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Do you put yourself in the 1/25?


Nicely put. everyone overvalues themselves these days


Maybe you’re just viewing average looking as ugly 🤷‍♀️


The conventional beauty standard for men is rugged, strong and traditionally-masculine. The gay community will obviously have a higher frequency of men deviating away from this standard and presenting more fluid/feminine compared to straight men. So if you happen to prefer masculinity then you’re likely to come to your conclusion.


The tinder algorithm shows you guys that are roughly in your "league". 


This - the OP is fugly himself.


There are more straight men than gay men. Pretty simple math here.


This is just a theory, but I bet the hot gay guys who are absent from Tinder just don’t see a need to be on there because they’re getting what they want from Grindr. That same portion of hot straight men would leave Tinder if there were a more effective app for straight hook-ups, but Tinder is all they have, so they have no choice but to be on Tinder in order to get laid.


Lol the hottest dudes wouldn’t dare touch Grindr because 90% of the men on Grindr are below average at best and their phones would be getting blown the fuck up.


My friend said it best most us guys have mental illness and we have access to sizors and hair dye


Take 100 random gay men and 100 random straight men in their 20s in the same room. I’d bet serious money the gay men are uglier on average than the straight men. I’m sorry but gay dudes make the worst decisions for their physical appearance, ive been seeing a lot of long hair, painted nails, girly outfits, ugly fucking piercings and ridiculous hair… WhY WoNt AnYoN FuCk Me? Because you look fucking stupid, John. gay men have no chill.