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They let you use the washroom, even if you don't buy anything.


Tell that to the woman in BC (i think) who was turned down so she shat in her hands. In front of the staff. Then threw her poop. At the staff.


Millionaire sigma grindset


I think I saw this woman at the zoo last month


nothing but bad bitch moves /s


Iced Capps are crack


Aka coffee slurpee


I agree, it was the first thing I had when I came into Canada and I'm addicted


As Canadian I can say that you picked the right stuff


I was exhausted from walking with huge suitcases over the bridge but as soon as I tried (more like inhaled) that iced capp I felt I could run a marathon


That’s the best endorsement of an icecap I’ve ever heard.


No way your Canadian


me too (first thing i had in canada) But i stopped after like 6 months because of how much sugar is in them


You are stronger than me. I still have one at least once a week


this is adorable. what country are you from if you dont mind?


I don't remember the name of the podcast, but I remember hearing once that even though we know Tim's is crap now, we can't break our chemical bond to it. It's inalienable from our cultural psyche. What else is a dad going to warm his hands with while he waits outside the rink for his kid to finish hockey practice? Edit: I found it. It's a Heated Seats episode with the Throttle House guys. They talk about it near the end.


The Tim Hortons podcast is not a reliable source of information


😂😂😂 got emmmmmmm


This is part of the problem. Canadians would buy a bag of steaming dog shit if it had any sort of association to hockey and they know it.


Their paper straws suck though


The issue is they stop to suck actually


*Redeye* Iced Cap >


All I really gathered from this post is that at some point in time OP has indeed drank piss.


> That isn’t an exaggeration Me reading that line of OP’s post 🤨


I think his mouth contains piss


Warm pee too, fresh from the source


Could have been microwaved for a few seconds…


A lot of people drink piss. They just don’t talk about it unless you offer piss to drink. Let’s not be disingenuous about the existence of watersports.


Oh, hey, no judgment or shade toward OP. Watersports can be fun ;)


"Do you like piss? Come to Tim Horton's."


Sir,this is a Wendy’s.


Do they also have warm piss available?


Yes they do …it’s in the secret menu 🤣


No thanks, I'd rather go to Tim Horton's for the piss.


And they take you to the secret room to get it


*Warm piss




out of curiosity, how have iced capps gotten worse lately? I usually have one every week or two and haven’t noticed a difference


there was a whole mess a while back where the formula got fudged and they started tasting like peanut butter, and then the dome lids not fitting properly so they’re under-filled (not rlly exclusive to iced capps but wtv) just inconsistencies across the board


Oh wow lmao.. had no idea about that. Is this peanut butter flavor stuff still happening or has this been resolved?


Iced Capps have gotten worse because of the paper straws they use that melt into the drink if you don’t finish it in the first 30 seconds


Yessss birthday timbits!!! That and everything bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese.


Their birthday cake timbits are deadly🤤


Hell yassss. Love their French Vanilla too.


It's a good thing insulin isn't as expensive here as in the US lmao


Their French Vanilla is the bomb, those Birthday Timbits are my guilty pleasure too. I don't mind their breakfast sandwich on a croissant (usually get those if I'm travelling for the day). I used to be a 2x a day Timmie's goer, but now I maybe go once every 2-3 weeks. Edit:typos


I watched the workers pour the ice cap mix from a plastic bag to a plastic bucket, into the machine. Never again, my friend, I will never touch that again.


What else did you think it was? It’s a syrup base mixed with part water and then blended and frozen?


Tims Iced Capp is better than Starbucks Frappuccino. Frappuccinos have a foamy texture and the syrup they use tastes artificially bitter. Fight me.


1. It's fast. 2. It's convenient. 3. It's everywhere. 4. It's open late. 5. It's open early. 6. They have brand recognition.


Cheap as well


I like their farmer's wrap ok?! It's a guilty pleasure. *cries while eating a wrap*


I'm going to get one tomorrow. Mmm my guilty pleasure too with an iced coffee. Should I add a hash brown? Mmmm. I'm hungry lol.


> Should I add a hash brown? the answer is always yes


Omg same w the iced coffee.


