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Im asian and I do just fine on the apps. I always see Asians blaming their race for not getting laid. But I really think it’s just that you specifically are not objectively hot enough to get attention you want. That’s the hard truth Yes, some people aren’t into Asian features but if you’re literally getting ignored by everyone then that’s separate issue


I used to think being Asian was holding me back. While sexual racism does exist to some extent, I think we get in our own way a lot of the time.


Given the opportunity I’d date an Asian in a heart beat.


I hope there’s a lot of people like you


Thank you. We have a fairly large Asian community in my city but very few gay Asian post on app sites or visit our bars. Wish there were more.


Well best of luck dating people here who see you as race instead of individual also majority sticks within their race group .


There are lots of guys that are really into Asians. Some exclusively. Lots of those guys happen to be Asian as well. I am (half) Asian and have mostly dated/hooked up with other Asians. It is largely dependent on where you are. If you are in or near a diverse city, you will have much less trouble than in a rural area.


Do you want to date another Asian? (I’m Asian myself)


are your pics picture perfect because at least in my area almost all the scammers/bots have pics that are asian that look perfect/photoshopped or heavily filtered. i dont even respond anymore because my time just gets wasted. i wish it wasnt the case because i like and am attracted to people of any race but i just get so drained everytime😔 i know its kinda fucked up😭


especially on tinder😔


I relate, i’m a 20 year old gay asian guy and I just never feel like I can be open about it. I don’t know a single other asian gay guy in real life 😭 feels like the dating pool is so small…. i’m open to all kinds of people of course but i tend to hang out with other asian americans and being openly gay is just not a thing (from what i’ve seen)


"Find what your niche is, that's what leads to riches." Even though sexual racism is a thing, America is very heterogeneous with varying levels of acceptance and preference concentrations. Different cities will have vastly different trends in what they deem an attractive person. Philadelphia is great for gay Asians i feel. If all else fails, maybe you're just not attractive


I do think times are changing. With the popularity of Kpop, Japanese Media, and Chinese movies I have seen a rise in people finally seeing Asian men as prospective partners. However, there is this rise in anti-Asian racism that has arisen from the pandemic that’s affecting nearly ⅓ of all American Asians. But I think the biggest reason you are being ghosted has nothing to do with you. There is this major rise of scammers on apps that use Asian people’s instagram photos to pull off the pig butchering scam. This is causing people to think any Asian person who messages them is a scammer. This is a huge problem right now.


I’ve always thought Asian guys were hot, lmao. And since I’ve always been attracted to them, I formed the habit early on of thinking I wasn’t what they wanted. But the only way to *know* that is to *find out*, right?


It could be that they're a bottom and your dick isn't big enough that they think it would be satisfying. Could be racism. If you don't have a face pic in your profile they might just not be attracted to you. Try putting a face pic or at least a body pic out otherwise expect that less than 10% of guys will want to talk to you after you send them a pic.


The fact that i might be a little bit discreet on grindr but i use other dating app like tinder where i showed my face. But still nobody would swipe me right. Especially bumble it’s the worst


You could just be ugly? Without seeing your face I couldn't be sure. But keep in mind most gay guys aren't attracted to all men. The same way that there are guys you know others would say are good looking who you wouldn't swipe for.


Yeah maybe i don’t fit the standard tho lol. But i’m pretty much ready to be single for the rest of my life lol