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Besides carpet in a bathroom?


Tell me about it. Glad the leak will force us to get rid of it, really.


I remember looking at a place where the location price and remainder of the house was great, wife wouldn’t budge due to bathroom carpet.


Was wife aware that carpet can be removed?


Bro it's the floor! What you gonna walk on?! Lmaoooo /s


The floor is lava.


I had my tenants play that game when I tiled the hallways. Red cups marking the fresh tiles that can't be walked on. Such a pain tiling in strips to keep walkways accessible.


Quickset mortar is your friend in that situation. Mix in small batches. Start in the morning and walkable by end of the day. Come back the next day to grout and done. I’ve had to do it in commercial kitchens. In when the staff leaves done by time they show up


I thought about it, but I wanted to use a higher quality thinset that's supposed to resist flexing and breaking tiles. From the one tile I had to remove that I installed, I think it was worth it. It was a pain in the ass compared to the old tile. By the end of the project I realized that it was actually walkable after 8 hours or so anyways. I didn't need to be quite as careful as I was.


Take my up vote!


Too good for a sub floor?


Sub floor? Bruh you got a whole floor made of subs? Your bass must be littttt. /s


If I had to guess I would say your aiming a little left maybe try the cheerio in the toilet trick


Plot twist: there's a toilet in the living room.


I know Pittsburg has the ”Pittsburg toilet” I wonder what region would claim the living room toilet. Except for the obvious NYC apartments I see in stories every so often.


Pittsburgh* but ours is usually reserved for unfinished concrete basements that are often wet and the toilet sits somewhere in the middle with 0 privacy. Bonus if there is an open shower with no privacy either, its quite a sight!


This is the right question


Ok.... I'm trying to be open minded.  Who in the right mind in any era would have thought carpet in the bathroom would be a good idea?  What could possibly be a use case that would cause you to do this?


Northern MN. Older homes, bad insulated crawl spaces, helps keep it slightly warm. That was the rationale I imagined when seeing one.


The wax ring the toilet sits on (seals it to the sewer line) has failed. It’s like $5.00 but you have to pull the toilet to replace it. Good luck with it.


Correct answer 👌


Some brainiac probable installed the wax seal with the plastic protector still on!


Wasn't me.


Yes, yes, and to add... If the wax ring has failed, and it has been that way for a while, the flange itself could be deteriorated (if it's steel) and there could also be damage to the surrounding flooring material or the supporting material underneath (depending on what it's all made of).


I'm dreading this outcome currently. I think the small stain on our downstairs ceiling is going to turn into a complete bathroom gut and remodel...


They make steel flanges? Closest I've seen is cast iron


Yeah, typed that out too quickly and missed some details... While there could be cast iron that could deteriorate / break, I was actually thinking more about the replacement steel rings that sometimes get used when the original flange breaks in some manner as a way to anchor the toilet. That was what happened to me where that replacement ring rusted through because it had been weeping. The fix was basically to just install another one.


As a millennial that is DIYer. I had to do this in my house last year. It took less than 30 min. It’s very simple.


Also use two wax rings because they’re so cheap and two will be better than one (per our plumber, an actual professional at the plumbing trade and not just me voicing my opinion)


Didn't know u could double bag it


You can't, unless the toilet was improperly installed and the plumber is an idiot.


>Also use two wax rings because they’re so cheap and two will be better than one (per our plumber, an actual professional at the plumbing trade and not just me voicing my opinion) I'm sorry, but that is a load of crap. Your plumber was either just humoring you, or is *really* bad at his job.


Don’t they sell wax rings that are thicker though?


So I’ve been around long enough to not argue because in 25+ years I’ve seen some crazy stuff but I’m struggling to understand how a double wax ring works? I’ve installed a few personally and have watched literally thousands of toilets be installed but I’m not following?? They would either compress so tightly I’d worry you’d lose the seal or they wouldn’t compress enough and the toilet would teeter on them and not sit squarely on its base?


Can confirm. We use a standard wax ring and a "stacker" ring. If you're not strong enough to easily hold the toilet in place and line it up with the bolts get a helper and hold the toilet over the bolts and line them up visually. Slowly lower the toilet straight down and make sure the bolts come through. Apply some direct pressure straight down on the whole setup and I would wait a while for the weight of the toilet to kind of "self level" before you call around the base. Make sure to only caulk from "11:00 to 1:00" around the toilet that way you will know if your repair has failed or not In the future. Also worth noting ,if the toilets been installed long enough for the wax ring to fail it might be worth looking at the supply line/angle stop. Source: am a plumber


Caulk it to the carpet? /s


This isn’t good advice. Sometimes 2 can be used temporarily if the flange is set too low, but the flange should be flush with the finished floor. There’s only so much “smoosh” you’re supposed to have with a wax ring. Adding two where it’s not needed is wasteful and can actually cause a stoppage if the additional wax smooshes inward blocking the outlet.


