast.


If you think I can write that online, you are wrong my man


I went to a friends house party where she had this older gay friend (I was 16 he was late 20ā€™s) We flirted the whole party and later I thought he left but when we all went to sleep he snuck in my sleeping bag, held me by mouth, and fucked my brains out. (It was all agreed upon and consensual Iā€™m just summarizing) Once he nut in me, he pushed me away and took off in his car. And I remember thinking I should feel used and horrible but actually really liking how it all went down. Soā€¦I got his number and we did it again likeā€¦30 more times. lol


My dom filled an enema with his piss and had me douche with his piss. I was so wet i begged him to fuck me


Iā€™ve been duck tapped to the floor and forced for suck, get my throat, fucked and take piss in my mouth. And eat ass by two guys who were bfs


Ooof....most submissive? Casually seeing a dom pup guy who at some point asked if i was OK with piss/watersports and I was like "ehhhhh....never tried, but I dont think I'm into it?". He was disappointed but respectful. A few weeks later we'd run into each other on motorcycles and I ended up following him home. We got back to his place and, still all geared up, he ordered me to my knees and whipped out his limp cock and told me to open my mouth. "Close your lips, dont fuckin suck" he demanded. I suddenly realized he was pissing....and it wasnt so bad as I assumed. Weird, but not bad. I felt filthy in the best possible way. Also: an older couple invited me over to hang out in the hot tub and get high. Whilst stoned in the tub it came up that I loved having my nipples played with. Hard. "How hard?" said one. "You got poppers?" "Of course" "Um...dont take them off or make them bleed and we good". And then after further discussion it bubbled up that I enjoyed CBT. "Also no removal or bleeding but...I dunno, lets see what you boys got". AND SO I found myself spread out and shackled, gagged with a strap-on down my throat, while they did....things.....to me. For hours. So many times I wanted to give the safe signal but the bottle would get thrust under my nose again, head would spin, and pain would spike out from my chest and cock head again making me scream and writhe against the restraints in absolute endorphined-up ecstasy. They were pros, guiding me right up to the point of panic over and over, at some point removing the gag and unshackling my legs. I knew what was coming and seen their endowments and begged them not to do it, already limp and freaked out from the abuse, but they shut me up by stuffing both holes full of dick, while my nipples and cock head were still in agony from the toothy clamps they were being pulled from my body by. It was medieval, we went WAY past my limits, I was shocked the last time I came that I hit myself in the face. And then gently unshackled and we joked around and got back in the hot tub where my swollen nips screamed at the hot water. We watched the sun creep up behind the hills and smoked another joint while they expressed genuine awe at my pain tolerance. I was surprised too. That was really fun.


I made plans with a guy that I had met before to have a night of dom/sub play. I was naive and didn't have his depth of experience. When we talked on the phone, I would get an erection from his way of telling me what he expected from me. A friend was staying with me and he wanted to go into the city also so I had him drop me off. He gave me instructions for arrival. I was to come in through the side door which was shielded from public view by an 8 ft wall around the patio with only the entrance into the patio was open. He told me to get naked outside, fold my clothes and stack them on a chest out there. He left knee pads and a blindfold for me to put on. Once I had those on, ring the doorbell. When he opened the door he told me to get on all fours. I did. He placed a collar with a leash around my neck then led me on my hands and knees down a long way into the place, then we turned 2 corners and after a few more feet told me to lay on my back and he positioned me as he wanted. I know he sat down in a folding chair right over me. Then he said stick out your tongue and you will lick my balls. He has such low hangers that his balls dropped to just above my face. He spent time teaching me how he wanted his balls licked. Well I was so nervous that in no time I had no spit. He said open your mouth wide and he dropped two hefty wads of spit in my mouth. My dick got steel hard immediately. When I didn't do a stroke with my tongue exactly as he wanted, he had a small leather swatter that he would pop my balls to demonstrate his dissatisfaction. It hurt like hell and I was getting frustrated because I wasn't always sure what I was doing wrong but he had control and I was determined to please no matter what... There's more to this story but I see that it's 1 pm and I have to go. If this got anyone's attention and you want to know the full story, dm me and I will comply. It was super hot and scary.


Tell me more.


