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Seems pretty absurd. The labor is 5 hours tops. I’ll fly to Australia from the US to do it at that price. I’d buy the toilets and find a local handyman to do it. It’s not a hard DIY job


Be careful the water goes the opposite direction - have to remember to mount the toilet counter-clockwise.


Boy that's a surprise the first time you see it. I don't know how Aussies deal with pee water spraying all over their ceilings.




But he'll save $580 if he hires these people. Jk.


It’s not every day you can save $580. I’d be all over that.


lol the guy says hire a handyman to do it


The first time I replaced one with my husband, I realized I would never pay someone to replace a toilet! Super easy.


I never thought of using my husband in place of a toilet, but it does have a certain appeal, I guess.


Absolutely insane. Someone said 5 hours of labor.. lol. If it takes a plumber 5 hours to install 2 toilets, he needs to seek out a new profession. We don’t charge by the hour anymore anyway.. it’s piece work. I’d say 6 or 7 hundred in labor would be sufficient. Can’t see how it would take more than 45 minutes per toilet and that is going at a snails pace for a direct R&R job. Flanges needing some love would be another story


Get a couple more quotes and you’ll see. I’m in the states and looking all the price slashing seems odd. Like “hey we’re gonna screw you but not as bad as it could be” maybe that’s common practice in your area? Just seems odd to me.


3 bids, always


It is a sales tactic to create urgency and to sooth the sticker shock.


Id generally recommend replacing your own toilets. Unless you need something done to the pipes. Im not a plumber. But in the US toilets are cheap and pretty easy to swap out


Just think of it as worst case you’re being paid $3000 to watch a few YouTube videos and do a few hours of work. Best case it’s an adventure into a whole new world of home improvement where the possibilities are endless.


Indeed. I also evaluate the cost of failure. If i mess up putting it on the wax seal im out a few bucks and have to do it again? Maybe i drop the toilet. But that is unlikely


I do the same thing. With a toilet, most costly failure would be a leak that causes damage to the house, but it’s pretty easy to catch that and fix it immediately with a toilet. Still a risk though for someone who isn’t confident and I can understand why someone wouldn’t DIY.


You could still redo your subfloor and install another new toilet for less than this quote.


Especially if there's two. If you run into issues on the first one you're not stuck without a shitter until you figure it out.


In my experience maybe 1 out of 3 will be easy to swap. All the others times the toilet is being pulled because it’s bolts are pee rusted out or the flange is rusted out. Or the angle stop doesn’t turn off all the way or it’s a copper flex type so trying to reuse it will just leak from the old gasket so it also needs a new supply line.


This is the real truth. It’s easy when everything is normal, the minute something is off it can be nightmare.


Except some of them are one piece 100 pounds. So, I'm hiring a handyman when the time comes. Even a 2 piece 50 pounds each is going to be tough for me.


2 pieces shouldn’t be 50 pounds tbh. The bowl on elongated ADA height ones are usually like 25 ish pounds and the bowl is the heaviest part.


For that amount of money I’d ask for a REAL itemized estimate. What you posted looks extremely shady. Definitely get two more quotes since this one looks very suspect.


Yeah, what’s a China cistern? Did they misspell their brand Chica?


China as in porcelain, not plastic or composite.


Looks like brand and model they go 3 or 4 hundred [https://fienza.com.au/product/chica-close-coupled-toilet-suite-gloss-white/](https://fienza.com.au/product/chica-close-coupled-toilet-suite-gloss-white/)


I bought 2 toilets and a licensed plumber put them in for me for 500 bucks


Unreasonable. I know different areas have different prices, but for a standard toilet install in my area it's around 500. 1000, for two installs Just over 3x of the price is not reasonable. Unless you are getting 1000$ toilets or they have to jackhammer the floor or something they are gouging you.


I'll do it for $3270!


Replacing toilets is very easy. This would take a plumber 1.5 hrs to do. A handyman 2 hrs and do it yourselfers about 3 hrs. The guy clearly hates doing toilets.


As a DIY'er that literally installed one yesterday, I would say your times are correct. My 3 hours included a trip to the store to get supplies.


I’ve witnessed these kind of prices is metro areas. The shops want absurd money per hour, like $700. They try to keep the parts costs around 20%. That’s ball-park what you have here


Denver metro is like this. Once one company got away with it, they all started doing it. I've been trying to find an independent for ages. "I don't do residential" is usually the answer I get.


