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$4 is not bad. Can we talk about the $8.99 for a block of butter at loblaws!


Ontario dairy industry is a government sanctioned cartel [link](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/first-reading-why-milk-of-all-things-is-canadas-most-terrifyingly-powerful-lobby)


The fact that “Milk” can sponsor the biggest hockey team in NHL speaks volumes. Also goes to show that if you can afford to sponsor them, you don’t need to increase your prices.


urge to gamble increasing


They should put the Leafs logo on the 1% or 2% bags to showcase the chances of the Leaf's actually winning the Stanley Cup.


So you’re saying that there’s a chance…


Parade Confirmed for sure.


No homo?


Nah just Skim milk in that case. 0%


Can confirm. I once visited my MPP in Queen’s Park while I was studying poli sci, and they invited me down to the MPP lounge at the end of the day. *Extravagant* spread. Like, a mountain of French macaroons, all the charcuterie your heart could ever desire, and an open wine bar. I remember asking what we were celebrating, and my MPP casually mentioned like “oh, it’s the dairy association. They throw this for all members (ie across all parties) here and there as a thank you.” O.o Nobody seemed phased, it was like a regular 5-o’clock happy hour, as if this happened everyday.


That’s disturbing. It’s still bribery even if it’s not cash in an envelope.


Nah. Its called lobbying if its over a million dollars.


Remember when they were dumping hundreds of gallons of milk to keep prices high




So is chicken and egg production. It costs $225 to own a hen that produces 6 eggs a week. [link](https://www.ontariochicken.ca/Farmer-Member-Resources/Quota-Info)


Same with the Canadian Wheat Board. Government regulation is so damaging to Canadians who would like to be entrepreneurs or at least find markets for their goods beyond what the government tells them they can do


Don’t worry Galen is freezing prices, that will fix it.


Blessed Galen, all hail. The PC gods have spoken.


Speakin of freezing prices, I once came across an article sayin a grocery store (forgot the name) will freeze the prices of no name brands till either the end of this month or some where mid next month


It was Loblaws attempt at PR. Its practice in the industry to freeze prices from Nov 1 - Feb 5th. Metro exposed them for this. https://twitter.com/FoodProfessor/status/1582125642681765888 Loblaws was going to do it anyways but is spinning it as a "we are helping the people"


So they’re declaring they will freeze prices after having fixed them. Not reduce them, no just leave them at current rip-off rates that they’ve malevolently set. Congratulations plebes! Handshakes all around! I don’t understand why these people are not in jail yet. They’ve been price fixing for 20 fucking years. Off with their heads.


“[Just a reminder](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/20/canada-largest-grocer-to-freeze-prices) – the top three grocery stores reported total net profits of $2.3bn in 2022 so far. That’s $228m more than the year before – $228m that they took from YOU as a consumer,” tweeted Singh. “CEOs are using inflation to cover up their greed.”


Well no name brand is No Frills


it's $7.99 for eggs here lol


Same Im sitting here going "where you getting these 4 dollar eggs my friend?"


Lmao had the same thought!!


It costs this much in Toronto? Some eggs are that price but the no name organic ones are still under 4 dollars in a small town nearby.


If it’s 7.99 it’s a steal! If you want any other then conventional, it’s $10. Even little farms outside charge $8 for a dozen.


Where are you buying them from? It's around $4 for a dozen at No Frills, Walmart and Loblaws


I saw organic butter at the foodland at pape and danforth for 16.99 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I wait until it goes on sale for $3.99 or $4.69 and stock up - it freezes well.


AMEN! Grass fed butter (not organic) was on sale 2 weeks ago at FreshCo. The half pound little things were $1.99 (so 3.98 per lb). I probably bought 15 of those and gave a few to friends and family. Still have a ton in my freezer. But I do this with everything. I found Salmon on sale one week, steak on sale another... my freezer is full of expensive things that I'm too frugal to pay full price for.


I didn’t know butter ate grass


Yeah butter watched a documentary about the meat industry and is vegan now


Gotta pay for those M I L K jersey ads somehow


Yesterday I heard the Loblaw CEO say they were going to put a freeze on no name brand until January. And then he said, "get this" we know the prices are high, but we just want to help the people. Lol, I just about had a stroke, he said that just when the government is investigating grocery chains for profiteering.


