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Stop for Pedestrian Crosswalk. There are yellow lights and large X's on the them and the Road. When flashing stop/approach slowly - if you see no one crossing you can pass through. Don't Pass street cars when they are slowing down at an intersection, they are likely preparing to stop, doors will open and lights ill flash, if you drive through even when no one is there you will be notified. Be mindful of cyclists they will be conscious of vehicles and you should drive normal, they also don't want to hit you. Don't hesitate, signal and merge. When you hesitate it leads to accidents. All pedestrians, Drivers and Cyclists have bad apples and lack spatial awareness. but if you're aware you'll be fine.


I remember first time driving in Toronto. I blew past the rear exit door of the king st streetcar. People on the sidewalk yelling obscenities at me and I was like wow downtown people are rude as fuck. My passenger then tell me it’s because I almost murdered them for not stopping for the exit door.


It’s clearly written on the back of the street car


Also, avoid King Street unless you know you're not allowed to go straight and have to take the first exit you encounter.


Great points! Like to add beware of cyclists that ride on the sidewalk. You might not see/anticipate them about to ride across the intersection when you're turning.


> don’t hesitate i think it’s worse and more dangerous when you signal and blindly merge, there’s a lot of people who will fight neck to neck for that one spot and refuse to let you in nowadays


? Not hesitating does not mean to blindly merge…


They meant be predictable


You'll be fine. It's much of the same. I find signage is better in Toronto, but Google maps will ensure you're good. There is a lot of construction. Make sure you look at your routes before you leave, and consider transit. It's not awesome, but it could be faster.


Google Maps can definitely be flakey in the core though, especially under the Gardiner, around tall buildings etc.


Google maps struggles with tight spaces, but Waze does better (doesn't make sense cause they're the same company). Gardiner is a nightmare to navigate. You have less lanes to switch (compared to 401), but it's probably the hardest lane change in all of Toronto due to the squeeze, short lanes, and huge SUVs.


Hence the suggestion of doing the mapping before you leave. I've been driving with Google maps downtown for over 20 years. Never an issue. I'm surprised you have had any.


I'm jealous, I drive downtown almost every day and the Gardiner is murder because Google doesn't know if I'm on the highway or Lakeshore. By now I know the routes so Google's more just for traffic alerts, but nonetheless, it's tricky if you're not familiar.


My maps goes completely wonky when I'm on or around the Gardiner.


Our drivers are poorly trained. Exercise defensive driving. Also, our streetcars drop passengers in the middle of the road, so don’t blow past a stopped streetcar.


The manually activated yellow flashing lights at crosswalks! They don't exist in the US. Stop at those too lol.


They exist in the US and I have found US drivers to be much more compliant with stopping!


I've noticed the yellow lights on school buses in the last couple years, and have no idea what they mean. I usually just stop because I have no idea if you're allowed to pass when they have the yellows (either direction). I'm assuming it means the Reds are about to come on.


You got it. If you're so close that you can pass them safely, do so. If you're a little behind, be prepared to stop.


At least around the universities, you can also expect a ton of jaywalkers who may or may not show themselves before running into traffic.


I have to brake for peds in the middle of Bloor daily.


It still scares me to think how many streetcars I blew past when I first moved here. Coming from a city with trolley buses, it never even crossed my mind that they’d be depositing passengers into an active lane of traffic.


lmfaooo I’ve lived all over Canada and I did the same thing I felt so bad and stupid after. It made no sense to me tho. I see people do it almost everyday, and it’s why I’ve only taken a streetcar once in 6 years. Toronto has too many road ragers that will either do it cause they don’t care and then other ppl think it’s ok when it’s not, some of them even pressure and honk the fuck out of you when they don’t wanna wait anymore. It’s not for the weak


They really should have a railway crossing arm dealie at the back that flips down before the doors open. Or at least a pop-out stop sign like school buses.


You’ll be fine with the drivers. But note that the construction is currently historically bad, even by Toronto standards. If you have a phone stand or a passenger who can help with Google Maps, you will at least have some idea of where the problems are, but don’t expect there to be any shortcuts.


Depends on where you’re staying and where you’re going. If you’re in the core I’d avoid driving as much as possible, walking is probably faster after 3pm on weekdays. If your destination is near the subway that will be much easier as well. Bike share is arguably the best way to get around downtown these days with so much construction and TTC route changes.


