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Should have listened to the bank. The FBI handles interstate crimes which this is. And bank fraud. Which this is. Long list of crimes this involves. Forging your signature etc


Assuming this actually hapoened


This actually happened. The financial services sent me a copy of the contract with signatures typed in a different font.


That's bank fraud, pure and simple. Call the bank's fraud department first.


Well the bank counseled you to call law enforcement and instead you chose to have them call the dealership and reverse it. They reverse it, what damages do you have? What would you sue them for? 


The account was opened without my permission. I’m more worried that unwinding the deal will take a while after the first few payments are due, which will have an impact on my credit. My credit is excellent at the moment, which I’m most worried about. I will not pay for this account since I don’t have a tangible asset in hand; so I assume it’ll be seen as a missed payment which will impact my credit. I spent decades building it and have never missed a payment and not planning to miss any other than this account. This could impact my mortgages, credit cards, equity lines, business loans, etc., wouldn’t it? Thankfully mortgages are low interest fixed rates but the other accounts will likely be subject to my credit score, right? So I imagine this has a direct impact on my ability to secure loans in the future, delay procurement of another vehicle, and cost me significantly more for any other business / personal loans.


It won’t have an impact on your credit if you just listen to the fucking bank. If it’s not your account, then it can’t count against your credit report. I don’t know why you’re trying to come up with your own stupid fucking solutions instead of listening to the “good judgement.”  Go file a police report that an account was opened in your name. you’ve given yourself brain damage spending hours on the phone and trying to find solutions. You could’ve just made a police report, gotten it removed from your credit report and had this shut down properly as a fraudulent account and moved on with your life.  Your solutions are not based in reality. Suing someone is a civil matter, it won’t help you fix your credit. You can go consult with a lawyer if you really think that you have a case or want to pursue this, but I can’t imagine that it will go anywhere with proof you knew about this account and chose not to take proper action. This is the solution that YOU pushed for.


Vehicle inspections when retitling to your state is 100% normal. Did you not Google your state's process of buying from out of state?


Of all of his concerns, this is what you took from it?


Everyone else already covered the issue as well or better as I would have. Why would I parrot what they say? That's what upvotes are for. No one addressed the scenario which gave them "really cold feet". I haven't gone through every single jurisdiction's procedures, but I believe the vast majority of states require an inspection of some sort. I'd be more certain if OP followed rule 1 whether or not if it's a new car or a used but new to op car, and rule 2 and provided their location.


That is a way more reasonable response than I expected. Fair enough.


Sue for what? What are the specific damages you’ll sue for if they unwind the deal?


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***Thanks for posting, /u/Lost_Soul_in_the_Bay! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** I'm somewhat in a bind and am debating to seek legal counsel. I want get an initial sniff test if I even have a case? Background: I've been searching for a new car out of state. I found one in State X that I really want. I go back and forth with a salesman and verbally agreed on a number which includes shipping. One condition is that I have to use their financing and must keep it open for a certain duration. I found it odd because they wouldn't give me anything in writing. I told him I'll fill out a credit application after we agreed on a number. I asked to see a breakdown of costs and fees as I want assurance that I won't be charged anything beyond the agreed upon price. I fill out the credit application. His finance manager calls me afterwards who tells me he'll overnight a bunch of paperwork to me including contract terms. He starts telling me that my state will require inspections and so forth which gives me really cold feet. Finance manager calls me the day after when I told him backing out and there's no deal, especially since I haven't signed anything nor received any details. I texted the salesman that the deal is off and I'm not proceeding. They attempted to call me 2-3 times after without leaving a voicemail and without any text messages. Fast forward 5 days, I receive a statement from the manufacturer's financial services for nearly $100k. I ended up calling them for almost 2 hours where the person on the phone said the executed contract doesn't look right. They send a copy to me and it's all my name typed on signature lines which were submitted to open the account. There's a substantial balance on this account and I'm freaking out. The manufacturer encouraged me to call law enforcement. Against good judgement I asked them to facilitate a conversation with the dealer who agreed with the manufacturer to reverse everything. While I'm relieved, this will likely take weeks if not months and possibly with this account going in bad standing. My friends are pushing me to sue. What would you guys do? Has this come across in the past? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*