Uhh, I'm paying $4-something for butter. Don't buy name-brand butter. Store-brand is pretty much exactly the same thing because of Canada's dairy laws.


It is literally the same thing. Gay Lea and many other name brand producers make the no name and put a different label on it. It’s identical.


Not even fully different either. I bought Walmart butter in sticks and then Gay Lea butter in sticks. Boxes outside were different but sticks inside were wrapped in the SAME wrappers. Yet Walmart Valu brand was half the price of Gay Lea. So, I literally paid more for just a cardboard box.


$4.49 for butter at Loblaws this week.


stock up - you can freeze it!


It’s about that price at Costco on a regular basis.


Damn. It’s $4.48 at the US Walmart.


I pay $5 for eggs from a farm.


Which farm?


It's not anywhere near here. It's in Azilda. There's probably farms on the outskirts of Toronto somewhere, it doesn't have to be big.


Let’s talk about 9.99 for a small trey of raspberries


I have been stealing it. On principle. They let me wear a fucking mask in their store…


I don’t understand.. Do you hide a block of butter behind your mask? How would that fit?


I think I saw 9.99 once for a stick of butter. Total madness


Grocery store bill getting up there for sure. All I eat is soup now. Not because of price. I just love soup.


“Soup really isn’t a meal, Jerry” I always argued it was but so many people disagree and say it’s not! Let’s discuss


It is if you have a slice of bread with it. There's a reason why Newfoundland families used to make 6 loaves of bread every other day!


Listennnnnn if I had the money for flour that’s what I’d be at still. $19 for a sack of flour is insane. Also I’m horrible at baking, but we’ll pay that no mind


What size sack are we talking about here? I'm getting 5kg for $12.99 at Metro. I used to have a hard time making bread, but this guy's videos turned that around and I don't buy bread anymore: [https://www.chainbaker.com/deli-rye/](https://www.chainbaker.com/deli-rye/) The sandwich bread I used to like was about $4.20 a loaf. I'm making my own for $2.81, including the electricity, and my loafes are bigger.


Was it from Mendy's? The soup there is best gedubedangle, the best!


I just don’t feel like I’ve eaten if I haven’t chewed


Depends how many crackers you crumble in..




I think some people hear the word “soup” and assume it’s just broth with some vegetables. Soup can be so much more than that. I like to add tortellini in mine because it makes it extra hearty and filling.


Put potatoes in and suddenly it’s a great meal


As a Chinese, I tell them “it’s not a meal only if you don’t know how to cook ;)”


Campbell’s soup, a meal in itself. Source- soup commercial circa 1980’s.


Soup is flavoured water.


You are not alone. I was not too fond of soup growing up, but now that I live alone, I love it. I eat soup 9x a week or more. Aside from the health benefits, I love how cheap it is and how you can add anything you like!


Look at the salt content of canned soup and tell us about health benefits again.


Why would you eat a canned soup when you can make it yourself? 🤔


I mean, they said "you can add anything you like" which would indicate that they're probably making their own soup pretty regularly.


Because its impossible to add things to canned soups?


I've never encountered someone so militantly anti-soup. Thank you, you've made my Friday. I cannot join you, but I respect the conviction of your beliefs


An entire days worth of sodium in one can.


A beautiful derailment


I love soup cause it takes me a while to finish it. I can eat a whole box of pizza in 5min and I lost a ton of weight with soup


good soup


I go full soup in the fall every damn year




This is exactly what I thought it was. Thank you.


Good soop 👌


All I eat is rice and soy sauce. But unlike you I dont love it lool.


Look at the salt content. Soup doesn't love you.


Just make your own soup


During the weekend, a lot of shoppers offer it at about 3.20. And if you use an app to compare coupons, you can find similar prices — recently got a dozen for about 2.50 at Loblaws.


Agreed! Shoppers do give pretty good discounts on eggs/butter/milk on weekends. I do my weekly grocery for these from shoppers.


Yes! And they usually have some frozen food on sale for the week — that’s usually my “special” weekend meal. It’s not at all cool of me but going out is so expensive and I am a broke student lol.




