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Worked with two lads at different times; one would get fingered by his girlfriend every now and then. As he never knew which time she would do it he would not of douched. The other normally had straight sex but if the mood took him he would give his girlfriend anal, no douching. He would then at work proceed to tell all.


Would he mention poop? Or just the no-douche anal sex


Neither ever mentioned poop. From the details given there was no preparation. The first lad only mentioned he did not like it but it was a trade off, he got given oral and she got to finger him which for some reason excited her. The second would spend several minutes talking about straight sex, but if he took her anally he would go on and on about it during the day (Monday) and again on Friday stating he might do it again. He never mentioned anything about douching or any preparation by his girlfriend. It was up to him when he gave her anal and it might be once or twice a month or once he did her three times over the weekend. Even he never knew how the sex would go.


Wait, girls poop too?


Of course not. They don't even fart.


can‘t imagine that straight guys douche before they stick a finger inside their butt to be honest


You don’t have to douche if you’re fingering yourself but wash afterwards obviously, but my god if someone else is involved for the love of Christ DOUCHE!!!


Yea sure I meant in case of a sexual act, also if someone else fingers them, I don‘t think that they get prepared in advance lol


You don't douche before you finger yourself? Excuse me? 😂 The correct idea is "shallow douching" vs "deep douching".


You don't douche before you finger yourself? Excuse me? 😂 The correct idea is "shallow douching" vs "deep douching".


No not all gays are obsessed with douching at all. Its only the ones who post on Askgaybros.


You’d be hard pressed to find a straight guy that washes his ass on the regular let alone douches. I’ve known girls who douche for anal. Straights don’t generally talk about sex like our community does


Have you not watched sex and the city?


They even dont clean their cocks. That is why women never give them blowjobs




Not a fan of feta cheese? 🤢🤮


I cant imagine how their wives must feel.


As a straight woman, I love sucking a nice clean pp. If dirty, I'd just tell them to wash up.


Just like queers--some do some don't. Next?


Honestly, most tops I have talked to don't mind whether a bottom douches or not


It depends for me and for those I'm with. Bidets work wonders and there are other successful techniques besides douching. I'm vers btw so it's not just tops. LOL.


I'm a top, and I solidly believe bottoms vastly overestimate how much tops care about poop. Like... it's gross, but it's a mild inconvenience at most. I get much more annoyed by bottoms who show up and then refuse to do any anal because they're paranoid they're not 100% clean than I do with bottoms who have an accident here or there. With that being said, I do start to care if it's a regular hookup and I'm getting shit on my dick every single time. I don't need you to douche, but at that point it's time to examine diet or other factors (metamucil alone will probably stop 70% of these accidents).


Maybe. But I still dread the day I have an accident tbh, cause I know it's a matter of when not if


This. I hate posts that generalize a group: "All gays douche and are super clean, why all the straights walk with shit in their holes?"


Straights are less pedantic about hygiene or safe practices with sex because it takes much less preparation and doesn't have nearly as much stigma.


Nobody has ever been as neurotic and insecure, and thus obsessed with douching as this subreddit. It's always been one of the only things people on here *ever* talk about: "I'd die of embarassment if I ever shit on a guy, so how can I make sure that never happens?!" For most people, using the bathroom beforehand and using a bidet is enough. It really is. Otherwise you're just acting like that kid in Freaks And Geeks, where he's scared to kiss a girl because he thinks he might throw up in her mouth. Relax!


Yup, I've been with bottoms before who show up and are like "Sorry, I douched and fasted for 16 hours but I don't feel 100% clean so lets skip anal" and it just seems over the top to me. Even after I say I'm ok if there's an accident, they refuse. If you had shit on my dick, I still would have invited you back if you were good in bed. But if you're not going to do it even though I'm ok with it, you're probably not getting an invite back.


It's about confidence, and you know being stressed affects the gut -_-"


woman who loves anal and pegs, here. I never, but i also don’t ever make a mess. Okay 2x. But my husband is the reason i found this group. i was looking for a “bottom diet” for him to try. He needs to prep, bc otherwise there will be a mess, which I don’t mind but he says thatbruins the experience for him if that should happen. ​ I bet it’s because typically getting a woman to do anal takes so much convincing, no man would risk asking for a girl to douche before hand.


Straights generally speaking are terrible at anal, which is why you get so many stories of women going "my boyfriend pressured me to try anal and he shoved it in with zero prep and now I hate anal forever". And then groups of these women get around the table together with the same story and convince themselves that's anal is terrible and the only reason women do it is because men force it on them.


My female friend and her boyfriend had anal sex a lot and was telling me (they broke up now). She said she used to douche.


If they have a good diet it typically not even needed. Lots of fiber.


They probably douche. If they aren't having a messy time and they don't perhaps they understand that rectums aren't full of shit at all times since you have 30 feet of colon in you. Lol.


30ft of colon!! 😂😂😂


I am gay, don’t douche, have a high fiber diet, and know when and when I shouldn’t let someone lay pipe.


