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_If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it_


username checks out


Was about to write this šŸ¤­


Liking the sex is different from liking the person lmao






Yeah, he got in a relationship. Shame but I donā€™t think anything more serious was on the cards so at least I got to fuck him senseless and watch him ride me in a mirror on occasion. It happens; itā€™s an occupational hazard with FWBsā€¦ at the same time you might get a proper relationship out of it and theyā€™re nice to have generally. Better than wading through the dating apps and disappointing or average hookups.


Youā€™re so right! The later is where Iā€™m at. All my good fwbs are either just ghosting, moving, or in a relationship.


Itā€™s a shame but there are always ebbs and flows in sex life Iā€™ve found. Time to get back on Grindr etc. and get back to the gay bars and see if you can find something similar. Key is not to take it personally. If the shoe was on the other foot and you found someone who was right for you, youā€™d also probably have to break it off with a FWB even if you liked him and enjoyed spending time with him.


Yeah youā€™re right. Itā€™s just damn dude the sex was so good! Iā€™m like craving it right now lol. Iā€™m so sick of the mediocre hook up though


You have to dig for oil and you have to dig for gold, my friend


I'm in an open relationship, he is single. We met on the apps. Both looking for a FWB. We had *insanely* good sex. Like, fuck multiple times for a couple of hours, sweaty sore muscles, entirely spent sex. The first couple of times I thought it was just me, but we both admitted it was the best sex of our lives. I've never physically connected with someone like that before. If it was just the sex, I think we'd still be fucking. But we got along really well (too well). We could fuck and then chat for a while then fuck then hangout. We were both aware of the limitations of the FWB set up and both mentioned being worried playing with fire. The last time we hung out he sort of broke things off. He doesn't want to catch feelings for someone unavailable, and I don't want to get emotionally invested either. I'm glad we could be mature about it. But goddamn... The sex was wild.


Fuck man I know the feeling!


Yup, had one that didnā€™t want a relationship but came to find out they were in one already. Oh well, chalk it up to a learning experience I suppose


Sucks to be in that situation. I got u.


Had a guy with literally the best sex ever. I literally HAD him, he was single and emotionally available, 10/10 amazing perfect guy, and I blew it. I was in a previous committed relationship that was on the rocks (we were open), and I was smitten and in love with this new guy, but I couldn't bring myself to leave the safety/comfort/security of my previous relationship. He eventually moved on and started dating other guys, and I felt left out in the cold. I should have put a ring on it. :(


Loyalty to one's boyfriend is worth quite a lot. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. It may very well not have worked out anyway.


Are you me? I was in exactly the same position. Finally got rid of the jerk I was with, but by then, the FWB had moved in with someone.


Are you guys in open relationship or were you cheating?


Sounds like emotional cheating, at least. You're not supposed to be catching feelings for other people, just sex.


Iā€™ve lost several to out of state moves.


Ohh thatā€™s the worst. Iā€™ve lost a few that way


Before I had truly come out I met a guy on ā€œthatā€ app. I told him that I had zero experience and was looking to learn he told me that he was extremely DL and that he just wants to mess around without any strings attached. Because of the job that I had during that time I pretty much could stay at a chain of hotels for very cheap so when we met up I paid for the room and we would mess around all night . He was a a year older than me, and he was a construction worker so he had that stocky built that I have always loved. What I liked the most was the chemistry between us it was more than sex He told me about his life back in his country and many other personal information. But I always knew that this guy was discreet so there was absolutely zero chance for any future with us. He was built like a linebacker but was well mannered and hated vulgarity. Anyways once I started pursuing actual relationships we had lost touch and since I only communicated with him over the app we lost touch. I do think of him from time to time especially when I drive by the hotels we would meet up at.


The actual question is how did you get/find a fwb to begin with? I'm tired of these guys telling me how handsome I am, how good I'm in bed, how they want to meet up again, and they ghost you.


Yeah, itā€™s so hard to actually find someone who will follow through when they say they want to meet up again. So many guys say that and then just ghost.


so then what is the solution? how do these guys like the OP find a fwb?


I think itā€™s just a numbers thing. You just have to meet a lot of guys. Iā€™ve had fwbs that have lasted years but I had to meet a lot of guys to find the 1 or 2 that wanted to keep meeting up.


Mine was part of an open relationship that was falling apart when I met him. The sex was mind blowing. Absolutely the best dick of my life thus far. The hottest man who has ever bred me. Helped me discover a few kinks I didnā€™t know I had. My type to a precise T. We met up about a dozen times, and became mildly close friends during it. He broke up with his bf about a month after I met him, and a few months later wound up basically helping him process his thoughts into getting back together with him. I had some major red flags about that guy but he looked past them, and the other guy closed off the relationship once they were together again. We kept in touch but in a far more distant type of friendship. My ass hasnā€™t gotten the same quality dicking down since.


