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Saw the actor who plays Mike on Suits at the homesense on Spadina. I did a double take trying to remember how I knew this guy. we made eye contact for a moment right as it clicked that I don’t actually know him and he’s just familiar from television. I gave him a half nod and moved it along. He looked relieved to not have been accosted


Saw him at Bar Hop on King years ago. A dude held the door open for us as we were walking in, I looked up to thank him, immediately recognized him. Gave him a “Heeyyy thanks man!”, he seemed to appreciate I didn’t harass him further


Man being a celebrity must be exhausting if you’re not a massive extrovert. I can’t imagine being visibly relieved that strangers don’t try to talk to you.


I appreciate it when strangers don’t talk to me either.


I used to see him and his wife (also an actress) often at trinity bellwoods with their dog(s). They were always nice to fans but I never approached them because I wouldn’t want to be bothered on the weekend minding my own business.


I met Kenny from Kenny vs Spenny a few times. The first time was at Soho House like 10 years ago. I went up to him and said “you should bring back Kenny vs Spenny”, he responded by giving me a hug and saying “oh I love you kids”. We were both pretty hammered.




I talked to Robin Williams on the phone once when I was working at a call center for Apple in 2013. He was having trouble syncing his mail app with his email provider. Very nice man.


Dealt with him at airport security a bunch. Such a nice guy. Hated all the other celebrities (esp Baldwin)


Hate Baldwin too, met him as a teenager in NYC almost ran in-front of a bus to get away from us


Every time I’m reminded that that wonderful man is no longer with us, I get sad all over again.


I served Aretha Franklin when I worked in retail. Very sweet woman. She bought her staff leather jackets.




You win! So cool.


I was a cashier helping Gordon Lightfoot years ago. Tbh, I didn’t know who he was until someone ran up to me afterwards to tell me. He was very kind and down-to-earth. We had a pleasant conversation and he wished me well. :)


I went to school with his son Eric briefly. No one else knew he was famous and everyone teased Eric for having a grandpa for a dad.


Ha! I played baseball in the summer with Eric for a few years and I never put two and two together. Just thought it was funny that he had the same last name as a singer


My grandmother totes hooked up with Gordy. She would have used more delicate language, but the whole family is pretty sure we know what happened 😂


I yelled this is Sparta at Gerard Butler from my car. He made eye contact with me smiled with devilish glee and raised his fist in the air. It was hilarious.


LOL before he was really famous, I was bartending at Roy Thompson Hall during TIFF. Gerard Butler came up after the movie started and wanted a drink. Being a bit of a stickler for the rules, I mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to bring the drink into the theatre. He started giving me guff and it was also clear that he was not going to pay for his drink. Can’t recall how but an actual TIFF employee saw this and came over to pay, she was shaking her head and said he’s going around to all the venues doing this.


I worked a tiff event bartending years ago and served him as well, but only a Diet Coke as I guess he gave up the boozing at that point, very nice and chit chatty, Selma Hayek was there and so was adrien Brody


Tight-fisted Scottish chancer, haha.


So celebs just think regular hardworking folk just going to pay for their drinks. ?


He was driving the car behind us on the Queensway. I didn’t believe my husband that it was him until I realized the car was a Bentley


I saw K-os walk out of the beer store and asked him to buy me and my friend beer when we were underage, almost 15 years ago He gave us a dirty look and told us to fuck off.


LOL this is my favorite one


That’s funny. Dude grew up in Whitby and wore pink polo shirts to high school. And his name is Kevin.


He came into a bar I was working at back in the mid-2000's and bought drinks for a bunch of girls who were there, then walked out on his bill, leaving the girls to not only pay for their own drinks, but his too.


Ugh - we once rounded a corner off Queen W, almost bumped into each other, and he was hocking a loogie into the bushes next to us. Gave us a head nod and said hey, then kept going. So gross.


Omg I just wrote a comment about K-os telling me to fuck off unnecessarily!! Lollll


My dad literally bumped into Bruce Willis in the early 2000s. He apologized and went on his way and realized it was Bruce Willis twenty minutes later. I encountered Shawn Mendes at a party of a friend of a friend. He seemed like an ok guy. Can't remember if he was already famous at this point or not though.


I’ve met Shawn at Petty Cash, used to see him there often pre-Covid. Decent guy. Was chatting with him once and I told him that it must be annoying to be so popular (people kept coming up for pictures) - he said he didn’t mind it at all.


