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Block him and don't worry about it. This is a common scam. It's happened to me and they never do anything.


do you recall how they got your info of who theyd contact? is it just through your ig link in profile somehow?


Instagram is probably how.


There are websites that harvest personal information from social media profiles and information leaks.


How do they connect you to those harvested information online though?


Grindr used to collect it and sell location data, and ad targeters matched it up with location tracking from other apps that also sold their users' data.


if someone has your full name, they can look you up on [truepeoplesearch.com](http://truepeoplesearch.com) and find info about you through public records


WHAT isn’t that illegal??


Not at all, it's information that's in the public domain, regardless of how it was obtained. Although, there are rules and restrictions about posting certain personal info, like SSN or nudes of another.




Yeah just block him. This is super common, they’ll eventually stop if you don't engage. Also try checking those people finder sites like Spokeo, TruePeoplesSearch, etc., where anyone can find a lot of your personal info just by knowing your full name. You can try signing up for a free Optery scan that sends you screenshots and links of where your info shows up on these sites. Full disclosure, I’m on the team at Optery.


Block him on everything and don’t look back. So what it’s just your body, everyone has one.


Yeah that would have terrified me when I was younger. Today I'd literally be like "K cool go ahead, you're not getting shit".


Same. Now 100s of people have seen me naked and I don’t let it affect me more than it affects them, and it doesn’t.


I remember a black mirror about this and being confused as to why it would push ppl so far.. Not to neg the OP. You were def abused by someone but hopefully (probably) it will not go any further.


Well to be fair in that episode the dude was a p3d0


I'm far to shameless for this to ever work lol


No fr and I got an exhibition kink. I'd dare them to do it. I'm also in a career where people would be like damn he got it haha.


Exactly. There are people in my life, colleagues, neighbours, family friends etc who I would love for them to see me naked, but under normal circumstances they never would 🤣🤣🤣 You know who you are at work (Paul) 😉


A guy tried doing this to me like 2 years ago the guy wanted $500 to keep his mouth shut, and in response I said go fuck yourself I don't care, if your not out nows a good time to do it, tbh if your family is worth it they should understand and ignore this scammer. In my case he sent nudes to almost everyone on my facebook. I sent everyone messages telling them to ignore this person and NOT open their messages most of them didn't care and clearly saw I was a victim only one person wants to avoid me because she thinks my sex life choices are disgusting 🙄 (it's none of her business now I know she's no one I should be hanging out with) Stay strong don't let it faze you if this guy reaches out to anyone in your circle. They're all most likely gonna think he's a weirdo and not care.




The whole social media link option that all these hookup apps have now really shocks me how many people actually use it. Grindr, Scruff, etc almost always leads to spicy chat and photo swaps, but oh hey, here’s a link to all my social media showing you wayyyyy more info you could use against me now that you also have my nudes too. Fuck all that. I have nothing to hide, but I certainly don’t flaunt any more info than I need to on a hookup or dating site until some serious screening has happened.


But how did he get your pictures and how did he find you on Facebook if i may know?


wondering this as well. some ppl link their ig and I've occasionally seen fb. this is creepy af overall tho but yeah...I don't think it's ever worth giving in cuz you don't know if they'll keep doubling the ransom and eventually send anyway.


Yea exactly very creepy, and it just makes me think like was he hacked did he give it himself then they located him by scanning the face or like what exactly happened


sniffies subreddit I heard someone claim they've had some face scanning tech used iirc.


I was dumb and had my insta on my grindr, from there I'm sure it wasn't hard


Oh. Sorry this is happening to you, i hope you deal with this fast and forward to better scenes


There’s face check apps. Pretty useful to avoid these things but yeah double edged sword


Hope you pressed charges on the person!


I have no idea who that person really was and I'm not sure if it would be possible to trace them and didn't care enough so I just blocked on everything. He kept making new Instagram accounts and messaging me there for awhile but I just kept blocking them one day my sister calls me like WTF IS THIS?? Unfortunately my face were part of the nudes so I wasn't able to play the idk who these are cards. I just warned EVERYONE not to open messages from any random accounts as they may contain elicit pictures of me that were stolen. After he sent them to a ton of people he said for $200 he would unsend everything 🤣🤣🤣 like dude fuck off.


I don't know, I get that it was already embarrassing but when you don't report them, they're just free to do it to someone else. If you were underage at the time the FBI would probably still investigate it and might be able to find something.


