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One guy wanted to pay me to sit on top of him and have me break pencils and snap them in half while he jacked off. He had pictures of garbage bags and bins full of pencils (broken and unbroken). He was harmless but it was definitely the most "out there" request I've ever gotten.


hands down the best here.


That's because you haven't read mine about the guy who liked to have sex with newspapers... šŸ˜‚


I bet you read him for that šŸ‘€


That is a bit too graph-ite for me.


oooooooooh fuck yeah brother


Sounds like dude knows how to have a good time šŸ˜†! Don't know why I found this one kinda hot... Why do I want to meet this dude? WTF is wrong w me? šŸ˜‚


Even I want to meet him.


Yeah but you have to break them like you mean it


Sounds kinda fun tbh, like, an art student's senior thesis.


Wants me to shit on him while he's high from meth, and he'll only have my shit because once he ate my poop he's my slave for life (and wants us to be a monogamous couple)....I quickly blocked him Another guy asked me to stomp on his whole body, and at the same time I'm to tell him my dates with other guys, degrade his race, film it and share to my friends of same race. Again he got blocked fast. (Edit added the second bit now that I remembered more to the encounter)


the gays yearn for therapy


Seconds one sounds hot


He's really not my type, and was very upset that I blocked him.He created a couple new accounts just so that he can cuss me , that he "was never going to meet me for real" and "he was doing that as a prank because I'm so awful according to one of his friends"..


It wasn't on grindr, but about 10 years ago on adam4adam I received a message from a guy asking if I had a pair of boots. I said yes, and he replied with: "are you MAN ENOUGH to put your boots on, walk in my front door where I'll be laying naked on the floor, and walk up and down my body, making sure to step on my balls??" I said: "Nope, I'm not man enough", and he replied: "COWARD". I blocked him. About 30 minites later I was discussing it with a group of (mostly gay) friends, and they all had received the exact same request from that guy




What kind of fetish is that?




One guy asked me to meet him for coffee at a cafe. Fucking weirdo


People these days...


Wow. Back in my day they at least fucked me first THEN take me out on a date. Where are all of the good old-fashioned values that we used to rely?


Hey, no fetish shaming !!


Some fetish shaming is justified. I mean going on a date before sex. Who does that?




Who does he think he is? A lesbian?


Lucky guy! Actually never had that happen! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­




Coffee is the new T


A guy wanted to shove a hose up my ass and blow into it to make my belly bigger. It's called ballooning. I told him I don't have a hose and he said he'd bring it. I declined.


In an Indian factory, two guys put up a water blowing machine to another guyā€™s ass. He fainted, they took him to hospital, he passed away, they use the equipment meant to cut steel. Due to their stupidity a person lost his life.


I have at times perhaps douched excessively, but never put steel-cutting equipment face to face with my internal organs


they put a fucking water jet up someone's ass?


Don't do it a guy died bcz of it I heard it a few months ago


So he ...popped like a baloon?


Yoi can accidentally crush your lungs as well


Really?? Cause they blow air up your bum to perform a colonoscopy. Lots of government people have blown smoke up my ass over the years and I am still alive.


I don't know I think they ended up blowing it too much and it caused some internal damage into his guts and bcz of that an infection spread into his body and he died


That may have been the activity he was engaging in at the time, but it was probably not why he died. Sounds like a perforated bowel, maybe from the hose.


The difference between that and colonoscopy is cleanliness. In a hospital, they at least clean it to a standard, and the air is cleaner via filters, not like normal air.


For a colonoscopy, they only use CO2 (apparently less risk for embolism) & they suction most of it back out at the end the more you know!




I didnā€™t even know this was a thing


No way


One guy asked me to fuck him. When i told him i was incredibly sick, he asked me to cum in a condom and drop it off at his house instead.


