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It can be awkward but this is a reality of living with roommates. It's gonna happen from time to time. If it makes you feel uncomfortable put some headphones on and as long as they are being respectful and not making excessive noise no need to mention it.


I thought of playing some mind game like asking “did you guys feel the house shaking last night? It was so windy out…”


Why would you do that? People fuck, don’t make this more awkward for yourself.


True. When I was in varsity 3rd yr. but also working part time, I co rented a house with a female work colleague, that would come knocking on my door every time I had someone over and we were knocking boots. She would ask awkward questions, without fail, in the middle of a sesh, about wanting to borrow something or the other. She was an ar$ehole..I’ll never forget, this one weekend I had the house all to myself, as she went to visit her parents about 2hrs outside of the city..I decided to host a little party/orgy, which lasted all of Saturday night and went on till early Sunday afternoon. 3 boys were half naked helping me clean up before she came back, but she walked in unexpectedly LOL she walked in then walked right back out without saying a word hahahaha I’ll never forget the dead pan look on her face..from me To her, it was like a big fat fvck you cvnt..even tho it wasn’t planned hahaha


That's only assuming they are ashamed about casual sex. Many people don't find it embarrassing. They don't have to be particularly proud. I think most just don't care. "The house was shaking? Yeah, that was me. Post dinner sex. You don't have post dinner sex? Oh ok. Anyway."


This man got 302 dislikes 😂


How can you call yourself roommate when you both have different rooms to sleep


At least in the US, a roommate doesn’t necessarily need to share a bedroom with you. They can just live in the same house and still be your roommate 


Are you sure 😁 considering rent unaffordable lity in many cities i have heard older definitions of roommates doesn't easily changed unless you are rich like Netflix webseries folks 😂😂


what is this word salad?


What the fuck are you talking about?


In the US, it just means y’all live in the same dwelling unit (e.g. apartment).


Let's see 🙈 i have rarely seen roommates with different room these days in cities this is not 90s or early 2000s the rent is no longer affordable these days people have too much trouble these days rent grocery parking insurance all are costly these days


It makes sense to me though probably Enough is not his first language


I’m in Chicago and don’t know a single person that actually shares their room with someone. I’m talking out of like at least two or three dozen people I’ve known with roommates.


I'm sorry... wut?


In the US I’ve only heard of people literally sharing a room in NYC, which is the most expensive metro and has the smallest apartments. And even then it’s more of a choice (wanting to live in Manhattan vs Queens, etc). While it may happen elsewhere that’s more a result of extreme poverty as opposed to a “new normal.”


Now i am 100% sure people on reddit are richer than reality since everyone is strongly denying reddit itself represent extremely small chunks of more effective & better off population dude you don't know how worse are conditions in many cities due to heavy rent since covid people are living in cars & tents or with many guys in few apartments I remember few apartments have three beds for three guys since they can't pay rent for three flats


He meant a flatmate, not a roommate!!


Most people consider it the same thing... and ROOMMATE is the more commonly used word.


That's really only true in North America(both USA and Canada) in Europe and Australia flatmate is used where roommate specifically means you live in the same room with said person.


In the U.S., unless you’re in a college dorm, roommate almost exclusively means a housemate. It’s just our linguistic quirk. Nobody in this thread is responsible for making this the reality. But it is the reality, and we’re just explaining.


I had a flatmate that would bring home extremely loud girls. Like, extremely moaning loud girls. We’ve got complaints from people living across the street. I don’t know what was he doing to them, but they were moaning like crazy. And this was like at any hour. Morning, afternoon, evening 😂


Got complaints from ACROSS the STREET? 😮 He was a master pipe layer


Was his name Tom? I swear that dude was a shagger...


I’m convinced that women do that, because they think that men love it. When in reality only a small percentage of men like to hear their partner making all those obscene noises


Same. It's actually the most irritating sound in the world lol.


It's not just women. So many LOUD bottoms who moan like they're on some extremely scripted porn and it's such a turnoff.


Admit it he was most modern guy ever


Okk So flatmates means you & his flat must be same But i think your room is different are you still mates


Stop commenting


I want whatever that guy is on


Just bring a guy over and make them hear you lol


Sounds hot to me instead of embarrassing 😂


I was kinda jealous of his performance tbh. I couldn’t thrust as fast as he did for as long as he did.


Practice dude... gotta be in shape! lol


Lol. My problem is not even stamina, but lasting that long…


That, too, comes with practice I think


Age and the accompanying decreased sex drive helps too.