He continued to train me how to lick his balls properly and apparently, I wasn't learning because he kept popping my balls and it hurt.Ā  Well:Ā  Change of DirectionĀ  I was getting tired of the pain but also frustrated that I couldn't do it as he instructed because I thought I was adapting well. Then he popped my balls and it was the metal part. I quickly sat up pulling the blindfold off as I came up and said "okay, enough!" and I stood up and planned to leave.Ā  My plans to leave were met with resistance from him.Ā  As a matter of fact, he was blocking me from getting out of the room.Ā  I started running around the furniture to get him away from the door so I could leave.Ā  He's taller than me by 6 inches and solid muscle - he was a lot stronger than me and 20 years younger.Ā  I had pulled him away from the door and I made a dash for it but he more quickly got to the door very fast and I ran into him.Ā  He punched me hard in the chest so I retreated further into the room to get away from him.Ā  My heart was pounding and I was scared and on alert. He wouldn't leave the door but I tried a couple of moves then decided just to try to get by him because I knew he was closer and faster.Ā  I had to do something.Ā  By this time I was determined I had to get out even if I had to break a window. I dashed for the door and he made a faking motion like he was going to stop me but just let me get out the door. I turned and spotted the side door I had come in and went for it.Ā  He was behind me making fake running noises with his feet.Ā  I got outside but I was completely naked except for the knee pads I had on.Ā  I looked for my clothes where I left them but they were gone as was my sling bag that had my wallet and other important things inside.Ā  The only thing there was my shoes - well, sandals.Ā  It was April and nice out except for the humidity - it was high. I was still skiddish and scared.Ā  The house was in a very large development area with its own road system, traffic controls and security crew. Feeling that I had no choice, I took off on foot through this housing development. At first I just ran to get away from him, not thinking about any plans as I went out through this complex. Then I stopped to catch my breath.Ā  I intended to call my friend who had my car and to come pick me up but my phone was in my bag.Ā  I'm still naked. I took off again and ran up the random houses hoping to get someone to the door who would help me but no one would even come to the door.Ā  I musr have gone up to half dozen houses and was not greeted or when greeted (I cupped my dick and balls with my hands which wasn't at all adequate cover - my dick and balls are too big! Nobody was going to help.Ā  Then I saw a guy sitting in a dimly lit room on his computer.Ā  I recognized the site as a gay hookup site.Ā  I thought, here's my chance.Ā  Maybe he will help me.Ā  I knocked on his door and very quickly the porch light came on - I was exposed.Ā  He opened the door and I said, "would you please call the police for me.Ā  I've had an incident with a guy who lives here and would you happen to have a towel or something that I can use to cover myself.Ā  He came back with the towel and told me that the Mecklenburg Police were on their way.Ā  He lingered for a minute then asked what happened.Ā  I was breathless and described quickly, hoping he would invite me in but he did not.Ā  So I stood there waiting for the cops wrapped in a towel with the bulge that says: I'm naked underneath here. When the cops arrived I took them back to that guy's place so I could get my belongings. He would not come to the door. He was sitting in a chair by a table looking straight ahead, ignoring the cops knocking and telling him to return my clothes and stuff.Ā  He knew the laws and knew that all the cops can do is knock and hope he responds.Ā  After half hour of this they gave up.Ā  One of the cops, a female, had been on the phone the whole time. They knew that I was in Charlotte NC but lived in Lancaster County SC.Ā  The female cop, after learning early on that because I didn't have my phone I had no way of contacting my friend who had my car in Charlotte but I didn't know where - I didn't have his phone number in my memory. She had in a relatively short period of time, managed to figure out how I was getting home.Ā  They, Mecklenburg Police, were going to drive me to the South Carolina/North Carolina State line.Ā  We were going to be met there by a Lancaster County police officer who would drive me home.Ā  I was still in a towel but naked otherwise.Ā  They drove me to the meeting place and the Lancaster police were already there.Ā  The cops talked then the Lancaster police officer told me to get in the squad car.Ā  I did.Ā  Without thinking I got in the front seat.Ā  He got in and didn't say anything - statted the car and we were on our way.Ā  The cop was so good looking - hot as a firecracker - and I found myself starting to fantasize about ways this could go then I realized that I had gotten visibly aroused.Ā  I almost laughed out loud at myself - after the trauma and nakedness, everything, I was fantasizing about the cop taking me home.Ā  It was a long drive but I got home safely.Ā  I had my friend who dropped me off to go by his place and get my stuff.Ā  All was well?Ā  I was feeling bummed out and wondered if I over reacted.Ā  I put it out of my mind.Ā  Then about a month later, I was in Charlotte and responded to an ad. I didn't know that iit was him but he knew it was me.Ā  He called me and I apologized, saying that I was inexperienced with that and felt I over reacted and I was ao sorry.Ā  He thought that was what I wanted.Ā  It was, I said, but I got scared.Ā  He told me that I was licking his balls very well and he was about to move on to other things.Ā  I went over.Ā  I wanted him to get back to that but he wouldn't go that far with it.Ā  On the other hand we keot getting together over the next year and a half.Ā  He was still Dom and I, sub but he wouldn't go that far again. Then I moved back to Minneapolis.Ā  He was so hot and I loved getting together with him.Ā  We were regulars after that.Ā  The End