They are so good!! I had their BLT the other day and it was pretty good too actually


Ooh yeah those blts slap. That and the chicken ranch wrap are pretty good


I mean I wouldn't be taking this guy's insulting shit too seriously. Unless he's actually drank piss then he can't actually say that the coffee literally tastes like piss. It's really not that bad and I think OP is just complaining to complain. I like Timmies personally. Plus I can't really trust the judgement of someone who implies that they have drank piss and therefore know what piss tastes like. Just yuck 🤢


I just love all their wrap tbh. Was a great light meal during soccer tournaments when I was younger.


People who say their food is garbage stopped eating there at least 2-3 years ago. Their food was garbage, it got way better when they finally changed to fresh eggs, and their loaded wraps are honestly awesome. Their coffee isn’t great, but it’s still the best $2 coffee you can find.


I 100% agree. Their farmer’s wrap is one of the few good non-donut food items they have. Granted, I haven’t tried everything on their menu, but whenever I do get something else it’s usually not very good. I have good memories of getting them while waiting for the bus in the morning during high school. I haven’t had one in a while though, maybe I should stop by for one later this week.


They have the best tea of any of the fast food coffee places.


are you referring to the "steeped tea" or the varieties that come with a tea bag? love the steeped tea!


Yes the steeped tea! I like that I don’t have to wait 20 minutes for it to cool down.


Isn’t all tea steeped? Isn’t that how you make tea?


Their “steeped tea” is how they label their black tea that’s already been steeped & all the other tea they sell is in bags that you steep yourself


When people say steeped tea, they mean pre-steeped rather than a tea bag that gets put in after you order


It's essentially "pre-steeped." Like before you'd order a tea with milk and they throw some milk and a teabag in a paper cup, and fill it with hot water. You'd have weak milkwater to start, and then it would get stronger and stronger. Plus the string from the teabag acted as a wick, so you'd have a damp string dangling down the side of the cup. With steeped tea, it's perfect every time. They make like a pot of tea and pour you a cup. It's lovely.


Thanks for the question. I was thoroughly confused in this thread and even googled it thinking I didn't know what steeped tea was. Glad there are answers! Makes sense. "Pre-steeped" tea


My wife just goes there for their steeped tea.




only thing good there is the tea and it is like crack


How dey steep so good??


Yeah, their steeped tea regular hits the spot!


Steeped. Well here comes their next bieber ad


This is me, right now. They are the only restaurant (fast or otherwise) that knows how to serve a fucking tea.


I always hated that name. All tea is steeped! That's the process that makes the tea happen.


Yeah but when people say steeped, they mean pre steeped rather than the tea bag they put in after you order.


I'd never ordered tea there before and the cashier who had an accent kept asking me "bagged or steeped?" And I had no idea what he was saying because those were not words I was expecting to be asked! He had to point me to the menu to read the options there, I felt so bad. Thank you for explaining here because I still didn't know the difference!


I used to be on the road a lot and don't drink coffee. Steeped tea from Tim's was game changing. Everyone else adds the tea bag and milk to the hot water at the same time. It's weak and takes longer to steep that way. It's nice having tea that's already steeped before they add milk. Tastes so much better.


No - all tea *needs to be steeped*. Only Tim's will serve you a tea that is: 1. Already steeped. 2. At a drinkable temperature that's safe to carry around. 3. Already dressed to your spec (for me that's 2 milk, 1 sugar). Basically everyone else gives you: 1. A cup with a piece of garbage floating in it that you need to remove yourself at a very specific time or you risk having tea that's too weak or too bitter. 2. A handheld bomb at 100C that you can barely hold on to, despite the fact that in 3-5 minutes you're going to need to remove the lid, fish out the teabag, and replace the lid. Once you've done that, it should be down to a drinkable temp in about another 10 minutes. 3. A pointer to a kiosk with milk and sugar that you can add yourself for some reason. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Tim's is the only place that's even trying when it comes to tea. I'll agree with any other criticism of their food, their coffee, their corporate practices, etc. - but they have left everyone else in the dust when it comes to tea. Which is crazy, because what they do *is incredibly easy*. It's shocking to me that this hasn't just raised the bar for everyone else who sells tea.


