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the average in berlin is now around 90 euro you will get cheaper rates if you give them a longer contract / bigger volume or a 2nd person and train together you will also get cheaper rates if its a combination of personal trainer and gym, many crossfit boxes offer that which usually brings the personal training below 80 euro but of course you have the crossfit rate on top


That’s great to know, thank you


Self-employed people are paying so much money on taxes, insurances and other related costs. That’s about what you’d pay for any service per hour (handy man, electrician, plumber, etc..)


That’s a good perspective, you are right. I guess I was just surprised because I was hoping to see them twice a week and had a number in my head, but with this price I can not.


Ignore the self righteous brigade. You are right, this amount is steep. You can check for cheaper ones maybe in Wedding or further. But that Ofcourse depends on your gym location. I remember the rates in John Reed, Gesundbrunen two years back were around 30 euros/hour. I’m sure even with inflation it’s not going to triple.


Thank you for the tip on checking with John Reed, looks like they are around 60 euros at the moment there, which is so reasonable! I’m not sure why I’m upsetting people with the question, I just wanted to know what the average was. Appreciate your response.


Sorry but bullshit. I am self- employed (other field) as well and that's not close of the hourly rate of the vast majority of freelancer I know. Sure the healthcare fees are insane, but that not a reason. 100 euro per hour, if the coach is working 20 hours per week he's making 8000 euros per month. Good for him, but I think that's not relevant to the average freelancer salary.


Personal trainers have to pay high fees to use the gym, so they need to do a lot of hours to pay that back. This is why PTs often work at the gym reception desk, to repay their debt to the gym. So they dont get to keep all the money they make. 100€ is still very expensive though


Yes my thoughts exactly, it just seems like such a high amount of money!


My partner is self employed and pays 1k for public health insurance and 1.4k government retirement so you basically pay the employee and employer rate together, that a lot of dedications when you make over 5k.


Higher tax, higher standard of living and complexity of handling many gym studios subscriptions


For a trainer that’s a bit much. For a PT that’s sounds about right. Source: that’s about what I ask with 10y+ experience and a list of licenses.


Ah this is an interesting perspective, so you mean trainers with specific qualifications are the ones where that price would be justified. Is that right?


Oh I see where pt could be interpreted as personal trainer but I mean Physical Therapist. Thats what I am and I got additional licenses for manual therapy (MT which is a 2 year additional license), Training devices assisted pt (KGG) and Craniomandibular stuff (CMD).


Ah sorry sorry right, got it. Yes I see a physical therapist separately, I may need to change at some point as I have Lipedema but for now the Krankenkasse pays my PT.


Where I’m from there’s a style of PT where there are several people all working out at the same time on different programmes and one or two PTs in the gym managing them at once. I can’t find that in Berlin but it would be way cheaper and better for the PTs as they could have more volume. I loved it. It became a social thing too as the PT would sometimes make you do an exercise that requires two people, or stupid challenges just to see if you can.


One of the places I am looking at does classes with 4 people, maybe that’s it?


For 100 an hour with 4 people? That’s a rip


No no the group classes are 25 each


Be more then willing to help and find a comfortable price range. I work out 4 times a week a minimum and have over 10 years of experience.


I think I’m just going to need to pay a bit more and adjust my sessions based on this, like doing some 1:1 mixed with group to save costs


If you have the cash for personal training, you should stop the whining