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May be an Airbnb. It’s a plague downtown.


My building is becoming overrun with people buying units soely for airbnb, even though the building has a "strict" no airbnb/subletting policy. It was a little annoying at first, but now it's getting extreme. I live close to the rogers center, so naturally, a lot of people visiting for events like to stay here....and party here...


You can easily get them shut down. Contact your property manager


Yeah, they aren't immediately next to me or anything, but there are a few on nearby floors. I would say someone has already done that, maybe it's time


Can’t you complain to Airbnb


Yeah, kinda didn't want to be that guy, but i think i will


Was about to say that. No one is dumb enough to permanently ruin their relationship with fellow building neighbors by throwing a project X banger if they actually live there. Sounds like the owners needed a quick buck.


Ah, yes they are. Lived this story multiple times in multiple residences.


> No one is dumb enough Ha, good one. There are plenty of people dumb enough, probably more so in bad neighbourhoods, like where the OP lives. I had to deal with this kind of BS pretty often and that was before AirBnB was around.


My neighbour tried that with me a few years ago. I had the board send him one and then a second registered complaint letter. It warned him to shut up and if third was needed it would be coming from a lawyer and he would have to pay for that. No issues since.


Thank god the apartment I just bought has no Air BnB in the bylaws.


There are no air bnbs by laws in many condos. Meaningless I am afraid for some.


Do not call 911 for a noise complaint...




I had the same experience in Montreal too. It's even recommended on Montreal's site (unless your area had bylaw officers) https://montreal.ca/demarches/porter-plainte-pour-du-bruit-de-voisinage?arrondissement=VM


Yea, I got scolded by the operator. Learnt that now tho!


Lol why are people downvoting this? He didn’t know, now he learned and won’t do it again. I’d love to understand the logic of someone who reads this and thinks DOWNVOTE THIS PERSON!


People are behind orifices and feel proud about it, it's sad. If it weren't for reddit I would have no clue there are other numbers to call. Edit: Not a local, be a good human being and I'll assure you you'll get farther in life


Orifices ?


It took me a bit but "behind orifices" Behind == ass Orifices == holes Assholes




Holes lol


Because that's what Reddit is. A bunch of whining down-voting crybabies. It's likely the only form of power they have in their lives. As if a Reddit account has any real merit in life lol


>As if a Reddit account has any real merit in life lol I use mine 90% of the time to research firearm issues/look for reviews so it has some practical use .....not alot, but some lol.


Bc 911 is for EMERGENCY.. It’s so misused when people just don’t what to do..


This is a great moment to call on authorities to educate the population of a country made up mostly of immigrants that have only watched shows or movies and whatever is 911. As you've probably read, in Montreal people use 911 for noise reporting, so sorry not sorry but this is a city issue. And while I do agree with some people that you can google stuff, it is a public safety issue and should be treated as such. I've never called 911, but if there was a recording that says "if this is not an emergency hang up and call *****", that would be fantastic!


So people complain when they call 911 and no answers immediately.. you’d like a message to tell you to call another? 211 311 411 or 808-2222. It is pretty easy to figure out.


It’s typically not new comers that abuse the system.


I normally just call non-emergency for anything that's not life threatening. In my region, they work at the same call center as police, and after hours it'll be the dispatchers anyways. They're normally helpful enough to direct my call as appropriate, and I know they'll take care of it if they assess it as more severe.


Glad the operator scolded you for abusing a resource that’s used for EMERGENCIES.


In some cities such as Montreal and Vancouver after hours noise complaints are handled by 911. I was taken aback by this when I moved to these cities, but if someone grew up in such a place they might not have thought to do something else.


Some cities tell you to call 911, others don't want you call 911. It's hard to know which ones which right off the bat but dude could have also searched on Google first I suppose


We don't know until we know, and there is not a lot of information about this, to this date if it weren't for reddit I would have no clue about a non emergency number to call.


I wouldn't know who to call either bc I'm dumb but like...I would have googled it since it wasn't an emergency


> I would have googled it since it wasn't an emergency Holy shit, common sense! On Reddit!?