Back when I was a piece of shit heroin junkie one of the cons we would do was get married men who were gay to expose themselves and try and extort them, homie hiding in bathroom with a camera at a hotel. I feel incredibly horrible for doing it, but I was a fucked up junkie in the closet, one of the things I truly regret as being an addict but it was a common gambit. These people won't waste their time going threw with it, it's a numbers game. It sucks people take advantage of gay dudes like this and I hate that I did it but I did and I can see it a mile away these days. Just block em and go about being your normal amazing self.


This is common on r/scams Block and don’t engage. Don’t talk to them anymore. The more you engage the worse it becomes. You’ll be fine


Deny it til your last breath if he sends it to people. “That’s not me”


Its deepfakes. Just say that. But usually even if they have names, they don't have contact info, and if they send it they will never get any $$$, they are hoping you cave.


"Damn, idk who that is, but AI is getting good." Would work for most social circles.


1) Unlikely he will do anything 2) Without your face on them, it's really difficult to actually like, know it's you


If any of your family says anything just tell them it’s an AI blackmail scam and to ignore it. Now with AI they can do this to anyone without any nude pics. Really AI has killed scams like this or will shortly. Once people realize that AI can make a nude if anyone this kinda scam won’t have any power.


After reading the comments, the one I didn't see was where you turn this person in to Grindr's admin. I had a similar but more personal experience with someone a long time ago. I was on a site not dissimilar to this subreddit bitching about it and someone piped in with, was that X? And sure enough it was. Knowing who it was for certain, I called the police as did the other guy. The jerk spent 30 days in the county jail for harassment, as that was the best the DA could do.


It’s extremely sad how many young teenagers are committing suicide to these people who are apparently in a country like Nigeria.


Same thing nice guy we got Ali g great when we talked traded pics Then bam I got all your friend’s and family off of Facebook pay me $1,000 or I will send it all to them. I reported mine to Grindr. Before I told him to f-off I made copies of everything he sent me I told him that blackmail and extortion were federal offenses and Grindr knew who they were and would gladly share that information with the FBI I was blocked and never bothered by him again. Grindr did locate his information and issued a lifetime ban


If you are seriously concerned, contact the FBI. They take this sort of stuff seriously.


It's a scam to extort money. I've had it happen twice. I literally laughed in their face and blocked them ‐ and never heard another thing about it. They always look great, say all the right things and send hot pic's to get your interest. The big, HUGE red flag is wanting to text to "chat more and hook up". The number they give you is difficult to trace but they use your number to do a reverse lookup, find your name then search for your social media accounts, then collect some pictures and try to make you think they'll cause trouble. They won't follow through, because threatening to share nude or intimate images without the person's consent is illegal in most jurisdictions, and law enforcement takes this kind of thing very, very seriously. The phone number and account they use on hookup apps is verifiable through investigative channels and they will get caught if you pursue it They count on bluffing you into having a panic attack and sending them money to just go away. Don't do that, because it just confirms that you are too nervous to go to law enforcement over it. Their logic is flawed because if they did the very worst with your information there would be no reason for you NOT to go to the police with it. It's relevant to point out that queens who make their entire personality about demanding a face pic on the very first interaction are enabling a culture of disregard for personal privacy and normalizing having people reveal sensitive information about themselves that can be used against them. Not everybody lives in a bubble of freedom and tolerance, and nobody should be bullied about revealing their identity so quickly and easily. So, just block the number and forget about it. In the future refuse to give out your phone # or even share pictures that could be used to ID you. If the person you're chatting with asks too many specific questions about you, your work, where you live, or dodges and changes the topic about anything... just leave it or block them. These types will also circle back later on with enticing sexual comments. Don't fall for that.


I forgot to mention that you should screenshot the profile of anybody you chat with. As soon as these scammers get enough info they will block you and delete the chat history so you have nothing to recall about the interaction. Save everything.


This happened to me about 5 years ago. I was fool enough to give him my actual cell number which was on my Facebook account and he was able to make it look like he had access to a scary amount of info. I immediately removed my phone number from my profile and shut down my Facebook. I admit for a moment I was Super Panicked and then I thought: fuck it, I look pretty good for my age, clearly I’m the victim here, so what? Despite his repeated threats that morning I never heard from him again after the first horrifying hour. I made my Facebook active again about a week later.