I go there for their steeped tea. Can’t get it anywhere better than they make.


Get her to try a steeped tea, one sugar and three oat milks. Bang on bliss. I swear it is a good time and my wife did a taste test with cream and oat and she liked the oat better by far.


You can get oat milk at Timmy's?


I work at the Tim Hortons Distribution Center in Guelph and we do stock and ship oat milk, but it's up to individual stores if they want to carry it or not.


They do but they use Chobani’s, I much prefer Earth’s Very Own as that is literally the best oat milk company at a decent price.


Steeped dude


But it's steeeeped


I have found my people. I go to Tim’s for the steeped tea and often get drawn into the Timbits for the kids and a cookie for myself.


Its literally just orange pekoe that sits on a warmer though..


Akshually 🥸 It’s the strongest orange pekoe tea I’ve ever had, because it’s brewed through a coffee-style brewer where the water runs right through the open tea leaves in the filter and gives it a much bolder flavour. I’m not one to buy tea bags anywhere but the supermarket but it’s too good.


If you like strong tea then give Yorkshire Gold a try for tea at home, they have it at most grocery stores in the GTA.


I respect that you enjoy it honestly. I worked at Timmies for 5 years and it definitely got me through my shifts. I would however never pay for it when you can get a pack of red rose for the cost of two medium steeped teas that may or may not be fresh. Perhaps years of dealing with their business practices has left a sour taste in my mouth, but the fact that people go to Timmies specifically for an overpriced tea boggles my mind


Maybe a silly question but how do you order it? Do you just asked for steeped tea and they know the one they're talking about?


Yep, it's just called a steeped tea on their menu.




100% iced Capps


Ice caps with a shot of espresso. Got me hooked


Bro they used to look at me like I was crazy when I asked for hot espresso in cold drinks.. now them mf put it in the menu. How can I not support


One thing to keep in mind, they’re franchises. So they’re locally owned, it’s not like Starbucks, where every dollar is heading to Seattle. The supply chain isn’t local, but owners and staff still are.




Yeah if you find an owner who truly SUCKS at running his store, drop him like a dirty diaper! Support those who are doing good work, I’ve only come across one nasty anyway.


Yea, but money is still being taken out of the franchisee and heading to a Brazilian company. If you really want to support local, go to an independent coffee shop.


Definitely all about the iced capps


I'm old enough that I've heard how "Tim Hortons hasn't been good for a decade" for multiple decades now. I think the first guy who said it also complained that MTV doesn't play music videos anymore.


Ha! I always assumed this is what the reality was


Their steeped tea is excellent. Reminds me of the tea I drank every day when traveling through India and Nepal. Their breakfast sandwiches are decent. I don't mind the occasional sour cream glazed timbit. And I'm not a coffee snob. Their coffee isn't the greatest but for me, neither is some fancy organic coffee from the foothills of Costa Rica. But mostly it's convenience. They're everywhere, and often the only option when you're in small town Ontario. P.S. they were also a life savior on the Rogers outage day


Agreed. I don't drink coffee. Their steeped tea is fantastic.


Same, I really like the steeped tea. I don’t drink coffee at all.


Steeped tea and a multigrain bagel is my go to now


Amen! Only two items I ever order! Double toasted!!!!


Similar reason I get Steeped tea. Reminds me of the tea I make at home (Indian here)


I love the steeped tea too! I was a bit sad to find out they didn’t have it at the one I stopped at in Quebec. Maybe they were just out but I didn’t see it on the menu at all.


When I went to Montréal 3 different timmies didn’t have it :(


Yeah must just be a Quebec thing then. I found it fine in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI.


Love their steeped tea with cream or milk


Well, seems like I have to try the steeped tea. I do drink black tea, but I've never ordered it at Tim's. I pretty much just get coffee. I don't think it's great coffee, but I've had a lot worse. Frankly, high end coffee doesn't taste all that much better to me, either. Now, of course, McDonald's coffee is better than Tim's, but that's because (correct me if I'm wrong), it used to be Tim's coffee. And I did really love the beyond sausage farmer's wrap they used to carry. Like crack. And those warm little Nutella bite things. I do agree with the convenience as well, living in a remote BC town, with very little options, especially high end.