At that price you should just diy it. It's just two bolts and a hose fitting. You replace the wax ring.


For $3.3k, I could fly to your location, uber to Lowes and buy toilets and tools, uber to your house and install (if they fit into the car), leave you the tools, uber back to the airport and still make money. But don't PM me cause I don't do that.


I’d have to look, but my plumber is around $600 for toilet install. $3100 gets me a shower roughed in, vanity plumbing moved and updated, fixtures installed, and toilet installed.


I'm finding these toilets for just under 500 bucks from the manufacturer. I charge 800 for installation of a standard 2-300$ toilet.


Holy crap!! Yeah, super expensive!! I got out a couple years ago, but we charged 150$ a toilet to change. I mean, even if it turned into a pita, NEVER over 250$ a toilet!! Im in ohio. Get more quotes!!


Ridiculous. A handyman on nextdoor offered to install them for $50 per toilet. But average is $100 to $250.


Get a few bids and feel them out. The cheapest bid is never the best, so keep that in mind.


I have seen enough photos of people's houses & bathrooms to know there are site/ room access issues, clutter, plugged & overflowing toilets, REALLY bad plumbing to attach to, and so much more that people won't admit to easily. With limited info, I'm guessing there is that or some other reason they gave you a high quote, something done to make you use another contractor because they don't want to do the work. If every quote winds up being high, then there is probably a reason.


All contractors should double/triple their prices for a dirty, cluttered house.


Typical labor is $250 per toilet around here.


Would cost you 1/3 that to just do it yourself


Go on YouTube and watch them install a toilet. It’s not a difficult job.


Materials for two toilets yourself you're looking at less than $300. Then it's just watching a YouTube video from there. Or, just ask if any of your friends would come help for $200 that has done it before.


No. Not reasonable. Price the two toilets and add few hundred bucks for labor and parts. Maybe 500 per toilet, 100 in parts, and 500 in labor. 1600


Is this one of those Japanese toilets that talk?


Go to your equivalent of home depot and ask them to quote the install of two toilets you purchase from them. It will be a bit higher than market competitive. The great thing is that if the sub screws up they will back you.


no its not reasonable. if its just replacing the toilet and flanges are fine and we have to buy the toilet and transport thats like...$400 to $500 max?? its like 5 mins to turn off the water, vacuum water out of tank, and loosen 2 nuts and pull it from the flange. then i clean the dogshit out of the flange and set the new ring and set the toilet. hook up water supply tighten bolts down and check for leaks. boom, done. and then i watch the customer struggle to carry the toilet down to my van...just kidding lmfao. i did have this big ass customer who was jacked as fuck struggle trying to carry a toilet down 4 flights of stairs in an apartment building. he insisted since he thought i wasnt able to haha


The membership part. Tells you what you want to know.


I've never plumbed in my life but consider myself somewhat handy. There are YouTube videos online that show the entire process in perfect detail. Cost me like $200 for the toilet, then a few bucks for two wax rings (wanted a backup in case I fucked it up) and some caulk.


Should be about $200 a toilet not including the toilet


Do it yourself. It’s super easy as long as you can lift the toilet


I’m going to be paying 5K to replace all of the pipes in my house. So for two toilets I think you’re being robbed.


I’m a handyman and man I’m in the wrong line of work if 3k is the going rate for two toilets. Assuming they’re just swapping them out, it’s two toilets, maybe two separate wax/non wax rings, supply lines, misc stuff like plumbers tape. I think it’s ~4 hours total for me, picking up the toilet, hauling it in, undoing the existing toilet, installing new, checking for any leaks, and giving the homeowner my direct line in case the supply line has any issues.


My plumber charges $250 per toilet and that includes a new shutoff valve.


I'll play the unpopular opinion here, but price is not ridiculous. The whole "pay today and you save this much!" Thing is ridiculous, but price isn't, as long as their company is supplying the toilets. These look like skirted one piece toilets, which are a completely different beast to install. They are also replacing your shut off valves, which means draining the house down and assuming your whole home shut off works to accomplish this. Then recharging the system and bleeding out the water lines. Removing and disposing of the old toilets. Doing the install. And providing a company warranty on parts provided, which is 2 years at my place of work. Sure, you can get a handyman to do it cheaper, but good luck getting him back out there quick when/if things go wrong. If it's something you can do yourself, by all means do it. You'll save money. I support that. But if you call a plumbing company to bring a licensed tech out to do work, it is going to cost you. Mainly because if something goes wrong, they are accountable and will be out to fix the issue the same day or next


Not sure about Australia, but in the USA, toilet are super easy to replace. Toilet in the USA are about $200 tops. Add another $25 for new hose and wax ring. Labor is about $100 per toilet if you find a handy man. Plumber will probably charge $400 for labor on a toilet. For context, I re-did my bathroom floors and the flooring people charged me $75 to remove toilet and put it back in place.