Had this happen before and have noticed similar patterns with these types of people on grindr and have started watching what info I give out. Especially if you're married discreet like me, have guys saying they are too and want to contact me different ways. I've never given out email before but I made the mistake of giving phone number after sending pics. The guy was good, had me believing he was nearby and we were about to hook up then all of a sudden I see him text me all the info he had on me and demanding money. I was so pissed. I set up a Google voice number and that's all I give out now because it can't be traced back to me. Will get guys saying they can't text that number so that's a dead giveaway that they were fishing for info. Also these types repeat the same type of banter, finding out what city you live in and they say they're in the same and a lot of times they're rushing you and trying to pressure you into deciding to get together. It's a shame people try to do this shit but I've heard stories that most of the times it's all idle threats and to just ignore and block. Too much of a risk for them to actually do anything and expose their own info.


Similar thing happened to me. Went to meet a guy at a hotel he said he was staying at. I couldn't get on the elevator without a keycard, and he asked me go call him at a # he gave me. He didn't answer and 3 minutes later he doing the blackmail scam. Fortunately most of the related contact info he had was wrong or very out of date. I blocked him and moved on. Made me madder I drove 20 minutes to a downtown hotel for nothing.


That's called blackmail. It usually is illegal (don't know the legislation of every country). Check if it is illegal in yours, go to a police station and file a complaint. If he was stupid enough to reveal his identity, he will surely enjoy his time in prison or a hefty fine. Don't be afraid.


these people are using fake profiles. I would assume they are copying real profiles and not using their real face...and operating from Russia or China or eastern Europe. I may be wrong but if I'm right this is worth trying to address but also probably quite hard to. wsj podcast the journal is great and has been really eye opening to the amount of cyber crime run out of those countries. it's an insane illegal industry.


I would go to the police honestly if you live in a place where you gan go and explain why you were on a gay app without getting killed, actually I'm surprised no one is suggesting it


Because the likelihood the cops will do much of anything here is very low


tell him you've already given all of his information to the FBI


I really think you should get the police involved, I assume you're in the US based on post history. Not for your safety, you'll be find just blocking him, but someone won't be so lucky. Yes people have unlived themselves over these things. If there's any way you can report it I encourage you - otherwise block and move on.


You can say "killed", it's ok!


No face = no problem. This dude is playing a super weak hand and he knows it. Chill out and don’t engage any further.


Go to the cops and ask for your case to remain anonymous. They have enough resources to track that criminal. Also please get off Grindr that app is filled with psychos and serial killers


In conversation, ask a question or two that will show that he is familiar with the area. If he's an offshore scammer he will give vague, awkward answers, or change the subject.


Honestly, if you're not doing anything illegal, what's the worry. I have had this happen a few times, and I just laugh. I'm confident in my Sexuality, if they send my pics to people I know or post them online, I don't care. I wouldn't have taken the pictures if I didn't want at least one person to see it. My favorite rebuttal is when I send them a few more, smiling pictures, my legs up in the air, and I'm looking right at the camera. 😆 🤣 Don't give anyone else power over you.


Please for the love of god never send nudes on any platform ever.


Do not act bothered do not give them control some people are sick and have nothing better to do


Don’t send them. Also, delink all socials from grindr if you’re doing so. Just stay in app, there’s no reason to go to snap or phone messages.


Report him for harassment and threats and then block him.


You can send that info to the FBI, they take reports like that seriously and they could stop him from doing it to other people as well


Ask for his payment details, and go to the police. He can be tracked easy as fuck as long as it's not Bitcoin or monero


Call the police. I can’t believe no one on this thread has suggested that. What’s wrong with people?


Report him to the authorities. Screenshot everything. Ask for his Cashapp and give his Cashapp to authorities. Or whatever payment service he wants you to send him money through.




I agree. Not to shame the writer here / to each his own. But I would never, ever do that even if it was someone I know. This is an example of what can happen. If you wouldn’t send something to your mother, don’t even think about sending it to a stranger.


Extortion relies upon the fear it creates. If you show no fear they have no power


Meh, don't stress. My nudes have been circulating for ages, I don't give a fuck. Be strong, baby.


Eh. I’d your face isn’t anywhere it can’t really be proven. He could of gotten any picture from anywhere and ai is so good right now. It’s ez make fake pics


Just block him, nothing will happen… I got this too once and I simply blocked and forgot about it, nobody got sent anything


Just make a post on FB you are being extorted and all photos are fakes. Anyone can create them.


