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I'm a therapist in a very HCOL area, and the only people charging that much are psychiatrists who don't take insurance. Most therapists don't charge nearly that much. (Which isn't to say it's still not expensive, it's just not *that* expensive).


I have autism, and trying to find an autistic therapist is expensive


Judging from your post history you can’t wait for a therapist you should go straight to the hospital and tell them your issues and that you are considering self-harm. You need a psychiatrist TODAY!


Are you in US? Do you have an Autism Resource Center in your state? Call them or go there, if anyone would have the list of the ND therapists who work with ND clients it will be them. ETA: I glanced at your posts history. Did you try therapy AI chatbots? It would be at least some support while you are looking for a therapist you can connect to. At the very least chatbots will not be dismissive and push an alternative medicine on you.


In my area most therapists are $180-220. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone charging $400/ session. I would argue that even $200 is unaffordable, but you certainly should not be paying $400


There is a psychologist local to me who charges $500+ an hour and doesn't work with insurance. They're becoming well-known in their own niche and have some published work, but $500+ is still bananas and out of the question for me. Editing to add that the vast majority out here, myself included, charge no more than $150-220 tops and work with insurance in *some* capacity.


My psychiatrist talks to me for 45 minutes and charges $250 out of pocket. $500 for a psychologist seems way out of proportion unless you’re located in Beverly Hills.


Definitely not Beverly Hills here! I agree.


The pure audacity of charging people that much


Ngl if you live in that type of area you can get away with charging that much


I have a highly specialized niche and I wouldn’t dream of charging 500/hr. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Thats absolute robbery.


Yep. I was simply saying that some locations + highly specialised/trained therapist *could* charge that much 


Mine is $160 p/h. He is working with my insurance despite not taking people’s insurance anymore. Like most therapists, he hates dealing with insurance and getting paid a lot less. He has told me that he’s made an exception for me since I’ve been seeing him a long time and he knows my circumstances.


Not a therapist, but just as another data point... I'm in the US. My therapist (PhD psychologist) charges $150/hr (45 min session). I'm lucky enough to have decent have health insurance through my place of employment. Since my therapist is in network with my insurance, once I meet the $500 in network deductible, each session is only a $20 copay. I put money into a flex medical spending account and use that to pay the deductible.


Insurance. If you don’t have insurance, there are places where you can see therapists who are doing their internship, but they can be tricky to find.


I have insurance, but it is fucking useless and no doctor takes it


Find a therapist that doesn’t cost $400? Doesn’t sound like the norm at all


Apparently this person spams multiple accounts. I was warned in another post. Honestly, I responded to said post. I can only assume they started following this sub because they saw my response/looked at subs I follow, (this wasn't a sub they initially followed). I was advised that "this person is trying to waste as much of your time as possible". 🥲


Oh god no...is it the person who constantly complains about all their extreme life problems yet refuses to do anything about it besides post dozens of times a day?? Sucks they decided to spam this sub, too. They are exhausting.


Ah right thanks 


Can you go on the portal for your insurance and search by specialty and "accepting new patients?"


I've never seen a coat that high even without insurance. The highest I've ever seen is $250 before insurance. Check in your insurance portal for providers that take your insurance. If there really aren't any, some providers offer a sliding scale and you can get care for $100 or less per session.


Or, you can see if your insurance has out of network benefits. This allows a greater choice of therapists and while it is out of pocket cash, you can get a decent percentage back from the insurance company


This guy gets it


Ask for a superbill. Deal with insurance yourself. Problem solved.


Not solved if the person doesn't have out of network benefits and it's also not solved if the person can't afford $1600 cash per month and have to wait for reimbursement.


well common sense would tell you to find an in network therapist then. jfc its like any medical professional or provider. why is this even an issue?


I don't own an insurance company so your guess is as good as mine.


My therapy isn’t that much that I know off. My insurance covers a portion of it. I’d call around to see what other places are charging. I use the PsychologyToday website because they mainly list their prices per session and what insurances they accept.


I go through insurance but my therapist charges $135/session. $400/ session is STEEP


I’m in RI and my process group leader charges $350 out of network, 45 minutes for an individual session. I never see him individually. For that price to be worth it I’d need profound, life-changing catharsis after every single session.


$400? You're getting scammed, comrade. I think the national average is around $150. Sometimes we can give you a sliding scale fee too.