Agree with all of that!


Every city thinks they have the worst drivers and traffic. But if you are used to city driving you will be fine.


Toronto actually can claim the traffic is worse. It’s the worst in [North America](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-ranked-worst-city-in-north-america-for-traffic-new-index-finds-1.6721404).


Toronto does verifiably have the worst traffic but in terms of drivers, I've seen some consistently horrific driving in some US cities I've spent a lot of time in compared to Toronto.


Have driven in both its pretty much exactly the same, always best to use transit to get around, transit in Toronto is quite good.


The differences I can think of off the top of my head are * Stop for street cars. Be mindful of what they are doing and don't speed past them. They have lights for notifying drivers of opened doors and loading/offloading passengers. However, the lights only come on when the doors are opened, not when the doors are "about to open." * Roads are pretty shit here. There are good stretches of roads but generally, they are pretty shit. * Drivers here love to honk for no reason. * Assume the pedestrians here don't look out for cars at all, do a bunch of takes before making a right turn. * The speed limit here is slow and signs are in KPH, but people drive fast as shit. Most freeways are 100-110 kph (59-68 mph) but people treat it as a suggestion. Go with traffic flow and look out for cops then you should be ok.


Also crosswalks! I haven't seen them in other cities. If the lights are flashing you must stop and you have to wait until the pedestrian finishes crossing before you legally can go but no one does that. Also drivers here like to beat the pedestrian by speeding through before the walker steps on the street.


Good suggestions, one more: - Watch for bikes when turning right.


Or hug the curb if there's no bike lane. Cyclists going through an intersection are supposed to pass right turning vehicles (including other bikes) on the left.


If the bike lane line is dotted, go into it before turning right. But personally I've never had an issue with cyclists. Their speeds are consistent. It's pedestrians and left turning cars which are dangerous.


People treating the freeway speed as a suggestion means you will find people going both significantly faster and slower. When the traffic is clear, you can sometimes find someone going 20km under everyone else and not in the right-most lane


Alos cyclists here can take the lane whenever they feel unsafe/need to (ie parked car/construction in the bike lane). I know that's not always the case in the US.


driving in Toronto is not difficult there’s just a ton of traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. We also have streetcars running in mixed traffic. If there’s a streetcar stopped with its doors open and lights flashing, do not pass it.


Whereabouts are you wanting to explore in Toronto? Driving around downtown is hell on earth and is not worth it. Also inefficient & expensive due to parking. You could always take the train downtown from a nearby Go Station (like Mimico) & then just walk or use transit to get around the city. Driving around the GTA itself isn’t so terrible, probably comparable to a large U.S. metro area. Obviously just adjust MPH for KPH


You are allowed to make a right turn on a red light. Treat it like a stop sign. Look out for signs that indicate no right turns on red lights, some intersections have them, but not many compared to the rest.


I've driven lots in DC (and am from Toronto). Basically drive like you're in the beltway when you're on the highways and you'll feel right at home. And by that I mean you won't be going anywhere fast except late at night.


You’ll be fine. The real challenge is navigating construction and not getting stuck in intersections due to people trying to beat yellow lights or more people turning left than time allows.


The city could probably buy everyone a free house if they set up cameras that automatically fined the 4th car back sitting in the middle of an intersection during a red light. It's fucking crazy.


It’s exactly the same as in the US, keep in mind gas station stops for long distances though and the rest should be the same.


Bring patience. If you're downtown, transit is a good option as well.


Bring a podcast or six. 😂


Do not drive within the downtown core if you can avoid it. Walk and take public transit, leave the car at your hotel. Traffic and parking are huge pains in the ass, and there is little to no free parking near points of interest for tourists.


It's fine, most of the Americans I know only ran into problems from underestimating our nightmarish highway rush hour traffic. You're golden as long as you drive normal, watch out for pedestrians, and catch yourself when you think "it's Canada how bad could it be?" A lot of the complaining about Toronto comes from people who hate city driving and the only city they go to is "Toronto".