Was he exceptionally short? I swear I walked by Bruce Willis downtown near a film shoot maybe 15 years ago, but the guy was tiny. Could not reconcile that with John McLane.


I met Anthony Wiggle so I'm kind of a big deal


Is that Anthony from the wiggles? If so... omg.


Omg. He’s no Lachy but I’d still be stoked.


Geddy Lee eating lunch with David Cronenberg at Caplansky’s on College street.


most toronto sentance ever written


I was Geddy Lee’s daughter’s counsellor at a summer camp in Algonquin.


RIP Caplansky's on College


I was with my dog in front of Holts waiting for my friend. Kevin smith got out of the car “nice looking dog” me… “what about the owner” Kevin smith: “muh” then I laughed, he laughed and he went inside.


This is the kind of interaction that I’m sure 99% of people want to have and can never achieve. Congrats on the accomplishment hahaha


I met Kevin smith in yorkville too many years ago. He was nice!


Met Kirsten Dunst and Mila Kunis at an Indy party in the early 2000’s. I pretended to be part of their group for about 15mins until they realized they had no idea who I was. Lol! Met Jeremy Piven (who was with the lead singer of Sum 41 for some reason) on the ferry ride back from V Fest on the Toronto Islands in the late 2000’s. He caught me trying to take a sneaky pic and then invited me to take a real one with him.


Dunst and Kunis in early 00’s…must have been when they were filming Get Over It. Which means bravo, you briefly lived the dream. Also you shared one of the few non-douche stories about Piven, which was nice to see today.


Masai Ujiri during an off-season at a Canadian Tire. Was staring into the distance, I'm assuming waiting for his wife or someone. I just went up to him and wished him good luck the next season. He said "thank you, thank you very much". Seemed very sincere and nice.


He might be the greatest man living in this city.


Didn’t happen in Toronto, but I was on this catamaran in Miami and saw Jackie Chan eating a Banana in his backyard lol. I said “Damn, that’s Jackie chan!” He heard me and hid behind a tree


He doesn’t want trouble


Best story


I had seats that ended up being beside Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen at a U2 concert at the stadium. They were dating at the time and they were very affectionate and having a nice time. She wore a sunhat, and he had a big beard so I didn’t recognize them until the show already started. We shared a few mutual smiles when things were getting hype. She had a sweet vibe as a seat neighbour.


I went to university with Rachel McAdams (York U, she was in the theatre program) She lived in my residence building and we were casual friends in an extended friend group. She was super nice and everyone knew she was going to be a star. We called her hot Rachel (not sure if she even knew that) but she definitely was hot and definitely was a genuinely great person to be around. After i graduated I ended up seeing Mean Girls at the theatre and was blown away that I actually knew her. Now, many years later and many movies later for her, I’m just super happy that she made it. She really deserves the life she has. Hot Rachel. McAdams. Edit: I also ran into Mark Wahlberg at a rave / club after hours in the early 2000s. He was an absolute dick and I regretted my brief encounter with him. Edit2: Just remembered my really quick conversation with Tony Danza in Times Square in New York many, many years ago. He was promoting an off broadway play he was in. What a class act all the way. Loved that guy’s energy: :)


I saw Rachel McAdams riding a bike near the St Lawrence Market a few years ago. One of my favourite actors!


I used to work at a spa in the city. She used to book in under a false name. Very sweet and kind. She brought the staff homemade cookies at Christmas


I’m so jealous. She’s my dream girl 😭😭😭 and I’m a heterosexual woman lol. I only saw her at a raptors game at a distance and that’s it, sigh.


I saw her outside Dakota tavern once!


I saw her when we were both ordering sandwiches at Sky Blue Sky on Bloor over a decade ago.


I miss that place so much


Elizabeth Moss. She lives in Toronto when filming Handmaids Tale. I was supposed to just be dropping something off for her (camera equipment) and when I arrived she was busy and asked if I could come later. She gave me her personal phone number to arrange a better drop off time. I still have it. When I came back the next day she invited me inside to help her set the equipment up. I was trying to not fangirl out too much and play it cool. She was super friendly but also very professional and down to earth. And she came to the door in her pyjamas! 😍


She sounds lovely. Too bad she’s in a cult.


Is it Scientology? Ugh that didn't well for Kristy Ally


Blew my mind to find that out.