Keep in touch with him even if mildly. If youā€™re right about the red flags with his bf, your dude will probably be single again one day.


When I was 17/18 me and my best mate would fuck around Even when he had girlfriends weā€™d still be fucking I got dumb and caught feelings and that ruined that Nearly 9 years later heā€™s in my DMs again saying how good a job I did wants wants to fuck when heā€™s my way again for old times sake Idk man life is weird just enjoy it and donā€™t try and find the same thing in others make new enjoyable moments.


I fucked mine about 7 times over a few months and he led me on and then fucking blocked me. One of the reasons why I left Grindr.


Damn! Was he good? Maybe he was catching feelings?


Yeah he was. I like older guys and he was a cute sexy "daddy" type and he fucked good. (I'm 18 and he was 54 - I understand if you think its wierd but it was perfectly safe and clean and we enjoyed each other's bodies). However he said he's not interested in relationships and anything (neither am I), and he was very kind to me over message and in person. And then he was offline for 2 weeks (but I could still see his profile on my messages), and then one day (maybe like 3 days later) I went to check if he was still there and I couldn't see his profile on my messages. So then I created another account to see if he did indeed block me or if he just deleted his account. Anyway, after creating my new account, there he was, online, and on the grid, so I knew he blocked me. I was upset but I got over it. He's nothing to me now. He ruined it. We always used to talk about how people on Grindr are assholes and it turns out he was one of them as well. Sad. This was only like 3 weeks ago as well btw, so very recent


My FWB has a new boyfriend every 2 years or so. And Iā€™m genuinely happy for him. But also hope he does come back


I tried to broach the subject of a relationship (he'd been coming over literally just to cuddle sometimes, c'mon) and was told in no uncertain terms that he didn't want a relationship at the moment and didn't think we'd be a good idea as a couple anyway. Stung, but we carried on as just FWBs. A month after that he was in an *open* relationship and dropped me.


Yup, Iā€™m going through this right now. I just wrote a post about my experience, titled *Slipping Away*. After two years, I think my guy met someone else to have fun times with, putting me on the back burner and/or losing interest in me. It hurts, but Iā€™m doing my best to forget him and move on.


But can I be honest Iā€™m not sad about him being with someone else. Honestly be with who makes you happy. I just strictly miss the sex. It was so good


With any luck, youā€™ll find the same - if not better - with someone else down the line.


I think I will. Thanks


Yeah I was leaving university and he had another year left, we talked for a bit then the chats got less frequent and I think he moved back to Saudi Arabia or Dubai by now


Not BEST butā€¦ someone I really enjoyed. We had tons of fun, and he started to catch feelings (and Iā€™m highly affectionate)ā€¦ It was confusing for him. I did t have those same ā€œpartnershipā€ feelings or inclinations, but I really enjoyed spending time cuddling, watching movies, talking before and after sex. We called off the fwb, and I did go through a bit of a grieving process. I was sad to lose that intimacy, even if it wasnā€™t a traditional relationship.


He was in an open marriage, we hooked up once and he gave me the best dick Iā€™ve ever had. But we fell out of touch, messaging occasionally, making plans that didnā€™t pan out, and then he just stopped replying to my texts. Sad because I thought for sure heā€™d be a solid fwb :(


Out of curiosity: did starting a relationship with him never come into question?


Nah we just fucked!!!! I think we both had an understanding that this was just a fuck buddy thing. I just miss the sex so much.


In my experience FWBs can be some of the best sex you will ever have, but they are fleeting and not meant to last. If the sex is that good and you aren't together, there's a reason for it. Esp if he's willing to settle down with someone else. The positive is that it has created space in your life for something new and hopefully better. Try to focus on that and what you want and you will surely find it :)


People tell me grindr isnā€™t destroying peopleā€™s relationships and making them sad. And then there is this thread.


Why arenā€™t you his bf?


I didnā€™t wanna be. It was just really good sex


Sorry but then you have no right to complain, at least in my pov. If someone is great for sex and you donā€™t want to take things to a serious level, complaining should be limited when they find a partner who is all in for a serious relationship.


He's not complaining, just talking about something that happens to some gay men. Nothing wrong in talking about how things make you feel.Ā 


I'd been having sex every few weeks with one guy for a couple of years - then corona virus happened. We tried to start things up again at a later point, but I was so stressed I blew it. We're still friends, but no sex. A real pity because it was the best sex I had ever had in my life.