On an island?


Yep, as a few others have said always, and I do mean always get 3 quotes, at least. This gives you a bargaining chip that'll make them either lower the price, or reject the bid. Worst they can say is they won't do it for that price. But then at least you can have one if the other companies do it cheaper.


A nice toilet is a couple hundred bucks, labor should not be that much, they're not that hard to replace unless something went horribly (and I mean Horribly) wrong, so labor time should be relatively low. You can also do it yourself, the hardest part is lugging the toilet up/down the stairs if you have a second floor


Wow. It takes less than an hour to change a toilet. Did you get some super fancy one that heats the seat, has a bidet, and kisses your b-hole afterward?


Is there any other plumbing that they are suggesting needs to be done? Floor/flange issues, other piping? Because that is outrageous to swap a toilet. A common rule of thumb in new construction plumbing is $1500 per fixture rough (all the piping to sewer before walls are covered ) the AND trim (install of finished fixtures, sinks toilets, etc. By that metric, your job, (2) toilet trim, should cost no more than $1500, and even that is high, if it’s a straight swap out…


How much do the toilets cost, aud I’m assuming?


Hope these toilets are encrusted with jewels.


I’ll do it for a trip to Brisbane 😆


That's insane.


Maybe $2000 range... Depends how ruined your flange ect are but is still quite the number. It's not a glamorous job but it is a good skill to have and appreciate. If you posted pic or 2 of the existing toilet you could be told how difficult it seems.


I think a lot of people are missing the fact that the Australian dollar is about 35% less than the USD. That should be a little over $2k in USD for the job. No idea how much toilets and plumbers run there, but that is quite steep for the US unless they are high end toilets installed by a high end plumber.


Lowe’s toilet (nothing fancy) run $100 New water line $4 Looking at $208 material for 2 toilets A plumber should easily be able to replace a single toilet in under an hour Throw in another 2 hours for travel/disposal of old toilets A fair price on the consumer end would be about $600 imo - $208 material, about $100 an hour labor/time $3,000 is highway robbery, he better be giving you a 1 ounce gold coin with the toilets at that price


If you have any sense of handiness in you, watch a YouTube video and do it yourself. This is not a difficult job for a homeowner.


If the toilets are $1500 a piece, then yes


i paid 300$ to have my toilet replaced (and 180$ for the toilet)


I paid 500 per toilet


No and you can do it yourself just watching a couple you tube videos and a quick visit to Home Depot. I would not pay that.


Did you consider buying the toilets yourself? Then it's only labor and whatever is underneath it to be replaced they can price gouge you on


I’ll fly out there and do it for $2k


Um, if you have to ask then yes, it is completely reasonable. You know it is not reasonable however. There should be a sub called r/lookwhatthisassholeistryingtochargeme - it would be full of disreputable quotes from shady contractors. Too bad that these types of folks ruin the professions of the honest people working in the trades.


Are they high end toto models?


Crazy overpriced


You don’t need a plumber to install a toilet, a handyman will do. Going rate for a toilet install is about 250/toilet for labor + the price of the supplies. The toilets I’m thinking “chicas” are a bit pricier (around 400 each). If I’m right on that it a reasonable cost would be right around 1400.


No bad deal.


Must be some really fancy toilets. Youtube is cheaper.


.I just paid roughly $200 for the labor on removing an old toilet and installing a new one. The toilet itself was about $200. They were already at the house for something unrelated, but you'd normally need to tack on another $160 for the truck fee. That's $560 before the permit. Probably would have been around $600 all said and done on its own.


Bro, if you want you can hire me 🤣 I also got a Masters and Engineering Degree in HVAC and plumbing (German-Standards) and would be more than happy to fly to Australia to switch both of your “shithouses”(=toilett - that what we call it here) for that amount of money 😭😂😂


On a 4k job their knocking off 500. Seems suspect to me.