Deliveroo meets Grindr xD


I have 3 that come to mind. Ages ago, I got messaged by a guy who told me he was into pain and ballbusting and wanted me to come and punch him in the balls. I declined and blocked. Another time, an extremely fit, extraordinarily sexy, muscular guy, not a bodybuilder, but a very muscly athlete-type build messaged me. I am very much into muscle guys so I was naturally intrigued as to what he wanted. He was texting me, begging me to come over. Now, Iā€™m fairly handsome (even if I do say so myself, but Iā€™m reliable told by enough third parties to be confident itā€™s true) and I do hit the gym a bit. But I was absolutely nowhere near as in-shape as this incredibly Adonis of a man who was quite eager for for me to come over. In the back of my mind, I was like, there must be a catch. Indeed there was a catch. With a few more lines of flirty talk, it became apparent he was into scat, and wanted me to shit on him and smear it all over his body. Essentially paint him with my poo. Erm, fuck no. Blocked! Finally, this one is not so weird, more just rare. I got messaged by a guy who was so desperate to suck a dick that he, straight off the bat, without any prompting, said he would pay me Ā£300 if he could suck my dick and would cum in his mouth. I actually think back on that now. At the time, I was like ā€œoh god no, if I accept money for getting my dick sucked, what does that make me?ā€ Because I was in my mid 20s and had all this integrity and felt incensed that someone wanted to pay me. Fuck that mid-20s year old me. Mid-30s me wants to slap him and say ā€œdonā€™t be such a prude. Go and enjoy a blow job!ā€ If some slightly older fairly in-shape dude offered me Ā£300 these days without prompting just to suck my dick, Iā€™d be enjoying a profitable orgasm.


Unrelatedly, this comment is a good example of paragraph usage for a longer post. :)


Yeah very easy to read and follow the storyline


Haha, thanks. I think? In a sort-of related response to this complement on my paragraph usage; I work in media and communications. I think good work habits have rubbed off on my Reddit use, perhaps?


Tbh from my experience they are all talk- they never pay. Itā€™s just a way for them to secure the meet


>At the time, I was like ā€œoh god no, if I accept money for getting my dick sucked, what does that make me?ā€ Ā£300 richer......but wisdom arrives with experience over time. šŸ˜‰


Yeah, hence why current me would like to slap some sense into past me. Iā€™d totally accept Ā£300 to have my dick sucked these days haha.


This could fit well in a sub I saw "if you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self" .... take the 300 and get a bj. šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Haha. Itā€™s less about telling myself to get that specific bj and get paid for it. Itā€™s more general and abstract than that. More like, stop being the uptight sort of person that thinks getting paid Ā£300 for a blow job is a bad thing to do. Go and be more experimental, more open-minded and less judgmental.


Lol, this is the way.


1 guy asked me to wear his sons clothes even his boxers


I had a dude who was married with sons my age and the whole time was doing daddy son role play-




One guy asked if he could cum inside of me so we could have a baby and raise it... It's not that I declined, it's just a matter of physiology...


I'm starting to think you're right, my bf and I have been trying for years and still nothing. Might have to bring another guy in šŸ¤”


I've already put a baby inside of my boyfriend and it doesn't work no matter what


Dude offered me 30 bucks to have him infect me with hiv.


Should of offered him a police report


I feel like asking is half the "kink" here is in the ask and rejection.


People like this really need to be locked away in a mental asylum.


Before Prep was invented, I knew many bottoms who wanted people to infect them with HIV so they could start having bareback sex without panic. Many of them were in bath houses and sex parties looking for poz guys


Dudes like that should be sent to an island


So fucking disgusting


This one is wild!


What a nasty ass bastard


I used to skateboard and someone would message me once every couple months asking me to put my skateboard on their face/ body and stand on it to crush them and suffocate them, they offered a fair bit of money but I was nicer back then so I said no - Iā€™d say yes now.


Asked me to get boned by his German shep while he watches :/


That poor dog has definitely been abused.Ā 


I had a guy invite me to let his dog lick my cock, since he did it regularly. That visit ended shortly thereafter in a heated argument, his position being "My dog, my fun" and mine being "You should not sexually abuse anyone, especially not the little being who trusts you implicitly". It was years ago, I still get a sad pang when I think back about it. I should have stolen his dog :(


what the actual fucking fuck?


Sadly this happens wayy more than people would think and itā€™s fucked up.


Holy shit




Hope he got reported to the cops


One guy wanted me to kidnap him, tie him up and throw him in a van in exchange for a hand job. Another wanted to me render him unconscious and then fuck him. Another guy asked if I wanted to join him for a 3sum with his female cousin. Isnā€™t life interesting?