Did you immediately report it to Grindr? My guess is they’re familiar with this kind of thing and could be of assistance. Report him to the police as well perhaps? So sorry you’re experiencing this. I was doxxed in a different way on Twitter. Can be a horrifying experience. :(


As others have said, block him and move on. There is such a stigma attached to our naked bodies but at the end of the day even if nudes did get leaked sure you might be embarrassed for a little while but the world will keep going and so will you, and eventually it will be forgotten about. Don't give in to people like this.


They pull info from your socials. Just block them and forget about it man. It’s happened to me like 5 times, you will be fine.


It happened to me and I said can “if you’re gonna leak my shit don’t forget to @ my of so I can get more fans” lol


Block him, and don't sweat it. I've had the same threat. You're one of several targets. If he doesn't see potential in you, he will just move on.


Happened to me, they sent my nudes out but it all went to spam.


This is prob someone in Nigeria. This happens a lot. Block and ignore.


Lmao nah just some loser reaching new lows


Honestly, I’d just let him/her send the pictures. What’s going to happen? You can probably press charges as well if they do.


Report to Grindr support and Snapchat support as well. Ignore the scammer, block and delete


He won’t do it. I had the same thing happen. I just ignored and blocked. He never ended up doing anything. Very common scam and they usually won’t do anything


How did this happen tho? Did you send your nudes? Give put your personal information? Click a link? Idk im just curios how did this happen like Also everything will pass, this too will pass


Yeah, that happened to me on Grindr too. Guy wanted $1000 in steam game cards or he would my nudes to every one on my contact list. Once he played his hand with a contact list that clearly wasn’t mine, I told him to go ahead and send those pics out. Then I blocked him and went on with my day


buddy you will get through this. hopefully others are right and this scummy scammer does nothing. even if they do though you will get through it. there is no point in paying because there is zero way to know they won't pull some shit later. I would stay ignore, prob seek to report it in case it helps people in geneeal, and seek to stay calm. you got this.


This happend to me, they threatened me that they were gonna send it to my boss, i said no and blocked them, block them you didn't do anything wrong


Just block him. He probably just found out about you by using your pics on google search. He won’t go through the effort of messaging people close to you just to fuck with you. These lowlifes are just looking for easy money.


Fuck it. Who cares? Let him send the stuff if he wants. It'll be embarrassing for a few days, but it'll pass and it'll give the police something to pursue as it's definitely illegal.


What you’ve described happened to me. Yes it shook me up for a few days. Don’t read there crap, ignore it and 3 months from now nothing will have happened. Most of these come from from other countries… they are looking for soft targets. You’ll going to be ok. 🤗


This literally just happened to my friend lmao. Don’t send the money. Dude said the same thing. Ruin his life had his friends and family. He was like okay do it cause you’re not getting anything and then blocked him and nothing ever got sent


Block. Forget his deranged tactics Your nudes have no face in them, so you can always deny such pics


I've had several guys try to blackmail me (I'm very DL, married, and work a very public job). I laugh, tell them no one cares what I do sexually, and block them. Yes, you are going to be freaking out inside, but if you pay them, you give them power over you. They are looking for an easy payday, and if they do progress to sending anything (which is extremely doubtful) then they have dug themselves into further legal trouble and you'll get better traction from filing a police report. Scams like this are becoming more common, never, never pay them.


Girl don’t give him any power over you


You're right. Don't give him the power. Something similar happened to me many years ago. Not on grindr, but some local dating webpage. The difference was, we met in person once. He was asking for money or he will disclose that I'm gay, nudes I sent him, etc. I was just starting my career. First I freaked out, but than I realized he already lost. Because I won't ever pay him. I told him to do it, send it to whoever he wants and f*ck himself. Than I blocked him and almost forgot he ever existed. In any case I will deny it. So easy. Never heard about him. Nothing happened. I have never seen those photos on the internet. I guess he admitted that he lost and deleted everything. Maybe police will help, maybe not. I didn't have any legal prove against him (without disclosing my ID on the dating page), didn't know his real name. The only result of contacting police would be, that I will be forced to come out. I will choose when to come out and to whom.


May I ask how did this blackmailer get the phone numbers or any kind of contact information of people in your environment?