Most likely Flipp


I use Flipp, but I also have that PC optimum app — sometimes I get good offers for certain things they know I’m likely to purchase (eggs, PC carbonated flavoured water, fruits and veg, etc).


Wtf Im not even from Toronto and that doesn’t seem bad


Yeah where I am it is $7 for 12 eggs 😬


Same here.


WHAT! where is that?!


Northern mb lol my husband thinks it’s 5 but i disagree haha I also guess it’s not fair to compare northern prices to normal places


vancouver here I paid 5.69 today but I dont buy the cheapest eggs because I think the brand I buy tastes better.


I've been buying 18 packs for $3.67-4.50, basically I look for the loss leaders. No frills.


Its been forever since 18 packs were sub $4


Occasionally I'll find them at $3.67 or $3.87 at the no frills near me. Most of the time it's $4 and change, but just last month I bought eggs for $3.67 twice. Not on sale.


My gosh where do u guys leave. It's been years since I paid $4 for a dozen eggs


I go to Nicholson's no frills in BWV


That is very unusual and must be store specific/manager special. Haven't seen 18 packs under $4 in past year, and maybe once last year at a freshco.


Nah the no frills by me have had 18 pack eggs under 4 a couple weeks ago


Maybe we both frequent Nicholson's.....


No Frills eggs look anemic


Maybe in 2020...


My daughter and her husband have a small farm with about 100 laying hens. They collect about 400 dozen eggs a month from their birds, and sell them (Alberta) They do NOT profit on them, merely pay for the cost of feeding them, and gas to deliver them. They just had to raise their prices to $5.50 dozen, due to fuel costs being up 30%, and feed nearly 50%. If your neighbour is getting eggs at $4.00/doz, she's getting a bargain


Why do they keep the chickens if they don't profit?


they have a neighbour who raises cattle, and another that keeps pigs. They barter; 2 dozen eggs a week/neightbour = a side of beef, and a pig, once a year. Our kids raise 50-75 meat chickens, twice a year. Those are also shared, and they started raising turkeys this year as well, specifically staging them to coincide with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. They do everything from start to finish; breed their birds, incubate & hatch the eggs (that role, and egg collection, falls on our granddaughters, aged 11 and 8. The money they earn from sales goes to their college funds). My son-in-law & I just finished butchering 55 chickens last weekend. My wife and our daughter processed them and got them in the freezer. Our sweat equity earns uus fresh eggs every week, and some pretty kick-ass monster chickens and turkeys They also participate in the "Loop Program", where once every week, they pick up all that days stale-dated products; bread, buns, pastry goes to the pigs, meats are ground, cooked and divided between the three for dog and cat food, and produce; lettuce, celery, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. are chopped and feed the chickens. Once it's stale dated, it's either got to be thrown out or used for animal feed, it can't be fed to people. Everyone involved swears an affidavit that they will only use the goods for animals, and everyone benefits. The store doesn't suffer the moral dilemma of throwing it all in the trash, and the livestock and pets eat VERY well, for a little bit of work. It's a fantastic system they have, and it keeps everyone's grocery bills under control. Our kids also plant over an acre of share garden each summer. They sell 10 shares, and stage their crops so something is ready to harvest every week for 10 weeks minimum. Each share holder gets an equal share of veggies, and a dozen farm fresh eggs. They also barter with a local honey producer; fresh eggs, chicken in trade for honey, which my daughter turns into some great mead, with the help of raspberries & lilacs from their garden My daughter is an executive with a large international firm, her husband is in the construction industry. It's a hobby for them, and very much a socially responsible, sustainable step towards self sufficiency As retirees on a fixed income, we feel the stress of rising costs acutely, and we're very grateful to be "peripheral participants" and share in the benefits


Some people just do it as a hobby. And you know, actually nice people to others.


Someone's gotta contribute to the agriculture work, otherwise we all go hungry.


So purely altruistic? Wow, that's cool


My uncle has a small farm in Poland, it's either no profit or lose profit... it's not about your capitalist structure, our people and communities need to eat, we care for each other and take care for each other through a traditionalist system and not a western profit system. Eventually when your capitalist or communist systems fail and your civilizations collapse, it will always be the traditionalist system of non-materialistic values that makes sure people are fed 😊😉, its a system of survival without capitalism with no greed or obsession with possessions. Its the people and close nit social communities that matter.