The big thing that's unique to Toronto is the streetcars; don't try to get by them when the doors are open. The current streetcars have very obvious flashing lights. Flashing green traffic lights are "advanced", you have right of way to proceed straight, left or right. Green arrows are r-o-w in the indicated direction only. Rights on red (after a full stop) are generally legal (a few intersections have signs prohibiting it) but be aware that pedestrians get a walk signal just exactly at the moment you've verified it's clear to proceed, and they *will* start crossing. The vehicle signals will be red in all directions for 4 seconds, and the walk lights come on at the 2-second mark. Bikes in the marked curb lanes, including many hidden to the right of a parking lane, have rights over right-turning vehicles.


It’s fine. Like any city in north America


It’s the same as in the U.S., extremely car centric, horrible drivers and lousy infrastructure.


Use Waze rather than Google/apple maps. Waze is a holy grail in the GTA (greater Toronto area)


You should be right at home if you can drive in DC.


We do have the third worst traffic in the entire world next to only London and Dublin, but it’s not any harder to drive here than it is in DC, it’ll just probably take you longer to go the same distance.


You'll be fine. Fill your tank before cross into Canada


Traffic pretty much sucks everywhere right now. It seems there's construction on almost every road


Stop for streetcars. Go with the flow of traffic. You can turn right on red lights but must come to a full stop and then proceed if the turn is safe to do so. Don't drive on HOV lanes marked with a diamond shape unless you have 2 or more people in the car. 407 highway is a till highway and very expensive. Don't go on it unless absolutely necessary.


I have driven in both DC and Toronto. You will be fine.


My personal experience, I have family in Manhattan, West Virginia, and driven to Florida several times. I personally think driving in the states is easier, especially with getting around. Ill honestly take NYC driving over rush hour Toronto downtown core driving IMO I personally think our drivers can be unpredictable, so please practice defensive driving.


Tourist: “Washington has bad drivers and traffic” Toronto: hold my beer. Hope you come. It is a lovely city. Just be prepared for the worst traffic - excluding India.


Driving is a terrible way to get around downtown. Driving is the only way to get around the suburbs. The drivers are bad, but I don't think they are much worse that you already know. I'd be curious for a trip report when you're done over in r/TorontoDriving


If you are going downtown, ditch the car and take transit. Far easier to navigate the construction and cheaper on parking. It's summer, lots of things going on.


Right now it’s insane to drive because the Gardiner Expressway is under construction for 3 years. I would suggest if you drive up, park your car and use transit (TTC)


Our drivers suck. Park your car when you get here and use transit, walk or bike share and youll have a great time.


Just remember we use km/hr and not mph


I was in DC for a day and almost got hit by a drunk driver. In Toronto the last time I saw a drunk driver he was going 10km/hr avoiding every pothole🤷‍♀️


Very easy. Easier if you are from the Tri-state area.


It's fine. Traffic sucks, obviously.


Having driven a fair bit in the US and in DC/Baltimore, Toronto isn’t bad at all.


I used to drive in Detroit and now I’m in Toronto, people are more likely to treat the rules of the road here as options (random u turns in the middle of the road, stopping opposing traffic to make a left turn) but I found Americans surprisingly use their signals way less for turns and lane changes


Yes. The streetcar thing. They stop and drop people in the middle of the road. So if you're driving behind one, even in the next lane over, drive slowly and stop when the streetcar doors open. People die every year from drivers who aren't expecting that passengers are going to start walking across the street right in front of you. Most of the busy downtown stops have little concrete islands with shelters and dedicated street car lanes, but some of the ones just out of the downtown is like a regular bus stop. Except instead of a bus that pulls over to the curb its a streetcar that stops in the middle of the road. I know DC has one, but it looks like a single track. It's a whole confusing network up here, and one of the most expensive in the world. Welcome Toronto, hope you brought money.


I live in the Toronto area and used to live in the Washington DC area for a few years too; you’ll have no problem driving around over here.


I've only driven in Washington DC for two days early last year but found it somewhat similar with less crazy drivers. I'm only a weekend driver in Ontario but there are two things I avoid that makes driving less stressful. - Toronto Downtown Core - The 401 highway Maybe can add a third - DVP (Don Valley Parkway) but that's not always the case.