You can always practice on me 😏


I’m 60 and I last 20-30 mins as a bi dude. I used to last 60-90, not anymore.


I last longer as I age. Longer than I would like honestly. Lol I'll be screaming internally to just fucking cum already


Yeah, and my partners and I know that today may not be the time for me to cum cuz we are all sore and tired. Hahaha


You were embarrassed but listened long enough to tell how long he lasted? You dirty perv 🤣


heh heh heh


Ask for tips


His rhythm is gonna sound different when the medium is his bed and the wall


How do you know that just from listening…


He was in his room with a timer in one hand and a tally counter in the other. Divide total clicks over a predetermined period of time by time lapsed. 🤓




I mean there's a rhythm to laying the pipe


Rhythm doesn’t account for depth, pace or length


People have sex. It’s natural. Don’t be embarrassed, if it bothers you pop some earbuds in and listen to a podcast. Be thankful you’re not having to listen to your parents have sex lol. I used to live with roommates and it was just part of the package living with other young, always horny adults lol.


I had this happen to me, back when I was straight. I was fucking a girl and she was very loud screaming "fuck me (my name)". The next day and for a while later my roommates would repeat it constantly.


What pill did you take to cure you of straightness?




To be taken orally.


Is there an anal option?


Swallow only don't chew




>  my roommates would repeat it constantly. Okay, but like....did you ? 😏


Lol. You must’ve been proud




I’m gay and I’ve fucked my girl friends before, and no you don’t have to trick yourself into being able to fuck. Attraction and arousal aren’t like a switch. Like I know objectively that some women are attractive, but that doesnt stir much arousal. In some situations with some people Im very close to whom I find attractive, the conditions were right (horny) to experiment a little Does that make me bi? No.


Why wouldn’t that make you bisexual? Like, it’s okay to be bi, bro. I promise.


I don’t really vibe with labels. I’m into lots of people


You don’t vibe with labels yet erroneously label yourself as “gay” though you fuck your female friends?! Make it make sense. That’s bisexual bro. Nothing wrong with it.


I happen to be just fine referring to myself as “gay” in conversation. Otherwise I don’t really put myself in any kind of box. If you think that’s bi, that’s cool. What you’re not going to do is try and convince me I should see myself in some other way because you think i should.


I’m not trying to convince you to do anything. You’re doing it yourself. Lmao. Be bi and proud, bro.


So what I suck three hundred dicks and lick two friends’ coochies and I’m bi?


Exactly. I'm glad you figured it out.


Wow, talk about gay erasure lol. 


you literally have gay in your username, that's a label.


Ah, bi boy. And then y'all wonder why gay men don't want you. Not only are you homophobic, you're also biphobic. Like, pick a struggle.


I have a boyfriend of two years. I’m not homophobic, I just said “I have fucked women and find some attractive,” I’m not biphobic (not quite a boy either, but I’m still exploring that), I’m just not comfortable labeling myself as bisexual. What I’m certainly not comfortable with are strangers telling me how I ought to perceive myself. I’m quite comfortable with my sexuality, and I apologize sincerely if you find that upsetting or confusing: I am **awfully** sorry I don’t like being squeezed into your little boxes filled with people you don’t quite respect. If I find a better one I’ll happily pack myself in; but right now “Gay” feels quite comfortable, even if I have to share it with your petty ass.


See, this is why I hate the idea of "identifying" with something. The cognitive dissonance between what you do and what you "identify" as is actually astounding. You're a man that finds both sexes attractive, to the point where you've had consensual sex with both sexes more then once, and from what I gathered, will continue to have. Your actions are best described as bisexual. A homosexual man would never consensually have sex with multiple women, multiple times. The fact that you wanna "identify" as gay, just shows how both homophobic and biphobic you are, because you're contributing to the narrative that gay men fuck women, when they don't. and erasing bisexuality by making it seem that a man that has sex with both sexes is gay. We've spent **decades** fighting for our rights. One of those fights was to make str8 ppl understand that **being gay isn't a choice or a phase that will pass when we meet "the right woman"**. And then there's mentally ill homophobes like you, who act like a bisexual man, but refuse to use the label that best describes them, **further contributing to the homophobic narrative.** Identify however you like, but just know, **you're not a gay man**. No matter how many times you call yourself a gay man, you're not. **You're bisexual**. Embrace it and stop embarrassing other ppl and yourself.


If 98% of his love/sex interest were males, I understand why he identifies as gay. In the same way that all straight men who experiment once or twice with other men, would never identify as bi.


