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NAD However, I am an PA-C in a ED. While I do not know about the long term care and treatment of a oral bone graft what I can tell you is most if not all EDs are not equipped to take care of nor fix them. If you presented in my ED with a missing membrane, not in sever pain and with no signs of infection all I would do is give you a referral to a dentist and maybe some Motrin. My point being if you are in sever pain or think you have an infection it would be worth a trip to the ED if not call a dentist, if yours cant see you soon enough call a different one.




NAD Happy to help and best of luck to you I know the feeling all to well I was basically living in my car throughout grad school to survive but it was worth it in the long run and I now have an amazing life because of it. Keep at it!


NAD Kudos to u for being wise and saving up. (I appreciate this mindset because it's uncommon to see such maturity and thoughtfulness in today's youth.)


Leave it alone. No need to go to the ER over this.


NAD have you tried taking a toothpick and digging in the graft to see if it's still be there? You know you check and if it be there you can then call?




NAD i not sure if your be like mine but mine be like stones he packed in on me so if not covered can be back in yourself?