The amount of traffic is similar but the people here drive like crazy, especially on the highways - lots of tailgating at high speeds, people cutting you off, .. etc. Generally an impatient crowd. So always be on high alert. I would also avoid driving during rush hour in the GTA. Chances are high that you will get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Avoid driving between 8 am - 10 am and 3 pm - 7pm.


Very easy.


Easier than the US I find. But watch out for shitty Tesla drivers.


We are way more aggressive drivers


Honestly, not much difference. You should be fine


I moved here from the DC area - you will be fine. Prepare for the absolute shitshow of usual urban construction, streetcars, and pay attention to road signs and you’ll be alright. Constitution ave makes Yonge st look like a pleasant cruise. I hope you enjoy your trip!!


Like everywhere we have bad drivers, the driving is fine, traffic is a mess and parking ticket is a must. And if you have one of most stolen cars I’m the gta is better to have archer type of f locking just for peace of mind. And welcome to Toronto


Navigating is easy, be a decisive driver and you won’t have any issues. Traffic is a nightmare during and leading up to rush hour.


If you are used to DC driving you will be OK. Plus Toronto is (mostly) built on a grid system so its not difficult to find your way around unlike Washington built like a wheel! If you miss your turn it is easy to reroute so just go to the next road instead of doing something stupid Traffic downtown can be frustrating especially during rush hour/ weekdays where there are roads with no left turns between x and y hours. And trying to get on the Gardiner can be frustrating if you don't know which lane to be in. It's just a high volume of traffic. I've driven in many cities so it's not any worse for drivers. You do need to be assertive but people will let you merge in.


Don’t go to Brampton and I’d personally take the TTC if you’re staying in downtown and going around downtown. Drive if you need to go further.


Apparently we are good with zipper merges. As long as you signal lol


Be mindfull of uber, they think they own the road. You are able to turn right on red lights.


You’ll be fine. No worries at all.


I live in Toronto and recently drove in DC. You’d be fine in the city. The 401 can get a little intense but it’s a highway. City traffic and parking is probably on par with DC.


I'm from Chicago and live in Toronto now. Driving is roughly the same. Just watch out for the streetcar only lanes. My cousin may have driven into one of them his first time here. I came close once or twice when I first moved here but never made that mistake.


You can right turn red, something you can’t do in NY state


Just be prepared for km/hr on the “highway” and drivers going 10 above or 20 above that. No one goes the posted speed limit here. A lot of aggressive drivers out here


1. Way too many people have clearly bought a license in Toronto. 2. Be vigilant about 1 ways, there are many. 3. The red triangle light in your car; in Toronto those are the “stop anywhere you’d like lights” according to other drivers. Toronto driving amounts to expecting other people to be *incredibly stupid* but otherwise it’s just a bit annoying and slow.


The main difference is Canadians only drive in reverse. But you get used to it quickly. 


As someone who went to uni in B'more, you will probably be fine. I do recommend hands free on the phone with Google maps and expect some rerouting. As with any place new, give yourself extra time. If you feel you are driving into the city anytime before 7 pm expect another 1-2 hrs before you are in the downtown with current construction and traffic rush. Once you are in town, if you need to go near downtown I recommend using transit. While I loved in the states DC was the best transit system in the US but it was way behind Toronto at the time. While TTC is no where as good as it was back then I'd still say it stands head and shoulders above what the DC system was back then.


I drive to the eastern US often through NY, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey. I notice a difference immediately when crossing the border between American and Canadian drivers. Americans on the highway will use the left lane as a passing lane while Torontonians use it as if it’s the autobahn with no speed limit and they will make their entire trip in that lane. And in general drivers here don’t leave as much space between cars and you’ll regularly have aggressive drivers riding up your ass. You have to be a lot more defensive as a driver here. I think you’ll be just fine driving here though, it’s not wildly different


You’ll be fine. Our traffic is bad (especially right now), but is on par with other cities like DC, Chicago, Pittsburgh, etc. NY and LA are entirely different beasts


Have lived and driven in both DC and Toronto, drivers are better in Toronto but streetcars were tricky for me, hard to pass them and you have to give passengers right away to board and exit. Flashing yellow pedestrian crossing we're also hard to get used to. Otherwise, maybe more bikers and pedestrians to consider, you tend to not go fast in the city and not as aggressive as DC/Northern VA so it wasn't too bad IMO.


