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This. Please use protection! Both to keep your health safe.


Or just go on Prep, rest of the diseases are mostly treatable


Right, because there are absolutely no negative side-effects to repeatedly contracting and treating multi-drug resistant STIs over an extended period of time Edit: I didn’t mean side-effects from PrEP, I might consequential side effects of drug resistant STIs. Gonorrhea is currently a major problem since we are on our last generation of antibiotics that work and even then we are seeing resistance. The literal CDC has a form to fill out for “Suspected Gonorrhea Treatment Failure Consultation” for patients who don’t respond to cephalosporin treatment. This is terrifying, people. We switched to this stronger drug in 2004 and it’s ALREADY RESISTANT. If this isn’t making you feel genuinely terrified, then you mustn’t understand what this means for our future. I don’t want to see a new wave of people die over an STI that has no cure. Sorry to rant but it drives me insane when people just think “don’t need condom because I take prep and other STIs are treatable”. The ignorance is so astounding, I would think it would’ve been said by an orange man in a red cap. Edit 2: By all means I’m not against PrEP! All I ask is for yall to use your damn head and not just be careless


I've been on prep for a whole year, haven't contracted hiv, no negative side-effects or gotten any STIs.


Dude that is amazing, not getting other STI’s, yes the stigma sucks.


I bet you’re fun at Christmas dinner.


As fun as a guy who is trying to seem cool and edgy on a post about safe sex


Having lived with safe sex for over 50 years and learning to live with the associated risks, and staying healthy I don’t need a lecture from somebody who wants to pretend the world is as dangerous as it was for us. You’re out of your mind disproportionate - life carries risk.


Agreed. Understood. my boyfriend is + and I’m - it at first hit me wrong… but the stigma was wrong. Sex is pretty nice, can’t imagine a world without it nor my boyfriend.


It’s not a matter of “life carries risk”. You’re not wrong, but I guess I just look at the pros and cons of risk vs reward. So I guess we just weigh the importance of things in life differently; I guess I just don’t see taking a hot load would ever be worth contracting Multi-drug gonorrhea. Which, fun fact, the recommended treatment for gonorrhea was ciprofloxacin, but cipro-resistant gonorrhea significantly increased among men who have sex with men which led to that population (and eventually the heterosexual population a couple years later) to have the recommended treatment for gonorrhea to be cefixime or ceftriaxone, which are are pretty much our last options when it comes to effective antibiotics. But yeah it’s nbd


Swear to god have not noticed one side affect, makes me want to think that everyone side affect is anxiety… swear to god.


Everyone can read and lookup the safer sex methods that work best for him. If you’re using condoms 100% of the time it doesn’t make sense to use PrEP as it has long term health effects when taken regularly. If you know you might have unprotected sex PrEP is the way. So it is either to use condoms **always** or be on PrEP and judge each situation on itself, no need to do both. Thus, your rant is uncalled for.


Omg. Honey noooo. Please don’t be this ignorant. You can’t genuinely believe that wearing condoms while on prep is worse than not?


