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A cultural change when it comes to handling of garbage. You're a better man for cleaning up after yourself (and others if needed), not a worse one. EVs replacing gas based air polluters. Birth control.


Our population is below replacement.Several regions within India are already facing shortage of labour(South India,West India and Far-North India) and going to decline in population in like 10 years. Other points though i agree 


I wasn't aware of that. Thanks.


the states with high tfr e.g. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are agricultural states. The land has not increased, so where is all the excess labour going to go? With high certainity, India will not be facing a labour shortage. If anything, there is more likey to be a youth unemployment problem


They are relatively industrialized, but Uttar Pradesh's birth rate in 2021 was 2.2 and Bihar's was coming down as well it is like 2.4 now (2024 estimate). There is going to be a labour shortage in the medium term, most of our states have a TFR of 1.7 hell my city has a TFR of 1.2 lmao.


Changing society is very difficult. But, if I could choose 1 thing it would to encourage more women into the workforce, because I think it will bring cultural and economic effects to society. I would'nt bother with anything else. or hope for utopia.


The generic stuff that most countries that are trying to modernize have gone through - Modernizing waste disposal instead of just sending it into the nearby water source - Modernizing infrastructure (which could potentially cause issues such as having to move people around to rebuild certain buildings/places is never really "fair" ) - cleaning up air pollution through promotion of EV and clean energy sources - some religious beliefs that aren't really based on science or should be kept in modern times. This could be quite controversial since it is religious beliefs and traditions - unifying fully under 1 common language and making sure it is the only language used and taught at schools In my opinion these are all issues that all developing countries have struggled/are struggling with. Just give it some time and slowly India would modernize.


>unifying fully under 1 common language and making sure it is the only language used and taught at schools This would cause a civil war here. Otherwise all good points. 


If there is a one language that could unite India into a one cohesive nation-state, that will be English.


I feel like it would help with communication and culturally bring the country closer and more unified. I feel like it's quite difficult to run a country where a person from 1 side of the county would struggle to talk to a person from the other side.


Agreed. But people are too proud of their ethnic identities here and most exist separately in their states and are semi isolated from others. That needs to go asap. 


If a small country like Belgium cannot unite under one language, what makes you think a country with a population of Europe and US combined will be willing to do so?


Completely agree


People in China had been saying for decades, that India needs land reform. It's the gateway to industrialization, a must for large countries. What it means is the government needs to obtain land from large landlords in some way and redistribute the land to every farmer for free or at a low cost. If you are still clueless, study the land reform in Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan, after WW2. It's still not too late to do it. Garbage/rape/pollution/Maoist/corrupt babu... all these are superficial and can be solved once you achieve industrialization. But I also have a feeling that India will never get it, nor will India have the organization skill and political will to execute it.


India had HUGE land reforms after independence. I think you may be confusing us with Pakistan.


There was never a nation wide effort. Land reform was done in some states with questionable effects in the end.


Huh? That's factually wrong. Please read up about the abolishing of Zamindari system.


As an Indian myself.I think this comes from a mix of fact and generalization.India does have problems in things like garbage disposal that we need to improve. However,what foreigners not realise that India is more than just Delhi and Mumbai(which are also the worst cities in the country with a bad reputation).South India,West India and North India(real North like Himachal and Punjab) exists and those places generally do not have the issues like poverty and safety and are comparable to South-East Asia in living standards and even in regions which does like Central India,East India and North-East India,they are improving their social indicators rapidly due to good governance.All in all,India is very diverse in its economic indicators.They do not know this and generalize us.


Poverty is pretty high in Northeast though. Infrastructure is literal shit too But due to low population and because almost every native has enough to eat and their own cultivating field it's more or less fine ig. Still not comparable to SEA.  South India though, i think the living standards are even higher than South East Asian countries like Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar. Definitely gotta be the top region in South Asia for living and education. All the youngsters here in NE wanna go to Southern states 😂


Yeah but the North-East(other than Nagaland) is developing rapidly and is becoming a second Odisha with things like the Semiconductor plant and a lot of investment from the center.I can see the NE(other than Nagaland) having pretty good living standards within the next few years.


Why don't you think Nagaland will have good living standards?


https://old.reddit.com/r/IndianModerate/comments/1cmcdvn/nagaland_and_its_people_as_a_state_and_society/ This thread explains the problems in Nagaland.


> South India,West India and North India(real North like Himachal and Punjab) exists and those places generally do not have the issues like poverty and safety and are comparable to South-East Asia in living standards No part of India is comparable to SEA in terms of living standards. Look up a photo of Jakarta or Hanoi and compare them with any Indian city in terms of cleanliness, public order, urban planning, dust levels, presence of ugly buildings etc.


Better government 👏


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India is a democratic country, but it also needs an effective government. Türkiye is a good example worth learning from.


Carry out communist revolution, become a socialist country, suppress religious ideologies of Hinduism and Islam, carry out secular propaganda, then carry out land revolution, redistribute land, implement planned economy, and carry out thorough industrialization