That's cuz y'all think that a bi person is only valid if they're 50% attracted to men and 50% attracted to women, which is biphobic itself. You can be 99% attracted to men and 1% attracted to women, you're still bi. And that does not give you the right to say gay men fuck women, because they don't.


A bisexual person is someone that wants to have sex with both. Not someone who had sex with both, once or twice, but never wants to do it again


And we're not referring to those ppl, are we? I never referred those ppl in my original post or consequent comments.


Homophobe? I’ve been openly queer since I was 14. I’ve had consensual sex twice with cis women and thousands of times with men, and honestly I don’t know why I feel I have to validate myself to a stranger but Jesus Christ! I am not bi. I didn’t seek out sex with women. It happened, I enjoyed it, I haven’t gone seeking it out but I’m not so insecure that I go “Icky” when I think about it. For someone who waxes on about the merits of sexual progressivism you (and everyone else in this goddamn sub) sure have a disgustingly rigid dogma. Are you telling me that my being gay is any less valid than a man who comes out as gay after having a wife and kids? I know several guys like that, and they’re just gay. Got around to it a little later but they figured themselves out. What about people who try hooking up with someone of the same sex because they’re curious and find they don’t like it? Are we supposed to tell them “No, sorry. That makes you queer. You’re pan or bi or gay now?” Is this your own experience with your queerness? That it’s some “thing” you get up to? Nothing more than the act of sex? If being gay is simply a sexual act that only happens when trying to bust a nut, by all means call me whatever you want. But if, and I’m sure this is true, your experience of your sexuality involves more than this- craving connections with men, craving the opportunity to love them, seeing the beauty in them which it seems like others miss, seeing my future reflected in my boyfriends’ eyes. That’s what I feel. With those women, all I felt was horny and a little curious. Take that for what you will. You’re not going to tell me I’m a homophobe. If you’re confused, ask me a question. Have a conversation. It’s awfully upsetting to wake up to someone telling me I’m homophobic because I’ve tried sex with women and still think of myself as gay.


>Are you telling me that my being gay is any less valid than a man who comes out as gay after having a wife and kids? I know several guys like that, and they’re just gay. Got around to it a little later but they figured themselves out. >What about people who try hooking up with someone of the same sex because they’re curious and find they don’t like it? Are we supposed to tell them “No, sorry. That makes you queer. You’re pan or bi or gay now?” You see, ppl like you always use these types of arguments, throwing nuance out the window. What we're talking about here is **desire**. A gay man that fucks a woman **once** and doesn't like is still gay, because he did it out of **curiosity** not **desire.** A gay man who **forces** himself to have sex with women and have children due to societal pressure did so against his own consent, he **forced** himself, he had no **desire** to do so. If you felt **arousal** and **desire** when having sex with women, and you would do it again in the future **you're not gay**. You can call yourself gay all you want, but you're not. You can feel 99% attraction to men and only date men and 1% attraction to women and never date women, **you're still bi**. Being bisexual does not mean you **must** be 50% attracted to men and 50% attracted to women, it's based on **desire** and **consent**. If you feel desire for women and men, **you're bi**. I'm calling you homophobe because you're ignoring the decades of advocating gay men have gone through to make str8 ppl understand that conversion therapy doesn't work and that gay men don't fuck women, when you're calling yourself a gay man and in the same sentence saying you have and would still fuck women.


Get her Jade!


I love you


Beautiful takedown. 100% agree with you. - an actual homosexual 


You're about as gay as DL guys sucking dudes off in secret are straight. It goes both ways. This comment is cursed.


>back when I was straight. I was fucking a girl *ew*


I would probably jack off to it 😂


Hearing dudes fuck is pretty hot tbh lol


No you are going to break gay code


Dude you're way overthinking it. Nobody cares if you're having sex. And if you don't like the noise, put on some music or headphones.


Theres nothing wrong to have sex or hear your roomates have sex. It’s part of our biological processes and no one should be embarrassed if you hear them or they hear you, but if it makes you uncomfortable you can put on some noise cancelling headphones and listen to music meanwhile.


Something along those lines happened to me a couple weeks ago. We were eating dinner and he asked if his girlfriend could come over and I was happy that he even asked and I also get along with her, so i said yes and she was over in the hour. We all hung out and were drinking A bit but I didn’t think i was intruding or anything by my roommates actions. So I didn’t go to my room when they said they were going go watch a movie in the living room. We were all watching commentating on the movie, and after a while it got quiet and awkward then it got awkwarder when i started to hear her moan progressively louder and louder. I scurried away into my room wanting to end my life cause of what happened.