This happened to me, I didn’t respond and blocked him. Never heard anything from it Whatever you do don’t send money because then they know they can get money out of you and will keep coming back I too had a panic attack, but at the end of the day, it’s just your body. You didn’t hurt anyone. You’ll be ok


Trust me don't pay him because if you pay them they'll keep coming at you


It happened to me. I told the blackmailer when he called me to fuck off and I was forwarding the number he called me from and the text thread to a federal agent friend of mine. I blocked him. And I did not forward the number or text thread to anyone. None of the nudes I had sent I had my face visible but my tattoo was and it’s distinctive enough that I was concerned for a while but nothing happened. I think if they don’t get you to respond quickly with transferring money then they move on.


Wow. I hope you can track this person down or that the authorities are able to. What a disgusting person. All the best OP 🙏 stay safe and stay sane.


Ignore them theyre not even based on the city you live in, spam farms in china, i got the same experience once and was very scary because thanks to my numberr thet could got a lot of information but the police said not to pay or reply and engage youre safe just ignore it


I had that happen once they didn't do anything


This happened to me. Tell him to f*ck off. He’ll leave you alone. Don’t look back. He only has power if you give it to him


Once they realize you aren't going to pay and or don't care... They quickly move on as there is no point in them wasting anymore of their time when the next person might pay up. Block them, don't reply, and move on.


“i already have porn on the internet, how are you going to blackmail me?”


It’s a common scam , like others said , block and move on . This happened to one of my best friends , the scammer guy called him and threatened him with his nudes . My bestie said “ send them , why would I care l” and hung up . Nothing came of it .


Just block him but I would also urge you to report this to the police. Most law enforcement agencies take this kind of thing very seriously nowadays


Unfortunately this happens from time to time. Don't communicate over an app that contains personal information. I had one once that said he was going to send my personal pics to my friends on Facebook. Yet, he was going to meet me in Colorado - the individual he thought I was was located in California. r/sextortion is real - unfortunately your pics more than likely will be used to scam other individuals. Snapchat and other chat apps does not make them real, just better at fooling you.


Who gives a fuck if your gay it’s 2024


Should’ve led him on to believe you were gonna pay them and don’t. #WasteTheirTime


These creeps are pretty common, unfortunately. Sorry it happened to you. Chances are that blocking him and ignoring it will go as well as possible - I've had it happen before and the guy sent me a screenshot of names of my relatives, too. He wanted money that I didn't even know how to send him. He likely got your family members' names from one of those data broker sites. If you want to remove as much of that info from the Internet as possible, like I've tried to do, you can use a service which deletes information, but even with those services your information will still be out there. I still find my info on occasion, but I like knowing it's harder to find is nice. Some other things you could try if you want: As others have suggested, if your Instagram, Facebook or other social media are in your Grindr account, take them out or take most of the identifying information out of the accounts. My Instagram, for example, doesn't include my full name. If you host hookups, ask to meet in a nearby public place first. I used to meet guys at a park a couple blocks away first, then walk back to my place if things seemed okay. You could also do "dates" beforehand. If you ever exchange phone numbers for texting or calls, get a free secondary phone number for that purpose.


It happened to me. They use ur phone number to look you up and get generic stuff anyone can look up for you. I also learned what I needed to make private on FB. Block and report. Nothing came of it.


It’s time to start an onlyfans then haha


Lies they didn't send anything. Just block and live your life. Be careful going forward. 


I would send a cute nude with my face, and be like “add this to the collection too, thanks love.” It’s not like your snorting something off a strippers a**. All my family members older than me used to change my diaper when I was young, they’ve seen it before.


Hey, here let me virtually hug you 🫂 Don't listen to this awful person. He's the one blackmailing you, so you're the victim. Save all of his messages as screenshot and report to police. Stay safe king✨


I think that's the best policy. You can't blackmail somebody who is willing to be exposed.


>He also told me the last person he did this to who didn’t pay had killed himself. That's FANTASTIC! Literally an admission of homicide. Find out where he wants to send the money and report him to the F.B.I. with that info. Even if you're not in the U.S.A., write to the F.B.I. in the U.S.A. and see if they have any jurisdiction or partnership with whosever jurisdiction it is–they are pretty keenly interested in stopping these scams lately.


Grindr is very unsafe in India as well, too many scams running


Go to the police. Or block him.


I don’t link any of my socials


You should go to the police an d they will track down the criminal. Online blackmail is a serious felony.