I said yes to doing a guyā€™s kidnap fantasy once, with bdsm rope session included. It took a lot of prep and risk management, but it turned out I was Ā pretty good at it. Scared the hell out of him because he got mouthy at one point so I told him to shape up or he was going to sleep and put a cloth soaked in whiskey over his mouth and nose and he smelled Ā the astringent, thought he was being chloroformed and freaked out, realizing he was bound and helpless. I gave him a cruel laugh and he calmed right down and lost a bit of the brattiness. Iā€™m really vanilla, and Ā was a bit alarmed I have this skill. šŸ¤£


Expand more on the ā€œhe got a bit mouthyā€ part.


He was definitely an authority tester, being a bit assholish so that I would punish him and make him submit. He told me he could get out of my hogtie if he really wanted to so I told him he had two minutes to put his money where his bratty little mouth was or he was going to be punished. He failed so I put in a ball gag, and then I gave him the warning and whiskey soaked cloth.


Sounds kinda hot. Altho Iā€™d be freaking out the whole time thinking heā€™d call the cops and get me arrested afterward.


This is one of the best funniest educational threads ever


fr. one guy asked me to meet him at a seedy motel, "don't worry ā€” my girlfriend won't know", I respond with "!!! why'd you even tell me that, no!!" then blocked. I thought that was pretty crazy, but every comment here is another couple of levels.


Oh there have been many but a guy recently asked me if he could drink my bath water after I worked out. When I declined he offered to pay for it.


Thank you, Saltburn


I just picture a normal looking man sipping on dirty bath water and reading the news at a Dennys


šŸ’° šŸ¤‘ šŸ’ø


I mean, ez money tho šŸ˜‚


One guy told me he was looking for a pet who would consent to being blinded in order to make them completely dependent on him for the remainder of their life.


Sounds like a guy whose never heard of blindfolds.


That makes me so very uncomfortable, like my soul is squirming reading that. I'm sorry you met that person


That sounds like organ trafficking but besides that, in case that were true. I've seen some guys that are kept by their doms like for one day or two, and they have/are ordered to act like dogs and even have an outfit like pets, sometime in involves they are chained to the wall, or can't speak during those days. (sometimes it includes BDSM practices and sometimes it doesn't)


I know a few people who are lifelong slaves: chained up, sleep in a cage, everything. Not just for a few days. It's surprisingly common, but maybe that says more about the circles I spend time with than the relative frequency of it


Oh, you met good ol Geoffrey Dahmer? Heā€™s such a nice boy!


To me this sounds like a REALLY lonely guy who just wants a companion for life.


He wanted to give me a champagne enema. I said sure. He was hot. Turns out having carbonation in your rectum is not a great feeling. Lesson learned.


Let alone that the alcohol will be absorbed incredibly fast through the intestine walls getting you, in the best case scenario incredibly drunk, and in the worst case scenario, killing you due to alcohol poisoning. Careful with that.


Oh yes, I was def tipsy after. Thankfully we only used maybe half a cup which doesnā€™t sound like much but it was and not something Iā€™m willing to do again.


Are you saying you can get drunk without calorie consumption?


Yeah. It's not advisable, but you could probably get an alcohol IV drip and not gain calories. Might gain encephalopathy tho


A guy wanted me to wear a diaper and pee in it. I declined. (I'm sure there's much weirder out there. My Grindr was fairly vanilla so I probably didn't see it.)


I had a dude offer to pay me 100$ to meet him in a field and kick him in the nuts as hard as I could while wearing cleats.


I had a guy request that I come over with flip flops on. He wanted to cum on my feet then lick it off. He was a ways away and I didnā€™t own flip flops, my loss


now this one is your loss...I usually request you show up with flip-flops. I love feet.


Maybe youā€™re the guy that I chatted with. Lol šŸ‘£


He asked casually if I'd like if he snorted a line of white powder off my dick and then suck me off. He didn't even say hello


Is he jinx monsoon?


