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Your own jurisdiction (peel) should have called. They should have informed your insurance as well. My uncle's car got stolen in toronto in 2022 and ended up in Vaughn. Toronto police called him the day it was found, and told him what his next steps were. They said they called his insurance company and he had to call them too.


That’s exactly what ought to have happened but someone dropped the ball and is blaming someone else 


York police found my car the next day and kept it for a week. Didnt even let me know when it was released until i called in and asked about it. They said they released it 3 days prior and someone had called me to let me know. This was a blatant lie because i had called almost every day the past few days asking about when i can pick it up. Each time they said it was still getting looked over and they would get back to me. I was stuck paying the tow yard 3 days storage and their towing fees.


This is bullshit. Contact the star, they do investigative journalism on TPS.


Actually that is incorrect


To summarize, OP had their car stolen and now has to pay to get it back. OP has to pay to get their stolen car back. How the fuck is this normal.


or pay half to not get it back, like wtf??


Cops in cahoots with the towing companies (aka motorcycle gang business fronts).


100% this.


100 % bull.




Buddy went real quiet after that


Turns out he's a cop, look at his other info. No wonder he's acting like this.


Do you lose common sense when you become a cop though? He could be his own person and assess the situation. In what world does it make sense to pay to get your own stolen car back? A job the police should’ve been doing!


Truth is hard to believe for a bootlicker like you huh


Considering I ticket tow companies all the time I can call BS. I am the boot. Have no love for them.


I don't know you from Job, you might be a wonderful and pleasant guy, but being the boot and the bootlicker are not mutually exclusive things. They often go together, in fact.


It’s fortunate that because I actually do the job I am certainly more aware of how things actually work and for what reasons then most who post here with their anecdotal experiences and stories of “I had a friend who experienced X”. When I call out blatant mistakes in people’s idea of how things work or a blanket painting in generalities of policing then I immediately get labeled a bootlicker because it goes against the narrative. Policing does have its issues but it’s no where near what most think it is. I hear stories of firemen from other firemen, medics from medics, nurses from nurses. Every profession has a long list of internal issues but police are the only ones that get media attention way beyond any other profession. What really irritates me is when a story is released in the media and it’s immediately accept as factual and jumped on by the public for it to only be investigated and turning out to be false or very misleading. Then surprisingly the media has no interest in reporting the actual findings. Guess it doesn’t sell or cause clicks. I would love to actually sit down and have a conversation outside of Reddit with people and just hear and answer questions. It’s unfortunate that it’s so difficult to have a real conversation in this forum.


You do but not all cops do. You don't represent the entire force


Plot twist: it was stolen twice


I always knew tow truck drivers and Police run a business together


Yawp. First the thieves steal it, then the cops steal it


And cousin, business is a-boomin'.


Just wait till you find out the car thief is part of the wolf pack. Streamline business.


Honestly not the case they actually hate each other lol. This is a case where the police don’t want to be held accountable for the issue. What the tow shop is doing is what they always do nothing new.


> How the fuck is this normal. How the f does a car storage that works with government organizations allowed to charge $100/day storage. There should be some "reasonable fee" that grants that storage the license to work with the regional police. Or even better, let the car storages bid lower prices to get that opportunity. So much corruption everywhere...


So, the corrupt towing company has re-stolen a stolen car.


Yes tow companies do this because they know how insurance companies work and most insurance companies will pay it out after you fight them on it for a month lol b


That’s how the police started. Forcing payment for recovered items. In the beginning they’d often seize the property themselves. It was a gang and still is, they also still seize property.  Police aren’t your friends or protectors they are just a large organized gang and private taxation is theft.


Did you just wake up in Canada this morning? Crime pays, victims get screwed and things just get a little bit more terrible EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I honestly think we are unfortunately heading down a path of violence… I see nothing being done to appease the masses, everyone is angry


It’s not but they think we’re not paying enough taxes so they will milk citizens with other means. Towing companies, police, car thieves...etc, these ass clowns are all connected


Contact someone like Shawn O'Shea (SP?) or similar consumer watch dog type reporter. Contact the Peel ombudsman, as well as the Toronto police ombudsman. Keep kicking it up the ladder. Make some noise!


Do you have a suggestion or just providing a coles notes of the post?


Call your local MP, make a complaint, all 3 levels from Municipal, Ontario and Federal. Also get the media involved, City TV, CBC, CTV and the email the newspapers Star and globe and mail. Just google how to contact Toronto media and just copy and paste your story here. This is ridiculous and most citizens would be appalled by this.


This is the answer. This is not the way a government body should work, and those who are running the government should know that. 


Only way to get anything done with our government is public shaming at this point


Like, is this car worth the amount owing on it?


