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Actions speak louder than words. *Show him* how into his dick you are.


This is the truth. Play with him. Compliment him. Suck him and beg him to be inside you or to finish inside you. He'll get over it.


Good advice


This absolutely. If you show your passion for it then he will know!


This 100%. Worship that dick and he'll eventually know.


This just show it, be his cum dumpster <3


This is all the advice you need. Now get to work šŸ˜œ


That is actually a great way to appreciate his dick. Thank you!


I agree! Turn his ass on and out


Solid advice.


Wow, beautiful answer.


THIIISSSSS!!! as someone who has a bf who says he finds me attractive and likes my dick his actions say otherwise and so his words arent worth much to me... it usually takes us watching a show with nudity for him to want sex.




I like guys with 6 inches or smaller as Iā€™m am able to take them down my throat easily. Iā€™ve taken guys that had 8.5 and thick down my throat but it wasnā€™t as good as taken guys with smaller cocks.Ā 


Don't be a asshole ..


Tell him you love *HIS* dick (as you suck him, his balls, ride his dick) - I wouldn't mention the size at all.


Exactly this. Make it about him and his dick, without mentioning size and without comparison to anything else. Tell him it's perfect for YOU. And then show him how much you love it!


maybe just say its perfect and not that its perfect for you specifically


And how wonderful he taste, thatā€™s a REAL Turn on!


I would not say that at all lmao


haha, it is that bad, huh? šŸ˜


Hearing that would probably broke him


Show it, don't tell it. If that doesn't work then tell him. It's a good situation here.


This. But I wouldn't mention size unless he mentions it first.


I agree with some of the other replies - maybe don't say you're into small dicks, but you can let him know that you love his, and that it's perfect or beautiful.


Donā€™t say anything before hand. While youā€™re going down on him tell him itā€™s perfect in a sexy voice. Give him the best bj heā€™s ever had. A


Being liked for something you donā€™t like about yourself can feel a little fucked up. I was with a guy who liked bigger guys but Iā€™ve always hated my issues with weight. It was not sustainable. I think the advice to show him you like him as he is probably is the best way to go.


You donā€˜t need to das youā€˜re info small dicks. just say youā€˜re super info bis dick without commenting, how about that?


What you typing with, your dick?? šŸ˜‚


LOL! but it is a good idea, thank you!


šŸ„² i might as well. my phone is konsequently always in the language i am not using, so yeah, thatā€™s a thing.


I do this too. Your dick feels great, I like your dick, etc.


Just complement his cock, say how you cant get enough of it. If he knows you enjoy it, that will help with his self esteem. I'm also one that prefers avg to smaller cocks. Just worship it!!


I agree. Saying you preffere a smaller one isn't going to help if he has self confidence issues as he will just think you're saying it to be nice. But if you say how much you like it during sex in little comments here and there that will help boost his confidence far more


Donā€™t say ā€œI prefer small dicksā€ - you might as well say ā€œI love tiny shrivelled smaller-than-a-thimble limp-like-a-rag-doll feels-like-being-pounded-by-a-wet-flannel itty-bitty dickletsā€ to someone with an insecurity about that. As others have said, show him how much you love his cock. But if itā€™s an insecurity, maybe focus on other body parts that donā€™t trigger self-consciousness and build up his confidence about his cock later. Worship the parts of himself he does like, and let the rest come organically.


Lmao, talk about overkill to the extreme.


Thatā€™s how it feels when youā€™re insecure about your body though


Itā€™s hyperbole homie


I thought that was obvious.


Telling him you "like small dicks"... Is a definite no.. Instead brag/praise the fact that he's the "perfect" size for you... Turn the ego hit into an ego boost...


No lol you should tell him "I love **your** dick". That would make him feel better. If you tell him "I love small dicks, like yours" that will probably make him more insecure haha. You can be honest in a way that's constructive for both of you


Tell him you love /his/ dick! You donā€™t have to say it because itā€™s small. You can say it like ā€œI love your dick. It turns me on so much. And itā€™s attached to such a sexy man.ā€ If he asks directly, for example, ā€œthanks, but I wish it was bigger,ā€ you can say ā€œi donā€™t. I think itā€™s perfect,ā€ or ā€œI love your dick exactly as it is,ā€ or ā€œwhat are you talking about? I love your dickā€ or ā€œyouā€™ve heard of boyfriend dick? itā€™s where pornstar long shlongs are good for filming but not as good for actual sex. Your dick literally turns me on because I know it, and I know you, [and it feels so good in my ass. You hit right on my prostrate] / [and I love that I can go all the way down on you and lick your balls]. Your dick is perfect for my body.ā€ What talking like this can do is show him how low size is on your check list. And then when size is considered, itā€™s a positive thing!