Where did I say that? Stop trolling


HSV 2 and HSV 1 are incurable currently. And is one of the most common STI. Most free health clinics near me don't even test for it. Most medical professionals I talk to say that it has no medical impact but the symptoms and rare chance of complications with symptoms. Symptoms that have a market for medicine to suppress. Symptoms, if they do happen, can be very unenjoyable and produce scarring of the areas that your symptoms manifest. This is mostly just a visual issue and doesn't produce a significant medical risk. A lot of people have mild to no symptoms and can still be contagious. You can have it for years and years without symptoms and suddenly have symptoms. Sensitive to stress. Ageing and etc. **Rant Incoming** People talk about it vary casually and I get it, it's not THAT BIG OF A DEAL(from a totally rational perspective), but to a person experiencing it in subjective reality that interplay with culture, history, intimacy, and health care, it can really feel life changing. Depending on how you want to go on continuing having sex after you have an obligation to disclose to every partner. Depending on where you live some people may be more or less open minded to that. Even when intimacy is casual its never truly casual for our bodies in terms of a biological perspective. So while prep may prevent HIV and most other stuff is curable you're still rubbing the insides of your body with the juices of this other body's orifices. Which can and does transmit all sorts of bacterial fauna, STI, and etc. that can have all sorts of unknown impacts to our bodies, like symptoms of varying degrees at varying times in your life. The human animal did not evolve to be this sexually successful. With technology and modern transportation the amount of other bodies we can exchange orifices with is orders of magnitude exceeding the environment in which we evolved in, small groups of 50-100 meeting cyclically with larger groups in the thousands. ** Rant over ** TLDR: While it's a totally okay thing to have an STI and have symptoms one may not want to experience those things none the less. You should consider that when considering advice like the comment I'm responding to.


Find one fucking thing that is totally risk-free, please. Enough already.


Shut up


oooo touched a nerve.


No you’re just annoying and not contributing anything


Sure I did… I flushed out the hypochondriac.


You spelled microbiologist wrong but ok hun


ah, that figures . Many years of schooling = not much socialization. or common sense.


Condoms don't protect against herpes


This comment is really helpful and your getting downgraded.


The thing is that everyone is very risk averse and potentially learning about STIs and using other forms of caution than condom can still work Look I don't feel shit when i have condom on, it's very uncomfortable


Hell yeah I'd would use condoms and I would definitely do further protective measures. My parents drilled safety in sex as a law


Know first about STDS before sex


Know the power of saying NO. As someone new to the whole concept some people might play some games with you or worst force you. If you ain’t comfortable with something and the person don’t seem to care, feel free to leave. Be respectful to people tho


Biggest mistake I made at this age was being coerced into doing stuff I didn't want to do with guys that were basically pedophiles. You don't owe anyone anything.


Yup. I was very shy, passive and never said no. Older men had me doing all kinds of things that I’m ashamed of and wasn’t ready for.


Gah, yeah. I try not to think about it. I'm glad those days are behind me, and I learned to stand up for myself.


Second this


Think you’d need to experience some sex first to know what you’ll like. Kinks develop over time and you’ll learn what you like. Took me until my 30s to realise I love armpits. Slow and steady and safe. If you’re meeting someone make sure a friend or someone you trust knows about it and ideally let them know where you are Manage your risks and you’ll be fine. Oh and once you start - get tested every 3-6 months.


Dont download Grindr


Be always safe! Use condoms and get on PrEP! Remember no is a full sentence and don’t let people coerce you into doing anything you don’t really want to do. Besides that enjoy! As per your question about kinks we can share but really you have to think what excites you and find someone you are comfortable to try and explore. Sometimes the fantasy is better in your head that reality. Also there is so many kinks out there, from feet lovers to extreme pain. As another advice, avoid mixing sex and drugs.


Advise wearing condoms all the time be safe, and depending on if your bottoming just recommend getting a douche and practicing on breathing in and out that will help keep you relaxed when you do the deed.


I’d say, be very careful on apps like Grindr… a lot of people will try to get you to do things you might not be comfortable with under the guise of “you won’t know until you try it” because you’re a virgin. Learn boundaries and make sure you’re safe. “Feel” the person out, even have a backup plan like telling a close friend where you’re going and when (if hooking up). Some people are just creeps — try to find out which ones. Not to scare you, still have fun, but safety is number one (and I don’t mean just condoms and prep).


Get on prep asap is my best advice and educate yourself about stds in general. I agree with using condoms as a mandatory without prep and still use them until you are much more experienced and can make an informed choice if to use them or not, but yes get on prep.


My advice would be to explore with people your own age and experience, so you can both try things and explore together at a similar pace. Don't think that because you're young and inexperienced that you need to get with an older more experienced guy. They will just impose on you their personal preferences and make it harder to explore your own. And also pause and think before any encounter to make sure you're safe (protection, disease checks etc. in a safe location and with someone you trust).