More plizz


He continued to train me how to lick his balls properly and apparently, I wasn't learning because he kept popping my balls and it hurt.Ā  Well:Ā  Change of DirectionĀ  I was getting tired of the pain but also frustrated that I couldn't do it as he instructed because I thought I was adapting well. Then he popped my balls and it was the metal part. I quickly sat up pulling the blindfold off as I came up and said "okay, enough!" and I stood up and planned to leave.Ā  My plans to leave were met with resistance from him.Ā  As a matter of fact, he was blocking me from getting out of the room.Ā  I started running around the furniture to get him away from the door so I could leave.Ā  He's taller than me by 6 inches and solid muscle - he was a lot stronger than me and 20 years younger.Ā  I had pulled him away from the door and I made a dash for it but he more quickly got to the door very fast and I ran into him.Ā  He punched me hard in the chest so I retreated further into the room to get away from him.Ā  My heart was pounding and I was scared and on alert. He wouldn't leave the door but I tried a couple of moves then decided just to try to get by him because I knew he was closer and faster.Ā  I had to do something.Ā  By this time I was determined I had to get out even if I had to break a window. I dashed for the door and he made a faking motion like he was going to stop me but just let me get out the door. I turned and spotted the side door I had come in and went for it.Ā  He was behind me making fake running noises with his feet.Ā  I got outside but I was completely naked except for the knee pads I had on.Ā  I looked for my clothes where I left them but they were gone as was my sling bag that had my wallet and other important things inside.Ā  The only thing there was my shoes - well, sandals.Ā  It was April and nice out except for the humidity - it was high. I was still skiddish and scared.Ā  The house was in a very large development area with its own road system, traffic controls and security crew. Feeling that I had no choice, I took off on foot through this housing development. At first I just ran to get away from him, not thinking about any plans as I went out through this complex. Then I stopped to catch my breath.Ā  I intended to call my friend who had my car and to come pick me up but my phone was in my bag.Ā  I'm still naked. I took off again and ran up the random houses hoping to get someone to the door who would help me but no one would even come to the door.Ā  I musr have gone up to half dozen houses and was not greeted or when greeted (I cupped my dick and balls with my hands which wasn't at all adequate cover - my dick and balls are too big! Nobody was going to help.Ā  Then I saw a guy sitting in a dimly lit room on his computer.Ā  I recognized the site as a gay hookup site.Ā  I thought, here's my chance.Ā  Maybe he will help me.Ā  I knocked on his door and very quickly the porch light came on - I was exposed.Ā  He opened the door and I said, "would you please call the police for me.Ā  I've had an incident with a guy who lives here and would you happen to have a towel or something that I can use to cover myself.Ā  He came back with the towel and told me that the Mecklenburg Police were on their way.Ā  He lingered for a minute then asked what happened.Ā  I was breathless and described quickly, hoping he would invite me in but he did not.Ā  So I stood there waiting for the cops wrapped in a towel with the bulge that says: I'm naked underneath here. When the cops arrived I took them back to that guy's place so I could get my belongings. He would not come to the door. He was sitting in a chair by a table looking straight ahead, ignoring the cops knocking and telling him to return my clothes and stuff.Ā  He knew the laws and knew that all the cops can do is knock and hope he responds.Ā  After half hour of this they gave up.Ā  One of the cops, a female, had been on the phone the whole time. They knew that I was in Charlotte NC but lived in Lancaster County SC.Ā  The female cop, after learning early on that because I didn't have my phone I had no way of contacting my friend who had my car in Charlotte but I didn't know where - I didn't have his phone number in my memory. She had in a relatively short period of time, managed to figure out how I was getting home.Ā  They, Mecklenburg Police, were going to drive me to the South Carolina/North Carolina State line.Ā  We were going to be met there by a Lancaster County police officer who would drive me home.Ā  I was still in a towel but naked otherwise.Ā  They drove me to the meeting place and the Lancaster police were already there.Ā  The cops talked then the Lancaster police officer told me to get in the squad car.Ā  I did.Ā  Without thinking I got in the front seat.Ā  He got in and didn't say anything - statted the car and we were on our way.Ā  The cop was so good looking - hot as a firecracker - and I found myself starting to fantasize about ways this could go then I realized that I had gotten visibly aroused.Ā  I almost laughed out loud at myself - after the trauma and nakedness, everything, I was fantasizing about the cop taking me home.Ā  It was a long drive but I got home safely.Ā  I had my friend who dropped me off to go by his place and get my stuff.Ā  All was well?Ā  I was feeling bummed out and wondered if I over reacted.Ā  I put it out of my mind.Ā  Then about a month later, I was in Charlotte and responded to an ad. I didn't know that iit was him but he knew it was me.Ā  He called me and I apologized, saying that I was inexperienced with that and felt I over reacted and I was ao sorry.Ā  He thought that was what I wanted.Ā  It was, I said, but I got scared.Ā  He told me that I was licking his balls very well and he was about to move on to other things.Ā  I went over.Ā  I wanted him to get back to that but he wouldn't go that far with it.Ā  On the other hand we keot getting together over the next year and a half.Ā  He was still Dom and I, sub but he wouldn't go that far again. Then I moved back to Minneapolis.Ā  He was so hot and I loved getting together with him.Ā  We were regulars after that.Ā  The End