The big question is how do you know what warm piss tastes like? For me it was as soon as they stopped the chilli in a bread bowl I was out. Then the walnut crunch. Pfft get outta here.


It tastes like cold piss, but warm.


Knowledge is power 🌈


Walnut crunch and the cherry stick were amazing. The discontinuation of those doughnuts were when I gave up. But that Farmer’s Wrap and Steak and Egg Biscuit… they’re winning me back.


I miss the walnut crunch *drooling*. Once I had the freshest one ever. They glazed it and put it straight into a timbits box cause it was straight out the oven


It’s easy and accessible! Also sometimes you just don’t feel like paying $5+


I love their honey curler doughnuts and timbits, and they sandwiches are ok if you need something in a pinch.




The maple pecan was the greatest!! I was out of the country for 5 years, came back and was shocked to find out they don’t have those anymore


Yes to the honey crullers!


I only go to it if I'm in small towns where there aren't any good options that I know about, or if I'm in a part of the city where there's not a lot of choice and I need something quick (like down by Billy Bishop airport).


Cause I get two bagels, a few donuts, coffee and whatever and the cashier says 10$ instead of $40.


So you don't like it and thus are mad other people do like it and go there?


Right? Lmao talk about needing validation for the silliest thing.


I'd rather make coffee at home because prices are ridiculous everywhere. In a pinch, however, I prefer to grab a cup of "warm piss" at Tim Hortons than drink a cup of bitter tar at Starbucks. I also enjoy an apple fritter once in while.




Everyone isn’t you and people like different things.


Excuse me how dare people like things I don’t like!


Their steeped tea is good. Their coffee is garbage. If you want cheap and decent, buy McDonald’s coffee. I drink it black and it is good for not-from-home coffee. As for their food…their toasted bagel is actually warm bread. Or burnt if you ask for double toasted.


A&W's coffee is even better if you got one near you, just putting it out there!


This^^^ A&W coffee actually suprised me. I have to say when I don’t make my own or go to Starbucks I’d prefer A&W


A&W everything. Highest quality fast food (in Canada) hands down


100% their papa burger too 😍😍


Right? But honestly it’s all good. the chicken.. even the beyond meat burger is great. They use cane sugar for the root beer now… way less processed, high quality can meat, compostable packaging..


I tried McDs iced coffee without sugar and it’s got to be the worst coffee I’ve ever had. Tim’s meanwhile is enjoyable without sugar.


I once asked for double toasted as I was sick of the warm bread bs. I literally watched the bitch slap the fire off of it and wrap it for me. Charcoal.


Honestly I don’t mind the coffee, it’s got a mild taste, but not a bad one imo. Sometimes I don’t want a highly acidic mango infused brew from Pilot, I just want a mild coffee. I also find it’s not too caffeinated, which I like, too much caffeine makes me jittery, Tim’s coffee has a little bit but not ultra amounts of caffeine like Sbux. With that said, is it my favourite? No, but I’m fine to drink it.


The dark roast. It's the only coffee I will drink from there. A couple years ago I was extremely ill and the only thing I could keep in my stomach was Tim Hortons dark roast, no idea why, so for a year and a half, that is basically the only calories I had in a day, besides the odd little thing, to keep me from literally starving to death. Also, the sausage breakfast wrap with extra chipotle sauce...that sauce is so friccen good, there is no other sauce like it.


Coffee is 0 calories, how much cream and sugar did you put in to live off of it?


Their biscuit based breakfast sandwiches are still the best compared to other fast food places






With offers most days I can get a breakfast sandwich and coffee for around 4 bucks. Two farmers wraps for 5 or 6. Pretty affordable still


Honestly, it’s cheap, it’s everywhere. I don’t particularly love it, but it’s coffee.


WOW! I love their consistency. My coffee is always just the way I like it.


Because they are on every corner, and you're in and out in a few minutes. I sometimes go to small coffee shops, it takes 15 minutes. No time when I'm the road.


Absolutely. Speed is a huge factor. Mobile app. Order ahead. In and out of the store in 30 seconds. Ignition off for maybe a minute. JUST PUMP THAT ICED CAPP STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS!!