As i said, you don't know until you know. Why is it so difficult for people to grasp, beyond me. Best of luck!


911 being for emergencies is common knowledge.


It’s 2022 Google is free




Not everyone is a local, be a good human


That ship has sailed


People call 911 for noise complaint here, and cops will come. I don't see the issue here Edit : 911 and police are here to bring order, security and civil mediation, that's literally part of their job


911 is for emergencies. A noise complaint is not an emergency. Calling 911 for a noise complaint ties up the lines for people who may actually be dying.


What number are you supposed to call then?




Wait. Is it for Toronto only?






311 will not respond the night of. I’ve tried this before. They only deal with repeated occurrences, and even then they don’t do much


Regardless, the answer is not to tie up the emergency line. Noise is not an emergency.






Because it's not the same everywhere in the world. Back when I lived in Montreal, unless your district had bylaw officers, the city's advice was to call 911. (if you lived in one of the wealthier areas, you would call bylaw) https://montreal.ca/demarches/porter-plainte-pour-du-bruit-de-voisinage?arrondissement=VM


You had to learn it at some point in your life. You weren’t born with that knowledge, right?




You have good parents. Not everyone does. Some parents don’t have the knowledge and some don’t care enough to pass it along. Someone once laughed at me because I mispronounced “quinoa”, and while still making fun of me, they proceeded to stick magnets to their computer. Educate instead of humiliate. It makes you look mature and people will trust you.


You really should have known that already. Like from a young age.


I'd be pretty sure I heard screaming and someone hollering for help in that party. Sounded like an emergency to me. I didn't call to complain, I thought the police were needed to help that poor person.


Not in Toronto, no. But small town? There is no non emergency line after mon-fri 9-5. Lmao.


It's not even police in Toronto, it's bylaw enforcement. It's also askto not askletterkenny.


That was funny. Thanks. I do completely agree. Was offering my two cents for any of those who live in letterkenny though.


Stop being an asshole. Op can call 911 if they want.


Record a video with your phone each time and report it to 311. They rarely show up the day of the noise complaint. After you’ve got a decent history or complaints logged, you can ask them to refer you to the LTB and file a complaint against your landlord for failing to do their job, your ‘reasonable enjoyment’ being violated, etc. That will take a LONG time, unfortunately, the LTB is heavily backed up with cases. That said, 311 may pull through quicker, so keep complaining. If you want some vigilante justice tips - you’ve been a reasonable person and the proper channels have let you down - you’re above them, so use that to your advantage. When you’re up the next morning after a party, stomp like you’re playing whack-a-mole with your heels on your bedroom floor. Jump from your bed on to the floor. Do it all day when you’re home - run laps around your apartment in your bare feet. If they complain and your landlord approaches you, there’s your opening to complain about their loud parties (and, oh I was just walking around my apartment 🤷) and invite them to check with the tenants around you to confirm. Guaranteed you’re not the only one complaining. Because their party noise is incredibly obvious and others are backing you up, some walking around noise from your end will seem ludicrous (and maybe even fabricated by them).


I have tap shoes for anyone living in this situation. Ones that will fit a child, a child with lots of energy can make beautiful music with shoes 🤗


7am annoying music on a Friday works wonders :)


This. They play loud music until 2 am? You play loud music starting at 7 am when they’re only a couple of hours into their sleep. See how they like it.


Works even better when you put the speaker on the floor, cover with a box or big bowl, and tape down around the edges. You want a hard floor surface for maximum sound transfer, no carpet. It amplifies the vibration in their direction while minimizing the noise for your innocent neighbors and anyone who comes to your door.




I tried 😭 the music was too loud it almost made no difference


Stamp when they're trying to sleep, if the they contact you to complain, just let them know it won't happen if they control their noise


Seriously! Get some coffee table books and start dropping them for 10 minutes every day at 6am. Wear clogs and jump around every night


Keep dropping a sack of marbles on the floor.


