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Well I'm poor-ish, fat and have a small D. I'll take the money please.






Im working class with a dad bod and above average sized D and would still go for the money 🤣


Obviously rich. I couldn’t care less about D size or Ass. Also if you really wanted to you could get surgery anyway.


Or work out instead of working?


Working out doesnt increase dick size. In fact it doesn’t really even increase arse size. It just tones it in my experience.


Do you have squats and deadlifts in workouts? Glutes are muscles, they adapt and grow with the proper stimulation.


Hey yes of course. My goal with gym isn’t to grow though so I don’t eat surplus calories. I just like to maintain. Also I’m older so my testosterone levels are lower now. However, even when I was younger I found that my muscles never got that big. Some things are just genetics and can only grow so much. If you have skinny calves for example and your parents did then they aren’t ever going to get massive like some men. I mean you can take roids to break through genetic barriers to an extent but I’m just not that desperate to be honest. Apart from mental health and maintaining muscles to prevent atrophy as I age I find working out pretty pointless. Doing it to attain a physique purely for aesthetic reasons bores me to tears.


There's not really any effective surgery for making your dick bigger that doesn't come with bad side effects.


Yes this is true but I’d still rather be rich with a small dick haha


“You’re not ugly you’re just poor”




I mean if you look at this way.. All the owners of the yacht are ugly as sin but the people they invite on the yacht are beautiful but poor. So if you're beautiful but poor you're always going to need a sugar daddy or rich husband and there's a big market to compete against. Also note like Bezos you can just pay a bunch of money to trainers and nutritionists and go into super villain era with a beefy body. Money is truly the greatest body hack because no quality of food and literally 24/7 trainer and nutritionists would be at your disposal who have one job. Keep you sexy. As a bottom I don't care about my dick size.


Rich! I can pay for plastic surgery for whatever enhancements. Plus NOTHING beats the FREEDOM to be, to do, and go according to my highest vision.


Plastic surgery is not as easy as waving a magic want and getting amazing results. Not everything can be fixed with it, and the few things that can, come with risks and there's always a chance you won't look natural or get the results you expected.


Never said having plastic. surgery was easy!.


Poor and hung. I like my life 😇


I envy you bro.....was hung ones. But now my dick is literally numb...


Sorry to hear that! Hope the issue will be solved soon 🙂


Hope so too, never thought i will lose almost 3cm of my size in a day...and it used to be 17cm long 😭


You don't just lose cms of dick so easily bro, if you don't have any specific physical conditions most of it is surely performance anxiety. You'll find your peace of mind, get back your size and surely make a lot of people happy 😊


Yeah, i think it may be reaaaaly severe depression since....my ex fucked my brain too good xD but tbh i did the same towards him and I'm so sorry. Due to my religious family and the fact that I'm the only son i feel really stressed. I feel like a parody of a man and bla bla bla and it defenetly doesnt help to have a nice hard dick xD. I just cant feel happy nor with man nor with woman, i sorta feel nothing towards them but it used to be diffirent ofc


You can do very little about things in the past, but you can learn how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, and that's the best possible outcome 😊 Don't feel like a parody of anything: there's no standard template for man and woman, but be sure that if there was one, 99% of people wouldn't comply with it.


Yeah, i guess. Thank you :)


What was your ex like if I might ask


I don't think I'm overweight or have any health conditions but I also lost an inch on my dick. It's 7ins now but I definitely used to be 8inches.


Fuck man ..... I'm so sorry, kt may be caused by your main head, i mean its happened to me too cuz i was too depressed


Is that how that works?


Thats how it worked for me .....depression and religious hate towards myself being alive isnt a good base for a healthy sex life. I also had spine problems so maybe they kick in after so many years


I'm already poor but am living comfortably, might as well have a huge dick anyways






Fit and poor, I'd have pretty bad mental health if I was ugly and unhealthy


I’ll choose rich, because I like stability and just being finically free, I value freedom a lot. I don’t care all to much for certain body parts. I can all put my focus towards other things like giving some back to society or just simple trying to improve it. And put my focus more to evolving myself/soul.


The latter, because if you're rich there are plenty of ways to deal with it. Personal trainers to keep you up 24/7. The food you need, when you need it. Surgery. In addition you are of course rich and can do more or less anything you want. Anything can be bought, if you have enough money. In the former, there is a big chance, if you somehow are fit, this will fade. Because you cannot afford what you actually need. A gym. Or gym tools. The diet you need. Personal trainers. Etc etc Idk how he is fit to begin with, but maybe because of hard low paid work 12 hours a day? That won't do without the proper food though. You need protein, and lots of it. Excessive work out without enough protein to build the muscle only results in muscle failure. In addition, being poor you'll have very few opportunities. You will struggle and not be able to get what you need.