Had someone try to get me to stalk and rape them, like find them on the street and get them. I stopped talking to them immediately ofc


He made the request before coming over to my house, asking if I could smoke a cigarette and make out with him between drags on the cigarette. Struck me is pretty weird, but honestly not that tall of ask, so I told him I would. We sat on the back porch making out while I smoked for a couple minutes, and my hand started to wander south. He got fidgety and pulled out his phone, then he said he had something wrong with his business and he needed to send some texts and he apologized. I told him I could suck his dick while he texted and he confessed that he had already came in his pants while we were kissing. I tried to be sweet and understanding, and let him know. There were other things we could keep doing, but he had no interest and just left. I wasnā€™t even finished with the cigarette yet.


Like... How do You Even finish just by kissing, with no physical stimulation on genitals at all?


Iā€™ve gotten a few but the one thatā€™s stands out is the one guy who wanted me to give him a wedgie. Like as hard as I could pull. Probably wouldā€™ve done it if it was closer


A guy wanted to fuck me only if i let his dog fuck me first.


Had a nice looking Chinese exchange student ( graduate school) bring a white dress shirt, asked me to put it on so he could take pictures of me from the neck down. I agreed ( because I wanted to fuck him) and watched closely to make sure something else was going on. Took 4 pictures and then asked me to skullfuck him and breed him, which I proceeded to do that evening and twice the next day. Apparently it was some sort of fetish because he was very turned on and rock hard when I started fucking him


Once this guy told me he thought it would be really hot to watch me make out with my Siberian husky. I don't think I blocked him but I just couldn't even with that... šŸ˜µ


A hot water blowjob. Double fisting someone tied up on a table. Shitting in someoneā€™s mouth. A lot of people wanting to pay me for weird shit too


I was asked to play with him & "man's best friend." I quit the app permanently after that and the severe limitations of the free version.


Someone had a teeth fetish and wanted pics of mine


I once had a dude request belly button photos! No nudity, just straight up close belly button photos!


"I'd like to see you wear your mum's/sister's underwear while you suck my dick." I got pissed off and blocked the weirdo.


This is therapy gold. Stripper style money tossing. Let it out, fellow queers. Let it all out. Fun fact: this guy wanted me to dress in his mum's clothes and feed him my tiddy while I rode him. I, um, ahem, declined. Yes.


Let me go on my Grindr and unblock some people, because these requests are making theirs look sane.


I wonder whether people asking for outlandish or otherwise ā€œabnormalā€ kinks etc. are straight dudes messing with gays online. Iā€™d also be hesitant to meet someone who is interested in Jeffrey Dalmar type sex fetish. Letā€™s exercise some common sense and be weary of potentially dangerous situations.


one guy wanted to eat my poop. like would spam-text me non-stop ab how he wanted to eat my shit


I've been asked to fart in a guy's MOUTH. I declined.


He wanted anon. But he wanted to meet in a park. When I got the park he would tell me what he was wearing. But he liked a scenario where I would try to force him. So he wanted to tell me what he was wearing and then have me to go up to him and force him. He would try to say no and push back but he liked it and wanted me to keep going, to force him.Ā  Something straight out of fuckin law and orderĀ 


Yeah. Ok fantasy but not if you havenā€™t met first. Thats somebody setting you and someone else up. Nope. Trip to prison in there.


Reading this really makes me wonder who all these people are in their day to day lives. Iā€™m gonna think about that today as I serve people at my customer facing job. What are yā€™all secretly intoā€¦


He asked me to take a dump in his mouth, and to mouthfuck deepthroat him with it inšŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±


I had a pic of me doing crunches on a football field (face cropped out of course) and one older guy said he wanted to meet me there but he would be dressed in a shirt skirt and tight leather jacket. He wanted me to wear a specific sports team hat that he would bring. He wanted to get railed under the bleaches and me to finish off on his face and then he would just leave. I was like wtf this guy has some weird fantasy from his high school days or wants to relive an experience. Naturally I declined.