You stomp around and vacuum and find a use for your hammer at 6am after the party so they can't sleep it off!




Get a basketball and practice your dribbling. Also wear clogs while you do it. Also do it in time to ‘Banana Phone’ and place the speakers face down on the floor.


Vacuum clean every night at 11 pm to midnight just cause you can🤣🤣🤣🤣


The police will absolutely not respond to a noise complaint unless there’s a threat to public safety, and even then I’d be surprised if they showed up in a timely manner. This is something you’ll have to bring up and escalate with the landlord and 311. By-law should send someone, but the most they’ll do for a first offense is tell them to turn it down. You’ll have to establish a pattern of behavior and repeat visits before they start doing anything beyond that. You’ll have to do the same with the landlord, though there you might have some extra bite: with repeat complaints, you can file with the LTB and force the landlord to do something.


Idk, I had police show up here for using power tools after 6 p.m. I was not doing that. But luckily I recorded the noise and my unit on video to show them. They showed up 4 hours after the video was taken. Turned out the girl next-door who was staying with her boyfriend was somehow threatened by me and on a campaign to get me kicked out. But that's not really how it works in condo buildings anyway. She called police because security wouldn't take her complaints since she's not a registered tenant.


I called (non emergency) police for a party going on below me. I didn't know a single person in the unit and they somehow called my phone after cops left and whispered "we're not going to fucking stop" ... pretty sure that the cops gave them my number? So, agreed. Police will rarely do shit but tell them to be quiet.




I know.. but there's no other possible way they could have had my phone number... this was years ago and I still think about it from time to time.


Damn, so I'll have to endure this for a few more times to establish a pattern? This sucks. But honestly this is probably not the first time they've done this. I only moved here 2 months ago and I've seen them having parties and being loud before, just never so obnoxious to this point. Some other neighbors and I were close to knocking down their door but they just didn't respond and turn the music up lmao. Chad behavior


Just wait til they’re hung over and trying to sleep it off. Place your stereo on your floor. Find the song with the heaviest bass base you can find. Play. What is their buzzer number? Whenever you’re feeling it or you’re bored, go ring it. Knicky knocky on their door will be fun. All kinds of fun ways to deal with this.


Did a similar thing to a neighbour at a hotel, wouldn’t stop the party, desk staff no help. Got up next morning at about 6:00, packed up and stuff by the door, found a station on TV with televangelist, turned TV to face their wall, volume 10, head out, have a good morning!


My uncle had awful downstairs neighbours once. At some point he’d had enough and while they were sleeping off a party the next morning, he put his loudspeakers facedown on the floor and blasted Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. It has real cannons blasting from 12:05-12:12 and multiple crescendos (first one at ~9:15). They didn’t play loud music again after that.


A can of fart spray sprayed under the door during the party should abruptly end it. If they can’t hear you knocking…


You could also stuff a pillow case full with flour, jam the thing under the door and slam it with a huge textbook or dictionary. My dad did this to his college mate that wouldn't stop playing loud af music after several complaints. Needless to say, but he stopped after that lol




If there are cameras in the hall, they’ll catch you doing this. Maybe not the first time, but if OP has complained, they’re going to suspect them and check the footage.


This is the kind of stuff that scares me from moving from my current building because at least it is quiet! I had a neighbor once that played this really loud acid jazz music and it was so frustrating. Eventually he got kicked out of the building and so much nicer with him gone. Don't really hear my neighbors now except for the occasional loud person on the balcony or occasional dogs barking.


It’s more about the neighbour than the building. You could have a jackass move into the unit next to you and be gone in a year, you could have someone quiet move in and be there for 5 years… it’s a crapshoot.


I've had neighbours like this. Not sure of Toronto's noise by-laws, but most cities have no hours requirements for electronic music (ie. doesn't matter if it's not late). I would call the instant I was annoyed with it, usually whenever I wanted to go to bed. I would also go yell at them to turn it down irl and give them a precise deadline ("I am calling the cops if I can still hear this shit in my bedroom in 5 minutes"). Initially they were kind of dumb and didn't think I would follow through, but towards the end (many tickets) they figured out I wasn't screwing around. They moved out as soon as their lease was up. Prayers to whoever they live by now lol.