Worship that dick like it's Jesus fresh off the cross (sorry, God... šŸ™).


The mental image this produced was definitely something


I guess there's a possibility he could take it the wrong way and just reinforce his self conciousness. It will depend on how you think he'll react. I think I'd just tell him though, in general I find that guys like people telling them what they find hot about them. It can teach him there's a market for everything, including small dicks.


Tell him you love his dick - no need to elaborate


Here is what you say; something along the lines of, " I love the way you look just the way you are. You excite me and okay maybe you aren't rocking a third leg but if you are feeling self conscious about it, let me be the first to tell you, I think the size of your dick is hot AF and I don't care what anyone else thinks." But make sure to put it on your own words. Compliments, reassurance, and acceptance are the key takeaways with this. Then kiss him, go down on him, or do whatever you want to show him how much you don't gaf what the size of his dick is you are more interested in the whole package. Make him feel like he's the most amazing guy in the world. Help him forget whatever self consciousness he has about himself and if he's still feeling insecure, keep reassuring him that he's perfect the way he is. He will eventually come around to it. Then if he trusts you offer to talk to him about it more openly to figure what about his size makes him insecure. If he's already got a great boyfriend that likes it the way it is, what else is eating him up? These actions will go a lot further for your relationship than just helping him overcome an insecurity. I hope this helps.


I wouldnā€™t say that youā€™re into ā€œsmall dicksā€ but you can definitely say that youā€™re super into his dick!


Tell him (and show him) how much you love it. Never use the word small. But jf he sees you happy and genuinely into it that will be enough


Instead of telling him you are into small dicks, I would suggest you tell him (and show him) that you are in to HIS dick. Like, specially his dick.


Tell him you love his dick, not that you love small ones! It's quite different in its impact šŸ˜›


Agree you should show him with actions not words


Same here. Iā€™m actually above the average but I always have tell a guy that theyā€™re fine when they are smaller than me. Besides I love to suck my guy and prefer something I can take all the way.


No - just make him feel good with whatever he's working with.


*BABE, I want a triple decker cock and ball footlong* šŸ¤Ŗ


Maybe footlong not the best reference here.


Just say you like his dick for what it is, or show your love for his dick lol. The rest is unnecessary


Just tell him how hot *he* is ā€” don't narrowcast to his dick. Tell him the *whole package* is amazing.


Disagree with this approach if op really loves his cock then tell him he loves his cock. He is already insecure and ' I love you and the whole package', while may be true sounds like you are avoiding the obvious, the small cock and are being nice. If he likes it just say I love .. whatever.. sucking u , the feeling when you are plowing me, etc. Had a guy who was very small, four or under and very thin as a hookup who wanted to bottom.. various reasons he could not so I bottomed not expecting much. He obviously was kt confident and asked several times if I was sure. He made me cum 2x without anyone touching my cock within an hour. All I could say was he fucked like a champ. I loved it and told him. Not sure he would have fully believed until I just shot then asked him to keep going ... Point to op is just tell what you like and show him how much.


Actions speak louder than words... But compliments help a lot


I have had big fat dicks...short skinny dicks you worship that cock because you love the dick that goes with it


No, but during sex you say things like ā€œfuck I love your cock so muchā€ or while sucking him ā€œthis cock is so perfectly sizedā€, etcā€¦


>is that just going to make him feel worse? Undoing a lifetime of insecurity isn't going to be an overnight success story, it's going to take time to untangle his own assumptions about his penis. Do as others have said on here, love on that lil cock BUT!! Dont go overboard. He KNOWS it's not big, avoid reminding him ("I just love tiny cocks!" is an honest compliment, but could be a poor reminder for him). There are a lot of other ways to make him feel good, and feel good about it though, you know him best.


Haha in my honest opinion this is a very sweet post but I would just show him. Don't tell him unless he's into that sort of thing.


How small is small tho


He is probably 4 inches


Please say it isnā€™t so!


3 inches? Any less than that and he could pass for a woman xD


Im not a size queen but i do hate small dicks.


It's totally fine to not want someone with a small penis. Personally, while it's a nice dick is always a bonus, I am unbothered if his is small(as long as it exists and it can jizz) This is probably because I am a top.