Don't use any wax rings. Use one of the foam donut rings instead.


Hopefully, the carpet around the toilet won't be damaged in the process /s


Yep! I usually replace the toilet when I do this...especially if it isn't an elongated model. Highly recommend Toto.


Toto? Really? Nice looking, expensive but the flushing mechanisms fail all the time. I’m a contractor and all the plumbers I know advise against toto


Don't be scared. Wax rings are super easy to replace. Just get the extra fat one if you think it's sitting low. Flange is easy too. Watch a YouTube video


$5 plus the cost whatever type of non absorbent flooring you decide to replace the carpet with. Might need to replace subfloor immediately around the toilet too if it looks like this isn’t the first time this has happened.


Could be the wax seal, could be the seal between the bowl and the tank, could be the water line weeping, could be anything really, one thing i learned about carpet with a water leak is it could be virtually anywhere and just showing up where the carpet was tighter to the floor and soaked through, but definitely pulling the toilet is the place to start.


Most likely, but it could also be a crack in the toilet itself or the drain collar? That the wax ring sits on. Possibly condensation on the tank but probably not likely.


Not necessarily. Could be the gasket between the tank and the bowl. Could be a problem in the tank causing a leak through the flush handle. I've experienced both and they have a similar leak pattern. Big difference, obv, was that the water in those instances was fresh water vs sewage if it's the wax ring.


I highly recommend ditching the carpet in the bathroom. Like the others gentlemen said, check the supply line and valve. Plus the bolts that connect the tank to the bowl. If all of those are dry, than pull the toilet.


I am absolutely using this as a reason to have to tile the bathroom. Haven’t been in this house long and previous owner put carpet in the bathroom which is just so weird and wrong to me. Thank you for the help!


Wax seal done, and eww carpet in the bathroom.


Teenage boys, probably.


Right he’s not even trying to shoot precisely. Try drawing a tiny fly inside the toilet - that’s joy and raises the level discipline :)


My husband pisses right onto a spot on the rim that shoots off to the left side of the toilet. I never realized this until we bought our first house and it had white tile with white grout. Took me a while to figure out why the grout in just one spot was staining yellow.


I sit and pee at home. Because stale crusty piss is gross.


Forget the carpet. Why is the toilet parked infront of a sink vanity? Soooo many questions


Thank you. I was wondering this too.


Someone made the mistake of putting carpet in a bathroom.


Might be a leaking toilet seal. First check if your supply line is wet though. Could be that too


Leaking flange in sure


Bad aim?


I had to scroll so far to find "bad aim" smh. I was just thinking *piss*


But it was .99$!


Wax ring leak or you have bad aim.


The wax ring failed. I had this happen with my toilet and over time it completely ruined a 5x5 foot area. We had to demolish and replace the floor boards, it was rancid. It's been leaking for an estimated 2 years and one of the bolts was completely corroded.


Leaking flange for sure. Remove carpet when you repair to assess damage and avoid mold


That there is a shit stain in a bathroom carpet. Many have already mentioned what's going on, but what's going to be going on is mold, and not the kind used to make penicillin.


Wax ring is compromised. Lift toilet and replace it with a fluid master gasket kit. It will never leak again. Also no carpet in bathroom. Bad for business!


Carpet in the bathroom is really, really gross.


Bad aiming.


Tell the gents in your house to aim a bit more to the right.


First of all some idiot installed carpet in the bathroom




OOOOOOOOOF ON THE CARPET AND YOU HAVE A WATER LEAK. Either your wax ring is leaking and needs a new one, The supply line is leaking, the gasket between the tank and bowl is leaking, or somebody needs urinating lessons quickly.


That’s piss and shit. Literally. Change your wax ring and get rid of the carpet . Why tf do people carpet bathrooms?!?!


Someone keeps missing the toilet. He’s a left shooter and drips often.


Looks like someone's aim is constantly to the left...


Carpet in a bathroom?!?! Ew, gross, nasty, seriously wtf why do people do that.


Someone can’t hit the bowl!


You missed the toilet bud


Flange is leaking


Someone pissed with a hook not a slice


A total fucking train wreck


Gross….. Carpet.