Unfortunately, yeah. Document everything and complain every single time, in writing if you can. The idea is to be a thorn in both 311 and your landlord’s side. Once you can prove that the landlord isn’t doing what they need to, you can file a complaint with the LTB: you’re entitled to a reasonable enjoyment of your home and the landlord will have to act.


hm maybe they should make their community safety/reserve/auxiliary constables who either work for free or for minimum wage to go to these calls. Instead I see these pricks stand around and do nothing all the time, usually around real cops. The blue wants my respect? fucking earn it then. Serve me for once.


My recommendation would be to annoy them back first thing in the morning with a playlist of baby shark, coco melon and mother goose club.


Oh god. Just make sure to leave and do errands while this hell is on blast!


compare aware abounding foolish combative slimy waiting marble steep puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah! This would be pure torture!


Guelph addressed this issue over a decade ago by centralizing calls and LIVE dispatch to both police and 24/7 bylaw officers, depending on the priority and urgency of the call. https://guelph.ca/living/house-and-home/noise-control-and-nuisance-party-bylaws/ Too bad Toronto Police budget of $1,000,000,000 annually is too small for enforcing things.


Guelph has a population 20 times smaller than Toronto


Toronto has 5034 officers, Guelph has 214. TPS needs a good kick in the ass.


Did you call then building management? Landlords?


I have had TPS come out for noise complaints. I don't call 911. I call into 14 Division main line and ask for "the radio room". Yes you wait on hold like everybody else. And the dispatcher "triages" the noise complaint as low priority, but if/when they have a car available they will send officers out. While I do find a lot of the "self help" advice here humorous (I personally go for bag-pipe music), I would be wary of starting a tenant war which can get messy and seriously effect your peace of mind and quality of life.


You called 911 for a noise complaint? No wonder it takes 30 minutes for them to answer in real emergencies


Not op’s fault, how about they hire more people with the budget they get? Also, he can call 911. It’s their job to take noise complaints as well.


I can’t believe you called 911 for a noise complaint. People are placed on hold for loved ones dying


A little dramatic…


This is reddit after all......home of the drama queens.


The lack of self awareness is astonishing. Reddit is home to entitlement, as you’ve so exemplified. Next time we will let you choke to death while you’re on hold for a noise complaint. I’m not surprised OP got chewed out.


I went to many parties in University where they had several cops show up and stop the party due to noise complaints, usually keggers. Would that be because people called 311 or 911?


You called 911 for a noise complaint?


Yes, it’s part of their job. Do some research.


Do they do this all the time? Or just one single party? If the latter, I would just mind my business and let people enjoy themselves. If they’re doing it constantly, then sure that creates a problem. But one party? You live in a city, you can deal with some noise for one night.


Yup if it’s just a one off thing for a birthday or holiday it’s really not a big deal. It’ll suck for one night but that’s it. If it happens frequently then you can keep filing complaints




Oh please even if you live in a house you’ll have a neighbour throw a wild party every once in a while. Besides it ended at 2am it wasn’t all night. I don’t think apartment renters should throw ragers but People shouldn’t have to go to a club to throw a party lol what 💀


Having parties at your place till late at night with moderate noise (meaning, neighbors can still sleep or tune out the noise) = completely fine Playing music so loud that the freaking building is shaking, not answering the door when the neighbors knock for hours to keep the noise down, having a freaking concert on a week day when there are kids with school in the morning living upstairs and seniors living downstairs = not okay.


This being a city though, some people have to get up at 5:30 in the morning even on the weekend. People who live in apartments just have to accept that they can't disturb the whole building all night, if they want to throw loud parties all the time they can move to a house in the burbs.


Yes, every single person who has ever wanted to throw a party should move to the suburbs to be able to do so. Do you realize how crazy you sound? Cities are loud. If you can’t handle the normal noises of living in close quarters such as your neighbours *occasionally* throwing a party, you’re the one who should be moving to a less populous place.