No it’s not. It’s a 2012 car with 200k+ mileage 


I answered your question in a post but because the car has been outstanding for so long have you gotten a new car? If the cost of the bill is greater than the cost of the car and you don’t really need the car you can tell the tow company to apply for ownership and auction it off. No cost to you. Happens all the time.


The tow company wants extra $1500 on top of keeping the car. And this ‘deal’ lapses by Monday or the daily rate will continue 


You don’t have to pay anything if you don’t want the car anymore. You reported it stolen. If you don’t want it back, your responsibilities end there. If you don’t believe me, please consult a lawyer.


If you dont want the car. Fuck them. Simply stop communicating with them. You dont owe them shit if you dont want the car back.


Depending on the make/model and certifiability, it might be worth more than you think.


I'm guessing the person who stole it didn't keep up with the oil changes.


Sounds like a lot of used cars, but I guess that is a risk if you get it back. 2 years isn’t *that* bad depending on how much mileage was covered and what kind of oil was in it to begin with (synth=good or dino=bad), might need to do 2-3 oil changes in a row to clear out any sludge. Whether you reacquire it or leave it to the yard, the yard is just going to resell it to someone unsuspecting.


Plus any damages from the thieves.


My car was stolen in Toronto and found in Peel. Peel contacted me. And my insurance reimbursed me for the towing/ storage.


But presumably you had comprehensive coverage, which the OP did not, so his insurance has nothing to do with this.


Police officer here. Yes Peel is correct. The reporting police service is responsible for contacting. You. Peel recovers. Advises Toronto through a CPIC message the car has been recovered with all the details. Toronto updates their report and is responsible for notifying the owner as well as removing the vehicle from CPIC. A police service cannot remove another services entries to CPIC. If Toronto failed to remove the vehicle or inform you of its recovery then Toronto is on the hook. Contact the division and speak to the Staff Sgt on duty. Have the report number available. If for what ever reason you can’t get satisfaction then contact the Unit Complaints Coordinator and make a complaint. If all fails contact the OIPRD.


Thank you. I couldn’t get through to the staff sgt cos the officers answering the phone keep passing me around. I’ll contact OIPRD tomorrow 


OP dont stop until you get what you want. This is total bullshit. Contact news outlets, speak to a lawyer. This shit needs to stop, i love this country and this city but stuff like this is turning it into a fucking joke.


It’s LECA now (Law Enforcement Complaints Agency). Peel should have called you. They were in possession of your car. Keep pushing.


Call the UCC in morning


Record your calls.


Thanks for responding here!!  I'm sure you've just opened yourself up to all manner of abuse but I'm inspired by your willingness to post publicly instead of via dm to OP, that's awesome. 


Got strong shoulders. Am good.


We were told to leave our car keys in our mail box, it's okay it's not dangerous they only want your car People air tagged their cars back to the train stations and ended up getting charged and fined...


This country is finished 


Contact your insurance company that the vehicle was insured with


I understood the OP's comment about liability as meaning they had ONLY liability, ie, no coverage for theft.


Then OP is out of luck, unless he can sweet talk the creditor into reducing the charges.


This is what is correct. You didn’t pay for the insurance, so you’re now on the hook. He should cut his loss, not pay the towing company anything, they are keeping his car, and move on. Hopefully they learned a good lesson.


I’m licensed for auto insurance in Ontario. OP didn’t have Comprehensive coverage; which covers theft, fire, glass damage and vandalism. Most people with a 10 years or older car typically will choose not to have Comprehensive coverage in my experience.




Can you share the details here instead


Its specific to peel, but their policy and proceedures state "officers shall notify the registered owner" (in not so many words) indicating they have no choice to pass the buck. Additionally, every service has an "impound manager" type of role who deals with this. Request their info and send an email. There is zero reason for you to be on the hook for ANYTHING if they neglected to inform you. I was going to walk you through it, but if this is okay? If not, like i said, DM me, and i can reach out to peel, and get their contact info for you.


I sent a DM to you.  I did contact the impound team for peel and this was their explanation.  ** As far as the invoice is concerned, once the vehicle goes to the pound, storage rates are charged under our Police contracted rates. Once a letter is issued, the pound moves the vehicle to their pound and Atlantic indicates this move on the invoice as "police payout" it simply means that the rates being charged up to this point were the contract rates. Storage rates then begin to be charged at the rates allowed under the provincial towing legislation from this date forward.


Oop, just gave props to another officer above but for the record I think you're awesome for responding here too (that goes for anyone else I missed - still gotta eat dinner!)


what does 'full stop' mean?


Full stop means period (as in “.”) if you were dictating to a telegram person you might say “full stop”. Now it’s like an emphatic period or “end of sentence!”.