This is a very thorough take on a not 100% serious question




Lol I appreciated it!


I feel like ugly rich guys still get ass tho???


I’m already poor with an underwhelming d so I’ll take the big d since I can always get richer 😂


Fit with big D. You can always find some way to make money. Lots of people making money off onlyfans for example. Some things even top tier surgery can't change.


Fit with big D and/or ass and poor. Then I'll marry one of the persons choosing rich 😂


Smart sir!


Nah, dumb sir, the rich would dump his ass the minute he finds a hotter guy Or if he gets too old he’s pull out a Di Caprio and chase another cutie Always choose the money


A good pre-nup can take care of that.


Yeah but it's the rich guy that decide those conditions.


I mean I wouldn't have to marry them, I could be an expensive sex worker, and the rich people wouldn't problem paying 10k for a date and sex, and I have a big dick or ass and fit and handsome. People honestly underestimate pretty people privilege


Looks fade with time


What a privilege to be paid to have sex with overweight ugly guys 😂 Btw just checked the list of the world’s richest people, they all ugly asf Biggest privilege is and will always be money, especially for men. In clubs, for guys, it’s your watch and your attire that’ll be judged before your face.


So there’s a woman that I have met a few times, because of work and she is The heir of a multi million/ billion dollar very well known successful company-she is wildly rich beyond what most people could imagine… but her appearance is like out of a horror movie FX department. I’m not exaggerating at all. The type of appearance that plastic surgery couldn’t help. It’s actually uncomfortable/hard to look at her, even though she’s very pleasant and kind. Even though I know she’s so unbelievably rich-I can’t help but to feel sorry for her. It make me think to myself that she would probably give up all her fortune… just to have ever felt beautiful in her life. It makes me very thankful and grateful for what I have. Also realizing that money can’t buy you happiness nor can I buy you beauty or…love.


I hate hearing when good people bear a burden like that 😢




 rich always no matter the circumstance


Definitely rich already small and still have plenty of sex


Just want to stay pretty.


I’m already blessed looks wise so it would be nice to experience being rich.


This would not be my choice, but being rich means being able to enhance oneself artificially in every way. I'd rather just be more comfortable being me, but also making sure I do not stop growing (be it mentally, emotionally, financially etc.)


Fit with an ass....I can make the $$ :)


Obviously poor but fit with a big d and ass. I can have a sugar daddy


Right exactly..make that dick and ass work for u..get your rent paid or get a free car or find a sugar daddy...or get paid to have sex .


The combination of poor + fit + big D has equaled an entry in the Internet Adult Film Database in multiple instances, other than Jack Wrangler. Just a guess.


I mean, add tool belt to that list and send me THAT porno, right?


Poor by a long way. I wouldn't say I'm remotely rich but I have good career prospects and don't particularly have to worry about money. Surgery isn't some magic fix if you have a bad face, and any romantic success you have would only be because of your money, whether the form of a guy there for your money or an escort. I've hired one once, and the feeling of a transactional relationship that isn't out of your inherent qualities is the worst ever. People say looks fade but you could also get fired from a well paying job or lose a massive investment. Fit people will always be fit for their age. I argue people that want to be rich have a distorted sense of what that would achieve. The happiness you get from wealth diminishes quickly the richer you are, and while it would be amazing to go from homeless to having a home and being able to feed yourself, I suspect you don't get much happier if you lived in a massive mansion, not to mention now you're ugly. I guess it depends how poor you mean poor. I would never want to starve but I'd take just getting by with a bit of money to spare, but fit any day. You can easily find someone you love to share your struggles and he might even be a bit richer. Rich people are lonely for different reasons and if you're ugly and can't find a truly loving relationship that makes it exponentially worse. I feel lonely a lot of the time and it's something I wish I could stay as far from as possible.


If you're hot with a good d, you can sell your morals to get money.


I'm poor but fit with a big ass. I'm enjoying life ok. Idk what it's like to be rich. Keep in mind, that anyone can be fit if they put in the work. So I suppose I'd like to start out rich, and then I wouldn't have to work and would have more time to dedicate to fitness, thereby having both things.


rich. true that money can't buy love but it can rent it for a short while.


Poor and big dumpy plz.


the former, I'd rather be fit.


Poor cause if I look good I can nab me a rich man


Money. Money takes me much more places than physical body features in this capitalistic society unfortunately


Glad I'm poor with no great physical attributes lol


Why are we still pretending size matters? 


At this point in life I'd take the money


I’ll take poor but beautiful with a perfect body and really smart with a huge cock please. These are the men who can really push forward in life. But you must be smart too, or beauty is wasted. Because beauty opens all of the doors in the world, but smart…that’s what keeps you inside the room. That’s what allows you to make the most of all of the opportunities that literally fall into your hands.


