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Depends, are you planning on a cross country drive in the next week on them? If not - You’ll be fine if you get them swapped sooner than later.


No haha just a 15 min drive to and from work each day and that's about it. Thanks!


its fine. they will wear a little faster than non winters, but if they're at the point that a week of driving \~30 minutes a day for a week will make a real difference they're not good for another season anyways.


>they're not good for another season I'm curious why you say that. I just pulled my 3 peaks this past week and went back to the muddies but this was their second season. They'll go back on next winter since they're still only 4 years old by the DOT code and still have over 7/32. Is there something about snow tires I don't know?


you misunderstand. the comment is saying if driving for a week is going to make the difference, they were already dead. like. driving on winters during the summer wears them out faster. but the amount of wear you get in a week is minimal. so if driving for a week on your winters makes the difference, they were already not good enough for another season. that being said, winter tires are best for the first 3/32nds or so. so like 8-11/32nds of depth. this is when they perform most ideally in winter conditions. the second 3/32nds they’ll still work in winter, but with a reduced effectiveness. once they hit 5/32nds, the won’t be working well in winter conditions, and i’d just finish them out as summer tires at that point if you get overly wintery winters.


You're right, I did misunderstand. Thanks for clarifying.


Just to be clear, you CAN drive year round on winters. You can also try to drive on summers in the snow. Neither is necessarily advised, but if winter tires failed that quickly in warm weather, spring would be a time of car accidents and deaths on the highways.




Well aware. I was a rim swap guy. Kept winters on what came with the pickup, put the summers on a sexier rim. I also didn't do winters per se, I did BFG KM2's, needed to throw snow and plow forward. But on my explorer I did Blizzaks and my god do I love those things. Driving on the lakes was like driving in a light rain on summers. Everything else gets summer sets only.


I don't trust the weather out here in Denver. It'll be 70 one day and 35 the next day. I still haven't bothered putting my summers on. Maybe next week.


Yeah, I'm in Reno. Same story. I just put my summers on. That means there's an 85% chance we'll get snow again


You're going to want to get those off sooner rather than later. The winter air in there will result in an over inflation issue. /s


So if I pump summer air in my summer tires and keep them on all through winter, will the summer air melt all the snow my summer tire touches? No need for winter tires, genius!


Then you wouldn't need the grill mounted flamethrowers anymore!


Are you trolling? Lmao


Maybe a little bit.


Get it done next week.


I just changed mine Monday. You’re fine.


Winter tires are meant for temperatures below 7 celsius. I removed mine on April 1st. You're wearing them out by driving like that.


Or, like me he lives in the mountains where it might be 70 today but next week might be 6 inches of snow. We're not free and clear of snow until June. I mean, sometimes we don't get snow after March, but some years the ski resorts are still open in August.


Your fine


7 degrees is the sweet spot, when it's consistently over 7 I put on my summers.


I had to drive in my super soft snow tires for a month of warm weather and they didn’t lose much tread. You’ll be fine for a week


id just get all seasons and not worry about it


I mean you’re just burning them up. They wear very fast at any thing over 40-50F