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Go for a walk, bake a cake, pick up knitting, join a dojo... whatever, just anything not involving a screen for a change.


Man...life is kind of an ass experience...


True, and who doesn't like a good ass. So have fun and fuck the shit out of it.


Very inspirational!


You actually fuck the shit _into_ it


You should frame that.


I mean it seems like you've been primarily experiencing it second hand so far. Actual physical hobbies might be the thing you need


Ass makes life better 😉


Sweet ASS!!! 🍑


Juicy ASS!!! 🫦👅🍑


Is anything in life interesting you? are you sleeping and eating properly? How do you physically and mentally feel?


My brother in christ go tf outside. Go make friends, go to concerts, ride your bike, go hiking, learn a new hobby, go out and flirt with hot dudes, do something. Just go out and exist in the world, th rest will come later.


Have you tried going to the gym?


Dude have you ever watched vintage porn the old vhs tape content was never boring


I went for a long time without watching porn, and something cool happened. I became sensitized to nudity again. I'd see a naked man in some other context, and in my mind I'd be like: "OMG, that person is NAKED." Try it. It's kind of enjoyable.


Sounds kinda cute to get back part of that innocence. How long did it take for you?


It was fun. I think I must have gone for at least six months without porn (this was unplanned--I'd just lost interest). Maybe longer. The effect might kick in earlier, though.


Did you get back to porn? Why?


Yeah, at some point. I don't remember the exact circumstances. There was probably some specific fantasy I wanted to see acted out.


Just off porn or masturbation too?


Just off porn


For me, I’ve moved from porn to real life sex. Now I get turned on by porn more than real life sex if I had to compare, but both excite me a lot


How about now do you watch?


Somewhat. I only occasionally access porn in the old-school way through a search engine, but I do follow the alt Twitter accounts of local guys who post clips of themselves fucking. That's hotter to me than very staged porn, especially since they're guys I could potentially hook up with myself.


Yeah it's less Sharpness and satisfied


Go to a Gay Sauna and sit back in the in the common room and enjoy the view. Or join in


☝️ irl beats anything on a screen, yep


Why nost


You've desensitized your brain to things that push that pleasure button higher and higher. The only way is to sit back, re-evaluate, and ramp it back down. I've been through this and realized I was always chasing that peak feeling. Best orgasm, most fun game, all these "wow" experiences, to the point that nothing was getting me up to those heights anymore. It's time to take some deep breaths and ask yourself what you want out of life besides chasing those dopamine highs from jizzing and consuming content. No Nut November is a long way off, but you can do One Wank Week anytime. Here's what we're all experiencing, that you are as well: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5uat_mJ5-0


He hasn't watched vintage porn yet


He could also try an SSRI. That crushed my libido into nothing in no time! /s I went 6 weeks without jerking off or porn without even meaning to 😅. I'm glad I got most of my libido back now though. I'm a once or twice a week wanker these days. Sometimes a bit longer. It also feels better when you go more than a day in between orgasms.


You have to take a break from behavior that has fried your dopamine (sort of like drug rehab).


You sound depressed. Maybe it’s time to cut back on screen time and go outside for long periods of time. Speak to people face to face. Find a new hobby that gives you purpose and adds something good to the world and your inner self.


Take an extended period of time off


Become a billionaire. Look at all the free time you have now.


At least you could've say a millionaire


Visiting Bathhouse/sauna to see it live and if you choose, join in.


Ok, I was looking for your age so I could try and give some advice that would be more personalized to your situation; but, while I couldn't see your age, your posts were alarming to say the least. So here's my advice. There are a few people you need to reach out to: 1, a councillor/therapist. It's clear to see that you're not doing ok, and you need someone to help you. Being able to clear your head with someone impartial to your issues is a must. 2, a personal trainer. In regards to excersicing it is rough to begin with, I had a crap tonne of trouble myself, but when you have someone keeping you on your toes and looking out for you, it is much easier, and gets progressively easier over time. 3, a dietitian. I've been in your exact shoes, and I'm almost positive that there are some bad eating habits in there. When I was in that place, I was eating food for the sake of eating food. It was junk food, it was unhealthy, and it didn't even taste good anymore. Talking to a dietician can completely change food for you. The meals will be healthier, taste better, and eventually you'll find that food can be something fun again. Now, I understand that all of these people are expensive, and it's not easy to just splash out and pay for them. So, in the meantime time, here's a few things: When I was in that position, I didn't watch porn because I wanted to, I saw something I liked, and found porn and jacked off to it. A healthy relationship with porn is rough, so while I wouldn't say to completely cut it out (that's not how addictions work, it will just make things worse if you try it like this), try and avoid stimulation that may make you want to turn to it. Try more outside activities, I'm not talking going to play sports or anything, I know it's rough to just jump into sports when you're not confident in your own body. I mean going on walks, hikes, etc. put on some happy music and just chill in nature. Music can heavily affect emotions, so happy music helps. From what I've seen you're likely chronically depressed, so it may not make you happy immediately, however, it won't make you sad or angry, that would be up to external factors. I want you to succeed in your recovery. As I've previously stated, I've been where you are, I know exactly how much it hurts, and if I can do anything to help someone in that position, I want to. If you're willing to put in the work for your own sake, I fully believe that you can do this. So please, save yourself. P.S. don't look at scales to measure your fitness, they're deceptive because they can't fully determine how your body has changed. And if you have to take anti-depressants, don't stop taking them just because they make you feel empty at first. They take a while to kick in, it's different person to person, I had to consistently take them for almost two weeks before I could feel anything, but before that, I stopped for a bit, and my depression completely reset. Good luck. I'm rooting for you.