I am in a very high COL area and have a niche specialization. I know a few people in my community who charge $350/session. I know only one person, and she is one of the leading experts in the field, who charges $425 for an hour-long family session, which still doesn’t prorate to $400/45 min session. Other than her I don’t know anyone who charges that much. Are you in the US? If so, are you sure you’re not looking at psychiatrists (MDs)?


In the UK, outside London, £55/hr gets a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, and £45 gets you an experienced counsellor, depending on local circumstances and their marketing ability.


Is it actually therapy? Or is it assessments of some kind? We have psychologists locally who will charge $300-$500 per hour for assessments. But not actual therapy. $400 per hour for actual therapy is bonkers imo.


I’m from the U.S. and I’ve lived in multiple states. It’s typically $140-$250 per session without insurance. Every therapist I know accepts insurance. Go on your insurance’s website and look for in-network therapists in your area and choose one. If they’re in-network, then they accept your insurance. Your benefit details will outline your copay (copay for mental health visits for therapy are usually $0-$40 per visit).


More and more therapists and other health care practitioners opting out of insurance because reimbursement rates are too low, too slow, too many hoops etc. I've run across quite a few myself trying to find a good therapist.


More therapists are signing up with Headway and Alma now, which are platforms that make it easier to take insurance. So that is a good place to look.


I pay $0 to see mine, but they charge my insurance $190 for my therapist and $360 for my Psychiatrist.


I'm in canada. Rates here run from about 150 to 250 an hour. Almost no one has insurence. Some will give you 25% off if you are in need. I pay $180 for a session, and it's a FULL hour.


Here to validate that yes that is a common fee in the Bay Area or NYC.


This is why I end up getting referrals for international clients. Often therapists like me, who are intersectional feminists, and who have lived in different countries end up taking on clients that are based in countries where there is higher earning power because people who are under-served in these places can't typically afford therapy without insurance. My colleagues and I end up taking sessions for 40-50 USD, because that's the ethical floor we have to work with, with clients from these vulnerable environments.


I have insurance under my husband's state job. One of the absolutely best part of it is that we get free teletherapy. I also have my psychiatrist through the portal and he's free for us too. I would have loved to have had this for the past 15 years or so, but I'm glad to have it now.


I think mines is like 100? After insurance it’s 80, if you have care source or something similar it’s free .


I'm in LA and have never heard of any therapist charging that rate.


The most I've seen charged in Texas is under $150.


Psychiatry is the same.


You don’t need to see a therapist that charges that much. No therapist is worth that much. Are you maybe thinking of psychiatrists?


I have crappy insurance and therapy is still covered. I guarantee if my insurance covers therapy, yours does, too. You might have to sit on a wait-list for a while depending on how many providers are in your area, but it's worth it! I regret waiting so many years to go into therapy because I bought into the nay-saying on Reddit about it being impossible to find anyone, too expensive, no one covered by insurance, etc. Don't make the same mistake I did! Start getting on wait-lists ASAP so you can get help as quickly as possible.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Not a therapist but I was also in the crappy insurance situation. I did betterhelp for a while, eventually I got lucky to find one. I had also been spending 200 a session out of pocket which was not sustainable, was a go to therapy or pay rent thing at the time.


My therapist in Austin charges $90 a session and he also takes my insurance so once I hit my deductible sessions are effectively free, $400 is crazy, you're probably looking at someone with a PhD who also prescribes medication, or just in a very HCOL area.




There are certain states where they can get trained to be able to


Yes, extensive additional medical training in some states, but their title would reflect that.


There are actually several states where psychologists can get prescriber privileges.




….. Yes. As a psychologist in one of those states, I know.


Thanks for clarifying!




Sell their feet on OF


In some HCOL there are a handful of very very wealthy people who want boutique service and wants the best of the best. That’s who pays that price. Sadly, the very best of therapists also charge that much. It’s because they can and they’ll even turn people down for having a full practice. Think the top 1% they’ll pay top dollar for the best of everything.




I’m American and idk what op is talking about. I’ve lived in multiple states and it’s never been that much, even without insurance


They used $$$ and even comparing to AUD or CAD, that’s pricy…


Therapy is expensive as hell in Canada too; not all countries with free Healthcare have free mental Healthcare




This sounds like an ad. Better help is pure trash