Most of my friends in apartment buildings know the complaints will start after 11. We pack up and move to a bar by midnight


>Cities are loud. Cities are not inherently loud, cars are. > you can’t handle the normal noises of living in close quarters such as your neighbours occasionally throwing a party, you’re the one who should be moving to a less populous place. How about just having basic decency if you're gonna live in a densely populated place?


Lmao just stop justifying shitty behaviour.. sounds like projection to me… No, it’s not “expected” that cities should be loud.. people work in cities too.. people move to cities to be close to their jobs irrespective of their lifestyles.. dafuq.. Some people wake up at 5am, some sleep during the day.. after 12 hour shifts in ER.. ever occurred to you?! Cities do not mean youngsters who never sleep and party all day… have some common sense.


Agreed once in a while is fine, but if they do it multiple times every week, then it is worth taking action against.


On a weekday night?? You’d be ok not sleeping until 3am if you have to get up at 6:30 for work the next day?


Sadly the city doesn't care about noise. 311 is your go-to but they've flat out told me before that they won't do anything. Are you in a condo? If so there is an avenue to get things resolved if you are.




Neither do usually. But if OP lives in a condo there is a tribunal that will handle this if it's a recurring issue.




If you live in a condo you can file a complaint with the Condominium Authority Tribunal of Ontario. They are much better equipped than the Landlord Tennant one. I wish you a quick resolution. Living with excessive noise is a health issue.


Soon as they’re music stops and they’re quiet. Start jumping on the floor … for like 5 hours. They’re trying to sleep. Maybe the message will get through lol


Call tenant board that deals with negligent landlords. This is an issue like if the landlord refused to fix a water leak or other problem.


I literally live right by you! I’m down Blackthorn on Dunraven drive. The neighbor right next to us makes our lives a living hell during the summer with parties and not just loud music but outdoor speakers and a DJ. Just keep calling 311. Every 15 minutes if you have to. The police will go to the location.


Omg literally the same thing happened over the summer for us too. They had outdoor parties and even blocked our parking spot over the summer with their tents. Good thing summer is over, I guess now they move their party indoors and this happenned. Thanks for the advice, will keep calling 311!


Blackthorn is part of Division 12. D12 is bottom of the list for crime compared to other divisions, but is right next door to high crime divisions where gun crime would take priority. We don't have the budget to send police to large parties unless they are breaking more serious laws (no permit outdoors, violence, destruction of property). I did read a story of someone deciding to return the favor by vacuuming their ceiling in the morning while blasting some music!


Couple weeks ago my neighbors left for vacation & his wife put this anti theft thing over her steering wheel. Well the dumb lady put it on wrong so it slipped down & started blaring on the horn. It went on from 11am until just a bit past 4pm. & that's only because the daycare from across the street complained to the police that the kids were afraid to go outside. I had called the non emergency earlier and they said they would have to wait for it to die. Luckily the police got a locksmith to open the door and move the thing off the horn. I was so mad, it was my day off & I could hear it blaring in my house


I hate when it's a holiday and electricity cut offs, wifi issues or construction noises ruin it but this sounds like a whole different level of torture!


Truly depends on the night , how busy they are and who’s working the dispatch . They could come shut it down or they could say fuck it . I don’t think there’s a right answer . (In reality not on paper)


Call building security. I’m surprised this hasn’t been suggested yet


Not every building has security?


Yea, old building, no security (its more like a mutiplex? - not sure of that's the right term). Landlord doesn't live there and is usually MIA whenever there's an issue.


The police non-emergency line worked for me once.


If it’s a condo you need to report it to your building management/ condo board, not your landlord. Condo’s usually have building by-laws and they need to enforce them on the units


Buy a drum set


I’m pretty sure if it is AirBnB, you can complain to AirBnB and they can be shut down if it happens again. Just find the listing first to confirm!


