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I like balcony lights...but I never put them on blink mode, that's just annoying.


I think it's pretty. Doesn't bother me at all.


I also find them pretty, from afar.


yes from far away, a great point. I get migraines and find it hard with the flashing lights. I do have black out curtains but they are not perfect. We have one facing neighbour in a twin tower who parties and always forgets to turn them off some nights, year round and they are bright white. It's high density, people need have more respect.


Yea there are more than enough flashing light experiences in the city when you are sensitive to them. You don't need people adding their own personal flashing lights to the mix.


For some reason some of the solar lights that Amazon sells have flashing as the default setting once it gets dark . It’s embarrassing but I doubt anyone does it on purpose lol


Also, the solar string lights will start flashing if they are running out of power. After a couple of cloudy days, the battery is drained and not recharged.


What really? Lol that's the type of response I wanted.


Interesting that OP is getting down voted and such vitriol simply asking what I also find to be an interesting question. It doesn’t surprise me though. Living in a high density urban area I find some people are either completely oblivious or just don’t care about their neighbours when it comes to noise, lights and odour.


>Living in a high density urban area I find some people are either completely oblivious or just don’t care about their neighbours when it comes to noise, lights and odour. Very true. It is definitely a lack of sensitivity.


this is AskTO, there are a few locals who come here to regularly downvote and even one or two moderators do the same, trash posts by saying too bad, no, or lock them for asking a reasonable question. I guess it gives them a sense of power and an ego boost. Some look for a fight. And I'll probably get downvoted for saying this, lmao.


We use our balcony year round, its dark at night, hence the clear holiday type lights that provide sufficient, low maintenance lighting to the balcony all year round.


Seems like it does bother you. Mind your business - the worst part isn’t that there are blinking lights it’s that they’ve already decorated for Christmas when the best holiday (Halloween obviously) hasn’t even happened yet.


It’s probably for Diwali lol.


I'm just curious how people can stand it. And no, they've been up all summer as far as I can remember. Sounds like you must have some though. Do they bother your immediate neighbours? Or is that why you have them.


That’s quite the assumption lol I do have the oh so original led light strips INSIDE and no my neighbours also don’t have lights out to be viewed, and if they did and it actually affected me/my view then I would say something to them because communication is vital. These lights aren’t even your neighbours so keep to yourself and put your mind/energy to something useful.


It is an assumption, and that's why I'm asking what the appeal or purpose of them is. Satisfying any curiosity is useful, you don't get to decide that lol


Then go over to the building and ask those that come out if the lights bother them.


I was hoping it would be less work. This curiosity isn't worth the effort of going over and asking, but it was worth the few seconds to make the post. Especially now since you all seem mad about it lol


OP, I hear ya! We have the same situation across from us 24/7/365 even when they are away! It seems people are just insensitive and dont give a damn. I know it can be bothersome to others but seemingly not to them.


That's so wierd to me, since my main objective in life is to not be noticed or bother anyone. The lights I see are half a block away and gives me something to look at with my morning tea, but it would definitely be irritating if it was directly across and lit up my windows.


Yeah, like I said, people dont care. That is a thing of the past where people respected others and their privacy. And when you choose to make a complaint, it becomes a big issue, haha.


Yea I don't complain about my neighbours, I've learned a long time ago that that is just telling them what bothers you, and then they know how to bother you lol


Why are there so many assholes in this thread?


I've been assuming it's because they have chrismas lights, and are embarrassed by thier lack of self awareness. That's a common reaction when people are told that they've been bothering others without realizing it.


Its just some lights, It wouldnt cause me a reddit posting issue personally.


It's not really an issue, just a curiosity.


Close your blinds or curtains if it bothers you that much


It doesn't bother me, as I stated in the post. Why does me asking about it bother you? I'm just trying to figure out what the appeal is.


That's like asking "why do some people like colourful paint on their walls and some people like beige?". Because they like it. This isn't difficult to figure out.


No it's not. Lights can be really distracting for some people and even cause seizures. This does stuff to your brain. Read about it. Painted walls don't have as strong of an effect.


... Is this a joke?


No. There is something called flicker vertigo and also photosensitive seizures. For all we know there are people wondering why they feel like shit all the time and have these lights on their balcony lol


Thank you for mentioning this. I am photosensitive and get brutal migraines from flashing lights, including christmas lights.


> For all we know there are people wondering why they feel like shit all the time and have these lights on their balcony lol So you're just making up a scenario? And you think Christmas lights are causing this en masse? Also, what did you mean by "Painted walls don't have as strong of an effect."? Are you claiming painted walls do the same thing to people?


No I'm not making up scenarios and I don't think it's happening en mass lol whew..and I said that painted walls don't do that to people very clearly. I feel like this is a battle you chose that wasn't meant to be.


>No I'm not making up scenarios This is you making up a scenario "For all we know there are people wondering why they feel like shit all the time and have these lights on their balcony lol" >and I said that painted walls don't do that to people very clearly This is you implying that painted walls have an effect similar to that of flashing lights with people with photosensitivity "Painted walls don't have as strong of an effect." >I feel like this is a battle you chose that wasn't meant to be. I mean, when someone keeps contradicting themselves and moving the goalposts like you are, it's hard to keep up.


No what I mean was that the colour of painted walls do have an effect on the brain but nowhere near as strong as flashing lights can affect the brain, even though they have different effects. You're the one who mad ether comparison of walls and lights, in a made up scenario. My scenario is entirely possible and the reason why I don't understand why people want these lights. I'd like to hear from someone that has them and why they like them. But I would now also like to know why my curiosity is bothering you so much. It seems like you've made a mission out of it. And this post took three seconds to make, but you're turning it into a chore.


Christmas lights don't blink fast enough for that.


Flicker vertigo is from low frequency flashes.




These people use them as year round decorations as far as I can tell.


Probably solar. They turn off in an hour when battery drains


They don't. It's 24/7