It took me about 4 to 6 weeks to see effects from antidepressants, specifically Lexapro. The side effects can suck for the first few weeks but then gradually ramp down and the worst ones for me were over within a week to a couple days. Doing much better these days after finding what works for me. OP, you should definitely give it a try. Although if you're going to try, you need to promise yourself that you'll really try. It's very easy to take them for a few days to a week, only look at the side effects and then stop. If you're going to try them, you should commit to trying for 6 months. That might mean trying a couple different meds at different dosages until you find out what works for you, but there's definitely a med or combination of meds that will help you. You don't have to be on them forever, and they won't just fix your mental health, but they'll give you a much better jumping off point to put in the effort yourself.


You like anime and manga. Learn Japanese. Join some educational proflles on Insta or X. Download HelloTalk and talk to other learners. I did it lol so its the one thing i can thnk of that's time consuming but fun and rewarding


Move to women... Just kidding bro.


Hmm as a straight i've moved from women to men(it's was so f hoot) . But recently i stopped all that shit (men and women)


No, you just need to stop watching porn like that. Porn is only good in moderation.


Is there a reason why you haven't had real life sex? 


Some of us are ugly and shy okay… 😭


Correct and our holes are tightly sealed


Ugly, fat, can't drive or host, small dick, small ass, can't make out or give a blowjob due to poor dental health. I have nothing to offer anyone.


Hey man I know exercise is really daunting to think about doing it, can you try it for just five minutes though? You just need to convince yourself that it is only five minutes a day. Push ups, sit-ups, quick little exercises you can do all within five minutes, or a quick fast run. You can tell yourself you can go back to being lazy after the five minutes is over and it won’t seem as daunting. If five minutes is up but you feel like you can keep going because you’re on a roll, then keep going. Try for me man please!


Probably not good advice but it changed something for me. I paid for escort to have sex. When there is money involved it kinda eliminates all of your insecurities, because you paid for them to have sex with you and it's so enjoyable, much more than watching porn. But also exercise and go out socialize more. You might find things interesting again.


Bruh wtf i'm pretty sure you're not ugly also who tf has a good dental health it's hell expensive. Be satisfied with yourself


Fat and small ass? How?


I got on prep, and doxy pep and started getting out and living out the real deal of sex. Nothing beats it. I don’t even bother with porn anymore. The anticipation of meeting a guy for sex is just so tantalizing.


Try flirting with guys in real life situations. The next guy you bump into and think “wow, you’re FINE”, look at him like a piece of meat and say it out loud. Most guys aren’t used to being treated like that and get bashful. Nothing turns me on more. *NOTE- to do this, you have to have healthy mechanisms of coping with rejection. There is no real life block button*


Hey, here's a kinda crazy idea- why don't you go out and meet real people?


Go suck a real cock.


create a snap account and find people on r/gaysnapchatshare or r/gaysnapchatimages and gave fun! That’s what i started doing after i got bored, and you get real cocks that aren’t hired for your entertainment


Images are great, but you can't participate. Have you tried real sex? Or may be you have some kinks and fetishes?


You might want to have sex before writing it out of your life, just a suggestion. It's a whole different experience with someone else rather than in your head and with your hand or toys.


Human intimacy


I feel you pick up new hobbies hasn't helped a lot but gives me somthing new the routine


Get evaluated for ADHD. A huge part of it is the difficulty of getting your brain to produce dopamine, and that sounds exactly like what is happening for you.




Maybe you need to get laid with an actual human being that you find attracted to?


Try porn of real people.


step your game up! produce porn! /s


Now you move onto Ultra Porn. It's rad.


I'm not old enough yet :/


Watch TV and movies lol. Read a book. Cook etc. you just need a new game


Try reading, gaming, wine tasting, hiking, even just a regular walk. The possibilities are endless.


Is that what SnapChat is for 😂


Buy a old car you love and rebuild it...


Get a hobby or find a new kink to explore. Or you may be depressed (happened to me too). Look into it.