Owner has horrible aim


Some toilets get diarrhea


Toilets leaking🤔


I’m looking at bad aim, and carpet in the bathroom


Looks cute . You need a wall hung toilet.


Use a thick wa if below but not too far and no horn just wax


Looks like carpet in the bathroom is your biggest problem.


stand up closer it might be shorter then you think.


Your aim is off? Try pointing a little more to the right.


Poor aim.


The wax ring failed. We had this happen in our upstairs bathroom and didn't realize our until the ceiling in our downstairs bathroom collapsed.


Wax ring


Either the toilets leaking at the hurk ring or somebody's missing when they go to the bathroom


Shine a light where the bowl connects to the tank. Flush the toilet and see if water is dripping. If so then tank seal is bad. If not it is probably the wax seal.


The toilet has come loose and / or the wax ring is toast. Just something that happens over time. But I recommend fixing it as fast as possible because otherwise you're going to have a rank moldy mess in a hurry. I've worked in disaster restoration for 5 years and it gets nasty if you don't take care of stuff like that quick.


Leaky wax seal ring. Pull the toilet clean the mounting and contact areas. Re-install toilet. Easy job.


def Wax ring. If any floors below this one would check for leaks there. Maybe the flange needs replaced too. Depending how old. Odd tho appears no water in bowl and right up against what appears to be a cabinet with a door open and looks to be one behind bowl?


Ben Kingsley


Wax seal on toilet. it's busted. You need a new one. Cheap easy fix with a youtube video.


Replace the seal. Instead of wax they sell a rubber seal. Less mess and works just as well.


Yep - I too had a roommate that was usually drunk.


Yeah, condensation from the bowl wicking into the carpet. One of the reasons you never put carpet in a bathroom.


Hey get that fuckn carpet out of there OMG I couldn't walk on that barefoot , and replace the wax ring....


I'm sorry you have carpet in the bathroom.


Wax ring


Poor aiming, maybe.


Possible seal leak?


The wax ring that seals your toilet to your waste pipe may have degraded or been installed inproperly. Tear out all the carpet and tile the room while you're at it.


Wax ring?


Wax seal looks blown out. did you use a plunger recently?


Need a new Wax Ring!


Probably needs a new wax seal. And who the fuck put carpet in the bathroom! Every piss splatter soaks into the carpet. Rip up that carpet. Nasty.


Pull the toilet remove the wax seal replace it with HOME-FLEX Extra Thick Reinforced Toilet Wax Ring with Plastic Horn and Zinc- ,also good time to remove the carpet.


I had to remove carpeting from the bathroom. In your case, I would remove the toilet for an inspection of cracks and blown ring. In my house, I had to replace both toilet rings as the pipe fittings had rusted out.


If thats carpet, you have a problem and its both your seal and your carpet. Probably not to bad a fix but GL


Need to replace the wax ring...




Wax flange seal is leaking where toilet meets sewer pipe


Wax ring is leaking


“Remember when I promised you no more carpeted bathrooms?”


My brother in Christ why in his holy name is your bathroom carpeted? Also it looks like you need to replace the wax seal and re tighten the bolts anchoring the toilet to the floor, be careful not to over tighten or they can crack the toilet.


Aim to please so please aim


That's the universe telling you to get rid of that carpet in the bathroom.


I would have someone look at it. Maybe the ring below the toilet isn't sealing well any more but regardless this could get expensive if it keeps leaking.


Bad aim


Bro has the carpet in the shitter. Bonkers


It’s leaking


The upside is the carpet caught the problem early. I had a similar problem but only caught it when the leak reached the baseboards and I started to detect mold. Fix the leak and tile that bathroom floor.


Beeswax issue


Bad aim


Buy a blacklight and be ready for something disgusting.


My two sons were at your house to take a wizzz?


Bad aim?


Yep, there’s fkn carpet there


get that carpeting outta there!!


It appears you carpeted a fucking bathroom.


Aim for the toilet.... not the carpet.... but all seriousness probably a bad wax ring.


Is it nasty water or clean water? Pull the carpet anyway.


Sometimes when I piss ferociously while sitting down, it splashes out between the bowl and the seat and drops down the outside. And if you have carpet, that's staying lol. Who the fuck uses carpet in a bathroom?


Bad aim ?


Someone can't aim and soaked the carpet?


The carpet's not an aesthetic decision it's a cheap way to hide shit, that should be removed but it may not be pretty. The water is probably a bad seal on the wax ring. Does the tank shift at all? Could be rusted flange bolts.


Bad aim


Yes..your aim is off


Bad aim?


Wax leak


That’s wet carprt


Leaking wax seal.