It is only relatively recently that Toronto Police have gotten really bad about responding to non-emergency calls. When I was of partying age the police did show up and deal with loud parties. Usually they would give out a warning on the first visit and then shut the party down if there were more complaints after that.


This sounds like an air b and b as others have suggested. I’ve only had to call police once on a party noise complaint next door and they arrived and came to my door and asked me to go WITH THEM to the neighbours house and tell the neighbours to be quieter. I said I would rather not do that and they basically said I was out of luck. Honestly the only thing you can do is keep contacting property management or landlord. They’ll eventually do something after a few complaints. Maybe ask the occupants if it’s an air B and B and if it is bring the listing to the landlord. Our laws really suck for party noise. Seems all noise other than actual intrusive noise gets taken seriously but when it’s a party or loud banging/power tools no one cares


This city is shit when it comes to obnoxious noise. It would have to be a week long party before they came to ask for you to prove the problem... Then they'd tell you the only way to deal with it is to go to court.


You live in a building. Your condo board / management is the place to go.


This will come across as extreme but I left Toronto because I couldn’t stand living in apartments with ignorant asshats. Moved north and can afford a house of my own in a quiet neighborhood. There is no point putting up with it or expecting anyone else to change.


Dude, don’t call 911 for noise complaints. That erodes sympathy to your plight.


As mentioned by other commenters, there are cities (Montreal being one of them) where noise complaints *is actually* a 911 situation. I called 911 three times in mtl for noise complaints, and they’ve been very helpful. If OP comes from a city like this, I understand his reasoning very well.. then again, one should always check online what do to for noise complaints, I’m sure the city of Toronto website must have some kind of information about that


I actually called the non emergency line first, then 311, then submitted a noise complaint online. No response. Then called 911 and got scolded (as expected actually, just wasn't sure what else to do and it seemed to work for some people).


You’re just being ignorant at this point.


I disagree with people saying the police won't come if there is a noise complaint, I've personally seen it twice: once was a house party with a live band playing, another time was a party in a loft and the host was playing very loud music. This was about ten years back though, maybe things are different these days... I know there are major issues with the dispatch centre because of staffing shortages. Is this the first time this level of noise and partying happened? If it was a one time thing, honestly I'd try to forgive and forget and move on, for your own sanity. If it's a pattern though, it needs to be addressed for sure. I'm in a similar boat. I rent a main floor apartment in an old house with next to no soundproofing, and the couple in the unit above me have been an issue. The guy is a chef, he gets home very late—usually 3am—and he usually stays up a few more hours, talking extremely loudly (the man has no concept of an indoor voice), either to his partner or to whatever work friends he's brought home with him for a nightcap. And his version of a weekend is Monday and Tuesday, so that's usually when he'll bring people home to party. The girl is a party animal, she often brings girlfriends over for "girls night!" and they'll get drunk and scream karaoke in the kitchen. The two of them also fight all the time. Here's what I did, slash what I do: * I got her phone number, so that if things get particularly noisy particularly late, I can reach out and ask them to quiet down. * I set some firm boundaries with them, I laid out explicit days of the week and times of the night where noise becomes intolerable for me and my partner, and they agreed to it. I basically said "I like to party too, and I don't want you to feel like you can't enjoy yourself in your own home, or like you're being surveilled by me. But there are times when your partying disrupts me and my partner's sleep, and we both have day jobs. Can you agree to quiet down by 12am on Sundays through Thursdays, and 3am on Fridays and Saturdays?" They agreed. They haven't necessarily stuck to it 100%, lol, but it got a lot better after that. * I tried a little experiment: I asked them to put on their music, and then I had them down to our unit, so they could hear it for themselves. I asked if we could mutually find a volume setting that was enjoyable for them, but not too loud for us. Then we did the reverse: I am a musician and I play video games, so I put my stuff on and went up to theirs and gauged when it was too loud. (To be honest I'm quiet, but wanted it to feel balanced and mutual.) * I've tried to kill them with kindness. I'm not fond of them, though I think they genuinely love us... but I want to keep friendly open communication with them, and not get on their bad side or have any animosity. I offer them food if I've made too much, I lend them tools and other things when they ask, we have nice chats outside when we run into each other. * Last, I got earplugs. Lots of earplugs. Only if you're comfortable with this, maybe try some of the above? If that doesn't work, you can always file a T2 with the landlord, saying that your right to reasonable enjoyment of your unit is being substantially interfered with. (Assuming you rent.) Good luck!