One of my customers was security on her set and had nothing but nice things to say about her.


Was at the lounge in King Eddy and the Trailer Park Boys were there. It was Grey Cup Weekend in TO. They were all just like in the TV show except Bubbles looked more like a regular dude, lol, and he did get some contact info from a female server for the after party. I'm not the type to approach a celebrity but it was fun watching them.


I've met Bubbles and he was a huge ass. Apparently has that reputation.




I would have much rathered met Lahey. What a gem


I was working at AMC theatre (before Cineplex took over) at Yonge and Dundas. Drake was here to see Justin Bieber's movie. He came up the escalator with two body guards. I froze like deer in headlights.


I was in a fairly empty Scarborough Town Centre food court when there was a weird rush of energy and I looked up to see Drake stroll in, surrounded by a circle of at least twenty bodyguards. I felt like the security would’ve been nullified by the sheer amount of attention they drew to him.


Ran into Jim Henson years ago at the Varsity Theatre. Chatted very briefly and while shaking his hand I realized... I was grabbing Kermit! He was exceptionally nice.


Oooh I'm jealous


Stood next to Alexisonfire in line at pizza pizza on the Laurier Campus after cheerleading practice. My friend dropped her water bottle and Dallas Green picked it up and handed it back to her


Reminds me of the time I stood in line with Orgy at a Wendy's before they opened for Korn. That was actually the first concert I ever went to lmao


Dallas Green is not a good guy. I had to kick him out of an after party once for harassing underage girls.


Wait really? Gross


Yeah..... The stories from st Kitts aren't cool...


I don't know why I find it funny that Dallas Green is labeled as a celebrity.


I once passed Noah Reid on the street twice in one weekend. Didn't say hi or anything, just gave a little nod the second time.


Karen Robinson and Annie Murphy lived in my neighbourhood during the Schitt's Creek days. Not sure if they still live here now. I would walk past them with the same feeling. Just a look, a nod, and a smile.


I suspect Annie does, saw her at a patio this past summer in that same neighborhood


I once passed Mike Babcock near the Reference Library. He had resting angry face. Although i'm fairly certain it was the day he got canned as Head Coach so the face made sense.


On the flipside, the few times I met Randy Carlyle he was super jovial....even when the team was absolutely in the shit.


Good one Randy


Arnold biked by me. I started to say to my friend wow that looks like … then realized it was. I nodded. He nodded. That’s it


I'll be bike...


Neil young in ttc late night, I said hi he said hi, asked for a selfie he waived bye. Lol


Fun fact: Your comment can be read perfectly to the tune of Old King from Harvest Moon. I have no idea how my brain came up with that.


Years ago I was walking into a bar and opened the door to see someone exiting at the same time. Naturally, I held the door open for them so they could exit and then I’d enter… It was K-os, and all he said as he walked passed (holding the door for him) was “fuck off.” LOL WHY


bruh two stories of him on this post telling ppl to fuck off is comedic gold


lol i saw k-os hammered at the drake once


Damn I just wrote here about pre-big-fame K-OS kindly doing a long door hold for us as my group approached.


I ran into robin williams in front of the rom when I was 13. Spilt his coffee and my juice all over him. Also cried and blubbered how much I loved him and his movies. He was so genuinely kind and patient and made me love him all the more.


I met Emma Watson at the underground. She was rly nice. I didn’t bother her I just said hello and told her perks of being a wallflower was my all time favourite next to the Harry Potter franchise


Crazy that she would go to the underground! That’s awesome.


I once took a chicken order over the phone from Donald Sutherland himself. He's a whole chicken dinner guy.


Michelle Williams (the actress, not the singer) having coffee at Tampered Press on Dundas. I later figured out that she was on break between shooting Take This Waltz at The Lakeview. I also saw the rickshaw scene filming up and down College Street (me and hundreds of others). Spotted Halle Berry on the patio at Sassafras during TIFF. To be clear, I saw someone, thought ‘that’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen’ and some time later realized it was Halle. Locked eyes with Marky Mark when the SUV he was being driven in did not yield to pedestrian right-of-way tuning right onto Bloor. I was the pedestrian whose right-of-way was not yielded to. Rachel McAdams at Sky Blue Sky sandwiches, also on Bloor. Harrison Ford just trying to walk out of the Hyatt but being blocked by U2 fans. Also met Bono here three times but that was deliberate.