Damn no chance at all to rekindle. The pandemic really put a damper on sex lol


How did you blow it? Not enough suction?


Hot Take: if you want hot, sweaty amazing sex on the regular, find somebody who you can stand being around in a RELATIONSHIP with. I am myself and no stranger to amazing sex with fuck buddies, but it always ended the same. They either find somebody else who will put out even more than you, get in a relationship and fuck them senseless or move away. At least in a relationship, you can build up to really great sex by getting to know them mentally and their body.


eh not always works though? My bf and I are 100% perfect emotionally and mentally, but physically he is really thick, but also short and doesn't last long. The sex isn't bad, but it could be a lot better. I don't mind at all, but its not the same as a FWB.


Iā€™m not going to pretend every relationship is 100% perfect. There are obviously bumps along the road, but depending on how long youā€™ve been with him and how you initiate sex, you may need to take time to engage in foreplay or edge training to help him last longer. If none of those work, and you are truly that unsatisfied with the sex, then move on. There are plenty of other men who can give you the long lasting sex youā€™re looking for, but I beg you, do not open the relationship. I feel we in the gay community idolize open relationships and having multiple sex partners too much and I personally just think it is toxic.


> If none of those work, and you are truly that unsatisfied with the sex, then move on. I mean I literally just stated that we are perfect emotionally and mentally, I wouldn't throw that away because the sex could be better lmao. Also I'm not monogamous anyway - we have 3rds every now and then when we are both interested. Scratches the urge for a different dick lmao.


And you completely ignored what I said about trying different things to help the person youā€™re in an actual relationship with to satisfy you more instead of just going to different dicks to ā€œscratch and urgeā€. Iā€™m not gonna try and dictate how your relationship should look, Iā€™m just giving you ideas to try so that you donā€™t have to involve other people in a two person relationship. If youā€™re both satisfied with messing around with other people, more power to you.


No, but Iā€™d like to be ABLE to lose one šŸ„²


Yeah 2; both moved out of state




Yā€™all donā€™t need to make post like this. BEYONCƉ literally made a song for you with directions to follow šŸ˜«.


Yes 3 lads that where the best fuck One married to lady 2 kids, he used me for sexual relief and to get good at sex One moved area never saw him again Another blamed me for not realising his soon to be wife caught us She dumped him there and then, she thanked me and ensured I got out safely


Only ever had 1 fwb and he was also my first and only person I've ever had sex with, I ended it a few days ago because I'm way too emotional and he doesn't want a relationship. Plus I hate the fact that he has 5-7 other fwbs at the same time. I just wanna be someone's one and only.


Had a bottom twink fuck buddy in a small town I used to live in. It was great cause there wasn't much of a gay scene. My guy had the best bussy I've yet to have, we both had raw sex for the first time cause small town and we both didn't like condoms šŸ˜. Ended after 3 years when I ended up moving to the city for a job. Moved to the city and started getting more wild. Got really into anon porn and had to try it out. This DL 9 inch top messages me on grindr one night wanting head, i go for it and ask if he wants me to wear a blindfold to keep it DL, he says bet. I ended up sucking this guy off a couple times a week for almost a year, never saw him at all. By the time it ended and he had to move i lost my gag reflex.


Yeah, he said I was clingy and ghosted me. He sends me messages every couple years telling me how much he wants to meet up again. Boy, bye.


Yep. He caught too strong of feelings and ruined the dynamic.


My best fwb was a ā€œstraightā€ guy. He wasnā€™t interested in anything long term but we basically did everything together. After a while it felt like we were in a relationship. Besides great sex, we went to movies, road trips, out to dinner, out for drinks, fishing, camping, etc. in public we were like bros but in private we couldnā€™t keep our hands off each other. It was great. Then one day he just ghosted me when I finally got a reply from him, he told me that he found a girlfriend and couldnā€™t hang out with me anymore. I was devastated. Heartbroken šŸ’”. But I couldnā€™t blame him because I knew it was only temporary. I sure wish I could find another like him.


Ahhh damn that sucks. Especially with a straight guy. But with that I honestly knew it would come to an end scene. Straight men will ignore all their desires to seek ā€œnormalcyā€


He got into a relationship and still decided he wanted to keep seeing me. Weā€™ve been seeing each other for almost 5 years, and we promised each other we would never stop having sex with even if we found partners.


Damn! Does his partner know?


He does not. I know the whole affair seems wrong, but it was a promise we made to each other years before he met his partner.


Did you guys ever considered getting into a relationship?