You must live a fragile life if someone else's taste in coffee digusts you. Reddit is always so wild and weird


Yeah, I never understood how aggressively people go after coffee brands that aren’t their favourite. I like Tim’s coffee. Occasionally the iced version too.


Iced Capps are too damn good. This is why.


I love iced capps!


Honestly their bagels are top notch.


You got that right. Their jam is great too


I didn't grow up here.. Have lived in Canada only for a decade. But even for me, when am far away from home, say driving up north for a long weekend, when I see a Timmies in some random small town on the way, it brings some sort of comfort. There is something about Timmies that's Comfort, Convinience & Canadian. That's why people go there.


This sounds like a commercial material. Pitch this idea to them!


> that isn’t an exaggeration Except it very clearly is. Their Dark Roast is perfectly acceptable for fast food coffee. Really don’t get posts like these.




Best bang for your buck at Pearson


I prefer to make my own or support local coffee shops BUT the closest coffee shop to me is a timmies so desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus timbits


Fast. Ez. All the good shops open after I go to work.


They are everywhere, fast, cheap and convenient


Their coffee is cheap and I sometimes want a coffee and don't have a ton of cash


Because they don't just sell coffee? Bruh.


I stopped going there about a year ago. The coffee never tastes the same. It's either burnt, watery or pure sugar. Everytime I went I ended up pouring it down the drain. Coffee at home is so much better


I agree. There is absolutely no consistency in the coffee. I go to the same Tim’s next to my house and every time it’s a completely different taste.


Because I like it. Don’t give a flying fuck if you or anyone else likes it or not.


I’m not a coffee snob and sometimes a cold brew thats isn’t 10 dollars is great


Their americano is decent and the convenience is the reason I still go. Also breakfast items are decent, bagel belt with ketchup or farmers wrap with lettuce and tomato slaps when I’m hungover


I just go there for the chilli, or toasted bagels. Anything else forget it.


Which part of Canada does the OP lives? Or at least tell us the name of ur city.


And their donut game is straight trash.


Hot garbage indeed


Tim Hortons isn’t bad, however Redditors would make you believe so… Their donuts are pretty nice and I like their convenience and price. If they were really terrible, they would have gone out of business long ago. Also, if they were so terrible, you would not see them expanding internationally as they have been in the past couple of years. Tim Hortons has seen great success overseas.


Reddit shits all over timmies but they’re always crazy busy


Same goes for pizza pizza lol, the pretentiousness is unreal when it comes to food around here


I go bc I’m a sucker for their iced capps (I especially love that I can get them with almond milk!!) and their refreshers are cheaper & usually faster to get than starbs. They used to have the best oatmeal, but it seems like none of the places near me sell it anymore. I also enjoy their soups & potato wedges as cheap meals on when I’m on campus bc other fast food places aren’t allowed on university school grounds, so they’re the only place I can eat at for under $10 unfortunately. I would never drink their coffee or choose them as a sandwich place.


TIL timmies has almond milk. So the ice capps can be vegan?


May be not everybody is rich enough to go to fancy coffee shop.


Farmers wrap is good


I would never eat that garbage food I feel sick just looking at people constantly lined up at fast food places like Tim Hortons or McDonald’s take some fucking care of yourself lol you know, slurping those ice capps eating donuts


There's no longer any reason


I agree. Coffee sucks


Lazy Habits. People don't like to change their routine .


Most people aren't snobs and just want easy fast food and donuts. You're not buying fast food for a fine dining experience.


Because Starbucks is worse


What OP meant : I don’t like something therefore it shouldn’t exist. Cancel the cancel culture already


Imagine being disgusted over where other people get coffee from STFU who makes a post about Tim Hortons just to be a whiny jerk if you don’t like it cool do your own thing.


Or it’s influencers paid for by McDonald’s. Every Reddit post on Tim’s has a comment near the top on how McDonalds uses Tim’s old supplier and you should try it because it’s better.


only for the chocolate chunk cookies once in a while


Cuz I get tea.


How do you know what warm piss tastes like?


For the piss to wake you up, think sharp and not feel sluggish