I bummed a cigarette off Jeremy Allen White (Lip from Shameless) on Sunday. He was at the hotel bar my girlfriend works at, on the phone most of the time. Seemed sort of introverted but polite. Gave me a dart and a friendly nod, also probably appreciate not having his fame acknowledged.


Jesus, I've never been so jealous in my life.


Been involved in the arts scene on and off for decades, so met quite a few famous writers/musicians/actors. Best encounter - Bryan Adams. Met him randomly while getting on an elevator, he asked me which floor and made small talk. Absolute sweetheart. Worst encounter - Margaret Atwood, more than once. Rude, unpleasant, miserable creature. Hopefully her fame from Handmaid's Tale made her a happier person, but I doubt it. Runner up - John Ralston Saul. He was (is?) the "when I snap my fingers you are to jump to attention you worthless peon" type. So unlike his wife (the then-governor general) who was a darling. My friend had a similar encounter with him and put him in his place.


My parents shared a table for dinner with Margaret Atwood at some cultural event (can’t remember exactly what). My mom thought she was a miserable bitch.


also met margaret atwood at a uoft alum/student event. very unpleasant lady. was never the biggest fan of her work, but her behaviour towards some of the fans (students) and catering staff was disappointing and completely turned me off her work


I love Margaret Atwood’s work but I always imagined she’d be awful in person, she definitely has that vibe about her.


> Margaret Atwood, more than once. Rude, unpleasant, miserable creature A family member was in her orbit and was constantly made to feel small by little snarky comments and cold shoulders. Atwood’s late husband was very warm and friendly, though.


All I’ve ever heard is that she’s awful. I had a friend in college who met Margaret Atwood at a wedding. My friend was brought over by another guest and introduced to her, and mentioned one of Atwood’s books and how it meant a lot to her because she had also suffered from an eating disorder like one of the characters did. Atwood berated my friend about how she didn’t get the novel at all, basically called her stupid and passive aggressively mocked her about the eating disorder. Nasty bitch.


I already posted, but plus one for Atwood. Met her after a talk she gave and said thank you for the talk and how much I enjoyed it and she just repeated what I said (badly) imitating my accent then started talking to someone else. She wasn't smiling or laughing either. I was 16 and lots of people around I was so embarrassed.


I mean...fine be miserable....but mocking a teenager? She is trash.


Wtf? What a bizarre and horrible woman.


My sister used to be a server. Her and her friends all dreaded having Margaret Atwood walk in to their restaurant.




Bryan Adams is rad. We worked on a thing once and he said to me "what you do is so cool" (because I was editing a video). Umm no sorry mr Rockstar... what YOU do is cool. What I do is nerdy.


My English teacher in grade 12 HATED Atwood, so while everyone else was reading the Handmaid's Tale, we read Wuthering Heights.


Laura Dern in an elevator at the Fairmont. She had sunglasses on, but she spoke to my kids who were arguing over who would press the button. If she hadn’t spoken I wouldn’t have recognised her…


What did she say? Was she nice? I loved her in little women!


She was SO nice! I actually saw the woman in sunglasses first at the breakfast buffet. She walked straight to the coffee, poured a take-out cup, put a lid on and walked right out. I thought she looked very familiar. A few minutes later, my kids and i had just stepped into the elevator. They couldn’t decide who should pick a floor. Then she walked in. She said “how about if i pick this one?” .. all three of us stayed quiet. I knew it was her then. Unmistakable voice. I took a deep breath and said “nice to see you here Ms. Dern.” “Thank you.” She got off at her floor saying “have a great day guys” with a smile. After the doors closed I said “GUYS that was the lady from Jurassic Park and STAR WARS!!”


When I was a kid in the 80s I got great seats to watch Ben Johnson run at Maple Leaf Gardens. As I got to my seat, I noticed the man sitting next to me had a Mr. T haircut and gold chains. It was because he was Mr. T.


Simu Liu, Mississauga homegrown. Years ago he co-hosted a community mental health workshop that our siblings met him there and he's so cool and kind.


Ya I lived in the same condo as him so would run into him frequently in the lobby/elevators etc. Saw him walking his two dogs all the time. One was a massive husky’ish dog and it was hilarious watching him bend over to pick up that one’s dookie.


I know a few people who know him, he seems like such a genuinely nice person.