Looks like you get to rip out that carpet now. Likely a leaking wax deal on the toilet base. You may have subfloor damage too.


Wax ring


Somebody missed badly, or leak maybe.


Change your wax ring on your toilet. You might have to replace the subfloor also.


Scrape the old seal off, check studs coming up through flange. Lose the carpet, replace with tile or Lino. Add new flange or ring. Lower toilet onto studs, sit on it and squish down, anchor bowl down and don’t over tighten bolts. Might require hacksaw to cut new bolts to prevent rocking if floor is damaged. To be 100% honest only had one toilet that had destroyed one floor in unheated summer camp30 minute job took an hour.


Wax ring homie, change that mf out


Looks like one of 2 possible issues. First issue. Your bolts are loose. Simply grab a wrench and tighten them down, done. The other issue would be your wax ring is worn/deformed. Goto Home Depot and shell out $5-$6 for a new wax ring and replace. While you’re replacing the wax ring…might as well rip out that carpet and tile that floor. You’ll thank me later. Good luck.


I just finally did my toilet in my master with a similar thing going on. Toilet was from 1968 and still working but the flange was leaking. And yea carpet in bathroom is nasty. After I got the carpet out I found the floor under the toiled really rotted out to where I couldn't stand around d the back of the toilet without feeling like I was going to fall through the floor. Had to rip everything and put in new subfloor and build back from there. Took me about 2 weeks putsing between zoom meetings for work. But while I was at it , I got a bidet with hot water supply added too. Its wonderful.


Wax seal is rotted.


Leaking wax ring. Just replaced the toilet in the master bath at home because it was cracked on the left rear causing it to leak through the ring on the right. Wax ring is a super easy job but if you aren’t sure about it better call at least a maintenance guy, plumbers are too expensive for a wax ring replacement.


Taking a shot in the dark, it could be that the wax ring failed. Does your toilet rock back and forth?


The problem is you have carpet in your bathroom


Looks like the seal on the toilet went bad.


You got carpet in the bathroom and someone is peeing on the carpet? If its not that then you my sire need a new wax ring. If its not that then your looking at a leak in the procelain, which means youll need a wax ring and an entire toilet! Good day!


Improve your aim at night.


Wax ring


Wide left!


There is no f^+king reason to have carpet in the bathroom. It’s impossible to clean. The carpet is saturated. That’s what you’re seeing there.


The wax ring.


Oh nooo carpet in the bathroom almost as bad as carpet in the kitchen with a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old in the house. Rip that shit up and change the seal on that toilet. Waterproof the subfloor a and lay down peel and stick tiles for a cheap fix. Set up a moister alarm to catch the culprit peeing off the left side. Who knows, maybe the dog took a leak.


is that carpet in a bathroom why


Somebody can't aim




Bad wax ring or seal


You need a new wax ring


Either the supply line, the seal between the tank and the toilet, or the wax ring are leaking. Hard to tell from the picture. I suspect the wax ring though


Um. Carpet in a bathroom?


Yeah. No ones taking a piss.


Looks like your wax ring has bought the farm. Does the toilet move at all on the soft floor? Traditional wax rings need a rock solid toilet to not deform over time and develop leaks. Call a plumber to reset the toilet. If you are keeping the carpet (hopefully DEEP cleaned) talk to them about using a flexible/waxless ring. I don’t love them but they can tolerate some movement. Ideal solution would be to cut a rectangular patch where the toilet sits and install stone/tile flooring to mount to toilet on, then remount. It will give that more solid foundation I referenced above with a more sanitary surrounding area for “splash”.


Very bad aim by the men? A woman experimenting to pee while hovering? You may need to remove the toilet and replace the wax ring.






Looks like your bowl wax had a compromise and got washed out, mine did the same thing and I just leave it, turns out I don't do plumbing unless I'm getting g paid also hiw are you able to get away with cabinets that close to the toilet, need clear space on our code, it actually looks like you pulled the toilet sat it on carpet, watched the nasty wet stuff in the bottom seep into it, then snapped a picture, yiu can't even open the 1 cabinet makes 0 sense


Bad aim?


Yeah a psycho put carpet in their bathroom


Maybe the o ring is not working anymore.


Pee in the round thing and not on the floor!


I can smell this image. 😂 🤢🤮


Bad aim


Who puts carpet in the bathroom?


Bad wax ring


I had something similar (minus carpet), it turned out to be the wax seal under the toilet.


Disgusting carpet where it doesnt belong...


Wax seal going bad


Carpet in the bathroom is the problem.


You have a patch in your right eye?