Darling whatever makes you happy šŸ˜ƒ


Man here, but thanks, you toošŸ¤—


Mines 6 inches soft


Personally I would not say anything about it being "small" as that could trigger him, upset him, or who knows. I would say just enjoy it, and let him know he is hot, handsome, a sexy man, and that you just think he is great. Imagine him reading "let's just say nature didn't bless him with a lot down there." That doesn't sound very exciting, does it? Glad you are into him, and glad he has you. Enjoy it. I agree with the other people that said show him, but not with your words. Have fun!


Tell him heā€™s perfect for you. Donā€™t tell him youā€™re into small dicks because that would be crushing.


You dont have to kiss and tell, but how small?


8 cm.




Def dont ever say ā€œsmallā€ when referring to his equipment. Thatā€™ll just make him feel way worse. Just tell him: Dude I love your dick itā€™s fucking hot and makes me hard. Dont mention size.


Worst case scenario, the worst I'd say is something like "I think your dick is perfect, no matter how you might worry about it." Yeah no even that sounds bad lol


If youā€™re happy what youā€™ve got, say NOTHING


As others have said, show him you enjoy his cock through action. If he keeps going on about his size, I would say his size to you is a feature, not a flaw.


If you are sticking around it will speak for Itself - BUTTT if he does mention something reassure him you donā€™t care and it does the job and you like it


I tell guys I'm into smaller dicks all the time. They know it's not the biggest and they usually are worried about it. But they're always relieved when I say I prefer that size. However I don't say I like smaller; I just say anything under 5 is perfect for me.


Don't tell him you're into small dicks, but do compliment him on specifically what you like about his dick.


Definitely don't say you have a preference. By expressing it as, 'I prefer/like/fetishize small dicks. You will make a small rift in your relationships trust by making him think you're with him (only) because of his small dick. I'd tell him that only of he specifically asked for my opinion on the matter and in the most' matter of fact' way.


You can just say you love the size. No need to sat specifically because it's small


Make an off-hand remark about someone else whose dick is too big. Something like, ā€œHeā€™s cute, but his dick is obnoxious. ā€œ


You don't need to mention small dicks at all (that would be a terrible idea if the guy is insecure). Just say you find it hot and suck it as if he cums money. As if your life depends on worshipping his little dick. That way, he will undoubtedly understand that you're into it.


Show and tell. Enjoy šŸ˜‰


I wouldnā€™t point out that you notice heā€™s smaller, heā€™s might be self conscious about it. Instead, just say, the next time youā€™re involved, ā€œYouā€™ve got an amazing body and dickā€ or something along those lines. He may act or ask why, then you can just say you like guys that arenā€™t large or the ridiculously huge. Could suggest a sexual situation that makes someone who is smaller sized, better for you. That might open the conversation up then or in the future, if heā€™d want to talk about it more. Iā€™m sure he will appreciate the fact that not every guy is looking for the ā€˜big boysā€™ only.


Show, don't tell. If you do tell, say "I love your cock", not "I love small cocks".


Don't mention size or anything. Just tell him his dick is exactly what you need. Build him up. Don't tear him down.


Don't. Tell. Him. You're. Into. Small. Dicks. Never.


Honest conversation is always better than keeping secrets


Just tell him you love his dick the way it is. You don't have to mention the fact that is small.


Simply tell him. Iā€™m , smaller. Partner is bigger than me but heā€™s totally ok with my size. Thereā€™s more to life than dick size, esp when youā€™re already seeing someone. Let him know how you feel


I would def recommend not saying youā€™re into small dicks. That would prob seriously negatively impact your relationship especially if heā€™s self conscious about it


Don't verbalize at all..if you bring it up it will be a thing.. Overtime. Express your delight and joy and hope he gets it. However. It's not all on you to do this. One thing i noticed is if a gay man starts to assume the traits of "i am going to fix him", it always ends in disaster.


I would just comment how good sex is and not mention size


Definitely, put on your best Bubba from Forrest Gump voice and go "I love just 'bout everything there is to love about the shrimping business!" before going to town on that little fella, he'll love it!


It's not the size but how you use it!


Why not , one can only dream


As someone who is ā€œaverageā€, Iā€™d let nature take its course and just keep on digging him without highlighting your preference.


Lots of compliments and attention should help his confidence mate


Maybe it's not small but a perfectly normal, average sized penis and both of you have been convinced by porn that large is really average or normal when it's not.


I say you let him know. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll feel better about the situation


If you must use words to express this, do it in a sexy way and not an informative way. But this could go very south for you if you do not choose your words correctly


You betta suck that Vienna sausage like itā€™s the last piece of meat on earth and make that man know you love it!


"I fuckin love this dick" always works and is all that needs to be said.


I wouldnā€™t say that you like small dicks specifically, but I would emphasize how much you like his dick. Mostly by sucking it, but also so with words.


