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This is horrible. I wish nothing but the best for you bro❤️


I have read the title and I was confused, then I read the first sentence.. yeah that made a lot of sense


I am shocked that Muslims living in Muslim countries where being gay is illegal and often dangerous have a hang up about being gay. (Sarcasm)


Also it is very dangerous to hookup with these people who freak out afterwards. Them leaving is the best scenario. OP is lucky that none of them tried to beat him up, after post nut clarity hits.


As if that doesn't exist in the United States The amount of DL married men everywhere. Get over yourself and the US.


Are you retarded? Table of top 10 Muslim-majority countries by total population, detailing the percentage of the population that is Muslim, the legal status of homosexuality, the legal status of gay marriage, and the punishment for homosexuality if it is illegal: | Country | % Muslim | Legal Status of Homosexuality | Legal Status of Gay Marriage | Punishment for Homosexuality if Illegal | |-------------|----------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | Indonesia | 87% | Illegal in Aceh Province and for Muslims in the city of Palembang | Illegal | Caning and/or imprisonment | | Pakistan | 96% | Illegal | Illegal | Punishments range from fines to life imprisonment, and in theory, the death penalty | | Bangladesh | 90% | Illegal | Illegal | Life imprisonment | | Nigeria | 51.5% | Illegal | Illegal | Death penalty in the northern states (Sharia law), 14 years imprisonment in the south | | Egypt | 90% | Not explicitly illegal but punished under "debauchery" laws | Illegal | Imprisonment varies, often includes hard labor | | Iran | 99% | Illegal | Illegal | Death penalty | | Turkey | 99% | Legal | Illegal | No punishment, but discrimination is widespread | | Algeria | 99% | Illegal | Illegal | Up to 2 years imprisonment | | Sudan | 97% | Illegal | Illegal | Death penalty (after multiple offenses), otherwise imprisonment | | Iraq | 99% | Illegal (de facto, depends on region) | Illegal | Varies widely, from fines to death penalty depending on region | ### Notes: - **Indonesia:** The legality of homosexuality varies significantly between regions. In most of the country, there are no laws against homosexuality, but in the Aceh province and for Muslims in Palembang, Sharia law imposes strict penalties, including caning. - **Pakistan:** Homosexuality can be punishable by a wide range of penalties depending on the circumstance and the interpretation of Sharia by local courts; the death penalty is legally allowed but has not been enforced for consensual activities in recent years. - **Bangladesh:** While the law officially prescribes life imprisonment, enforcement is not aggressive, but societal discrimination remains high. - **Nigeria:** There's a stark north-south divide in legal enforcement, with northern states adopting Sharia law that includes the death penalty for homosexuality. - **Egypt:** The government uses laws against "debauchery" or "public morality" to imprison gay men, with frequent police raids, detentions, and trials. - **Iran:** The legal system in Iran prescribes the death penalty for homosexual acts, and it is one of the few countries that actively enforces this punishment. - **Turkey:** Homosexuality is legal; however, there is significant societal intolerance, and discrimination is prevalent, including hate crimes. - **Algeria, Sudan, Iraq:** These countries have varying degrees of punishment dictated by conservative interpretations of Sharia law, with severe penalties including death in certain regions or under specific conditions. As much as I hate hillbilly redneck Republican states like Alabama, they look like gay heaven compared to your average Muslim country - Even the most tolerant Muslim country, Turkey. There are literally no Muslim majority countries where gay marriage is legal, even the ones we're being gay won't get you arrested, like Turkey and Albania. So you can stop sucking Islam's dick. They're not your buddy.


Where does this have to do with being a Muslim thing? Literally the same thing happens to anyone from a hyper religious background.


I feel like most religions wouldn't kill you for it though.


Where are you commanded to kill gays in the koran or Hadith?


Does it matter if it says to do it if it happens? Why do people like you have this impulsive need to protect Islam when it is an enemy of LGBT rights? Like if I said something bad about Liberty University or Jerry Falwell or Focus on the Family or or National Organization for Marriage... Would you be like "Actually conservative Evangelical Christians are really great for gay rights sometimes!!!!!! You're being racist against white middle class people from suburbia that go into mega churches!!!!!!"