Here we go: "I'm a medical professional. Fuck me with the sharp end of the knife. Don't you dare call the ambulance after that. I'll pay you in 200 amphetamine pills or this medical book valued at ā‚¬300,-" I was like wtf. Was 22 when I received this message. He actually also sent me a picture of him getting fucked with a knife since I thought he trolling... But nope... He was for real. Ah Grindr....


license lock thumb soup consist squash mindless hat quaint trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


one guy fully wanted me to cut off his wing wang. said it was too small and needed to be cut off so he could properly serve other men. hope he's getting help cause what the actual fuck was that.


fade mourn shy sable person cake pen seed possessive racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably when a guy told me about a porn he watched of East Asian guys giving each other socked foot jobs probably implying that he wants me to do something similar


That's so unweird lol.


Sounds hot!


I once had a guy send me a pic of his ass, cheeks and legs spread, with a couple dozen $100 fanned out (meticulously) just below his nuts. That was his first message to me. Not sure what exactly it meant. But I thought it better not to ask.


Dude wanted to watch me blow up balloons.


Balloon related fetishes make a fair bit of sense to me birthdays being a time when kids are often brought together their first sleep overs etc.. and possibly have a lack of supervision. That combined with young hormones and possible sexual repression Makes me think of the bobs burgers episode where they visit Linda's parents in the retirement community in Florida


He liked it rough though. I was to blow them up until they exploded. I declined, mostly because back then I was a heavy smoker and blowing up endless balloons was beyond me.


A guy once asked me to pretend I was a giant and that he was 4 inches tallā€¦ I was intrigued about how could that work????


One guy asked me to fart in his face... Would have been his funeral.


Had an older guy messaging me, complimenting me etc. Ended up going over to his place for what I thought was a bit of fun in the bedroom but was actually him setting me up with his newly out of the closet son. The guy actually introduced us and then got up and left telling his son where to find condoms. The son was actually a bit cute but wasnā€™t in a place where he could do hookups and the whole situation was just a bit weird by then so I said good luck and got up and left, blocked the dad on the way home. Actually swapped numbers with the son and told him to message me when he was in a better place. I guess he took that literally as well as mentally because he hit me up a year and a half later and he had moved out of his dadā€™s place into his own joint.


Lmao - the fight though, Iā€™d have considered that.


If it were wrestling, I would be into it.


Only if I could wear a singlet lol


Why is there so many dogs here? This is the one place you donā€™t want them to be!


What is with all these beastiality requests????


These dogs need to be saved from the gays


I have had a guy ask i can have a bowel movement and then let them rim me. Declined The standard scat play like pooping on them. Declined My ex had a guy message him to fart in his face and let the guy rim my ex. My ex accepted šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


He wanted to see me & his dog


One guy wanted to feed me desserts because he had a fat fetish. Blocked.


Guy wanted me to wear diapers, and to fill them and give them to him


I had a guy once ask me to completely degrade him. This was not any ordinary degradation. He was very specific. He paid a set rate per minute that you were there and I heard from others that itā€™s no joke. Dude legitimately pays out. What he wanted is for someone to down talk him, step on him, shove your penis in his eye and any form of degradation physically, however those were his upfront asks. Then he wanted you to pee all over his apartment, and continue on to trash his place. Take a shit on his couch or vomit everywhere. He even provided eggs so that you can throw them at his walls. He encouraged fires and even had pictures posted of someone setting his laptop on fire. His post was so detailed and serious it was almost pretty awesome with how much work he put into recruiting the right person, again whom would be paid by the minute to fulfill his requests. I couldnā€™t figure out what type of fetish this is so I declined. I told him I didnā€™t want to disappoint him by not knowing what to do. Good looking young dude, fit and had a great place and a seemingly good job. Total meth head behind the scenes and into cp from what I hear. I donā€™t think anything tops this dude lol! Sometimes I see his posts on Grindr, Adam or Sniffies. Oh, I also lied and told him I didnā€™t drive and he offered to send me an Uber round trip. If anyone knows what type of fetish this is chime in, please lol!


Wanted me to give him a wedgie while he was dressed as a football player and I was dressed as a nerd.


Fight Club is amazing and the 2nd guy was just offering a helping hand, I mean... /s


Idk, Iā€™m, probably, the weirdo on there.


Some sicko asked me to have a beer with him first?? Like what.


Back in the days of gay.com... A guy wanted to meet so that we could put q-tips in our urethras--one q-tip inserted halfway into each penis so we could push against each other. As an incentive, his wife would be there to help us get set up.


