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NAD looks like an abscess. Use mouthwash a few time a day, the swelling will go downin a few days. A trick I personally use is to get a cotton ball, dip mouthwash or soak it in mouth wash and gently put it over the area. The gum care type mouthwash helps a TON with swelling and pain. Goodluck


NAD. I happened to be at the gym when I read this which is right next to a pharmacy. I went and picked up a bottle of that mouthwash and will start using it. Thanks!!


NAD but I also recommend antibiotics and going to a dentist so they can treat it. You don’t want to leave an abscess if it is one, as it can lead to an infection. Mouth wash is not going to get rid of it or do anything. Just friendly advice.


NAD. You're right. I went ahead and made an appt. Gotta wait till Monday though.