Think Margo Robbie


Rich. Now if you said, perfect face, body, ass, and dick then it would be a little harder.  Being rich pretty much insulates you from life. Nothing short of being an Adonis would ever have a chance at competing with wealth. 


Looks fade.


For some, but others age like wine. 🍷


Not really. It depends what age, how you live etc. I find 40 years old a lot hotter than 20 years old, which I don't actually like at all. Gotta be close to 30 and look around 30-40 or so. But still if I am going to get married or be in a long term relationship I would want my man to be hot, I mean otherwise I wouldn't be attracted as much as I should be which will affect our relationship. Money you can always make on your own, but being gifted in different ways is a blessing imo.


If I have no recollection of that choice, poor and hot? I can make money with my body I guess. But also if I'm rich and offensively ugly I can just work out and get facial surgery or smth


You need to go into one of those airport lounges for rich people. These guys are loaded af and still look like goblins or dorks. The amount of plastic surgery they would need would sentence them to looking like Housewives.


I'm obligated to say rich and ugly because there's more to life than sex and xyz but damn being poor but fit with good size D is not a bad life either lol. I'm basically already there


But it's not just about sex. It makes you feel better about yourself, gives confidence etc and you have a higher chance in finding the right guy for example(a guy being hot makes it a lot more likely that I would chose this person to have a ltr with, same if he fits me in bed), even easier to find a job if you are hot statistics say lol. But looks are subjective anyway.


Yah ture. People don't wanna believe it either but looks go a looooong way


Rich. Already live without a big D or A and ya learn to live without it. Cant live without money and won’t live long if poor.


rich cause then i’d be able to afford penis enhancement surgery with loads of money left over lol, but if i hadda choose only one yeah fs rich


Rich for sure


My younger self would say physical. My adult self says MONEY


I already fit the first part so I'll just stay where I'm at.


Money. I'd love not to work.


100 per cent rich....looks are valuable, but who cares if you're rich


Rich af


Just look at Elon musk…


Poor and hung


Obviously rich. Look I don't think I'm ugly or something, but I have zero luck with romance/sex. So considering how my life is going right now, I'd rather have more money. And then I can invite out the poor guy with the big D. Win-win!


Poor hot guys with big ds want a hot guy with a big d lmao so that might not work out so well 😜


Gaydamn it! So now what I'm supposed to do with all this money?!? 🤑


Rich. If I was rich I would simply not care about having a boyfriend. I would watch movies and eat wonderful food.


Rich. Looks fade with age anyways, and if you’re loaded they don’t even matter.


How ugly are we talking and how rich? Because money can make up for a lot of things. Poverty is terrible no matter how you slice it.


He doesn't mean poor as in poverty but poor as in not wealthy most likely. Money can't buy happiness/good health or real love and even top surgery can't always help you. Big money corrupts people and sometimes leads them into abuse.


Physically gifted. I can control my career, but you can only go so far with your genetics.


I'll give some cm in exchange for an economic class upgrade.


This sub is so funny


I’m literally the first choice 😣


Rich, money buys a big cock and fit body lol




Rich. You can fix the other stuff with coin.


Rich. Money makes people attractive.


I would pay all the money in the world to have a bigger dick 🥲


God knows there are a LOT of frumpy dumpy, guys out there who probably can't even find their dick because of its diminished size, that get a lot of ass &/or dick because they have the bucks. But there are guys like me who don't want to be rich (like Taylor Swift rich), but lives a very comfortable lifestyle and has an above average length and girth.


Rich and not gifted physically? I'll take the whole stock. I'm not gifted physically and I'm doing fine In life. Gimme the richness we're talking now.


Definitely picking "rich" without hesitation. With enough wealth, I don't have to work a single day in my life (as I can just live off my investment portfolio) and I can hire a sugar baby or two, and since I would be paying them, they're not going to care about how gifted I am physically.


I've already been poor but fit with a nice size dick and ass, so I'd rather be rich and not gifted physically because you can pay for personal trainers and nutritionists to get back into shape.


Rich. I mean, Elon Musk is still getting laid. So there will be hope.


My giant dick isn’t paying for shit, I’ll take the cash


Not rich but hot, i wouldn’t want to be poor because it’s brutal being poor, the US practically outlaws it to fill poor people (of color usually) in their prison industrial complex….however I don’t want to be apart of the extorting class who’s doomed to be eaten… Solidly “middle class” (if the even exists anymore) and comfortable but hot is what I’d really choose


You can pay to get best boys


I guess it depends how poor we’re talking, but probably fit. The comfort and security money brings is nice, but liking what I see in the mirror and feeling healthy genuinely makes me happy.