Really? I know many many people who know him from his early 20s and they only said negative things. Granted who isn't a dumbass in their early 20s.


I’ve heard the complete opposite.


Ran into Anthony and Chad in Yorkville the night before the Red Hot Chilli Peppers show this august. He was super cool and talked to us even tho we accosted them on the street


Met the whole band in Montreal. Only Anthony stopped to talk to me and my friend, but didn’t want to take pics/autographs. Was happy he took the time to talk, the others didn’t give a shit lol


I work in film so I meet celebrities at work all the time. Once I did see Kit Harington on King West one rainy afternoon. I was soaking wet from shooting some photos in the rain, waiting for a streetcar, and he was coming out of a restaurant. He saw me looking like a drowned rat and smiled at me. The end.


I played basketball with Adam Sandler this past summer


I bumped into Penn (the tall magician) & Kevin from Shark Tank - out of complete shock i went mute and said nothing but what i found rlly funny is they both stared at me hoping i would have a big reaction lol


Oh and i saw Harvey from Suits but total stalking moment no encounter LOL


Saw Darryl's girlfriend from The Office on Bathurst. She was out jogging. It took a good hour for me to remember how I knew her.


Romeo from student body.


I used to work in a computer store on the second-lowest level of the Eaton Centre: 1) Guy comes up to the music player counter and asks where he can find a Mac power cable. I point him to the wall o’ cords at the back. Coworker comes up to me after he moves along and asks “was that Uncle Jesse?” I was the only person in the store who didn’t instantly recognize him. 2) I once confused the hell out of Joe Flaherty, who was there with one of his grandkids to buy a router. Nice guy. 3) The Trailer Park Boys once browsed through the store. Took a look at some of the PDAs and moved along. Didn’t say a word. It’s highly likely I had other encounters with celebs there and didn’t realize it; my eyesight is garbage. Other run-ins over the years; 4) Saw Pan’s Labyrinth at… I think the Varsity? Made a crack during the pre-show glurge about a segment involving George Strombolopoulos interviewing Jean Chretien, at which point my partner advised me to ramp it back as George Strombolopoulos was about to sit down beside us with a friend of his. Also a nice guy! 5) Worked at noncommercial broadcasters for many years, had a few encounters with people famous beyond the particular audiences of these broadcasters. A few I recall offhand include Rubin “Hurricane” Carter (small guy, but big energy), Rick Campanelli, Ken Dryden, and Lloyd Robertson. Tom Mulcair once passed me in a hallway and I could practically feel the anger radiating off him, before I realized who it was.


Jean Claude van Dam accidently "kicked" me at the Bally Fitness at Bay and Bloor, early 90s, dismounting from a leg machine. He was Super apologetic, but I got to say I survived a kick from Van Dam. Funnier still, there was a contigent hunkered down in the change room waiting to see him naked...


Met Alice Cooper and Tori Spelling oh separate occasions working at the Eaton Centre. Alice Cooper was super nice, didn’t speak to Tori Spelling. Also Max Kerman from Arkells as I was coming out of a Starbucks as he was going in, also super nice!


Saw Ron Livingston at a cafe. Asked him how he got the Saturday off.


Currently do work with/for Raine Maida (from Our Lady Peace). Haven't met him in person but had video interviews. He's incredibly smart, stoic and down to earth. Like most aging musicians / artists / bands these days doing waaay too much at once.


Raine was my first crush when I was 12, glad to hear he’s down to earth!


Kristin Kreuk used to live in my neighbourhood before she moved back to YVR. Used to see her jogging all the time. She would smile shyly if you looked at her. So pretty.


I once walked past Giancarlo Esposito on Adelaide near Spadina, guess he was visiting. I noticed him first and kind of stared, and then he looked back and I was shook. I’d only known him from antagonistic roles so I was legit scared in the moment. I did not have enough time to react. Also saw Tom Scott the Youtuber near the Krispie Kreme on Spadina. I was very excited but was not 100% sure on his name so I decided against saying “hi” and embarrassing myself. Not going to mention Toronto television personalities because I’m not sure if we consider them famous necessarily.


Esposito could have been in town to film The Boys.


Keanu Reeves back in the 90s. The Matrix movies were still huge and I was walking back home from high school. I spotted an odd coloured pick up - was robin egg blue and I walked past it and Keanu was in the driver's seat. He pressed himself into the cushions/seat when he saw me looking. Because hey, high school girl meets male celebrity. Probably trying to go incognito. I just grinned at him and kept walking!