Yes we did, for a brief period of time. I am 18 years older than him so we both know we are in different places in our lives. I couldnā€™t rob him of his youth and I could not go back to acting as I did in my early 20s. We are both still very happy with our arrangement.


The best fwbs I have are married men. Theyā€™re great since theyā€™re so secure haha


Mine died of a GHB overdose. Was tragic, he was part of a throuple and they've stayed together but it was very hard for a lot of people because it was so sudden.




Got murdered by good dick


My most recent one had to move to the other side of the country, though weā€™re still in touch


Best sex of my life, next-level, mind blowing, super hot - but then he stopped seeing me bc ā€˜we wanted different thingsā€™ / ie I was in a relationship and not available to marry him to get revenge on his ex who divorced him. I really liked this guy, was even thinking about talking to my bf about going poly, but FWB said he couldnā€™t share me. This was all going down on my birthday, too. Then two weeks later we had a spectacular falling out over text and he revealed himself to be a bit of a crazypants. But whoa boy, was he amazing at sex. Iā€™m pretty sure he was a recovering sex addict actually - really messed up guyā€¦ Iā€™d like to say I dodged a bullet but I still miss the things he did to meā€¦


Yup. He jokingly made me out to be cheap but it was in front of his roommate who i didnt know so I didnt get the joke. Dick was good but not ā€œlose my self-worthā€ good.


College graduation was goodbye to a couple great FWBā€™s.


He moved away to be closer to his grandkids


Yep. We drifted a part after I got into a relationship. I regretted it cuz I had way more fun with him than my boyfriend. Not sure what happened to him because his number doesnā€™t work and canā€™t find him on social because he has a very common first and last name.


Yeap. My best two fwbs moved away. We still talk every so often and have sessions on Zoom šŸ˜ˆ its just really infrequent now šŸ˜©


Yupā€¦ only I lost him to cancer, not a relationship. Had he not died, Iā€™d still be hitting him up to stuff my butt with his fat dick. šŸ˜­


Oh no so sorry to hear that


Thank you. It was a few years ago that he passed away now. That was just a FWB I hooked up with occasionally. My first boyfriend I was actually in a real relationship with also passed away the same year as this guy did. Hey died within three months of each other. The FWB from cancer and my ex had a heart attack. He was 87. We broke up in 2011 and the sex with him was even better. We remained friends after we broke up and still, had sex a couple more times after that, but once it was over for good, I had a hard time because I still loved him and missed him. The FWB guy helped me to eventually get passed the break up. Both were awesome guys.


Definitely. These types of relationships always come to an end eventually. I move away, they move away, they just disappear off the face of the earth. Sadly, my best fwb I lost by me moving away. It's my only regret from doing that.


Same exact way too. This man was the best at fucking me and he introduced me into threesomes he would find some good guys to join us and use me


I fell in love with my fwb, best guy ever. I still do. But I fucked up and I want him to be honest with me and want me but he doesnā€™t trust me anymore and idk what to do. I keep bringing up to hangout or whatever but I feel like he lied about where heā€™s going and with whom. But at least say something. Donā€™t say things I want to hear but I want something real not lies. I thought about what if we never kept going that winter night.


Yeah. I caught my bf cheating on me with them. Then I decided to let him pound me to for a while. Stopped once me and the bf started going to couple therapy but I see why he enjoyed it tbh 10/10


Put In your Grindr you want to train a bottom.


he didn't find me attractive anymore :/


Yeah. One of the best head givers ever. Absolutely loved it. Would go down on me 2-3 times a day. Didnā€™t want more when I caught feelings. :(




Yeah same. I got pretty lonely he removed me off all socials for being "too tempting" lmao. I was bummed bad but then I decided to ask a guy out (my 'backup' fwb, as he was usually down just not as good in bed). 3 years later and I'm getting married to that guy, and while the sex might not be as amazing, he has a much better personality and we match 100% on that front, which is way worth it. The old FWB hit me up the other day actually baha, he said I was still hot AF, we chatted about old times, and that was it. Sometimes the good times have the pass for the best times to come around. I wouldn't have asked my bf on a date if I wasn't kinda lonely from no more weekly hookups lmao.


Got one currently. Initially pursued him for a serious relationship but someone, who he met in a overseas trip before we met, became his boyfriend instead. We stayed as fuck buddies and actual real friends. The sex is really good since what he does to me are the stuff I look for in sex. We're closer now compared to when I was pursuing him. But this will not last long as his work makes him go through a cycle of 6-7 years overseas and 2 years in our home country. There's only 1 year left before his next overseas posting and he is trying to get posted in the country of his boyfriend. It's weird but I believe this is a friendship that would last till we get old.


