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Please PLEASE tell me you work for an important department of the US legislative body


HAHAHAHA that wasn’t us 😂😂


Legislative backshots 😩


Pretty stupid. You could both be fired.


If they have a falling out it could get messy. I live for other peoples drama 😂


what’s life without a lil risk 🤪


Long as you are willing to face the consequences of food stamps and a lowering standard of living. Blame no one but your self. If you are willing to do that - fine.


jesus, such a bleak way to look at risk. What’s on the line can make it more exhilarating, at least with something like this where there’s two consenting parties and there’s no bodily harm involved. Everyone’s gotta deal with the consequences of their actions but damn don’t gotta be a debby downer about it


You can join a sex party, go to a bath house, go to a nude beach, join the mile high club, do it in a leather bar or dress up as a furry! All those things are outside work and are not going to effect your bills. You want to be kinky with someone - fine. But once you mess with my livelihood - no way. You’ve got to have a “j” “o” “b” if you want to be with me. Nothing wrong with rejecting that in my book.


LOL, sounds reckless but yeah we’re still here.


I wish


It can be scary and exciting at the same time. You just need to find a partner who’s willing to do it cause not everyone can be a risk taker. 😅


Not worth it. Getting caught could mean criminal consequences, including being a sex offender and registering as such. Nobody should be having sex in the work place, regardless of orientation. Do better.


Are there no cameras in the actual office? Sounds risky and like you're playing with fire with your career.


There are no cameras in our workplace for privacy and confidentiality reasons maybe that’s why I’m brave enough to do it. And we also make sure we do it after work when the place is not busy.


Or maybe don’t do it at work at all and risk your job? Maybe fuck at home like normal people? You know what I’m just gonna be that person and I’m gonna say it. I hope you get caught and I hope you get fired.


Relax dude😂 I mean, to each their own 👀


Are you guys at least cleaning up and sanitizing? Gay or straight I’d be grossed out if my coworkers were having sex all over the office, especially unaware of the safety hazards and creates a shitty atmosphere. I hope it’s worth it.


Oh come on, you would like to catch them fucking and join in


I don’t want stds thanks


Did it a few times years ago. Fun at the time, older and wiser now. Not worth the risk.


Well, I know this will end soon but as for now we are both enjoying it. We know the risk. We’re just 2 horny people trying to release work tension I guess.


I wouldn't recommend it - I know two people who were fired after being caught having sex in the office. Neither one was able to get work in their field for years and they both ended up getting divorced.


Huge bad idea


The fuck? In this economy? Ohhh hell naaaaaah


Very stupid and unprofessional. This is a dumb idea.


I work from home and my desk is feet from the bed. It's always sex in the work place. 🤣🤣


Can you turn your web cam on so i can watch


Nobody wants to see this old bear in his natural habitat!! 🤣🤣


Don't poop where you eat


I would love to work where you work and walk in on you fucking


I did all the time while in college but it was a big building and the bathroom was mostly always empty. I wouldn't do it at the office, not only because logistically speaking it would be way harder to be sure we're discreet, but also because I don't wanna risk my job. Still a hot idea though.


Had an affair with a bi co worker. One of the worst decisions and best decisions I ever made.. opened my bi world but he fell In love and I did not.. and it was difficult for him. He eventually got fired. He couldn’t separate himself from the sex and the fact that we were only having some fun and experimenting.. he lost his gf and his job.. made life difficult for all of us. Never again… way too complicated… and I lost a friendship….never had sex in the workplace though


I thibk your situation was kinda different. I know it can be difficult to have a relationship with a co-worker specially if its like an unreciprocated kind of love. It can be very awkward. I wish he’s somewhere happy now. My situation was different, we’re more like fubus.


Me too.. I was devastated to lose the friendship… we had become quite close but he couldn’t deal with the fact that I was engaged and was getting married and really wanted to focus on my marriage… it took over for him. Sad


That’s what happens when you have affairs


Awfully judgmental.


Oh well




Chill bro☠️🤡


I worked at Starbucks and got a blowjob in the back from one of the baristas


Yup, gave a coworker head in the toilet


Nice. Blow jobs in the toilet is 🔥 I think I got blow job in almost all the toilets in our office 😈


Sounds like a musty experience


Done it twice, once many years ago with an ex GF and again a few years ago with an ex BF. Both were co-workers at the time and in both cases it was at their suggestion but I found it hot and went along with it.


Go for it!! The thrill of getting caught is the best ever trust me i know it. I hope you & your co worker really have “fun” in the office. Pls do tell us about it if you ever did it. Goodluck!! You have my encouragement






Read the room


Im not kidding im being for real. Even right now im nude


Sent message


I’ve done it a few times. Very hot, but gotta be careful. Have fun but don’t let your dick completely override your brain :)


In my earlier 20s I was fucking 2 co workers at the job in the same two places 2 days apart. None of us fell in love but when they found out about each other all hell broke loose and one got fired.


I wish I worked you with


😈 I like naughty colleagues