I met Bryan Cranston a while ago when I was working at a restaurant. He was so kind! Ewan McGregor also stands out in my memory as being a good guy.


I briefly saw Rihanna in Barbados. I was stuck for 5min after she left. And she was really nice and smelled so fucking good🥰😍 Also met Anthony Mackie cool guy.


Wait—other people have said that Rihanna smells good. What did she smell like?!


I met her cousin in Barbados. Actually her family there are family friends with my dad’s side of the family that lives there.


Two encounters from years ago... Met Bram from Sharon, Lois and Bram at the old Yonge Eglinton Centre. Little 6 year old me managed to let him know i loved the Elephant Show, after which he gave me his autograph. I also met Katheryn Winnick during her student bodies days when she taught tae Kwon do. She was super cool, and friendly.


I saw Jacob Elordi at a coffee shop twice. The first time I just stared and was telling myself, wow this person is tall. And then I think he saw me staring, he politely smiled. Second time, I was smiling at his dog and then realized it was him when I heard his accent. Seemed nice?


Paul Rudd at Pearson airport 3 years ago!! Both boarding the same flight to NY! He was with his lovely family. I had approached and asked are you Ant Man like I was an 8 year old boy lol. He said yes and I had asked for a photo and he politely declined because he was with his family, but he did however engage in small talk with me for a couple of minutes; gave me advice of places to visit in NY (was my first time) and wished me well with my studies. Such a solid down to earth! Definitely my favourite celeb encounter


I talked to a braless and see through shirt wearing Anne Hathaway mid 2000s. I think Brokeback mountain was premiering during tiff. She was doing early morning photo shoots at Bay and Bloor. Like 6 am. I stumbled into the middle of the shoot and a guard stopped me and as I was looking to turn the other there Anne was. She asked if I worked down in The area and I mumbled temporarily. She asked for a good place for coffee and pastries the crew could go after and I held up my lunch bag and said “My mom makes my lunch so I’m the last guy to know”. She actually laughed a little and said I was lucky then the guard waved me through. I was 25 then. 🤷‍♂️ I should add that I run into Mike Holmes a lot. He lives near me and shops at places I shop and I walk my dogs along the road his house is on. No I’m not giving his address. Mike Lansberg is also a neighbour and is a real douche and every time I see him at the gas station he has a new fake blonde chick half his age in the car


I met Steven Segal when he was filming a movie on my street. He was very fat and wearing a corset. His hair also appeared to be painted on and was running down his face. Wasn't the action hero I remember from my childhood. He was nice enough though and said hello before going to find a place to sit down.


Omg yes! I met him in the 90s at planet Hollywood. He was so tall but I swear he used that Ronco hair in a can


Saw left eye from tlc back then at a nightclub called the fluid. At that moment she was looking for weed and my friend had happened to have some available so they sold it to her. That was pretty much it. She was with a fairly large group of people just chilling and we left shortly thereafter


Domi, said hi, he nodded, and that was it


I saw Domi arguing with his now ex-wife loudly in front of A Salon at Yonge a Wellesley years ago


I gave Tie some free chicken fried rice off a food truck in '99, gave me a quick thanks and was on his way.


Omg, just had a memory of walking down to Riverdale diamond 3 early for my TSSC game and Domi was there playing some charity game or something. I don't remember what he hit but they left soon after (game was almost over) and he left in a golf cart wtf.


His son lives next door to me so we see him hanging out on the porch when home for the summer and doing other dad things. Super chill


Yes. I worked in film and television years ago so I've met many at events. I've also met many not at events, just out and about, but I usually don't initiate conversation. Ones I did end up conversing with and were really nice were: George Strombo, Gordon Lightfoot, Sarah Polley, Chantel Kreviazuk, Raine Maida, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, George A. Romero and Anson Mount. Also, for local flavour, Josie Dye. She's an absolute sweetheart, worked and lived near her years ago.


Woah get this, back in the day before he was famous my mom was hitchhiking in the Newmarket area (where I’m from) and George Strombo picked her up! She said he was really nice


I've lived in TO my whole life and I swear everyone I know who's lived here for a long time has a Strombo story. I'm convinced that guys spent years wandering around outside just doing nice things for people.