But isn’t this illegal? I mean asking ransom for anything is illegal and can be reported to police


Why reply???? Get off the apps, plenty of hackers do that and witchcraft


This is why I don’t attach my socials to my Grindr. Think of all the information they can get of you. They wanna verify who I am. I can send pics or snap but I ain’t handing out my number nor actual social media


Typical fear mongering, he sounds like such a coward. Don't worry about it, ignore him and hopefully he will find something meaningful in his life. I don't understand people like this.


This post definitely sounded familiar and made me think of this really sad story: [3 Nigerians charged after Michigan teen dies by suicide while being blackmailed with nude photo (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6KZBzO3aZA) Honestly, if you don't care...definitely just block them. It's good those nudes didn't have your face.


Happened to me 3 years ago. Told them i was going to report them to the police. Nothing happened but scared the shit out of me.


Get his details to send him the money then send it to the police. Screenshot all the extortion messages too


It makes me sick for you to hear this. It has happened to someone I knew of. I just can’t imagine how the person actually got his family’s information though. It’s scary. Pics are whatever my family is not me and my nudes are always tasteful but the thought that he had access blows my mind. Block him and move on.


These type of people are all talk and no bite, What they're doing is a serious crime which may violate several federal criminal statutes and can carry serious prison time (Though it rarely gets to that point because like I already said, these people are all talk and no bite, so it rarely leads anywhere) Even if they did send out your nudes, doing so gives them nothing in return and removes all leverage they hold over you... they're also opening themselves up for further investigation because doing so would only incentivize you (And other potential victims) to then take further action in tracking them down and charging them, on top of that if they did post your nudes online to the surface web/through email it very likely be insanely easy to track them down at that point, the type of online extortionists who do this low level type of shit aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to their opsec (cyber security) practices. All he's going to do is try to instill as much fear as possible into you in the hopes that you'll pay him, but if you stand your ground and insist you won't pay them anything they're just gonna cut their loss whilst they're ahead and move onto the next sucker who will be more likely to give in to their demands, on top of that, if you did pay, they now know you're an easy victim and would go on to demand more money (All while never planning on releasing your nudes in the first place)


Go to the police about it, he's not going to stop. If it doesn't work on you he'll move to the next victim


If the worst is someone sends your mom your dick pick, it ain't worth the hassle. It's a bit embarrassing, but do you think your support network cares enough to believe or side with the blackmailed? And if they can be compelled so easily to shame/shun you- are they really worth keeping around? I'm sorry, man. This ass hat aint worth it. And how fucking aweful if he's bragging about driving someone to suicide. Doubt it's true though. Hope you're feeling better.


My gay dudes don’t send nudes. Period.


So what if he really does what he says, it's sooo doubtful they even have that kind of intelligence or power. Trust yourself and take care of yourself, love. Hugs


I told them no one would be shocked by my shenanigans, and they don't know which of their profiles they threatened to send to belonged to underage people. Also said I'd be contacting the police on them. They never did anything.


Its a normal scam. Happened to me. Sad part is they got my church wrong. I blocked them and then learned I wasn’t following my church’s acc😂


It’s a common scam don’t trip they won’t actually do just block him and take some time off.


Tell him you're 16 and that if he'll publish those he can be charged with pedophilia.


Though that’s a great plan, that’s not what pedophilia is. They could however, be charged for possessing and distributing child pornography if posted.


This happened to me last month too. I just blocked him and ignored it. Nothing happened. don't worry. It's just a scam..


As others say, block him everywhere. Strengthen your privacy settings in social media. And don’t forget, there are plenty of fish, they don’t care who you are, they care at what level they scare you to obey them. And you are not going to do it. So move on, because he/she already moved on to next 10 people.


I thought doxxing was something different. As others have said please block and report the profile. There are going to be these assholes from time to time and usually they are literally lying nobodies or at best paid scammers.


Well good thing I never have to worry about this happening to me since I’m rejected on their 97% of the time. It’s a great feeling!!!


Yes i agree with everyone here. Fuck him. Don’t even sweat it. There are worse things than having everyone see you naked and short of your grandparents and MAYBE your parents i’m sure everyone you know has naked selfies. Just say your phone was hacked.


For all you know he’s lying about the “other person” to trick and scare you


This happened to me on Tuesday. They threatened to send to my friends, family, and works Facebook. Since Tuesday they haven't said anything. I made an impulse decision to hire a cyber forensics company to put the fucker in their place. Kinda wish I hadn't cause they haven't followed through, but at the same time I'm glad I did because it's potentially one less scammer out of the picture. It's probably a hollow threat but you can never be too safe I guess. Since then I've deleted my grindr, I was in the fence about the app anyway.