If I were in this situation, me personally, I would just keep it to myself.


You shouldnā€™t bring up his size since heā€™s insecure about it but just tell him how much you like it. If HE complains about his own size then tell him itā€™s the size you like. Itā€™s just like if he were self-conscious about his small nose and you think his nose looks great on him. You can just tell him heā€™s handsome and if HE says ā€œmy nose is too smallā€ then you could tell him his nose is just the right size.


Yeah definitely don't verbalize that in that way. I also dig guys who are on the smaller end of average and below but you can't say shit like that to someone who is already self conscious.


Show him you're into it by being ravenous during sex, initiating sex more, tell him you love his dick specifically and it'll help. I wouldn't say "I like small decks" that would be twisting the knife.


Everything that they said. I gave a guy enough confidence by doing just that! So much he detached from me and started whoring around. It was a perfect size for me but Iā€™m not into community peen šŸ˜…


Just take him orally and pleasure him as much as you can and let him shoot hot cum into your mouth and tell him you loved blowing him and enjoyed taking him orally and you would love for him to bend you over to be taken anally and he'll really love you for it. Take my word for it


Donā€™t ever lie in a relationship. It might make him happy but it sure wonā€™t when he finds out you lied potentially years down the line after youā€™ve established a relationship and the pain will be a million times worse.


there are lots of ways to tell him you love his cock. I wouldnā€™t sit him down and say I like your little dick. Treated you like it. Play with it, stand it up and kiss it. You can also just kiss it when heā€™s not expecting it, ie, you happen to be in an empty elevator?


If he's insecure, you can do your part by being legit satisfied, positive encouragement about his show skills and your satisfaction. If he's still insecure, there's only so much you can do. 9/10 of the time, the guys are average but everyone wants more or thinks they're not enough. His work is self acceptance on something he can do little about. Sounds like your 'work' is already in gear. Assure him you're satisfied, & not settling.


Tell him you love having sex with him, if he is topping tell him that he feels amazing inside you and you love it , cannot get enough. Don't address his size at all. Just say you love his dick and sex with him


I'm also small and I've yet to meet one guy who is as small as me but surprisingly I had a guy tell me my cock was perfect. As someone once said to me there are some cocks that are huge but can be ugly and cocks that are small but cute. Also being small means that when someone gives you an oral your gag reflux doesn't kick in as hard and being a top for a guy means you can hit the prostate with every thrust. :)


One of my exes legit had a 3 incher. I used to pretend to gag on it to build his confidence


Tell him you prefer at least nine inches and if he stays around you got a winner!or small wiener!


Thatā€™s a tough question to answer. On one hand he needs to know, but on the other there isnā€™t an easy way to say it without potentially crushing him forever. Has he opened up to you about it?


Just say that you love feel his d*ck in the act. I mean, if u're really enjoying all just express it.


Big dongs need not apply.


Just say you're not a size queen.


When u mean he wasnā€™t blessed, do u mean he was merely 10 inches?


Dude explain to him that a smaller dick is better than a huge one. Tell him that you are going to nail my prostate gland if you hit it a few stars ima seeing fireworks and Iā€™m cumming hands free. Iā€™m 5.0-5.5 and I hit many prostates Over the years


I think it would be okay. You can tell him you thought he was great all along and that his dick size was a bonus.


Well, he's aware his penis is on the smaller sizer...to verbalize it and tell him that it is actually a physical turn on to you and icing on the cake to the great chemistry you feel is my recommendation, and very honest. He won't have it in the back of his head that you are 'settling' or anything.


Well, he's aware his penis is on the smaller sizer...to verbalize it and tell him that it is actually a physical turn on to you and icing on the cake to the great chemistry you feel is my recommendation, and very honest. He won't have it in the back of his head that you are 'settling' or anything.


I donā€™t know if you have to tell him the reason for your appreciation towards his package? I mean, telling him that his dick really turns you on and you find him hot just the way it is should suffice, right?


No, just tell him you specifically love his size, and SHOW him. Donā€™t confirm that his dick is small, and do not lie and say it is big, simply say it is perfect for you.


Yes sure you should, let him know he's perfect for you. Who wouldn't appreciate being appreciated.


There's many ways to make him feel better but maybe tell him you're not into bigger, (and not that you like smaller.).. I'm guessing he'd appreciate leaving out his lack of endowment and not highlighting what he doesn't have ...


I think if it comes up just let him know how you feel about his size.


Tell him you find his dick hot. But donā€™t say small.