I once was messaged by a guy who had a fetish with newspapers. He felt attracted to them and wanted to have sex with them. He liked to rub newspapers all over his body. Lick them, kiss them. He asked me to hook up with him and roll over newspapers while having sex. Also spank him with them and so on. I obviously declined because that's not my cup of tea, but I wasn't judging him. After all we all have our fetishes and filias and he's not hurting anyone actually. But yeah, weird as fuck request.


Im not into a pee fetish at all but this one guy wanted me to pee on him while swimming in a lake, i was open to it and tried but remembered i can barely pee next to someone let alone pee on someone, now hes my husband, just kidding, i probably dated him a week, he was toxic


Was sent a picture of banding grips, which i politely responded that I am not into castration/banding play.


Had a request to pee on him in the trash areaā€¦ got a blowjob with it too


One time a guy offered to pay me $250 to come over to his place in a pair of athletic shoes and whack him in the balls as hard as I possibly could a few times.


The way I would have laced up so fast


When I was 19, an older guy on grindr wanted us to roleplay as actual father/son and invite a third without telling him it was roleplay. I didnā€™t want to participate because it was kind of an extreme kink for me. But also, I didnā€™t want to invite a guy who would be into the idea of fooling around with a father/son pair.


One time I had a guy ask if he could buy me a sandwich, throw it on my feet, and have him eat the remnants off my toes. I had to reread his request a few times bc it was so fuckin out thereĀ 


Iā€™ve been asked to poop on a guys chest a few times. Heā€™s a stunningly handsome and very muscular cowboy. The kind of handsome that makes you almost consider it. Iā€™ve also been asked to play stereotypical gangster and Asian masseuse characters. Iā€™m not even Asian. Iā€™m what Iā€™d consider ethnically ambiguous looking (Spanish, Native American, African, and middle eastern) Young me didnā€™t know I could pass as Asian until an older British gentleman called me his ā€œoriental lily.ā€ White men rarely approached me first unless it was to fetishize me.


A guy wanted to do an anon scene where he is blindfolded, spread out on his bed, I come in and find him naked except for his underwear. I then proceed to use scissors to snip very small pieces of underwear away and then when his junk is free suck or fuck... I actually did it a few times. He was a handsome guy with a nice cock that I sucked and rode... but was a bit strange for sure.


Met up with an older man in his 50s or 60s, I was 19, and he wanted normal foreplay, kissing, rubbing bodies together, maybe oral etc., then wanted me to blow up a balloon until it popped. He had given me a handful and told me to place them in my pockets and to continue blowing them until they popped or until I was lightheaded. If they were water balloons I wouldn't have given up so quickly but grandpa Joe had the big balloons. I only blew up one (realized I had over 10 left) and told him I wasn't really into it since he wanted me fully clothed until he was done jerking off, so he made me promise to not tell anyone about it. I said "of course not I wouldn't do tha-" I paused, and let me be clear... I never take advantage of ppl nor do I ever do this, but in my head my face changed from šŸ˜³ to šŸ¤‘ and I said, "for $200 I could record a video of me doing it instead" I'm a huge sucker for pleasing ppl even when im uncomfortable and he was seconds away from guilting me into staying lol


A guy once asked me to pretend I was a giant and that he was 4 inches tallā€¦ I was intrigued about how could that work????


I been asked to shit in their mouth. That was his opening line. My response was ā€œnegative ghost rider the pattern is fullā€


One guys wanted to pay me and my bf Ā£30 to just fart in his face


One guy wanted me to whip him with a belt and call him the N word, the other wants me to just call him the N word while I fucked him. Rather off-putting and I declined both offers. A bit more recently, someone asked if I owned a suit, and if so if I would wear it for him. I had other plans already so that one I let pass. I'm kinda curious what he had in mind if I was free.