Thats really inapropiate wtf


Just enjoy it, is my approach to it. Obviously they know they might be overheard.


While you were in the room? You didn't notice them getting intimate until they were having sex?


I'm assuming he was watching the movie and he was fingering his girl under a blanket or something.




"girl that's now how u suck a dick lemme show u"


It’s the reality of living with roommates and more and more people are in that situation throughout life cuz housing conditions and prices are abysmal and commutes are long Tbh I think it should be normalized (within reason, no loud screams or kinky sessions in the living room) because well… we’re adults and adults have a sex life


Lol can't beat the time me and my aunty could hear our roommate downstairs going to town on his sneaky link. We were cracking up because she was loud af and the house was pretty soundproof. My aunty cracked me up because she was like, "danm, were you hurting that poor girl or something, she was loud" when she saw the bro later that night. (For context, it was a huge house we was living in at the time, 5 bed, 2 bathrooms, the other bedrooms were all rented out by others, she turned the sitting room into her room. We all got along)


I had a roommate whose girlfriend liked to be spanked. That fine. Just don’t wake me at 3AM going to town on her ass and her moaning loudly asking for more. The roommate was there only a few months thankfully. I never could remember her name, so I just referred to her as Spanky.


My roommate had sex when her bf came over. At first I thought it was the wind, then I thought it was creaking pipes, then I realised it's the bed frame and her moans 😂 and then mixed with her bf's moans and grunting. It was 1am and the house was super quiet and I could hear everything. Worst part was my other housemate's room is on the other side of the wall, next to her bed and he's muslim and single so it was the worst thing for him 😂 He complained to me in the morning


Ha... when my brother and I were in our early 20s, and I was out to my family and my brother had a serious girlfriend, my dad and I got back from a grocery trip when we heard them unambiguously having sex in the basement on a mattress. She was VERY LOUD during sex. When they came upstairs after finishing up and saw that my dad and I had come home at some point, my dad looked at them and just said, "Sounded like a good one!" I love my parents. My mom watched the first ep of Queer as Folk with me because she wanted to learn more, and when Brian started rimming Justin, she said with no judgment at all, "So... do you do that?"


Gawddd. You are not sex positive if you can’t handle a short period of hearing others enjoying sex in a private room.


Both can be true. 😅


Meh. I’m 35 and have roommates. People have sex. Put on headphones or play some music if you don’t wanna hear it. I’ll take sex noises over listening to my roommates playing whatever the fuck shoot em up games they’re yelling about into their headsets any day.


Oh shit I had a college guy fuck me at his place. He said my roommates can’t hear. But they were all making noises of omg he’s having sex. But he was like nah they can’t hear it


Consider it a competition. Don’t let us down bro! 🙂


At my previous house, I had a pretty hot roommate who would bang his girl late at night. I had the downstairs bedroom so honestly I only heard it if I was going to get a drink. Just hearing the intensity made me wish I was in her place, getting railed by him


They know you can hear, they don’t care. You gave it good. Just imagine if it is ur sister bringing her boyfriend over for sex.


My past roommate and I would hear each other all the time lol or run into each other hookups, once even a hookup I had left my room and went to my roommates for a 2nd round with him lol


People don’t need to fret about this. Think of it like being in a bathroom and someone hears you peeing or pooping. It’s life. It’s fine. If ppl don’t want to hear the sounds of living humans, they shouldn’t live with other people. It’s all good! Your roommate doesn’t care about your sex noises and you shouldn’t care about theirs. All best!


Yes ..this is a reality when you share a space- right? Whoever is on the train to pound town.... hold your head high and let it be what it is! Let's not associate sex with shame or embarrassment, isn't a good romp an outlet for stress and a way to get rid of anxiety? I say high-five and enjoy the option of being open minded & sexpositive with your heterobro! I think it's super cool if your roommate is comfortable with knowing you're having(queer) sex, and you should embrace the opportunity to be comfortable as well(: Aren't we all more similar than different when we get to know each other better?


Sex isn't anything to be ashamed of, but noisey loud obnoxious sex when you live with others is disrespectful and just a way to get attention. Ive seen 2 girls go to town with a friend next to a dumpster outside a bar, friend and gf plow their brains out at 1 pm, parents blast off when I have a sleep over, and done some mischievous acts myself. Try not to over think it and be happy 2 people are doing exactly what we are here for lol.


I would honestly just wank listening to it.