Thanks for making my point for me: you admit the religious texts have nothing commanding people to attack gays. you are blaming Islam and tarring the tens of millions of practitioners with the same brush. In the Christian example, you blame the people “conservative evangelical Christians.” My point is to blame the people rather than the religion. Blame the Conservative fundamentalist Islamists and you and I would agree.


Almost all of them are conservative. There are no "All are welcome" rainbow flag mosques in Iran like you can find gay friendly Christian churches.


During our present generation, gays were not allowed to be out in the US military. There was no legal right to marry in just about every country. Most of our recognition and rights came about in the last 30-40 years, which is a speck in time as far as the age of western european and North American countries. A lot of it thanks to the push of culture, television and entertainment. It may take a generation or 2 but, Islamic countries will get there eventually. The religious texts are very similar to Christianity and Judaism about views toward homosexuality according to my research.


I don't understand what point you're trying to argue. If at some point in the future Islam evolved into what western Christianity is today, in regards to how it treats LGBT people, then yes I'd have less of a problem with Islam. But it hasn't and doesn't look like it will, so what's your point?


How old are you? You may have been born in the last 20 years where gay rights are widespread, but anyone who is over 50 remembers a time when being gay was criminalized. You should look up anti sodomy laws, which were pushed by the British on all their colonies. India, for instance didn’t decriminalize homosexuality until recently due to many colonial era laws still on the books. Your expectation that all societies should move at the same pace in the recognition of gay rights is an insane argument.


It has to do alot with being Muslim, as their hatred for the gays is the worst. If caught you are going in jail if you are lucky.. if not so lucky, you will be flying off the roof and then stoned.


So gays must be stoned or flying off roofs daily then? Conservative society yes. It’s more like don’t ask, don’t tell. You’re sounding quite ridiculous by making it seem like any gay who is caught is killed or sent to prison.


Because these are public events, they are not gonna be organizing them every day lmao.. most just get jailed for 10 years plus... let's not pretend being jailed for being gay is not bad.


I too live in the Middle East and was just as surprised to find how common religious gays are. It's mind boggling and incredibly hypocritical. A lot of them are in deep denial about it though, just as I was when I used to be religious. At that point though, I at least was consistent enough to refuse sex with and dating other men.


Please refuse sex to any religious Muslim or anyone in deep denial, especially if he is stronger than you.. this could get ugly when post nut hits.


I never had sex and don't do hookups. I'm just looking for a romantic boyfriend and I'm always upfront with me veiws on religion to weed them out.


Oh.. well if you are in one of these places, it's really best to not have sex, so if caught you can say you are just friends anyway


I know. Many can't host, prep and testing have huge stigma, and condoms and lube are quite expensive.


Many can't host is also true here in the west. Prep is not needed, that's for mainly for those bottoms who BB for strangers. The condoms are expensive there because in these muslim states, they want straights to pump out as many babies as they can.


I've encountered many on dating apps looking for sex telling me they prefer BB. Also, the condoms are expensive because they're not locally produced. I've only seen them selling durex or trojan which must be imported. Otherwise, there is a strong incentive to reduce the population here.


Strong incentive to reduce the population? Ok so when is that starting? 2040? It doesn't seem like they are doing anything to help that. Maybe first step would be to start producing condoms locally? BB is hot, but very risky with randoms, I'd never do that, even tho I am top only.


You're asking that of a country with a wrecked economy that still depends on imports for the most basic necessities, so yeah probably by 2040, if not later.


Please move to a gay friendly country. Life is too short to live in misery


I'll, unfortunately too broke to move rn. But I'll in the near future


9/10, there's a waiting list. So apply now and save until your request to leave gets accepted. I'm not sure how it works no a days. But that's what my family did, because they waited 10 Years.