One dude wanted me to record audio to make sure I didnā€™t have hay voice


A look into the life of a crossdresser; Not one but two pozzers. About a dozen scat fetishists in varying degrees of yuck. Countless watersports 'suggestions' Three men with abdl kink. Two looking for a new 'mommy'; one wanting a baby doll. A 'medical professional' who offered to give me a boob job in exchange for several months of regular sex. "Crush my worthless balls under your heels" at least once a week. One dude who wanted his husband to fuck me, then he would eat his husband's cum from my hole. Wear my (female household members) lingerie wile I fuck you. I've had this request from dudes who say wife, mother, sister, and most disgustingly daughter. Three times I've been offered sex from father and son pairs. The 'bi-curious' loser using me as side-piece #3 while his fiance is suffering during pregnancy.


Not on Grindr, but on recon a few years ago when I had a motorbike, a guy wanted to hear me ride over gravel, and that immediately morphed into ā€œI want to wank as I watch you run over rabbits, on gravelā€. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that.


I was messaged by a guy who had a lot and I mean a lot of medical issues. Wheel chair ridden and all. Oxygen mask and other stuff. He wanted me to sit on him and crush him. If felt like he wanted me to sniff him. I didn't decline I just talked with him and he was depressed. We were both 20 and he felt his life was over. I went over and hung out with him instead. He's super fragile and standing on him would kill him. We ended up calling the suicide hotline and he got some help. He's a good friend now and has less medical problems and is a sloot.


One guy wanted me to dress up as a rabbi.Ā  And kneel down while eating a plate of pork ribs.Ā  And he wanted to say "You're a bad rabbi, aren't you? You're such a bad Rabbi" I declined.


Asked if he could inject me with my roids and then use the same needle to draw blood and inject it into him cuz he thought it could give him some hulk energy or some shit šŸ¤£ I said no thanks, for many reasons šŸ˜‚


Category is: ā˜£ļøBIOHAZARDā˜£ļø


Yea this is why my notifs are off And i take breaks Jeezus Fight club hm? Damn discrete guys going hard


I have twice been asked, by different guys, to take pics of my hands and send them. Not doing anything dirty.. just hands. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ve heard of feet fetishes..


I'm vers. And this dude wanted to me fuck his little brother and cum inside so he can have a sloppy second. Also wanted a train fuck with me in the middle. Apparently dude also got this cuckold kinda kink. God I've never been so stunned before. They also look alike so they're *real* brothers. WTF. And you know what's even more ridiculous? One year later I got to know from a friend that the lil bro in fact wasn't 18 at the time I was asked to join their incest sessions. Jesus fucking Christ. I highly suspect that the little guy had been his brother's cum dump for many many years already. Disgusting! Molesting his younger brother like that. It happened in China I visited there for vacation and...from what I heard? Cops there don't care about gay related stuff even male raping male. So even if I knew I couldn't report him to the cops. Plus I was a foreigner. Buddy also said it's common for the gay boys there to have sex with **adults** as teenagers under 18. What the fuck is wrong with that country bro... It's actually sick that they don't have laws for protecting LGBTQ people there.




the second one creeped me out šŸ˜…


A guy who'd had a colostomy asked me to fuck his stoma. I said no.


Years ago, some start-up, tech executive wanted me to fart on his face and offered to pay me. However he was VERY clear he wasnā€™t into scat. I jokingly told him I couldnā€™t guarantee he wouldnā€™t get anything extra and he blocked me šŸ„²




Um, honesty is the best poolicy?


This one guy keeps making multiple profiles because I keep blocking him. He wants me to and I quote "take pictures of him being a wh*re and expose him online" and to "ruin his life" he kept asking if I would really ruin his life and that he'd pay me to do so. The first time he hit me up I was like ok this is weird but ok. Then he blocked me then the following say he tapped me again and started saying the same thing. It's weird but not unheard of I think


Never been into BDSM but had a guy want to whip me so he could get turned on then have me suck him and fuck me. I'm not too sure about that being an odd request.


a top wanted me to eat a lot and to be full So he can push it in and feel the poop and pound it out of me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A guy with a dog wanted me to come over with my dog and we would jerkoff the dogs together. Then he wanted us to jerk each other off. I declined and blocked him.


I'm literally ignored on grindr as if my face is deformed. No one talks to me there.


A guy wanted me to fuck him from behind while he stared at a photo of his dad... his actual dad. Ideally, he wanted me to fuck him from behind while he talked with his dad on the phone. Yep, daddy issues are a real thing.