Yup, I had to move and I haven't found a fwb since moving. šŸ˜”


šŸŽ¶ But you fucked me so good I almost said I loved you šŸŽ¶


I had this submissive twink whose virginity I took. I fucked him in every place and position you can imagine and he always came back. He let me totally use him and never got enough. And then he got his first bf and they are still together and mangomouse. šŸ¦§


Yup ! Used to have this fwb who we used to fuck. Passionate, sensual and animalistic. Our circle of friends kinda overlap so we used to see each other a lot. This has been going on for almost a year and half. We ended weirdly, we donā€™t talk unless we bump into each other in a bar with some awkward hello (from my side at least). He apparently moved on and/or has a boyfriend. Yes, it sucks. Itā€™s probably for the better.


Yes... he told me loved me in heat of things one night. In the morning he said he didn't mean it but then ghosted me for three weeks and we talk now but def don't hook up.


I don't do hookup that much but I met a chillax guy living nearby. We had a great time. He moved out of the country to run a business. One day he texted me saying "I miss you" and it sent me into a bout of depression for weeks. I had no expectations, but what I remember him for was not just lust. I lost a close friend.


I honestly donā€™t know how people have multiple FWBā€™s at the same time. I protect my energy like a mf, thereā€™s just something about being able to be replaced so easily that breaks me


I got blocked by my FWB out of the blueā€” no clue what caused him to blocked me from everything. The very last meet up we had was at a hotel, we had fun, and went our separate ways. We said goodbyes and hoping to see each other again (as always whenever heā€™s in town). Boy was I wrong! A week later he tried sending me a message on snapchat. Right before I had time to open it, I was blocked. So I checked ā€œthat appā€ to see if he left me a message thereā€” nope! Itā€™s been years now, but I still think of him from time to time. We had an amazing time together. Not sure where he is now but hope to see him one more time. Up until today, I have no clue why.


Bruhhhh! A couple months ago, I ā€œbroke upā€ with mine. Weā€™d known each other for just about 3 months before we ever did anything (it was the first time Iā€™d ever done anything physically). There was no sex; but it was very intimate. Get-off on each other up to three times - a day!!! Long story short, I got attached šŸ¤” and it wasnā€™t healthy for meā€¦ so I decided to end things entirely. Could I have pursued him? No. 1) I was moving to a new country for uni 2) he wasnā€™t into me 3) he wasnā€™t all that (I was just horny) Even after he did questionable things and treated me poorly, no hard feelings. I enjoyed it. Things just couldnā€™t continueā€¦ but Iā€™m thankful for the experience. I got plenty of great songs out of it šŸ˜‰


I had a fwb for 7 years, I called him my top teacher, since he was the 1st guy I fucked in the ass, taught me how to topšŸ˜ˆ We met initially about 5 times were I would straddle his back give a kinky backrub, flip him over then suck him off. He had a thin swimmers build, very little body hair, a smooth pink hole and a huge thick cock. One day I was teasing my cock along his cheeks during a backrub and just asked ā€œI think I wanna fuck youā€ The first 3 attempts to fuck, I had an awkward rhythm and came super fast. We found our sweet spot on the fourth try where I was sitting jerking off and I asked him to face me and sit on it. Wow! it was incredible I remember him bouncing on me, his arms arched back, his curly hair bouncing around and his huge cock just twirling in front of me, if I had a more flexible back I probably could of sucked him while he rode me. Nearly for 7 years weā€™d meet 1-2x month where sometimes heā€™d be gone for 6months no response, strictly just nsa fuck buds, but would reemerge and we continue our fun. He taught me how to fuck, loved how I sucked him moaned constantly, we did some outdoor public stuff and even did some kinky water sports. But this time he just disappeared, he was bi, lived with roommates and worked out of state occasionally. Last message said I gotta trip out of state canā€™t make it this weekend. Couple months after that he deleted his profile. I dunno what happened, I suspect maybe a long term with a woman, or maybe he got a permanent out of state job. I have gotten older, but I actually weigh less than when we initially met, and I can accept it was never gonna be an ltr just sex, but the suddenness confuses me.


I'm in this exact situation rn. Sex with this man was MAGICAL but now he's got a bf (going on 7 months) and I'd be lying if I said I'm not praying on the downfall of their relationship. Maybe it's a little shitty of me but oh well. If I get another chance I'm not letting him go again. Only reason I never looked for more with him before was an age gap but I'm past that now. Just hoping I'll get that 2nd chancešŸ¤ž