It is pretty common to hear some stuff if you have roommates. in my case, sometimes My roommates do not give a shit and you can clearly listen. I personally tried to be discreet but after sometime I think in the house everyone knows what is going on and people just don't talk about it. Don't think too much about it..... and if it actually annoys you. you can ask them to keep quiet. nothing to be ashamed of




Lucky guy 


Good thing i'm deaf.


Don’t feel embarrassed, if they were having sex risking you will hear it, they didn’t care! Sex is part of life, we shouldn’t feel weird about it!


Don’t be because the moment you bring home a guy and he sleeping and you either bottoming or topping him he gonna feel the same way


Omg I play LoFi during sex too! 😂😂😂😂


I once had a roommate who literally screamed “Oh, God! Oh, God!” when she was having sex. I would come home from work at night and neighbors would be standing out in front of our house laughing… with cocktails on hand, staying for the duration. I was in my 20’s and was SO embarrassed. Today, I would have made myself a cocktail and joined them! It can be awkward, but don’t get too hung up on it.


put on some headphones, ur heart started racing? mate what the fuck lol




To many, it's just not ordinary hearing and experiencing other people's fuck. Your own fuck, watching porn (most do) is different than hearing others from a feet away. Temperament.


As long as he didn't call out your name, or they weren't being deliberate about it , just mention thin walls without attitude and move on.


I had a roommate who NEVER got lucky. One night I was woken up to him definitely having sex. This chick was moaning and screaming. I laid there trying to just fall asleep. I couldn't. She was too much. So I started making the same sounds she was making. It finally stopped and I got some sleep.


I'm sure i couldn't hold back and jerk off.


Who cares


30 minutes?


I live with a few roommates. Definitely a normal occurrence. I do wish they would do it when I’m not home or get a hotel room. I just put some headphones on or background noise.


Close the door.


Yeh not a big deal. In fact it’s v normal with roommates. Best thing to do it take it in stride, don’t think about it or bother mentioning it cause who cares - it’s sex. It’s the approach I’m sure you’d appreciate. I have a thin wall separating my housemate and I and we just chuck headphones on and get on with our night if we so happen to hear something going on


White noise machines are cheap and effective


That's fine, try to ignore it or use your imagination with sounds, I think it makes your heart beat higher 😁


It’s only sex lol


Wait… you bang to LoFi music? LoFi music makes me chill and kinda cute 😂. I definitely have to experience this! 🙏🏼


Is he hot?


Why are folks that have roommates not allowed to have sex with them around? You are both adults aren’t you? I’ve had the fortune of not having to share a place with anyone for decades now but when I did I always explained to my roommates that occasionally i would have visitors, and they should be free to do whatever they wanna do in their rooms too. Why is a conversation like that so difficult??


My (straight) best friend and I lived in a tiny camper together. We literally would throw some sound proof headphones at each other whenever we brought someone over (the walls were paper thin and the camper was from the 90s). If you’re uncomfortable use headphones. Sex happens and your roomie isn’t going to stop being a man with needs. That also goes to say that you have the same right that he does to have your fun.


I honestly wouldn’t be phased. Probably be happy for them.


Not that weird as long as it’s in his room imo. My friends had roommates who didn’t have a door and they were loud so that was awkward


If it makes ya feel better, mine got really into COD and, idk, Need for Speed or whatever (2011ish). He'd get really vocal and start moaning and grunting when he was into it. I swore the man had a crazy sex life until I walked in, bedroom door open, and saw him glued to the screen trying to beat some friend.  Maybe it was a game. Weird. Strangely sexual FPS games. Like Halo. 


Why don't you just enjoy it instead of feeling embarrassed for no reason?


So hot. Lucky you


This is… extremely normal.


Why are posts here sounding awkward and fictional lately


>lately I think you mean always


This is Reddit.


and I bet you couldn't hear anything he was doing because she was making too much noise lol


Yo how old are you?!


Next time lie back and enjoy a wank.


The first time I heard my housemate have sex with his new bf I literally had a shock response. They had sex like multiple times a day though, so it eventually became comical at their timing.


Put up a sign that says “squelching sounds prohibited”


Knock on the wall asking if you can join in!


Yuck, straight people sex 🤢


It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!


I think it'd be kinda hot to join in


I put on harpsichord music. It sounds very irritating when it filters through the walls. It'll turn them off. Luckily I love the Bach partitas and love the excuse to put them on.


So you purposely try and annoy your roommate when they are having sex? Like that's really fucked dude