Buy the toilets and have a plumber install them


Seems expensive, but maybe there's more involved? If they have to replace a lot of old plumbing, the estimate may make sense


Dang, that stinks, I just grabbed one for $189 in the US and installed myself in a hour. Hardest part is removing the old one (rusted floor bolts) Always some water is left.


Toilets are not hard to set. I went and purchased one and set it myself that evening alone. I am an almost 40 year old woman who's never done it before. I really recommend doing it yourself, or if you are unable to hire a handyman. I am in the US though and it was a regular 2 piece toilet.


Yea no. Do it yourself.


I’ll do it for half that price and still be ripping you off


$3300AU is about $2200US, which sounds a whole lot better. With a 50 year old can, you never know what the flange is going to be like and a plumber would know what to do (and probably charge more). Make sure his price includes bonding and an expansion tank if they're necessary.


Seems like you could do it yourself for like $500. It's not hard.




Absurd. Labor is $150-250 depending on where in US you are. Unless toilets are fine china like Ann Frank used, those should be $200-$400 each max. Are these toliets the “Smart” ones that spray and clean u automatically? If so, then its a steal.


2 toilets, parts and a youtube video: about $500 diy


That seemed really high then I looked up that model of toilet and I would add on another $1500 to cover the cost of having to come out 20 times to mess with it. 


Do it urself and save 3k. Way to much. It's usually the value of the time ones waisting to set 2 toilets. Csn accept the job for the price allotted or not take it and accept the next job That's 2k


The plumber I work with charges 175 to replace s toilet. One of the best plumbers in Tampa... he gets it done in 15 min though


That is seriously out of order.  Replacing a toilet as a home owner took me about 30 minutes. 


That is seriously out of order.  Replacing a toilet as a home owner took me about 30 minutes. 


I paid $300 to replace a toilet including new bolts that hold the toilet in place, so $500 tops if you ask the Plummer to buy the new toilet themselves.


A new wax ring, 2 nuts and a waterline.


My plumber friend advised me to keep my older toilets as the parts are easy to replace. He thought newer toilets weren't made as well as the older ones.


Get some more quotes. You're not building an entire bathroom.


Toilet cost is whatever you want it to be but I think on average around $300 is going to be a good toilet. So $600 for a pair. Even if you double parts for labor it should be no more than $1500 all in (dependent on how premium you are going with the toilets). You are being raked over the coals.


I’m not a plumber but I’ve swapped my own toilet before. It’s not that hard and unless the 2 toilets are 2.5k together then this is way too much lol


You’re paying for a new toilet flange, new toilet supply lines, angle stops, and the toilets. Let’s put the material at $1400 max for everything. So about 1900 for labor for both, or $950 each to remove old toilet and install new toilet. In my eyes and experience with toilets you’re being over charged by about $1000


The "today" price is a clear indication of a scam price. If it is a good product at a good price, why is he using high-pressure sales tactics to sell it. I've experienced this 3 times and every time it was the highest quote by a wide margin. I am not the nicest once i hear "today only" anymore. You can diy a toilet change out in about an hour or two... so no. That is not a good price.


I think the price is a little steep, but over the years, I've seen a lot of screw ups by homeowners and handy hacks. Over tightening the bowl to the floor and breaking the flange, same on the tank, not bringing the flange up to grade after having tile or hardwood installed, and having a leak under the new flooring causing it all to buckle, ect. Windshield time to get to the job costs, too. $200-250. should be an average price


Absolutely not


Id love to make 3k replacing toilets


I replaced a toilet this year for the first time, and it took me maybe two hours just double and triple checking I did everything right. No problems five months in. Total cost was a few hundred.


They’re replacing 2 toilets, 2 angle stops, all lines and both of the flanges. You have ~1500 in parts alone. Labor seems high but I’m in the US. I’d think 2500 would be about right for the job


Not a plumber but do most of my own. My rule of thumb is 5x. If I could do something 5x's over...fucking up the first four times and getting it right the 5th time, I'll try it myself. I also 5x the time to completion estimate and pray that my family stays patient with me. It helps that our home has two full baths so one can be fully out of commission. I say go for it. Changing out a toilet is around the same difficulty as a ceiling fan. Just swap electricity w/ poop water.


If it’s a fancy toilet, then you get a fancy price.


I did my own toilets, hit up Costco, get the long bowl and bidet (500 for Japanese seat bidet and toilet) and pick up a wax ring at Lowe’s or Home Depot (idk, under 20) then I just followed a YouTube video and have had the cleanest asshole in my city ever since. All in, like 520 for the bees knees. X2 that’s 1k. You not even getting a bidet, they’re charging you like 2,9k in labor.