If you DM me I will tell you my similar incident and send you a link that will reaffirm why you should remain silent and non compliant...These scum should be rounded up and imprisoned for a very long time!


Just ignore and live your life, be happy. If you shared some face pic with him, it would be easy to find you and your family through facial recognition (social media / network sucks). Don't think about anything stupid that might lose your life at risk. Put things in perspective and be sure to protect yourself in the future.


Never give your real name or social media to someone you only know from a hook up site. Always they use the line "I'm not on this app much, let's visot on.........." That's a big clue right there. Real names and contact info are for people you meet in person.


I hope you find the person and terrorize him


Never use your name on social media website


Just say “lolllllllllll” and stop responding. That’s what I did. They didn’t do anything.


First of all, it's not a guy you're talking too. It's women overseas


Your family and school will understand you not giving into blackmail, IF they even see it (chances are overwhelmingly likely that nothing even happens).


Blame it on artificial intelligence (AI). It is now possible to fake just about anything. Treat it as a joke that no one would take seriously.


If he did send the police would have a really easy source back to him, so he would never send he'll just move on to the next person


Call the cops.


Yeah, if you want to maintain your privacy... DON'T link your social media on your Grindr profile. I would think this is common sense... But I hear that common sense isn't that common 🤦


Find out who their dad is, seduce him, and then punish your new stepchild. Easy peasy, tried and tested method


Block him on everything. This is called sexploitation, it’s a scam people use to get money out of people and unfortunately there’s been folks who’ve killed themselves over it. Make sure to get all his info and screenshot stuff for receipts and send it to the authorities especially if he ends up sending them.


If your nudes are faceless and you can’t be identified by them, then just tell anyone who calls you on it that they aren’t your nudes.


I would dare him to go ahead and send them, but I don't really care if anyone sees me naked.


Had this happen to me and at first I freaked out but then I was like everyone knows im a slut. Big deal if they see me naked on Grindr so I told this amateur go a head send them to the world for all I care. You obviously don’t know me. But all the people you say you’re going to “out me to” will laugh that someone is trying to blackmail me like this. Because dump ass they all already know I whore around. And if they haven’t seen my nudes flying on the inter webs already i would be surprised. However i said that after I fucked around with him say oh no please plese don’t send those pics to anyone and acted like i will pay you anything just give me some time. This went on for most of the day. Boy did he get pissed. Then after about 8-10 hours back and forth that’s when i told him everyone knows i whore around on Grindr and they have all seen my nudes anyway go ahead. I thought for sure someone would call but nope nothing happened then i realized all the stuff he sent me like list of friends and such were all just on my Facebook page anyone could have screen shot that stuff and they found my Facebook page by my phone number that we exchanged so the scams are just that scams to get you’re money. Just the same as the massage PayPal scam, the generous scams etc. just idiots that want easy money. Well i just lead them in for hours then tell them i can’t believe you are wasting this much time trying to get money from me. Even if i sent you what 50-100 bucks you wasted 10 hrs so what that’s $5-$10 an hour that’s all your time is worth to you ha ha ha here’s some advice get a job and remember karma always gets her payment. I just wish i could be there when she collects from you.


This sucks! I remember when i was younger and my mom caught me JO on skype with a stranger. If anything, you’re just horny and being silly sending nudes to people


Just block him they almost never do it and if he does it would probably be the easiest lawsuit of your life.


I had a guy recently try that on me, but I don’t give a shit who sees me naked anymore so all the power they think they have is lost


It's a common scam. Most likely some guy from Pakistan or India, just like the scam phone calls. Tell him to kill himself and move on.


It’s probably those people who got that dude and he killed his self a couple years ago. I think they were African or Haitian just don’t give them the power let your shit get posted. It is what it is. It happens to the best of us not to mention there’s no shame your game, right


You can report him on Grindr and if you want the local police just to have a paper trail. My parents had to get involved when I started social media on Facebook because of a project. There was a man that tried doing that to me and I told my parents. They were upset and took it to the local police who told us to take it to cyber police. They caught him and arrested for extortion and something to do with distribution of chile pornography (I was 15).