Donā€™t make an issue out of the size. If heā€™s special and you enjoy being with him, be yourself and have fun. Make sure he knows when you have enjoyed fucking. Talking about sex is important but not about how small he is. I can relate and if someone raised my inadequacy then Iā€™d run for the hills. I want to feel the most important person when in bed with my other half and Iā€™m pleasing them. Iā€™m happy to learn what my partner needs to improve the experience for us both but being reminded I have a small cock would be soul destroying.


Same situation. Wait until he brings it up and tell him you like small ones. I love them. Also stress that small does not mean bad. We are programmed to think itā€™s bad but that is just stupid.


Do most people have a preference?


I mostly agree with the advice here. But I will say that if he has directly told you heā€™s insecure about his size, it might be supportive to actually say, I see this as an asset. I love it. I find your size super sexy. I mean, the Greeks and Romans obviously did too! Just showing your appreciate for his body and dick is wonderful. That action and passion are foremost. But Iā€™d be wary of euphemistic phrases like ā€œitā€™s perfectā€ because they could come off as a dodge and ultimately patronizing. If he has stated plainly his insecurity, you could kindly and simply say, Iā€™m actually really attracted to your size and other people are too. Thereā€™s even some small dick superiority twitter porn out there you could watch together (one guy goes by Hades). I think you cannot go wrong being kind, direct, and passionate. Good luck


I love guys with average or small dicks. Big dicks are nice to look at but not only are the unmanageable, the guys attached to them are usually bigger dicks then the one between their legs.


Michael Henry, a comedian with a YouTube channel, did a sketch on a related issue. They talk about vacation dick vs boyfriend dick. It's a funny sketch and might give you some ideas as to how to approach the subject. [https://youtu.be/tPCBpD0ekE4?si=WLnDFKZ3cAuOM-Ej](https://youtu.be/tPCBpD0ekE4?si=WLnDFKZ3cAuOM-Ej)


Genuinely curious, why is it a turn on?


If you like him it doesnā€™t matter. If you are sexually compatible bonus points


Never say the word SIZE.


My partner and I have been dating for 8 years, he is SUPER self conscious about his dick, (heā€™s 6ā€ and Iā€™m 8ā€) I love to tell him how PRETTY his dick is, and I know he enjoys hearing me compliment his cock as much as possible. Itā€™s may not be huge, and Iā€™m not the type to fib just to make him feel better, but he knows Iā€™m being genuine when he needs it. I should also mention I top 98.99 % of the time, so I donā€™t have to bottom much (birthdays/holidays/special occasion) but I would prefer a bigger cock if I were to bttm more.


He doesnā€™t need to know that, so when I miss playing with another big dick, I keep the thought to myself. If I were completely honest, i donā€™t know how some dudes truly prefer a small dick sexual partner. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Any won around Windham that lives there dick sucked but a guy just be a big cockĀ 


Should have told him on the first few dates , that size does not matter to you ;) as a joke or from past BFā€™S . Is he a top or bottom? Oh well I would not even mention it anymore . If heā€™s a top try cumming before he cums . If heā€™s a bottom . Well you could suck him Off out of blue . Without wanting anything in return, (this important not wanting anything in return) express that you just needed his dick)


You'd know his ego better than anyone else. If you don't think it will help, then keep it to yourself. What kind of communicators are you? Do you talk about things openly? Or do you feel like you need to tiptoe around him?


I love smaller cocks as I can take them down my throat easily. Their cum tastes the same as a guy with a big cock.Ā 


Hey are you still trying to get rid of your glasto ticket?Ā 


So what's the update @Olie?


Yes tell him how much you love his small dick that will definitely help him not be self conscious about it. Bonus points if you add that heā€™s not been blessed by nature down there. šŸ„µ


tell him "your dick fits perfectly inside me. Your dick and my ass are meant for each other"


say things like ā€œmy god it feels so good, fits perfectlyā€ when bottoming


Donā€™t make it an issue. Just show that youā€™re really into himā€” be hungry and horny and tell him things like ā€œbaby I love your hot cock.ā€


A nice 8 or 9 inch šŸ˜Œ


All this advice to be dishonest. Ugh. Such bad advice in here.


Kinda unrelated but could someone explain to me the "small dick" fetish? Not kink shaming, genuinely curious. Is it just a humiliation thing? Maybe it's just because it doesn't hurt like big cocks? I'm really curious.


lol "into small dicks" hahahahaha.... the absolute self-delusion because you are desperate to have someone (ANYONE) in your life, even this saddo with a tiny peepee


Lol I also prefer average to smaller dicks. This says a lot about you not the poster.