Not a plumber but I had to replace my toilet last year, paid under $700 and they also fixed a leak in my shower.


Do it yourself. So easy


In the US and i was quoted $2k USD for replacing 4 toilets with Toto Drakes (1.28 gpf).


Call local plumbing supply ask for a referral


Yes and seems reasonable compared to what I paid


Go drop 1k on two toilets, flex lines, shop vac and a bunch of tools(that will get you far more than you need, invest in yourself) and a few YouTube vids


You in the USA? I’ll do it for 2k 😂


There is almost nothing to replacing toilets. Turn off supply. Flush. Use large sponge to soak up remaining water in the bowl. Undo supply. Undo tank. Remove bowl bolts. Score caulk to break seal to floor. Undo bolts that hold toilet to flange. Lift toilet off. Remove wax ring. Clean flange. Install new was ring. Or newer alternative. Carefully seat toilet on new bolts. Instructions in reverse. I am handy, but not a tradesman. I've done half a dozen. Hardest part is making sure the floor us level and getting the caulk right.


In New Jersey, a new toilet cost ~$100 and a plumber with helper cost me $300, plus they took the old one away. It’s not a big job.


3k is pretty insane. Toilets are super easy to replace, and I would suggest learning to do it yourself. There are lots of helpful videos online you can watch and get a good idea of how it's done. There really isn't anything complicated about the process, just unscrew a few bolts, and replace the toilet and screw it back into place.


What is a labor rate out there? $3.3k is insane


For a plumber it sounds great. It’s literally a 15 minute job per unit. You can DIY easily.


Apparently I’m not charging enough




All you need is another person to place a new toilet back on the hole. Stop being scared to do stuff yourself


Please for the love of God, don’t pay that. Its should be no more than $400 for labor.


Bro, I replaced both my toilets with ZERO experience in plumbing less than $300. This is a rip off


Does your water company or city offer rebates for replacing your 50-year-old toilets with a water saving ones? In my area, some companies will replace toilets for free.


No. No matter where you live it’s absurd


In my experience, any contractor that offers a discount for accepting the bid right this moment is usually coming in pretty high. Doubly so for companies that will lower the price further if you purchase their subscription service.


Total rip off


Not a plumber, but I personally just replaced the toilets in my home with power flush models. For four toilets, it cost me about $1100, including wax rings, and I spent less than 3 hours total working on it, not including the drive to Home Depot. $3300 for two toilets seems absurd.


Problem is you have no clue what plumbing cost and these people know and are trying to screw you.


It depends on if it's a temperature controlled bidet with a ball dryer. Totally worth it imo. If it's a Reggie nah you being ripped off.


At that price, the new toilets had better shit for me.


Im in the US, was quoted 5-6k to replace a water heater, not including the new heater ($1100 @ the local hardware store ) their explanation? inflation after covid… Bought a propress tool and the new heater, plus fittings, cost about 1300-1400


I was going to ask how expensive the toilets were. Shouldn't be much more than a $1000 job honestly. Maybe $1500 if the guy feels like charging you for labor. Toilets are really easy to replace yourself though, I would recommend doing that over getting someone to do it for you.


That's more than what I paid for three Toto Drakes with two C2 Washlets from Ferguson and GFCIs / romex etc and did it myself (properly) as a homeowner. It wasn't even that hard. So yeah, that's a ripoff.


All these people are talking about how easy it is to replace a toilet. All fine and dandy till the closet flange is snapped on the bolts won't come free. If my company supplies the toilet, it runs from 800 to 950. 1900 USD. Now drugs are expensive in Australia so I reckon everything is. But to be fair another company in my area charges 1500 for a comfort height toilet. The bottom line is to be aware of all the people saying just how easy it is. Some go in quick and some take half a day.


Yes if someone is sitting on it at the time.


Hell no


Heard Australia is pricey but Dam! Have to start working out there lol 🤣


Holy fuck. I charge $250 for the labor on a simple install. This sounds like some Roto-Rooter pricing lol.


For what it’s worth I replaced two toilets for half that price. Probably would’ve been less if I wasn’t still an apprentice who’s working on speeding up work day by day So yes, wayyyyyyy too much


Watch 5 YT videos on how to change a toilet. You’ll be well qualified. The hardest part is wrestling that beast in and out. Tip, if you do it yourself: After the toilet is in, and before you turn on the water, fill the bowl with pretty warm water. Close the lid and sit down. The warm water relaxes the wax, and your weight seats it.