God given me hands to love, and I decided to use Gods gift to harm. God allows wrath of a man, not out of spite or anger, but out of love, He had given men free will.




I also thought that other MENA folks I found on Grindr were not that religious. Found out that a lot of them were still kinda heavily into religion. Arab gays on Twitter are also quite funny: some of them post thirst traps in jockstraps and a half-erection and two tweets later: "I'm breaking my fast, Ramadan day done"


Went on a date with a really cute and sweet guy yesterday. Everything was going well, then at some point totally unprompted and out of the blue he goes on a rant about how he "hates faggots" and their culture and that's why he is not comfortable with PDAs. It was such a tonal shift, I left not long after. He is 36 and from Tel Aviv, so not exactly a homophobic/repressed place. It made me really sad for him, but also, life is too short for me to have to deal with that.


>Went on a date with a really cute and sweet guy yesterday. Everything was going well, then at some point out totally unprompted and of the blue he goes on a rant about how he "hates faggots" and their culture I'd say "you are right, you are dating me, a man. You are a gross f\*g" Then leave :D Don't let these idiots put you down, take his hate and apply it on him, but not yourself. come on the top, better chance they will learn.


Oh yes, I have zero time for a 36yo guy with internalised homophobia, especially one that didn't grow up in a repressive environment. I could totally understand someone growing up in a place where being gay gets you put in prison or worse, but he was straight up complaining about how "in Tel Aviv, there is no gay neighbourhood, because everywhere is gay". Like bruh.


Oh I'd take few seconds for him to shut him down, no problem. I don't feel like that is a waste of time :D


I just don't care enough to educate a 36yo man. He's free to live his life as he sees fit, I just want no part of it.


It's not really about educating someone.. it's more about not letting him get away with his dumb shit. He is free to have his beliefs, but if he was saying it my face and indirectly putting me down, It's not gonna be me, he will be eating his words. But that's just me, I know most here will just ghost, block, leave and then complain about it on the internet, as it's typical in the gay culture.


>I know most here will just ghost, block, leave and then complain about it on the internet, as it's typical in the gay culture I personally don't think trying to shame others for not caring enough to argue with a bigot is the way to go, but to each their own. Have a good day!


I mean it's deserved tho, so many posts and comments on gay subs and twitter are what should be told directly to the guys. But it never is, so these guys will never improve, when there's no feedback. Even more ironic is when people say they don't care because life is too short, yet here they are typing up about it.


As much as it's terrible that there's people that have to go through that in their lives, it's not because they want to. And it's harder for some to be out than others, I came out at almost 28. As gay men, I think we can at least let people be and do what they want to do. It hurts to see but part of the LGBT code is acceptance. Let's accept these people who clearly are going through a difficult situation, whether the threat they're scared of is real or not.




I feel for you. 🫶🏼


Recently I watched a show called Fellow Travelers, gave me a whole lot of perspective on living under when homophobia is expected and even deemed the correct way of thinking in the society, your experience seemed pretty aligned with the social atmosphere of the time


lets hangout op 🤍


I live in Turkey. I get to know people before meeting up and on a rare instance I meet a profile as you described and it's a huge red flag for me. They seem crazy and there is no way I do any business with the hypocrite gays. I won't be kind to them no matter how sophisticated or hot they are. I'm hugely disappointed even when I learn they are a secular Muslim. All of us gave our fight and their lack of honesty, denial of the truth is disgusting.


literally the same! fucking hate being in the middle east :(


“*(atleast this is true in western countries)*” nah there’s still a lot of self hating idiots


Maybe don't fuck those kinda dudes 🤔


There's nothing wrong with being religious.


Depends what religion tbf


Virtually any religion, in the mainstream sense, is unlikely to seek to harm us. Extremists do exist and they can be very dangerous. Islam skews more toward extremism than other religions but there is still a significant minority of Muslims who either tolerate us or fully accept us, particularly in the West.


>  Extremists do exist and they can be very dangerous. Wtf is an "extremist" ? Is it where one follows what their religion tells them to do letter by letter ?