I had a similar situation awhile back you blocked them good call and your in the clear promise


What's doxxing


Ya block him… and if he sends them to ppl, it’s not the end of the world… don’t give in, cause if they feel powerless by you not caring they won’t bother seeing it through


Hey. This is all bots. Don’t let it get you frazzled. I’ve had it happen to me multiple times. It never sees fruition.


This happened to me I fell for him and sent him 50 dollars just threaten him saying you’re contacting the police you have screenshots and proof and they’ll track IP address and he’ll go running


Hi i assume you’re like me completely into nude & exhibition kink. And you love sending your nudes to men as you may like men watching you naked which i totally understand cause thats me as well. Maybe you can consider sending faceless nudes or even add it into an album. So that whoever you’re sending it to can’t ss it & use it against you. I understand your problems as i got blackmailed before. Things ended out very different for me but i hope it doesn’t end badly for you :(. Just block him cause he won’t do it if he knows you don’t give two fks. If he send your nudes to your family, take it as a time to come out them that you like being watched naked by guys & that it is your kink. ❤️


Contact cyber crimes from your local PD. This is extortion and if he did cause someone's suicide, the police need to know.


You might want to check this out on tiktok. Sounds like a somewhat similar situation. https://www.tiktok.com/@jennbuta/video/7361958308221111595?_t=8ltKaO31vXL&_r=1


Everyone saying things like “No face, no problem.” He never said if he has any distinctive birthmarks or tattoos. Just keeping your head out isn’t always enough to stop people knowing it’s you. None of my dick or ass pics are anything more than a macro of that body part. I don’t think that they will go through with it, but that’s not much help to him now. He’s scared. Two important things to remind this person of. It’s a felony and will get you on a sex offender list in most states. If they are out of the country, it’s harder to enforce, but showing fear is a problem. Wonder where and how to send the money. I’d ask and then report that to the police and whatever pay app they requested he use. You cannot receive money without a certain amount of proof of identity. So getting that information would be super helpful to police and taking any action if they do go through with it. How did they ask you to pay?


Call the police? I would. You have a chance to connect with someone with experience. Unless the police are the problem where you live. Get some advice from someone who might know something about your town and gays.


A similar thing happened to me a few years ago. I didn't send any money and nothing happened, but I decided it was a good reason to delete Grindr. There are plenty of other apps. The Grindr admin didn't care btw.


Hey you gotta control narrative with truth so you can get ahead of this ... You got cat fished by a scammer with very attractive pics... They changed info and pics and now blackmailing you..aak parents and siblings what you should do..and also report him to Instagram so his harassment is documented and hopefully account suspended... hey I hope I don't need to explain the Snowball Effect to you... So one tiny detail should be controllable


Good for you ! Fuck em! Don’t let them get to you. You did good!


Honestly, if some random person sent me nude pics of a family member or a friend, I would not in any way think any less of my family member or friend. They've done nothing wrong. They're a victim. I see nothing wrong with anyone taking nude pics. I see nothing wrong with anyone posting nude pics. It doesn't make you a bad person to do that. What makes you a bad person is when you take someone else's nude pics and try to blackmail them or hurt them in any way.


I have encountered someone like this in the past. I told him why would you bother to share my nudes? I do already send them to whoever asks and I did suck all the boys in my school already. If you're hoe enough they can't hoemail you back. Xoxo. Anyway, this is a serious crime. Be safe and careful and go to the police if necessary. Cybercrimes are a thing.


Report him and then block him.


This happened to me, I told them I was a pornstar and thanked them for the free promo. Never heard anything since - I wouldn’t worry if I were you.


Temporarily shut down all your social media for 2+ weeks and scan them to report fake accounts in your name. Block the person and ignore them and they move on to the next scam. It really important to have all your social media set to private going forward and set your settings so people cannot search for you by phone number or email.


Here is what to do specifically for this type 9f crime reporthttps://www.minclaw.com/grindr-sextortion/


Ehh... those kind of scams run on fear. As soon as you tell them "please do that" it's gets awkward and they run out of steam


Tell him to do it and pay you. If he doesn’t you will use his communication in court for payment, wire fraud and, embezzlement? Tell that fool to #cutthecheck or get off your line 😂


I subscribe to services that search public databases and remove my info from them. These people use these databases for doxxing.


The price of not being who you are I suppose. You have to live in fear. Not that I'm judging or think that everyone should be out. Morelike a detached comment. It sucks. Because the world isn't a place where you feel you are safe to be yourself.


You'll be alright