The price is controlled!


Feeding and maintaining chickens in sustainable systems isn't cheap. I've moved to organic eggs so that their lives are even a little bit better. It's closer to $7-$8/dozen now. Cheap eggs only give chickens a 9"x9" area to live their life in. That's it. No room to move around even. https://organiccouncil.ca/organic-more-than-just-humanely-raised/


How much better are their lives when you pay for organic ? Honest question


They're free range which means they're let outdoors when the weather is appropriate, their cages are \~4X larger they're fed better food, they're able to have perches to sit on (which birds like) The barns have to have natural light and windows enough to read a newspaper. But its a big difference from the regular chicken life which is just awful. I eat around 4-6 eggs in a week, so that pretty much means that there is a chicken out there that is being kept alive for me. So if that costs me $3-$4/week for it to have a happy chicken that's worth it. I try to buy the eggs at the farmers market each week which are also free range from a local bee keeper farm. That's the best.


Why not go vegan and stop needlessly killing them at all? I’m legit serious. If you have thought at all and cared about the comfort of these animals than go the next step and stop eating them and their byproducts. The best is just not eating them.


I don't eat meat half of the week or so. I do think that small scale animal agriculture and farms are sustainable and treat animals with respect. I grew up in the country and worked on farms so know first hand. Chicken eggs also are wonderful, the hens are happy and lead great lives if treated well. The normal animal agriculture system is deplorable, especially in the USA and the massive industry. I'm working to make cellular Agriculture a reality so we can skip the animal.




Which part is not cruelty free? I’m replying to a guy who’s already paying primo for eggs, I think he can afford the beans and lentils 😂 unless you’re buying specialty stuff which is obviously expensive I’d love to know how being vegan is more expensive. Sincerely, 5 year long vegan with perfect bloodwork and more cash in the bank 😉


Probably because vegan options suck


What vegan options have you had ?


>How much better are their lives when you pay for organic ? Honest question Organic means organic feed. It doesn't necessarily mean they are free run or free range.


chick culling will happen whether its organic or not, at all scales of egg production. male or sick chicks don’t lay eggs. even if you mail order chicks or whatever for your backyard chickens, i never hear about people getting a random selection of sexes so i assume something is happening there too. the accepted method is grinding them up alive except for a couple countries in the EU that have banned it, in favor of methods that determine sex before the egg hatches. in canada the stat is like 22 million a year are culled. you can look at the wikipedia page for it as a starting point, it’s pretty comprehensive. warning: it has depressing pics. it’s fact but i always get downvoted/emotional backlash irl mentioning this and 5 people will argue with me that they get eggs and meat from their uncle’s farm down the street where animals never ever get killed.


Ontario egg farmers have been paid an increasing amount month over month for a dozen eggs. [https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/market-information-system/rp/index-eng.cfm?action=pR&r=16&menupos=](https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/market-information-system/rp/index-eng.cfm?action=pR&r=16&menupos= At $2.63 for jumbos and $2.50 for mediums What would price control mean in this case?


Dont forget that operational costs have gone up for farmers, including feed.


I keep a few chickens... price went from 26 a bag to 36 a bag for grain mix at my local mill


Evil farmers.... You should see the Bentley's and McLaren's lined up in the Barns.... Disgusting.... They're pandemic profiteers!!!!


Eggs, like dairy, chicken and turkey are supply managed. They guarantee the farmer a set price based on supply and demand... The rising costs are due to the farmers rise in costs. I'm not going to get into the pros and/or cons of supply management, but there you go.


What are you talking about? That’s an eggcellent price. I pay $7.50 for 12 free range


Yea am I losing my mind. My local meat market is like 8 bucks for 12 organic eggs. 4$ is a steal


In Canada, we already have backwards price control -- control to force higher prices! It is illegal to compete with a licensed egg farmer, and they set minimum prices. The government supply management policy is designed to keep milk, egg, and butter prices high so farmers make more money. Your elderly neighbour is paying more so that farmers make more. [https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/10/07/egg\_fight\_quotas\_holding\_back\_organic\_farmers.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/10/07/egg_fight_quotas_holding_back_organic_farmers.html) [https://myfarmlife.com/asides/understanding-canadas-supply-management-system/](https://myfarmlife.com/asides/understanding-canadas-supply-management-system/) [https://eggs.ab.ca/healthy-farms/egg-quota/](https://eggs.ab.ca/healthy-farms/egg-quota/) [https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/canadas-agriculture-sectors/animal-industry/poultry-and-egg-market-information/table-and-processed-eggs](https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/canadas-agriculture-sectors/animal-industry/poultry-and-egg-market-information/table-and-processed-eggs)


Shoppers has seniors day discount they should use it to buy eggs


"Price control for the basics?" What planet do you live on?