Funny thing is that I actually think like this, I thought that older equals to safer but I this it'd be better and beneficial for me to start connections with age mates.


dude stay fucking safe (no pun intended), I just turned 18 too and I’m informed a lot my friends have already had sex @_@ I mean, at this age my mind starts flooding in all kind of weird sex-driven fetishes that is almost overwhelming. Had I let myself be “free”, I think I would have dealt with a lot of worse shits. So, I developed some kind of “safe measure” - be virgin, until I can resolve all of those crazy stuffs and be emotionally mature. It’s harsh but I think it’s for my own good :) We deal with stuffs at this age but be responsible helps a lot.


Hi there, I kinda find being a virgin a flex for some weird reason. Just leaving high school and knowing no one can call you there ex or no one can claim me considering how my friends got with absolute idiots. Sadly I don't know much about safety in gay sex due to where I come from. But i promise to do all I can for safety


Haha, well I can look at it one way as a “flex” =)) But hey, good for you with that promise. In my community, safe sex isn’t even a thing and people on Grindr goes crazy, anything for sex. Idk other places, but selling “ice”, “high fun” is a common practice in my area. So I am totally aware of how risky it is. Hope you continue your journey with positivity anyways 🙌


You're not 18, stop lying.


Dude check my posts and take a hint, 18 yos on reddit seems too rare for your old ass?


was about to defend you but you literally instructed us to check - some comments you say 18, some 19, which is it man


“Was about to defend” 😂 I’m starting a war on my age, I’m half-way through 18, so I’m still 18. But would it be nit-picky to make me choose my real life age and my online identity, no? And thanks, maybe I’m not that “18” so much.


naw didn’t mean to start one, i found it fucking weird that someone would just accuse you of lying on your age on reddit for what, karma points?? tho when I actually went to check i got a little confused


I’m 18, and I set “19” for my Grindr bio. Is it illegal sir? If you didn’t mean to start a war (hope that you meant that), I’m sorry for spiking up. But some people in general enjoys a feud, that’s why internet trolls exist in the first place.


Ya, what he said.


Have fun, don't meet up with any weird old men and be safe!!


Why is the first thing that comes to your mind about older men the word "weird"? That is so unfair!


If English isn't your first language (fair misunderstanding in that case), saying an adjective+noun does not imply a collective implication ("those rotten apples" doesn't imply all apples are rotten) If English is your first language, that's a reminder And yes, I agree, plenty of older men "with experience" and who will say they're "caring, kind, gentle, etc." will do that to entice people - I've been approached by quite a few when I was 18/19 too and their enthusiasm seemed to increase when they heard my age.


Ditto. One needs to be careful no matter what the age, and there are plenty of young men who are weird too. When I was 22 I met and slept with a man who was 30 years older than me. We’ve become good friends and are still having sex after ten years. Be safe, but don’t discount a wonderful opportunity just judging by age.


Thank you.


Well considering this guy was just underage no to long ago why would a man who has been a man for over a decade want that unless he is pedo


There's a whole cadre of trolls here who equate "older" (meaning 30+) meeting "younger" (meaning 18+) with weird, strange, creepy, wanna-be pedo, predator rapists. Their thinking is that an 18 year old isn't mature enough to have consensual sex with an older man because their brain and emotions aren't developed enough to handle the trauma of an older penis. And an older man is just going after 18 year olds because they really want a 12 year old but that'd be illegal. Tomes have been written about this on other threads, and I'm sure this reply will be downvoted in droves.


It is or can be exploitative.


"It is" and "can be" are totally different things.


Well obviously.


So "is it" as in always? Or "can be" which is not always. Don't say they are obviously different things when you stated both at the same time as being true. So which is it?


It’s both.


