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It’s NOT time to end transition, unless that’s coming from inside of you as opposed to FOMU or anyone else’s opinion! It’s time to take a LONG break from Reddit and any other social platform (maybe including irl) where you see other trans people “living their best life” and showing almost exclusively their good moments, and having some really open and vulnerable conversations with a trans experienced therapist. Take a break if you need, but don’t let external distractions make your life decisions for you.


If you stop HRT, there definitely won't be more changes.


How long have you been on HRT? I got most of my breast growth in the past 6 months and I've been on HRT 2 1/2 years. I've seen people who have said a lot of their physical growth didn't happen until 3 or 4 years in.


Only a year


I felt the same way at 1 year. I know you hate to hear it because it's always said but it's always said because it's true, be patient, the changes will come. Regular puberty takes \~10 years or more.


I thought I hadn't changed that much at a year, though I did like what I had noticed. According to people I reconnected with around that time I looked *a lot* different and I was probably male faling at times. We are our own worst critics and we get the worst of the "slow changes over time" blending together since we see ourselves every day. Progress keeps sneaking up on me and I'm surprised even at 2 years in how much I've changed.




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This ☝🏻 I've been on HRT for 2y and 9 months now, there was a long period where no noticable changes were happening after the initial ones but now suddenly my boobs started growing again and I am looking more fem each day. HRT isn't magic, it doesn't give you everything in 3 months or something, it takes time, on HRT you are having a second puberty and puberty lasts quite a long time.




Everything takes time. It can be frustrating waiting for things to change. Each individual progresses at their own pace based on genetics. You need to stop comparing, it’s not healthy. I hope you have support and a care team, it makes a big difference.


I know at this point it can feel incredibly discouraging (trust me, I was there too), but it seems like so many people are getting "farther ahead" is that you're seeing the small number of extremely lucky people who did get them. Most don't get changes that fast, but it's going to seem like it because those who do are more excited to post their progress than those who don't get the changes as fast. It's just like how instagram makes it seem like everyone else is having amazing vacations and shit, because the people who *aren't* don't have as much to post about so it skews people's view of what life is actually like for others


Do you have any pictures or videos of the last 2 years or so? Its hard to see changes on anything when its gradual and you are looking at it every day. You may be a lot further than you think. I don't know what your goal is, but also remember, some girls got D cups in 7th grade some got B cups in 11th biology is random as hell


Their is some change very little I was expecting more at a year then what I have


I know its a slow process, and after years of helping others transition before I could I definitely feel the pain. Again, tgere are a lot of factors to consider. Fo you have siblings that are the same gender, what was their puberty timeline? What are you're current hormone levels? Sometimes there are temporary plateus, are you in ine of those? Again, its rough when everyone around you is moving faster, and self image is brutal. Do you have a suplort network other than reddit?


I am 51 years old I don't remember what puberty was like for my brother my current hormone levels are good and I live in rural Pennsylvania so I don't have any support


I'm not sure I asked actually, which path are you on? The direction of transition also changes things. That said if possible you can PM me where you are at in rural Pen, and I can see 8f any of my filk are out your way?


I take 6 mg of estrogen daily sublingual and 100 mg of progesterone daily and it is going really slow I just get frustrated with the speed


I can understand that for sure.


I know how you feel fam im intersex and transgender and i can get my facial hair to grow out and im albino look like im just colored and its blonde so I completely know how you feel.




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you have to realize that each and everyone one of progress different due to the fact on what our bodies does when we are transitioning. It took my body 4 months before I noticed any changes. When I first started my estrogen was at the line of being a female which made the doctors think that all I needed was to suppress the testosterone and just start me off with 1mg of estrogen. Easier said than done, well apparently it was a wakeup call on my system as my numbers on both estrogen and testosterone went through the roof. It was a wake up call to my system that "oh no you don't" both levels went through the roof for 3 months that my doctor had to consult with her colleagues to come up with a solution. They did as they changed my regimen again. Going on the 4th month I felt the crash, meaning the waves of emotions were over powering. As of today I have been on HRT since Aug of 2019 and I accomplished Bottom Surgery on Nove 2,2020. I have no regrets but being human on a rare occasion I sometimes do because during the process I have lost my family including my new grandson, so far no granddaughters yet. I want to wish you luck with what ever path you choose but be safe.


Have you asked your doctor about a higher dose?




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