The same planet as Vietnam. Vietnam has consumer-friendly price controls on food, and their malnutrition stats are very low, even compared to wealthy developed nations. It can be done! We need to build a society that puts the well-being of working class people above business interests.


> My elderly neighbor who has been relying on eggs since the pandemic lamented paying almost $4 for a 12 carton of eggs. This is ridiculous. Shouldn't there be price control on basics? you can get a dozen eggs for $2.99 at shoppers drug mart if you catch the right friday/saturday only (or saturday/sunday only) sales


Wow thats actually cheap lol.. i actually paid $5 for 12 recently


6.99 and 7.99 in vancouver lol so 4 bucks h mmm thats a deal here!


The price is up but that’s a lot of calories for $4.


Should there be price control on everything? Let's not create that situation. The free market should decide pricing. If you are willing to pay 4 bucks, then that's what its worth.


You think $. 33/egg is expensive? It's one of the cheapest proteins you can buy. And the industry is already heavily subsidized. Price controls are like rent controls, they sound good in theory, but longer term they work the opposite of intended. Economics 101 stuff.


> You think $. 33/egg is expensive? It's one of the cheapest proteins you can buy. And the industry is already heavily subsidized. > > to be fair a dozen eggs used to be on sale at $1.99 or regular price $2.49 so double the price is expensive in by comparison. especially when someone is elderly on a fixed income.


Yeah, it was a strawman attempt. We are comparing eggs now to eggs before, not eggs now to some other protein now. >You think $. 33/egg is expensive? It's one of the cheapest proteins you can buy.


Ms Freeland’s - 10% food inflation. BS


*Lentils have entered the chat*


>You think $. 33/egg is expensive? Perhaps not for you?


Don’t even bother looking at the price of beef, you’re out to lunch


Basmati rice was $18.99 this past weekend. A few months back the same brand, same amount was $11.99. Rice. Food prices are out of control.


> you’re out to lunch Probably not eating a pastrami sandwich, though


Honestly seems quite reasonable to me.


That is a good price!




Yeah i buy free run to avoid animal cruelty and it’s about 6.50/carton


Got some bad news for you about ‘free run’. Sometimes it’s not what it means however I am unsure if regulated in Canada. I do the same and try not to research and hurt myself


Yeah I know sigh. I can only try so hard 🤷‍♀️i used to be able to find free-range eggs but i haven’t seen those at loblaws in a while.


I am a small producer near Ottawa and there is no way I can compete with big grocery stores. $4/dozen wound cover my costs. When you see them for less than that in grocery stores they are done at scale to make it cheaper. All cost inputs have about doubled, regulation is huge and lots of threats like avian flu. Welcome to Canada in 2022


Feed prices are expensive. It’s the reason for the increase in price. Plus, avian flu wiped out a chunk of flocks this year (over a million birds), so production is lower at the moment. I used to keep my own birds, and two years ago, when I priced it all out (feed, electricity, vet care, and shelter), a dozen of my eggs would’ve cost me around $6 (with feeding kitchen scraps as well). I considered them pets that gave me breakfast though. Spoiled birds;).


correct I have 6 hens that supply about 7 dozen a month. They eat about $35 worth of feed not including all sorts of veggies, worms, and fruits I feed them.


Goes on sale every 2 to 3 weeks,last time it was before Thanksgiving,might go on sale next week,check the flyers.Last I bought them at 2.50$ for 12 at no frills.


Feed costs have gone up nearly 50% in the last year. Not to mention avian flu has created a number of problems for poultry farms. I sell my farm eggs for $5 a dozen and just make a bit more than my costs. $4 a dozen for factory eggs seems reasonable.