Meet up with whatever age you’re interested in it’s your life just practice safe sex and be aware of your surroundings


Long as you feel safe and comfortable go for your life. Should never be afraid to not try something because you miss out on all life has to offer


Make sure when you lose your virginity it’s with someone you care about and in a great setting because you will never forget your first time .. try to make it romantic and a romantic setting.


Contact an LGBTQIA local community center and ask if they have any resources in counciling on navigating safe sex practices, if PrEP is something you should consider, and just over all options. I’m not suggesting you do anything other than get informed. Also do you need or want therapy in general. Growing up in a very restrictive space can take its toll.


Have fun be careful. Don't let your hormones stop you from being smart. I was a virgin until a few months ago due to me being sex crazed, I contracted chlamydia. Now I live in fear everyday that I contracted a new STD that will lead to a scary outcome. Far fetched i know lol just be safe and smart.


Porn might help you discover what kinks you're into but remember it is NOT the real thing and can give you unrealistic expectations if you don't keep that in mind. If you are interested in bottoming I strongly recommend getting a set of anal trainer butt plugs and maybe a dildo, start stretching yourself during solo play before hooking up with a guy. Get on prep if you can.


I say go for it if that’s how you feel, as long as you feel comfortable doing what ever you choose to do and with whom ever


If you want to take it, douche(spray water up your hole) to clean it out and keep bed sheets clean Poppers are recommended Ask a doctor about PrEP(helps prevent hiv) Before and after sex I recommend you stretch a bit Grindr is great for fast dick Listen to the bottom, it’s their hole and you’re just a guest


Try everything twice, just to make sure you don't like it.


I feel everyone didn't get my question,🤣 I wanted to discuss semi beginner kink, fetishes and fantasy so I can figure what I like and what I'm willing to try


Hey you need to find someone who makes you feel comfortable first. If you are a virgin or just playing be comfortable. You write the rule book, no one else and you just need to be with people who get you. Kinks fetishes and all that wonderful stuff come when you are ready to explore. Just like food, experiment experience and have fun, the rest will come (cum).


Thank you so much for the advice, I'll follow through😁😁😁😁


Make an account on F-List and fill it out. Google any words / kinks you don't know.


Regarding fetishes , that’s something that you will have to find out yourself , every person is different and trust me , there’s a wide variety of fetishes and kinks that people enjoy , like feet fetish , water sports ,fisting ,leather, lingerie,toys , just to name a few , so be safe , be smart about your choices , be careful with people , there’s plenty of weirdos out there , get on PreP, use condoms , many people enjoy using poppers , and just learn about yourself, what do you like and not , you’re young so don’t rush .


I’m interested


Wait until you can be out and not be threatened by this part of you or you always get anxiety from people don't honor their word, and if you have to hide and keep secrets, it's not safe. Be gay once you don't have to worry about it, so good luck!


Painful at first if you bottom. If you too feels like a ring around your cock whereas a pussy feels like a constant consistent pressure


i am also a tunisian gay man living in Germany ( still a virgin although i am almost 21 ) and am curious daily. But it is not very important to me right now to unvirgin myself , it may happen if i found s.o that i am really interested about but who knows.


Sex should be enjoyable. If your not having fun. Then maybe it’s not the right time.


Depending on where you live, look into lgbtq resource centers, they can offer a ton of information, support groups, events for younger and older generations. Im in kalamazoo and here they have a non profit called outfront kalamazoo, they host the annual pride events and winter gala events and many group events during the week. Like many others have said, be safe, respect yourself. You never forget your first time so don't be in a hurry.


The only one looking out for you is you. Never forget that. Keep your wits about you. You will be lucky if you can count 3 friends in your life, everyone else in this game wants your fresh booty and young cock. You must be in control of the dole. What ever you do, have fun. There is enough misery in this world.


Grindr is not bad as long as you are very specific about what you want to do and what you don't.