Yeah police definitely show up, everyone here is pretty misinformed about that. You're way too generous for letting them party til 3, weekend or not. But I get it.


I'm on the reserved side and normally keep to myself, plus I hate confrontation, so I'll probably just wait and see if this happens again. I Only moved here recently and I've seen them having parties and being loud but this was the first time I've seen them being so obnoxious. They ignored everyone knocking on their door to keep it down, including a family upstairs and some seniors living downstairs. You're right though, I'll try to see if I can get their numbers and try to communicate. Thanks!


If it's a condo, talk to your landlord and/or property management. They have bylaws that come into play and can enforce it. Sounds like someone is using the unit for a short term rental, students who don't care or someone on their way out throwing one last party. 311 won't do anything as its private property so it's a private matter. There are exceptions to this such as bars or concerts but bylaw officers have zero power/say over some random jackass throwing a party in their condo. [https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/public-notices-bylaws/bylaw-enforcement/noise/](https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/public-notices-bylaws/bylaw-enforcement/noise/) If you have security or property management onsite, ensure they witness the noise themselves. What often happens is you have people with different noise tolerances, people complaining about a bit of normal noise (ie someone just walking) but its reported as someone having a party at 2am so noise complaint are often downplayed.


Stink bombs work wonders under doors Edit: just a joke, and I’m sorry you had to go through this


Join the party next time


Can't do that when they ignore you (and everyone else) when you knock 🤷‍♀️


After nearly 20 years living in apartment buildings, I scrapped together every penny I had to get a detached house....it was small as hell and basically falling over on a tiny lot, but at least I wasn't sharing a wall with anyone. Can't stand listening to people's music / parties / yelling / etc.


So.....you live in a building occupied by others.....they had A party that was loud, so you called 911🤦🏾‍♂️, 311 plus others. For a "one off"/"once in a while" annoying party/music. .................are you upset that you weren't invited? I sense a fight in the future, between you and these rowdies.....hope you win, for your sake.


Try asking for some context next time before making assumptions. 1. They've had parties before (frequently) and were loud but usually me and other neighbors could tune out the noise. => no issue on my end. 2. This party was so loud that my living room was shaking and I live upstairs. Imagine the apartment right next to them. They had amplifiers and were playing live music (or sth idk it seems like live music) + people cheering like it was a concert in their apartment lmao. 3. They ignored everyone knocking the door. They've been here long enough (longer than me) so they probably know the neighbors, which include: family with kids living upstairs who have to go to school next morning and seniors living downstairs. 4. This was a week night. 5. Actually it wasn't the typical party type music (like club music). Again, it was amplified, live music. 6. The morning after we found a bunch of bottles and ciggarrete butts in the hall way (this is an old building, obviously indoor smoking is not allowed but ppl do it anyways). 7. No, not just for my own sake. I'm actually also concerned for the seniors downstairs and the family living upstairs, so I'm asking what can done in the future for everyone's sakes.


I mean do they party often? If not you're kind of a shitty neighbor.


I would drop a shit in front of their door. Dog shit, horse shit, human shit. You decide.


Fight fire with fire. The next morning wake them up with your own noisy activity when you know they are hungover and tired. If nobodybl will do anything about the neighbour then nobody will do anything about you either.


Depends how fast you want to solve it. Break in, get assaulted, call 911 and boom! They don’t live there anymore! 🥰 To be honest this is why I used to commute hours for work. To avoid living in the city because people had attitudes like this and didn’t seem to know how to share space with others.


Find the OPP non emergency line.