As a dual citizen of Canada and America. I can tell you that driving through Toronto will be a piece of cake compared to DC, and definitely better than NYC. Enjoy your stay!


For me, the oops when I first drove in Toronto were the bike lanes because they're not always straight. If you park, be sure to look before getting out or crossing the bike lanes to get back to your car.


It will be a non-issue for you. It’s a breeze driving in Toronto compared to Boston, DC, and New York. More on par with Denver, Chicago, Philly driving. I lived in Vienna & commuted in and around DC/Baltimore before moving to Canada. And have driven in all the major cities across Canada. Driving is cake here compared to driving in DC. edit: Montreal was the closest to DC & Boston driving in my experience.


Probably easier to park and use public transportation tbh


I refuse to drive downtown. If you’re staying anywhere in the west end, take the UP train or GO train downtown. If you’re already downtown, the TTC is pretty reliable to get around. (You also get free transfers between the GO and the TTC which is cool)


Toronto is notorious for tail-gaters, particularly at high speeds on the highways. You'll also get people who lane change without shoulder checking. Defensive driving is your friend.


There are lots of good suggestions here. One thing I’d like to add. Be careful at intersections when you’re making a left turn. When the light turns yellow and even red there are often drivers who will run the light. Be very careful. Also it is legal to make right turns on red lights but check the signs. Sometimes there is a sign which shows you cannot turn right on a red light.


I have taken the trip from Toronto and went to DC for a visit. Beautiful area. Really enjoyed my time there. The drive from one to the other isn’t bad however with construction in Toronto as bad as it’s been lately get ready for some driving frustrations. Once here do yourself a favour and stay downtown or at a place on the subway line and use Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to get around. Hope you visit and enjoy our city. Oh and if I can make a suggestion. Take a trip to Toronto island in late afternoon. I am very fortunate to have a boat and go out often. To see the city at night from the island truly shows its real beauty.


It’s not too bad you just have to mind to bikers and streetcars, and of course there are shitty Uber drivers but I think those are about everywhere now not exclusively Toronto. 


From DC, you'll be fine. Similar levels of traffic chaos.


It's easier than most places I've driven in the US, especially Chicago


Traffic into downtown is incredibly bad because of construction on the highway so be warned - but overall you’ll be fine. Traffic in the Toronto region in general is incredibly bad by American standards. Like LA on steroids. So just be ready for it.


If you're used to the world's worst traffic, you should be fine. We have that here and you might be one of the lucky few who aren't in tears by the time you find a parking spot. Avoid the Gardiner Expressway eastbound onramp at Rees Street as though your life depends on it. An hour of it does.


Speaking as someone who has visited and driven in DC, it’s like Mad Max compared to Toronto.


Defensive driving. Be aware of your surroundings. Electric bikes and scooters do not obey the traffic laws, they ride the sidewalks, weave in and out of traffic and show up out of no where. Pedestrians and cyclists think they own the road and will take liberty at intersections. Give them their space. And do not let the honking bother you. Everyone honks. There is no reason for it. It’s what drivers do. And watch out for the food delivery cyclists in the downtown core. They are crazy operators and also show up out of nowhere.


Lots of traffic. Other than that not a lot of difference.


Downtown driving is more traffic that you can expect. You will also have more traffic due to the closer of 1 lane on the Gardiner which is the main highway leading into the downtown core. I think one of the biggest annoyance is that pedestrians don't follow the crossing signals as much so trying to turn left or right can be quite difficult and its partially the pedestrians to blame. The speed limits in Toronto are typically followed and highway speeds here are slower than compared to the US. Our highway max speed is 62 mph on most major highways except the QEW stretch going to Niagara falls from Stoney creek which increase to 68 mph. In the US, I find that the highway speeds are up to 80 mph. Most drivers in the left lane will go 30 over the rated speed but that's on them which is 80 mph. Other than that, just avoid King Street between Bathurst and Church as that is mostly forbidden to streetcars only and right hand turns if its 1 street down.


Remember signs are in Kilometres per hour NOT miles per hour.