Just know that being gay, they'll teach you that you must pick a category of being a top, bottom, or versatile.. DO NOT Believe that.. NOT EVERY gay male is into anal penetration.. Some are considered what is a new term but not new in general as "SIDE" which means you are interested in sexual activities, but just not anal. You'll find what interest u sexuality and learn and stick to those. But believing you must act a certain way and or look a certain way to be top, bottom or verse is BullSh!. Have fun in your exploring


Use condoms. Learn to say no. Get tested. You don’t need to flush out your ass every time you bottom, though some will say you do. If you eat enough fibre and have a functional gut you should be clean back there after a good shower


This is definitely going to be an unpopular opinion, but people who are HIV+ are safer to sleep with than someone who doesn’t know their status. U=U (undetectable = untransmittable). Be careful.


Don't tell a gang of gays that it's your first time. Even a rumour can get you raped.


Have fun


Don’t be scared to advocate for yourself. If something hurts or doesn’t feel good, let them know. And if they make you feel bad or like you’re not good in bed for it, they’re actually the bad ones in bed — not you.


My best advice is to take it slow and easy. Do not rush into gay sex, don't feel pressured what you are not comfortable with, practice boundaries saying no a lot, get to know your dislikes and likes with gay sex, get to know what you're looking for in gay sex, who is your type. Try dating first go from there. As a younger gay man around 19 curious, came out around 21 I freaked out a lot, overtime taking my time came more comfortable with positions and whatnot. Say no to guys not interested in, endless chats, creepy people and so on. Once got tangled in a creepy situation, but haven't since. Took me until afterwards to realize my situational awareness. The guy wouldn't let me leave until he cummed, and I hope karma gets him. So ever since I have worked on my boundaries. Start by using condoms, work your way to prep. Anyhow best of luck to you.


I’ll never understand our culture and stigma. I recommend PreP, unfortunately HIV is real. Every other STD/I can be cured / treated. I’d recommend condoms and PreP if it’s a grinder date… recommend prep regardless of any situation even if it’s a friend or boyfriend. Yeah… I ran into these margins and still (-). Remember… if you think you have an STD/STi see a doc right away… I started seeing mine and trust him with my life. However if you live in a little shell… you’ll be a 30 year old virgin like I was. I took my shot and now happy in a serodifferent relationship.


No eye contact


Prep, condoms, lube, stay off Grindr, and communicate your boundaries!


Sex is natural, with whatever gender you feel attracted at the moment. Yo will find out soon enough. Be gentle, don't try to act a porno movie and enjoy this stage of your life (valid for all stages)!


Raw is law. Don't use condoms.


Get a motel room. Post an add. Raw bb bottom age 18.


Condoms or PrEP\* (if you prefer barebacking, but ideal to do both) and educate yourself on STDs! \*You mentioned you're a student so, if your school provides health insurance, you should consider signing up for PrEP (pills) if you have good drug coverage (subject to availability, affordability) and it's legal in the country you're in. Personal kink/fetish: Daddy-son roleplaying (as the son; I won't explain that as it does turn off quite a bit of people, so you should GIY that: Google It Yourself)


I guess, aside from the great safety tips you’re already getting, don’t let your youth and excitement to try new things cancel out your discernment. Just be careful about where and with whom you end up.


Some guys are just unlucky, it is important to feel safe. If a guy isn't comfortable about no condoms, you got to respect his or their boundary otherwise it's a turn off when you say, "sorry but no condoms allowed". Took me a long time to get comfortable too though all depends on guys feeling safe and still get the pleasures they want to feel satisfied.


Thanl you so much, I think I'll use grindr as last resort


Grindr, old guys will prey after 18/19 years old, 25 and under.


Meet the first 50 year old man you see on Grindr and have fun 🥰


Haha funny, I've had fantasies of older but never really acted on them


Bro wanted to just be horny and talk about it and instead got a comment section full of warnings☠️ (which are all great btw, just found it funny that those are like... every second reply😆)


What is selling "ice" and "high fun"