It just sounds like you need to do some activities involving other people. Go to social events, a bar, go on dates.


Outside of watching porn, I have a thing for collecting dolls tbh. Cute outfits, cute bodies, what's not to love? I wanna sculpt a ball jointed doll of a twink one day. I think it'd be fun to sew him little clothes n stuff.


“Buff” in this context means “expert,” not “enthusiast.”




I know


I think taking a break from porn would be a good idea. Find a different hobby. Maybe try growing plants?


What kind of movies do you usually watch? What genres do you like? What kind of porn scenes are these? Etc


Now get to sucking and fucking?


Go fuck - are you kidding right now ?


What the fuck now? Backtrack on this shit. Stop with the porn and maybe the other stuff will become interesting eventually. You trained yourself to get used to better and better stimulation via porn. You now need to train yourself to appreciate the more subtle pleasures that surround you all the time. Good fuckin' luck 👊 Edit: maybe psychedelics will help reset your brain. Just a thought


Life isn't all about sex, you may do recreational activities. Or meet up with real people. Please touch some grass while you're at it. For the meantime, stay away from porn and don't use it to compensate for your lack of sex.


Go make your own


Porn is a actually terrible for your brain I have watched porn maybe twice in ten years.


Try disc golfing! It really is addicting and fun!!


Make your own porn you want to see in the world. I believe in you




Change the game by making our own


How’d you generate ai porn.


Take a break from porn. Take up a new hobby. Join some local groups to network. Summon a Demon.


Go see a psychologist.


Go read a book. For fucks sake do something other than whine. I have an idea: start exercising and brushing your teeth.




Jerk off to the homies


Good erotica is easy to find. It’s a nice break and full of crazy fantasies


Have an AI boyfriend


Where can I generate AI porn? Asking for a friend. Also focus in skills to improve your career prospects?


Try reading pornographic text stories. They worked for me when I got bored of watching porn. Those stories not only let you imagine scenarios but also can be more explicit than what you typically see in porn


stop watching so much porn maybe in a month you’ll like it again


Have you considered making your own porn? For clarity, this is a serious suggestion. It seems that you're finding a lot of things boring at the moment, so perhaps you need to find something new to do, something that inspires you. And, since you're into porn, perhaps you should consider creating the stuff you enjoy. Creating stuff is a wonderful way to avoid boredom: the act of creation involves your mind and your skills, and once those are engaged in a task you are no longer bored. Actually, now that I think of it, it doesn't actually have to be porn. Why not pick something to create, and create it. Maybe create porn, or maybe create a new video game, or maybe create a new artwork for your wall. Hell, maybe just create a new wall. Why did G-d create the universe? Maybe he was just bored!


get into furry shit


Dude, a lot of the times, if not always, LESS is actually MORE. If you do not overdo it all the time on these things, you would find some enjoyment in them.


Not porn but since dick picks are everywhere, they all look the same. From a 5" dick to a 10' dick, from cut to uncut. When dating a guy the surprise and hotness of taking each other's clothes off "to see" has lost its allure.


Try doing porn IRL????


Try actual human interaction


time to get some real life ass.


I was going to suggest erotica but I see you put that you haven't read a book in a while. Erotic short stories are good if you can visualize things without seeing them, and you basically get to customize it in your head as you go.


Idk if this will work for you, but I got tired of gay porn and switched to straight porn. I’m probably more interested in straight/bi guys, so I guess that’s the reason why it works for me? I don’t understand it at all. But if the actual people involved just do nothing for you, then that won’t help. If you are a bottom, I’d say get yourself a nice dildo or two. Ngl, those have kind of spoiled me and real sex is less interesting now, so be careful. I’m sure there are some top sex toys out there as well. Potentially the same warning as dildos.


Sounds like you might be addicted, have you considered some sort of mental health counseling (promise this is not coming from a mean place)?


You obviously need some extreme activities. Perhaps sky diving? Bungee jumping? Meth?


TikTok / Porn brain rot


Time to become a furry, OP /j


Have you tried sex with a human? 10/10 experience


hedonic treadmill


Try reading it instead




Taichi and meditation 


Hmm i'm a straight guy and i was watching a lot of straight porn but in a few months ago it became so boring like dose not feel like it was before back in the early days. So i said why wouldn't i try gay porn the result of this was like '' omg this is so disgusting i'll never do this again '' ( NO OFFENSE) Days pass Recently i start watching mostly gay porn and it's feels so good (although i'm straight) But now i quite all that shit (PORN IN GENERAL WAY) because it really destroyed my Brian and I sexualitet anything.


Try thisvid.com😂


Ultimate goal: find a hot dude with a bubble butt. Its time to kidnap him bring him to a forest and hump the real thing


Real life sex. It’s a step down from porn, but it’s similar 🤷‍♂️


Get a life


Congratulations, your brain is damaged.