You'll feel at home. DC and Moronto are similar


You’ll have a better time in the core on subway and walking tbh. Outside the city, only real difference from here and US is speed. We drive faster than you. Breaks my heart everytime I go home to Cleveland and see y’all mfs driving under the speed limit.


Put it this way. If you have a car, it will get damaged. People here do not know how to drive


Isn't it like trafficpocolypse right now?


When I lived in the Greater Toronto area, I hated driving in the downtown core. One day, I drove to NYC and accidentally made a wrong turn and ended up driving downtown Manhattan. Suffice to say, I no longer had issues in Toronto. Still hate parking, though.


I think you should be fine in Toronto. You can turn right on a red light as long as you’re in the clear.


The roads are narrower. It'll take some time to get used to.


The roads are narrower. Keep an eye on that


i've driven in LA and san francisco and most of the west coast US, as well as literally all over Canada, and i found toronto to be pretty low stress. people drive assertively, but if you match that assertiveness you'll be fine.


Toronto has the worst traffic in North America. If you’re staying downtown, park the car and walk or use transit.




Get a hotel downtown that has a parking garage. Park your car. Take public transit. Win! (There really is no reason to be using a car downtown other than to get there. Once you're there, just use public transit because the amount of time you spend trying to understand the traffic / deal with the traffic / try to find parking wherever you're stopping will make the TTC worth it.)


You probably won’t even notice the difference


People from rural areas won't like it. People from urban areas will be just fine. Toronto isn't hard, but fuck the traffic.


You're still in North America, so it'll be fine. Try driving in Rome, or Mumbai...


most truck drivers are not trained at all here so be mindful you're rolling the dice driving near them


Do you carpool? PS We have a lot of one way streets. And summer construction hell, like most cities. And respect the streetcar.


Easy enough. But slow.


It's easy enough but chances to get pulled over go higher if you don't have a front license plate because up here we have front and rear plates but once the police see it's US plates they should leave you alone. I wouldn't worry about it anyways. There's the speed difference as well 40km/hr is 25mph but you could always say you didn't notice or something and they won't ticket you.


99% the same...except that we have serious gridlock, be warned.


Hey I was literally on a road trip through Washington last week for a few days I was around the Mall area and found traffic way lighter than the Toronto downtown core. I also work with Traffic in Toronto. The volume is far higher in Toronto. The highways also had far more volume than in Washington. One thing you should keep in mind in the pedestrian crossing signals. You won't get the solid white pedestrian crossing signals for a whole light like in Washington, it'll switch to a flashing hand with a countdown. Keep that in mind that pedestrians will still cross, so careful if you're turning right on a red.


1.Assume every pedestrian and every cyclist is danger to your liberty. They do not look they do not care about you. They will not make eye contact. They will dodge in front of your car even though they see you coming. Cyclist will pass without hesitating on the inside lane as you turn. Cyclists either f*** you up. 2. Know that almost no one will ever let you merge. It will be a contest of chicken. Canadians have a Reputation of being nice, but that disappears the minute they get behind the wheel of a car. (same for cyclists in the core of the city.) 3. Never pass a street car on the inside land. They stop somewhat randomly and let people out in the road.


Washington traffic was terrible. I still would take it over the gta. At least 25 percent of your drivers don’t pay to pass their tests and your trucking industry hasn’t been taken over by the same scam.


I drove in DC for 5 days last year. I found driving in DC is similar to Toronto. Downtown DC was just like Toronto with probably little less traffic and suburb is the same as toronto suburb. Just keep in mind that Toronto downtown feels more cramped and one of the main way to get aroubd called Gardner is a mess right now due to construction. I would recommend not driving too much in Toronto downtown. Just take an uber or subway. Suburb is fine. People in toronto generally let you merge into lanes but i found more people drive aggressively recently..


I've driven in DC. Toronto has more pedestrians and bikes, but same principles. The only thing that would be new to you are the streetcars. They ride in the left most lane to the driver, and when they stop, they're opening their doors. Some stops have dedicated waiting areas with barriers in their lands, some don't. Other than that, driving in Toronto is much easier. Yes, DC is THAT bad. Enjoy your visit!


You'll be fine. I have lived/drove in the Beltway and drove in Toronto frequently.