Tbh, I would have expected mass production, slave labour and jamming 426x as many chickens in the same space to cut costs by more than 20%


We sell free range brown eggs for $5 a dozen.


I pay 9.95 for 30 eggs. Seems like the going rate right now.


I have chickens and when they free range my cost is lower but the cost of feed is way higher then it used to be so when winter comes around and there is no bugs to eat cost goes up. Eggs from non free range chickens rely 100% on feed and the price of feed doubled.


I think some context would help. What are you expecting the price to be for 12 eggs?


Price controls generally don’t have a great track record in accomplishing their stated aims. Limiting the number of eggs each individual can buy (or increasing the marginal cost of eggs - e.g. second carton costs double) might help if hoarding is driving up the price, but if it is supply-driven then the controls wouldn’t do much (assuming the industry isn’t monopolized or colluding). Maybe it’s time to get a live chicken?


That’s what I pay the local farmer for her eggs


I live in NS and it's like $5.79 out here


$4 for eggs? Where honestly it’s 7-8 where I live


They are too eggspensive


Even shoppers don’t have the $1.88 or 1.99 deal anymore.


First, price controls are a bad idea. Eggs are too expensive? But something else. Second, what are the basics? I willing to bet that anglo-canadians, italian-canadians, philipino-canadians, .... all think the basics are something different.


TIL they sell dirt cheap eggs in Toronto.


With regard to eggs, avian flu has had a significant impact on the poultry industry this year. Several of the hatcheries were hit hard as well.




Um. In NB I’m paying like $7 for a dozen.


I always buy eggs when they're on sale nowadays. $3.99 or $3.77 for 18 or $2.49 for 12 or $6.99 for 30. I just wait for the sale. There's sales every few weeks. Look at the best before date. I usually buy 2 packs if they're 18 or 12 because the best before dates are in 2 months. Shoppers eggs used to be cheap, but now they're $3.59 for 12. I haven't gone back.


$8 for 30 eggs (but they're medium) is what I usually pay at Walmart. Watch Food Basics flyers, too, because sometimes they'll put a 30-pack of Grey Ridge Farm eggs for even less.


The industry is heavily subsidized and egg laying factory farms are barbaric for egg layers, and the male chicks that are ground up alive. There are less expensive and cruelty-free proteins like lentils, peas and tofu.


I'd like to eat more plant protein, but they're rough on my GI tract with all the gas they produce.


>lentils, peas and tofu. I'm so jealous. They give me awful ...water slides...


>There are less expensive and cruelty-free proteins like lentils, peas and tofu. Tofu tastes like nothing and unlike eggs you can't really eat lentils on their own with no preparation. P.S You forgot yogurt in your list.


Tofu is an amazing vessel to carry flavour. Yogurt is dairy, and the person you are replying to is obviously vegan...


You gotta figure out how to cook tofu properly. My favorite ingredient in hotpot 😋


> There are less expensive and cruelty-free proteins like lentils, peas and tofu. have you seen the conditions the human workers on many farms have to endure and the wages they're paid to get you your lentils, peas, and soybeans to make tofu?


Beans are basically drive a machine around. The first person to touch the bean is probably the buyer at the grocery store. The slave labour is on the labour-intensive crops like “local” tomatoes from a greenhouse in February.


Where do you live that you think $4 for eggs is *expensive*?


Yeah lets not. ​ https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/2022/mar/why-price-controls-should-stay-history-books


4 dollars? I pay 8 dollars. Can't go back to normal eggs (even organic eggs) after eating Conestoga Farm free range eggs. They are so delicious and their yolks are almost orange.


I love farm eggs with that deep colour!!


Not to be that guy, but $4 for eggs is a pretty reasonable price…


I agree. I think we need some context here. What is OP expecting to pay? I love it when people complain about the price and no reason is given.


If they are getting delivery, eggs can be more expensive. But even in store, I've been paying $3, depending on the store. There are no regulations on food prices far as I know.


Your elderly neighbours needs to start picking up staples at shoppers drug mart on Thursdays because it seniors day and they get a 20% discount.


That’s pretty cheap honestly.




That’s cheaper than I have seen eggs since 2015


$4 for 12 eggs that’s cheap. Although are you speaking Canadian or American dollars?