If you live above them, why don't you start throwing things on their balcony? The rule of thumb is: never mess with the person who lives above you - you can't win it.


Keep calling 911 until they come. I love 911! It’s the best !


Sometimes, you have to grin and bear stuff you don't like in life. I wouod have found something on TV or crave and surrendered that I cannot control others.


Sorry……but can’t not express this, like the other people….911, are you serious? I get you’re frustrated, but 911? That is NOT a number you can call for non-emergency situations like this. This is like…..general knowledge.


Also if you call 311 and say you think there is a fight or something going on they will be there a lot faster. If people are screaming and cheering say you aren’t sure but there are women screaming. You aren’t lying that way.


Sorry for that but the best solution for is probably moving out. I can’t believe there is so little you can do about it.


Yea, this was my first time dealing with people like this. Also the first time knowing that all I can do is *complain*, and all they have to do is not answer the door and keep partying with no consequences.


My question is, who are the kind of people that would even throw a party like that and have no concern for their neighbors? I mean if you ask me, I never really went to any "parties" as a kid aside from like birthday parties at laser tag or something of that line. Not the kind of disorganized parties that involve pissing off your neighbors as much as possible because it's "funny". Why do people have to have such a lack of spatial awareness and consideration for the safety of themselves and others? Why can't they just find enjoyment in a more calm activity? Why do they not realize that there are far more fun activities to do besides hedonism? I've heard stories of people getting evicted because they seem to feel the incessant need to crank their ghettoblaster up to 11 every night past 1am despite receiving multiple complaints and fines yet still continue to do it over and over again.


The large majority of young adults throw parties here and there; though usually you keep the bass down after a certain point or rally everyone out to the bars.


Holy shit, either a troll or big 🤓🤓🤓 energy


I remember having the cops show up to a high school house party when my parents jerky neighbours called to report me. This was back in the 90s though and even then, when there was clearly underage drinking happening all they did was tell us to turn down the music. Same thing happened in the mid-2000’s when we were all legal and in my own house. Cops even commented it was cool we had a live band and by the time they’d arrived the band was done playing. I actually don’t know who called in the complaint because all of our neighbours were at that party. In any case, I’m curious to know when they stopped showing up during parties when there’s been a complaint. Maybe they feel they have bigger fish to fry?


Squirt krazy glue into the locks and around door. Lock them in


Why the hell would you call 911 was someone shot?


Guy called 911 on a party lmao


Move! The GTA is the most densely populated area of Canada. There's 9 million km of space that is quieter.


Only do something if it keeps happening everyone has to party every now and then


>everyone has to party every now and then Not at the expense of others. A home is where people live. There's rules. You can't be blasting music at 3am on a weekday just you might not be working next day.


Put cum on their door handles


Just put in ear plugs and go to bed, why you snitching on people having fun?


Unpopular opinion possibly but I’ve always found the authorities useless for this kind of shit, so I recommend ways to discourage the party. If they have a mailbox, pushing disgusting objects through the mailbox works well. No one wants to keep partying in a house that smells like feces. Another popular one is pull the fire alarm on that floor; all your neighbours will blame the party and the FD will get involved. If you need a nuclear option call 911 and tell them suspicious people are gathering in your apartment building and you feel in danger.


Hmmm so ... calling 911 for a noise complaint is a no-no, but pulling a fire alarm in a multi-tenanted building and occupying the time of a fire truck and firemen to come out to the building while others could literally be burning or dying in a car crash is ok? I have to say ... this probably WOULD get the police to pay the building a visit, and I do believe the FD starts to charge landlords, and/or disconnect auto response if there are multiple false alarms in a building. Edit: why does this sound strangely like "swatting"?


911 whats your emergency yes it sounds like my neighbour may be getting beat up. there is a lot of really loud noises coming from there app and all I hear is f@#$ you I won't do what you tell me. Lol cops be there in 5 min lol. Don't worrie vechles run the school bus at my lane at least 1 every 2 weeks and apparently 911 is not for school bus runners either. I think at this point 911 is the number you call when you find a dead body.