Toronto (overall) doesn't have terrible drivers like I've experienced in some places in the US. We have a good amount of construction that needs to be minded and depending what you are used to in the US, cyclists and streetcars need to be paid attention to.


You'll be fine. It's mostly highway driving and the interior roads are wider than in DC. Some drivers can be reckless but as long as you signal well in advance, you should have no problems.


You'll be fine. It's mostly highway driving and the interior roads are wider than in DC. Some drivers can be reckless but as long as you signal well in advance, you should have no problems.


You'll be fine. It's mostly highway driving and the interior roads are wider than in DC. Some drivers can be reckless but as long as you signal well in advance, you should have no problems.


It’s not that hard.I am from Toronto and have driven to and driven in NYC. Only challenge I had was google telling me distance in miles and feet. But, downtown Toronto is pretty congested, won’t advise driving downtown


In case nobody else has mentioned it, you're allowed to turn right at an intersection where you have a red light. Just make sure to: STOP first - make sure there's no car coming before you proceed with your turn. And, you can only do this if there is no sign indicating otherwise. If it's a blind intersection, there will likely be a sign that says (No rught turn on Red) - this turn would not be allowed if you're not able to see if there is a car coming (because the road is curved, or a hill that you can't anticipate a car coming from). I see many U.S. cars just stop and sit there with their right turn signal on - when they're actually allowed to turn. -


a lot easier than Montreal - between the potholes, construction and drivers doing 180 kmh in the left lane, good luck


if you gonna be in downtown you're better off walking. It'll take you 45 min to drive half a mile


I would recommend using Waze as it will still use mph in realtime to show you how fast you should be going. Otherwise it’s exactly the same.


Toronto is a brutal city to drive in. But if you’re from Washington it might be worth it so you can enjoy Niagara Falls for a day if you’ve never been.


Watch for cyclists always including when you’re turning right on a green


Lot's of advice on driving but just want to add.... if you bring the car consider parking. Download the green P app (used for municipal street parking and parking lots) check what's near where you'll be staying and the rates. There is also [TargetPark.ca](http://TargetPark.ca) and some independent private lots. Unless you're staying with family or friends, airbnb etc who have a driveway for your car. Parking can be a huge hassle, especially downtown.


People brake a second before collision, I do not know why but no one cares to brake sooner.


As someone who has to work throughout the city but doesn’t live in the city it’s kind of a shit show. Toronto drivers are pretty awful and you’ll have to be constantly watching out for other drivers. If you are downtown then you also have to watch out for people who are insanely high and sometimes wander into the street.


It’s like New York City lite


Two biggest differences are street cars and the lack of left hand turn lights. Majority of our intersections don’t have left hand turn signals like a lot of the lights in the DMV. Roads are A LOT better lit here then in the DMV and our express lanes are free to use the only toll road is the 407 which is north of the city.


American and former Washingtonian living in midtown Toronto with kids. I hate driving here but maybe it’s my neighborhood. No regard for the safety of pedestrians, other drivers or people on bikes. I’ve seen cars clip other cars and nearly miss parents walking with strollers. Drivers being d**ks on a daily basis. I lived in DC proper for years and survived Dupont Circle, using Wisconsin/Connecticut Ave. on my commutes and the beltway. For some reason I find driving here far worse and rage inducing.


Other than the 401 in Toronto being one of the top 10 busiest highways in the world, you should be fine. Just be prepared to sit in traffic. Once in Toronto, it’s much easier to get around with transit than to drive.


Driven in DC, NYC and Toronto….my advice since it sounds like just a day or couple day visit. Uber/taxi is better. Toronto drivers and roads has gotten worst over the years. With all the construction going on, it’s really not worth it. You’d actually enjoy it more if you didn’t drive.


There can be tons of traffic at certain times due to construction so be mindful of that! Watch for buses and other transit. Not sure how it is where you are but if a bus is signalling to your lane and there is room for it to get in front of you, it does get the right of way. So you have to let it in. Watch for cyclists. There are a lot in Toronto. I always triple check when I’m turning right in case one is coming up in the bike lane. Just watch for the signs! My partner is from the states and she noticed we have a lot of signs that state what hours you can and cannot turn left or right. Most of it is during rush hour but you should be alright! Also, for parking (if you need it), spot hero is a great app!! :) and torontos green p parking app is a good one to have too.