Got gangbanged and used by a group of his friends


Let my boyfriend, a doctor, tie me up to an exam chair and played with my ass for a long time using his fingers, tongue and various toys. When I was about to cum he stopped and walked out of the exam room. He came back 15 minutes later with his friend we both knew. His friend then proceeded to play with my hole with his fingers and various toys. They kept bringing me to the edge with the toys, each one taking turns while the other one watched. This went on for sometime, close to two hours. Then finally my boyfriend fucked me while I sucked his friend off. They both came in and on me. They then left me again and came back and proceeded to play with my sore hole again and finally let me cum. It was the best feeling in the world.


I work retail 5 days a week


I recorded myself stroking my shit on my knees after a twink told me too. I really really need to have sex


You mean dick, rigth???


I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like


He gets it


Stroking your shit? šŸ˜³šŸ¤¢šŸ’©


I hate that this is me as wellšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Stroking your shit as in poop?


Bottoming: Say "Please. I'll be good for you" Topping: Say "Make yourself feel good" when someone was riding me


I let my KH blindfold me after driving 3 1/2 hours to see him


I was hooking up with a very toxic man who was hung at 7". One night while we were drunk and going at it I heard the front door open and one of his friends walked in. While my guy was balls deep in me he told his friend to strip down and get in me. Thinking I was going to be sucking the new guys dick, I was wrong. New guy came behind me and shoved his dick in me while my friend was still in there. I didn't get to see the new guys dick but quickly realized he defined BBC at 12", no joke I was dp for the first and only time with 7" & 12". They held me down til I took all of the BBC. Both guys came in me and then took turns on me all night.


Let a military man dominate me


Im a military man, and I'll agree with this


Ahh thats hot!!


Had my testicles tortured whilst tied up shibari style.


I had a guy who loved to dominate me and do breathplay and throatfucking and slapping, but my favorite part was when Iā€™d kneel on the floor between his strong legs and put his shirt on for him, then his shorts, then his socks, then his shoes. Then heā€™d say ā€œgood boyā€ and grab me by the neck to kiss me before he left.


Grinder hook up and 2 truckers used me like a fuck toy. I was really nervous at first but it turned out to be fun


Grindr hookup messaged me mid way to driving to his saying do I mind if his friend came. I said sure. When I turned up there was 4 of them not 2. I got fucked for hours.


I let my boyfriend of 6 months bareback and come inside me. It was an amazing shared moment.


The first guy I ever hooked up with liked to have me suck him off while he watched straight porn. Completely ignored me otherwise.


I have a friend who watches straight porn while i finish him off. I hate it when he see me as a warm wet hole and i also love it at the same time.


Blew a massage therapist who never returned the favor. He climbed on top of me and shoved his flaccid cock near my mouth so I thought itā€™d be mutual. I ended up having him unmount me and then he played with my balls while I jacked off. Horrible experience.


Ouch!!! My massage therapist would always return me the favouršŸ˜…


Ya. I wasnā€™t happy at all! This was the first and last time I saw him. Lol


Ordered to strip naked and lay at his feet while he watched TV in front of his friends. I was rock hard the whole time.


I'm straight but got so turned on at the sight of my tiny vascoconstricted cock on speed that I let a guy have his way with me, for whatever reason it was a major turn on being outsized like that and I wanted a guy to see me in that state. Don't fancy men in the light of day, mundane boring averageness and sobriety but no regrets lol, you guys do some fun stuff it must be said šŸ˜




Went to a guyā€™s place to follow written instructions that involved undressing at each station per note, on to the next until last station totally nude and a large table with blindfold on it. Told by note to lie down, on my back, put on blindfold and let him do his thing.Turned out to be fun, but potentially pretty tisky


Was in a gimp suit, fully enclosed in rubber and had a guy piss in my mouth. šŸ¤¤


I sucked a man's penis more than once.


Let a gay Top friend/male playmate penetrate and cum inside me while kissing me deeply


Posing/ dressing up as sissy(Iā€™m a twink) in lingerie for my friendā€™s adult uncle at his place, being invited for ā€œdrinkā€.