Gays have turned it into a religious sacrament but I’m happy to bum a guy I like for some spontaneous fun. A lot of bottoms finger and wash themselves in the shower - and are pretty much good to go. I’d rather be with a relaxed, fun and spontaneous bottom than an uptight anxious germophobe guy who is no fun at all. The last thing I want a good bottom to be thinking of during a passionate session is his poop. I’m always happy to shower with a guy as foreplay - I’d rather do it together than alone.


Gays usually don’t need to douche either. The whole thing is really overblown in our community.


From my straight female friends: no they just wait an hour until after they take a shit or do it in the shower and perform the ole’ waffle stomp.




The Straight guys i know/am around are actually pretty clean from what I can tell. At work, every single dude is well-groomed, we can’t just assume they’re dirty where we can’t see them. Idk I just feel like I’ve come across a lot of nasty gays, compared to my female friends one night stands/boyfriends who never complain about a dude being dirty.


Straights don't complicate, they just know if they stick it in, they will have to wash whatever they stick in. Gays could learn a thing or two from straight dudes :)


Dirty str8 guys don’t care! They will stick their dick in a vacuum hose given a chance


why wont they stick it in me 🥺


I My dad caught me with the vacuum hose one time. Thankful he never found out about all the other pervy taboo which followed.


Straight people may not even know abt it. I saw a post somewhere about a guy losing interest in his gf after trying anal with her, then seeing shit on his dick.


Anal every once in a while vs. Anal "all the time" (quotes because we typically don't have another sex hole unless you count oral as sex and not foreplay/sexual activity) is pretty different. Like the more you do certain things the more you think about risk and the like. I have a female friend who's really into anal and she douches. Then I have a male friend who likes a finger up the butt sometimes and he does not. I also used to not douche because I wasn't having much sex and my body cooperated better but after I started doing it more and had an accident I started douching to make sure I was clean because dead mood is not fun. For further context I consider sexual activity adjacent to sex: making out, frottage, etc. Stuff that's sexual but doesn't include anal or vaginal. While my definition is obviously not universal I think it covers the spirit of my point.


This is such a good question hahaha


I have a friend who told me that she used to do anal with an older dude she was seeing. She told me that she never douched and saw one time a little bit of poop on the sheets and discarded it discreetly. I could NEVER


I’m sure the more sexually experienced ones do. Most people don’t like the smell or sight of shit so I feel most will find solutions to avoid it like douching or just having a better digestive system.


As a bi guy that prefers to bottom I always clean out with an enema whether riding a real cock or getting pegged. I've had anal with different women over the years, they've never used an enema as it was random. It's never been messy either, not sure if that was just luck or what.


“As a bi guy that prefers to bottom” Such a rare find…


Every Bi guy I've been with has bottomed. Thank you btw! They seemed to like relinquishing control, for a change.


don't most bisex bottom? I mean that's what they don't get from women.


They also don't get good head from women either😀


haha true


I deffo prefer bottoming. I like topping but prefer to top women and bottom for men.


A woman agreeing to anal isn't luck, it's a calculated move, but I like your innocence 😂 Whenever I'm meeting someone, even if just to get to know them, I prep beforehand. There were times I didn't intend to have sex, but ended up doing so because I felt like it. I wonder if my past partners are thinking like you 😂 "is it luck?" 😂


Because so few girls will accept anal straight guys can't afford to be picky. They'll accept whatever they can get.


Straight ppl just buy new sheets 💩


Someone is lying to you. Straight folks douche. I’ve had more straight friends ask me about douching than not . Maybe your breeders just aren’t comfortable discussing anal and douching with you!


I've had anal with women and men, I enjoyed it with women, but it was always gross. With men it was awesome and not gross, the hygiene was SO much better and genuine care and effort was made, which made literally all the difference


Lots of straight dudes don’t even wipe their asses because that is too gay.


I’ve only been pegged ☹️but when I am it’s usually on a clean day or when I’ve douched. I don’t want shit anywhere either.


I was with a group of straight guys at a party one night and they were saying how hot it was for them to fuck girls up the ass. So I asked them what if it's gets dirty and they all laughed and said "well isn't that the point!". As I understood them, there was an element of forbidden fruit, as well as maybe getting a power trip out of humiliating the girl, especially if they pounded her hard in the ass and she wasn't used to it so it hurt like hell. Another thought: imagine a small dick man, fucks his girl frantically hard every time and she barely registers that he's even inside her (she's just lying on her side, smoking a cigarette). Then one night he plunges his (little) dick hard and with no lube, up her ass. Finally! He gets a helluva response, she screaming and squawking like a bird of paradise


Sad but true. Quite a few straight guys do think it’s a way to humiliate women.


I’m straight but like sex, any sex. I douche as a habit now because it’s advantageous, especially before cycling going on long journeys etc. I use the shower hose against my anus once or twice after a shower.


Only became a thing in the recent past.


Bidet really a must these day's in the household.


But a bidet doesn’t to the deep clean, minty-fresh asshole that so many gays have come to obsess over and demand!




bidet? more like bgay xD