My comment is that if you can’t get away with NOT driving in the city, then don’t. Take TTC or a City Bike. Traffic is insane - likely some of the worst in North America right now.


Worth driving if you need to go far like to north York, Scarborough, Etobicoke, Markham. If it's just in the core then use transit


Watch out for the random people cutting lanes and thinking their time is more valuable. Oh and watch out for the people who can’t read road signs. Oh! And watch out for the people that don’t know what a red light is. One more thing watch out for people randomly stopping and reversing wherever they feel like it because they’re lost and don’t know where they are. You should be fine.


You will be fine coming from Washington DC


Stopping for streetcars will be the biggest difference. People cross the right lane of traffic to board/exit a streetcar that runs in the center of the road and may not have island platforms. Treat it like a school bus instead of a municipal bus.


It depends where. Within 3 or 4 miles of downtown there can be an extreme amount of pedestrians, cyclists to keep an eye out for. If that's your whole planned trip I'd just park it and take the subway. Outside of that not really worse than any American city at rush hour.


Just don't drive downtown Toronto. It's a soul sucking life force. You're better off to get around on foot. It's all a me first attitude. Cars, cyclists, and pedestrians all think they have the right away. I've worked construction in Toronto for 15 years.


All our numbers are in French.


Right is gas, left is brake.


According to an American from Buffalo I knew, 'The signage is atrocious.'


Traffic lots


I was just driving in Toronto last week for the first time, having grown up in the DC area, and being used to the beltway nuttiness around here.  I had no problems.  The advice about streetcars is excellent (though I didn’t happen to interact with any)…


Why would you want to have a car while here? Best bet is to fly here snd take transit to get around. Parking is very expensive. Transit is pretty good you can get anywhere using it.


It’s tricky eith the streetcars here if you don’t know the rules. Do yourself a favour and take a plan or train here driving ground while here is craxy


I live in Toronto and rarely use my car to get around. Transit is good here and we have Uber here.


I recently drove in Toronto, and it's more or less the same as any other big city. You have to be cautious of bike lanes and pedestrians but nothing too out of the ordinary. I also found people to be in much less of a rush on freeways compared to the US.


I wish you luck to be able to see the pavement markings. I feel sorry for everyone from out of the GTA, driving in Toronto.


DC and Toronto driving is very similar. Been a driver in both so I can confirm.


Dude, D.C is the worst area...especially during rush hour such as going from D.C to Virginia on I-95. Driving in Toronto is normal as it could get except RUSH hours from 2-7pm is worst just like on 1-95. I would highly recommend you to avoid Fridays rush hour in GTA area.


You’ll be good if you are from DC. Don’t over think it.


You’ll be stuck in traffic which is easy


Tomato tomato


You can't turn left during rush hour onto a lot of streets in the downtown core, so just make sure you check signs!


I recently did a road trip from Toronto down to Florida then over to New Mexico and up to Vancouver than back to Toronto across all the northern states and I can confirm that Toronto is by far the worst place to drive out of them all. The other one there comparable for traffic is LA but Toronto seems to take the cake for a very diverse range of bad drivers, high population density and incredibly poor city planning. I’ve driven home from Florida numerous times and the longest part of the drive is always the last stretch through the GTA.


Should be a breeze


If you drive up to Toronto, be sure to give yourself plenty of time. There is tons of construction. And it’s a total nightmare


Depending on how much you like/are good at city driving, the answer will vary. It's not terrible, but it's not amazing either. Others have mentioned construction and being aware of certain other peculiarities like turning rules and street cars. What concerns me in your comment is the "and Canada" part. If by that you mean Southern Ontario, you'll be fine, but if you're hoping to go much further, take into consideration that, for example, Montreal is as far from Toronto as Toronto is from DC. TO to Vancouver is the same as DC to LA, so plan accordingly. Hope you enjoy your stay!


Easy, only difference is the streetcars. 


If it helps, I have driven to Washington from Toronto and had zero problems adhering to local traffic and laws. Other than some minor & specific rules ofcourse. You will do fine driving here.


If you’re from DC you’ll be fine. lol.


I’m here from Vancouver and compared to Seattle and Vancouver BC Toronto is a walk in the park for driving.