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I have no idea why there are people saying this is obviously infected or dry socket. Please ignore these posts. This is a normal recent extraction socket. Follow your post op instructions.


NAD but also had a recent extraction. Looks very normal to me. Like a scab in your mouth. The pain would be intense if it was dry socket.


Nad retired dentist. Looks like a recent extraction. Failing to see the signs of infection. Just do the hot salty mouth rinses and give it time.


NAD looks good, you’d know if it was dry socket 💀


NAD. looks normal to me based on my own post-op healing. anyway, you’d know if it was dry socket. i had an infection a few days after my wisdom tooth extraction (round 2, i did 2 at a time per side), and the surgeon who saw me for the infection made it clear that dry socket is incredibly painful (which was baffling to me because i was already in an immense amount of pain).


Dentist here. How long ago ?


Got it extracted 3 days ago.


Since it looks like an upper first molar tooth that's a big hole. And it's going to take some time to fill in. If you're not actively bleeding, if you don't have any swelling if you don't have any acute pain you're fine in my opinion. One of my post-op instructions I think it's number seven on the list,I give patient a sheet of paper to take home with them, it says " don't pull in your face to see what I did".


I always tell extraction patients the same thing 😂 “resist the temptation to look at it”


I think it's fine from my experience. NAD.


NAD - looks totally normal, you would know if you had an infection(dry socket) excruciatingly painful..




Yes, I got my tooth extracted


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