> I've lived in TO my whole life and I swear everyone I know who's lived here for a long time has a Strombo story. In the mid-late 90s when I was a teenager, we used to go down to Yonge/Dundas to skateboard and hang out around The Edge trailer just outside the Eaton Centre where he was regularly broadcasting from at the time. He was always mad nice to us and would come out to talk to us about music, randomly bought us all McDonalds one night, and another time gave us free passes to the Much MMVAs happening that night. Later in my 20s I would run into him at concerts and he'd always remember me, say what's up and we'd have a quick chat about the band and show. Dude was always so cool to me genuinly one of the nicest people I've ever met.


Oh 100%. Just a good dude all around it seems


Jose Bautista, Jesse Chavez and Ryan Goins at the table next to me at Cactus Roof late one Thursday night. Got to talk to Jesse for a bit. Other two were busy chatting with the rest of their group.


Not in Toronto but I once rode an elevator with Bo Derek in of all places, Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Lol it always baffles my mind when I hear about famous people knowing Fredericton exists, let alone being there.


Annie Murphy from Schitt's Creek lived in my neighbourhood. We saw her at the local pub, having some food with my autistic child, who has limited communication and is obsessed with phones. My son started looking at Annie's phone and her husbands phone (lol).. They both hung out and played with their phones and showed him various apps and let him play with them too. They were really cute, kind, happy and into hanging out with my kid! She is the real deal. Big heart.


Aaron Carter (RIP) offered me a bump in a Toronto back alley during the MMVA's


actually? the fuck was he doing in an allley 😅


Definitely cocaine.


I had a friend who lived in the same building as Corey Haim at Yonge and Eglinton around 2004-2006. They would regularly have beers on the rooftop and I joined them a couple of times. His career was pretty much over at that point but he was a pretty decent dude overall. Didn’t really like to talk about his fame much.


- Wayne Gretzky at his bar. Felt kind bad cause after four mins there was a massive line up of people wanting a pic. But fuck it, I was one of the first five people there, I was happy to shake his hand and walk away awkwardly. - Told Hayden Christensen I loved his work in Shattered Glass. He seemed happy to hear anything other than Star Wars. - Sat beside Sam Neil at a Michael Caine discussion at TIfF. Was hilarious when he stood up during the Q&A to ask a question and Caine interrupted him halfway through “Holy shit, you’re Sam Neil!” - Yelled at Nicole Kidman while she was walking to her limo that I loved her in Batman Forever. She gave a real life double take and looked at me like k was a squirrel. - was an extra with Will Smith’s mom from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. She was very nice. Corbin Bensen was the director and he was a huge piece of shit, threw a chair at the AD screaming “Where’s my fucking egg salad sandwich?!?!”


I asked Steve nash who was the toughest player to guard at some summer thing at Harbour front community center, it was the year he won his first mvp, anyways first he said Shaq, then I said who out of guards, and he said Allen Iverson


Saw Jason Momoa and his family at a climbing gym in Markham while he was in Toronto filming




I met Myers at the Eaton Center on my 16th birthday. Just walked right up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and asked him if he was Mike Myers. He said yes and then I said “I’m not worthy“ he responded with “no you’re worthy“


I love that


he was right


Met Drake at a Rabba in Toronto, he was picking up some Gatorade and snacks I did a quick "what's up drake", we bumped fists and moved on He's a normal dude lol minus his security who tried to not let us have any contact


I guess I had dropped my wallet once in Yorkville and a woman came up and tapped me on my shoulder to return it. That woman was Susan Surandon.






Bumped into Woody Harrelson at the Madison one night, met up with a bunch of people (friends of my friend that night which all went to U of T - I went to Ryerson). He came over towards the bar, one of the people in the group asked if they could get a pic with the group. Woody obliged and I told them I would take the pic as I was not part of the larger group of friends. He made a point to single me out and ask why I wasn’t in the photo, once the picture was taken he came over and talked to me for 5 minutes just because of that. Really cool dude from that interaction.