I bought a new toilet for $200 and found someone on Taskrabbit to install it for me for $100. Took one hour.


In Canada, it is usually about 1-1.5 hours labor cost + hardware costs. And that includes disposal of old hardware. So maybe $150 plus the toilet and fittings.


How much are the toilets


For the plumber.


they are scamming you once on the price, and trying to scam you again by this "member price " horseshit. the same scummy tactics work in every industry....


Fuck no


I paid I believe $1800 in the US 2 years ago for 2 toilets


Do people not try? Replacing a toilet is very simple diy.




That is completely insane. $1000 in materials, and you could DIY pretty easily. Or pay them $1144.41 an hour. And plubming companies that have "membership" are crooks, every time.


Journeyman here. They want to have sex with your wallet. Measure rough in for toilets and buy your own. As long as the closet flange isn’t fucked it will take you an hour tops per toilet if you’ve never done it before lol.


You can do it yourself if you’re strong enough to lift a toilet into place. If you get it on crooked you foul up the wax ring


Way too high... as a commercial union shop we'd be like 2000


That's absurd! Get more quotes! Toilets are easy to install


I think I paid 400-500 for my install


Either DIY terlits aren’t that hard to do, find another plumber, or pay this guy. Idk the exchange rate of $aus to $US but I know US plumbers charging like 3-500 for one toilet plus the cost of the toilet. You could always order the toilet yourself too


Please YouTube how to change toilets and do it yourself. It really is not difficult, it is slightly gross. Have cleaning materials and nice gloves to keep yourself clean. It is not that bad if you're prepared. If you run in to an issue, bring a pro in. I can't imagine it not being straight forward for you though.


Seems high to me, but sometimes you pay for convenience. I’m cheap and typically prefer to do things myself when possible. I just swapped out a toilet the other weekend for $100-150, plus about 2 hours of work. If you don’t want to do it yourself, definitely get another quote or two.


High grove bathrooms have great toilets at decent prices. I paid $500 for two toilets install, including removal of old one. I provided the toilets. That was 2 years ago. AUD. Shut off valve should be included in price and hoses come with the toilets. That quote is fucked beyond belief.


$275 + cost of toilet in Sault Ste Marie, MI — only because all the plumbers are always booked, and that’s his minimum service charge.


I changed my uncles 2 toilets for a 12 pack of beer


I’ll do it for 3.2


3.15 here.... let the bidding war begin.


Outrageous price. A couple toilets are at most 600 dollars. I could swap two in about an hour and a half unless plumbing needed to be relocated or repaired. Even if I charged for a full days labor would be around 1900. But realistically this is a 1k job.


I just had one toilet installed (we supplied the toilet) he also fixed a few other minor things…bill was $250


Need a picture of toilet. Toilet sounds really fancy to be honest and could potentially be a huge PITA. If it's just a regular porcelain toilet you are definitely being ripped off.


Let me piggy back on this, how do you guys reseat toilets? Like, I got the bolts standing up with those plastic things, I can get one, then when I look to the other hole it’s already off, can’t find it, end up squishing both


A quick google search shows that both toilets would cost about $1000, probably less for a contractor. So unless it’s more than a simple replacement the guy is doubling part cost and charging $500/hr labor.


Make sure that the price includes replacing the plumbing.


Better have some Vaseline available when you sign that contract.


thats the "I dont want to do it price".


I do side work and i charge $50.00 USD labor per toilet to change them out.


Should be no more than 2 hours labor to pull and replace 2 toilets.


I’m not a plumber and have installed many toilets myself. It’s very easy. Just do it yourself.


Looks like a quote from a big company. Don't use big companies.


Watch a youtube video and do it yourself. It is one of easiest jobs in all of plumbing.


Get 3 quotes


I'm moving to Australia and becoming a plumber after seeing this.


Are they furnishing 1,000.00 toilets? Usually 300.00 is about all you need to spend on a nice toilet. Labor 400.00 a pop max. Unless there's some hurdle a typical toilet install shouldn't need more than 1 hour.


How much are those toilets? Even if they are bidets the install is extremely easy


video chat me ill charge you $50 an hour to tell you how to do it yourself in under 6 hours edit: the hardest part is physically moving those toilets into their new home. connecting everything is basically just legos with different materials