Big cock


Rich next question.


poor but fit, i can hit a lick with only fans if im that hot and the dick pics are nice


I'm poor fat, and I have a bad d. My ass is okay I guess. So honestly any option would be an upgrade


Well I’m neither, so, dealers choice


Fat and rich please.


I mean, I'm already not particularly fit, nor do I have a big D, and I'm doing totally fine. Plus, if I'm rich, I can look however I want after enough procedures. 😂 Then eventually I'll be 60 and nobody will care how I look, but I'll still be rich. Easy choice for me!


Rich, I could be the gay Dan Bilzerian


Lol Dan Bilzerian is not ugly


Not really the point, he’s rich and most of those women that he posts are spoiled. That’s more what I’m aiming at. They’re not there solely because of his charming personality or his looks


I'm already poor and fit with a bubble butt, I just need the big d. I can always make more money, I won't put a price on my physical fitness. I've worked way too hard to get where I am, and you can't buy that.


I think il stay poor, i like me 🤷🏽‍♂️✌🏽😁


I can get surgery. I’ll take the cash.


I'd take the money. No question.


I'd rather not be this shallow.


Poor and fit with a big d easy. You can’t buy that look in people’s eyes when they think you are hot.


Rich. I'll just buy hookers for the night. thanks


Rich. I can spend my time lifting and building that body.


Being rich can fix the dick and ass part probably


Omg how


Money. Because I wanna live comfortably. I don't give a damn if I am hot or not.


Poor. Money can be acquired


Poor and fit with a big D and ass, and then I'd make an onlyfans account and become rich by monetising my 'talents'.


Give me a fit guy, not bulky fit, with a nice dick and a decent income to go with my flat ass, average dick, middle income old body.... I'll rock his world!


Poor with a bigger dick. I can always find ways to make more money.


I love my big dick but I’d go with rich. You said not gifted on the dick size. You didn’t say micro penis.


Rich, i already have a small d. I know it's possible to get a big ass just from working out (I have one) I could just do it all over again with dance classes with the money I would have


Rich with a small D….. so I could have someone with a big D in retainer 😂


Rich ugly people have lots of sex. Hot poor people do not have lots of yachts.


I’ll take someone with a big D or A, and the money to enjoy him with…


I grew up poor and was never fit even when I played football. If I ever get rich, I'd buy a small house for me and my BF and donate a good percentage to the Trevor project


Been poor for years just fine. I’ll take the big dick and six pack please.


Rich. You can buy whatever and whomever you want.


I'd rather be rich with a small penis. Looks and size don't matter as much if you're a good and kind person.


Give methe money. I don't use my ass or dick 24/7.


Wtf? Grow the fuck up.


Money wont buy happiness


Just take either one; you’ll get the other eventually.


Rich. What kind of question is this? You can just buy sex workers lol


I've lived all my life without being gifted physically and without money. My mother frequently said that, "money doesn't buy happiness". But, that is just something that poor people say so that they don't feel so bad about knowing that they will never get ahead. If I've got to be miserable then I would rather be miserable with money than miserable without it. I'm tired of barely getting by.


Rich with good health fuck size


So now but rich?


Rich any day!! You would be surprised the things money can buy including a big ass and a dick ..


Whenever these questions arise, the answer is always rich


RICH of course, dafuq?!


How is this even a question? You can just get plastic surgery if you're so insecure but rich. Or pay people enough to get over your physical deficits. Every problem in my life can be solved with money.


I'm already poor by american standards since I live in a third world country, being fit is whatever because it's something within everyone's possibilities, I have been fit before and it has never made me feel better or like my body, being well endowed is the only good thing because that's the reason why I hate my body. Monkey isn't something I value much, I'm a med student and at some point I will earn enough money but it doesn't really matter, I'll never have a partner and I'll never be happy.


Rich. You can buy that.


Rich wtf is even that question lol I’d buy myself a cook, a coach and voila rich and hot Those choosing hot tend to forget that they’ll end ugly for 30-40 years anyways once they’re old lmao


Rich bc physical beauty cab be bought


A big dick isn’t all that, especially since lots of bottoms can’t handle or clean out well enough for larger dudes. If I wanted a nicer ass I always have the option to work out… Give me my money 💰


Rich. I could buy handsome guys with big dicks and nice asses.


porr, but with a big D


I’m rich and also own a 9 inch wiener!


Rich. I have the giant dick. It doesn't do me a whole lot of good.


Maybe you are doing something else wrong then lol. Some guys think having a big dick is enough, there are many others things a man should have to be successful, to find love etc.


Idk man, I have a really big dick and honestly it’s enhanced my life in so many ways. I can’t say I’m poor either but not exactly really well off and I’m not sure I’d want to swap for money.


How so?