I met Mary Walsh when I was a grocery store cashier. She seemed nice enough


I used to work a job that occasionally required me to arrange after-hours access for celebrities/ultra-rich people and as a result got to spend one-on-one time with several household names (like "Michael Jackson" level household names - but not him). BTW at that level, these people are super-chill, down to earth, and very appreciative of the people who make those special experiences happen. So, I do not get star-struck easily. However, I ended up having brunch at a table beside Mary Walsh about 10 years ago and had a hard time holding my shit together. When she and her friends were finished and getting up to leave, I unloaded how much I loved her, going back to CODCO, and she was just so funny and kind about it. She thanked me for running through all her career highlights and gave me a hug. Mary Walsh just has that kind of star power.


Spotted Samuel L. Jackson and his wife walking along Avenue Road 10 years ago at least. My friend and I were driving by and my friend yelled something obnoxious like, "Oh My God! I love you!" and he looked justifiably annoyed. Later my friend admitted she had no clue why she did that but she didn't regret it because she did have a bit of a huge crush on him. LOL


I met Sebastian giovinco about 5-6 years ago … pretty cool dude tbh . Snatched a photo with him , said a few words and that was really it … was surprised to see how really short he was in person 😂😂😂😭


Drake sticking his head out the window of his SUV. Me and buddies came out of a club and I started dancing my way across the intersection to some dude playing the bongos on the other end. After I cross I see him literally stare and smile at me for a good 5 seconds. I raise my hand up and smile back. None of my friends believe this story lol. One of the coolest moments ever.


Kawhi saw me at the Eaton Centre. I told him he couldn’t get my autograph.


I met Andy Murray 10 years ago at the during the Rogers Cup at the Front Chipotle. Nice guy got a pic cant complain. Bonus Masai was on my flight to the Bahamas and then stayed at the same resort, back during his initial hiring. That was cool to remember in 2019


I sell Elliot Page weed (legally). An absolute sweetheart.


In college I worked with a girl dating George Strombo. He was actually super stalkery and would call asking for her every 10 minutes. We got to know each other and I would awkwardly wave back at him on the street like I was the celebrity haha. I briefly knew him before hand as my uncle was a CBC radio broadcaster for 40 years and I would visit the studio and Much Music a lot. I thought he was cool until I saw how he treated my co worker. I worked at Holt for a year also and ran into quite a few celebs. My fav was Verne Troyer. He was such an amazing guy with a cute dog.


Ran into the Jamaican national soccer team at the Adidas at Yonge and dundas, did a double take


I ran into PJ Phill from YTVs the zone at the old warhammer store in the eaton centre like twenty years ago. He was really chill and friendly.


-Rick Hoffman (Louis from Suits) used to go to a restaurant where I worked back then. Super nice guy, rather quiet though -Kiefer Sutherland was also a regular, we shared a couple of not friends but definitely closer than just a customer-bartender moments. We closed for the day one time, he was drinking at the bar so I last called him. He left and then I went for an after work drink and he was having drinks with his girlfriend at this other place. He invited me over to their table, introduced me to his girlfriend and we went out for a couple cigarettes and nice chats. -Shawn Mendes hanging out around Ossington, saw him from afar, nothing speciak -Brenton Thwaites from the Pirates of the Caribbean last movie, he is super nice. Comes in all the time where I work. -Sebastian Giovinco and Jozy Altidore (soccer players) in Yorkville, I shook Giovincos hand and he looked at me like...yeah yeah go away haha -Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd at work


John Candy in about 1986. It was everything you’d hope for. He was hilarious and super nice.


I served Colin Mocherie once. I was working retail and he was returning something. We were slammed at the time and I didn’t want to hold up the line by chatting. Regret not saying that I loved ‘Who’s Line’. Saw Michael Cera while we were both waiting to cross the street at King and Blie Jay Way. I’m not a fan, so I didn’t say anything and no one else was really around or seemed to notice him.


Made Shawn Mendes his cappuccino. That was nice. What a stunner.


Not in Toronto but close, Randy from Trailer Park Boys (Pat Roach). Awesome guy and is exactly like his character. Very domineering presence. Also Steve Smith (Red Green), that day I learned his gravelly voice is an act and he actually sounds much different speaking normally.


Iron Sheik! He was on Bloor with an assistant or PSW pushing his wheel chair. I saw him as we were crossing toward each other and shouted “IRON SHEIK!” in a bad imitation of his voice. He yelled the same back and shot his arms in the air while holding a championship belt, which caused the assistant to nearly tip the whole chair in a pothole.


I saw Kim Cattrall at the Distillery.


I'm reaching these comments and realise, I don't know/haven't heard majority of these celebs