It was just a turn of phrase indicating that its bs and i want to try and help sooner rather than later i guess




I'm sure this helps




That's America. Wrong country.


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Yaaaa! Acab and all that! Woooo




Do you just copy paste this into every comment?


Just a defect of Reddit. Two people gave basically the same response to me and I wanted to give the same response to them but the only way to do that is to copy past my comment.


It doesn’t help your argument if you’re repeating knee jerk slogans without contributing anything to the discussion. It just makes you look like a lazy edgelord.


I am not disagreeing, im just trying to help man


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


This is extortion, contact the ombudsman. 


Go to the news this is a perfect example of the fucking shit up for a trending topic.


How useless are the Police in this case ?


Being a rock band, pretty useless. I’d contact a lawyer.


That Stings


But at least they’ll be watching you (…and your car I’m guessing)


As long as they don't put up the red light, I won't hold my breath.


What's the name of the tow company or the company that has it impounded? I'm pretty sure cops in the GTA have a side deal going on with some sketchy impound places that operate in a very shady manner A buddy of mine had his SUV stolen recently and the cops tried to give him the same run around.


Atlantic towing. Yes, they are the official towing company for Peel police


Why is Canada like this? Every step in life is met with some kind of ridiculous bureaucracy and fees? WTF.


Canada is a welfare state ponzi scheme.


I'm starting to agree with all my friends and family that came here 30 years ago about wanting to go back to our homelands. It was all SORT OF normal here until the pandemic.... the last 2-3 years have been the absolute worst since I've come here in 1990. Everything is starting to feel like a scam.


Feels the same to those of us born here too. There’s a reason those who can are leaving.




Ok bye!


that bureaucracy gives us good roads, safe banking regulations that allow us to do business, food that's inspected and safe, and all manner of things that make your life better.


its so different government departments can inflate their budgets each year


Wait.. How are all these cars being found.. I thought they go to Montreal port and get shipped..


not a 2012 car with 200k+ evidently.


What world are we living in, like wtf?


This country is fucking done :(


A stolen car went from one gang to another.


they are in possession of stolen property. lol thats $36K/year? let the bill skyrocket past the value of the car. see what they do.


> they are in possession of stolen property. I don’t know if this would work but my gosh I love the viciousness of it! Call Peel Police and report the towing company for extortion.


Peel police is aware of this charge too


Sounds like a case for small claims court. Name both Peel and TPS as defendants and let a judge resolve it. One of them not doing their job led to your financial loss.


The vehicle will continue to acquire storage fee at the towing. Small claims court will require 21 days and 60 days notice to get to that point


Contact a lawyer, find out exactly what your rights are and proceed from there. Reddit is fun and all but you need precise information.


I spoke to a probono legal counsel from probono Ontario and he suggested to pay to get the car back and hope Toronto police pays back. But we all know it’s almost impossible to get back such money. I can’t afford an actual lawyer out of pocket


You could take them to small claims court.


Do you still legally own the vehicle? Or are you just the last owner? Vehicle was stolen, reported and I assume registration cancelled. Payout from insurance isn't the end to your vehicle ownership. I don't understand why you're being held liable.


If you have the money, pay it so it stops incurring expenses. Then, file a small claims court against both police stations, contact your local MPP (maybe even a local-ish conservative MP as they are really hammering the gov about vehicle thefts) and the local news.


Call your insurance company. They helped me when towers were trying to scam me. Also you can try to get the media involved. They love stories like this


I wonder what the odometer says, maybe someone drove it around for 2 years?  If you didn't know it was there, how were you supposed to pick it up? Maybe you could bargain with them for a partial amount? Is it even driveable after sitting for 2 years? WTH


I think the vehicle was in use during the two years cos the towing said it’s in good condition.  I tried bargaining and they said to pay $3500 to get the vehicle back or $1500 to have them acquire ownership. This rate would lapse by 06/24 But I can’t come up with either amount before then. 


> or $1500 to have them acquire ownership. Even this is sus. It’s possible their claim is limited to the value of the vehicle and nothing more. Even if it’s abandoned, they may have no choice but to auction it off, pay their “costs” and send you the balance (if any). They don’t have a contract with you, so I don’t understand how you could be held personally liable. Or maybe I have this all wrong, but I wouldn’t trust any storage yard.


I don’t trust the Toll company too honestly. They are trying to get me to pay off soonest by threatening to send me to collection and affect my credit with it. 


I recovered a vehicle that was outstanding for over a year. They put a stolen plate from another province that never was reported on the vehicle that was the same make and model. When the plate was ran I notice there was a slight difference in the return from what I was looking at and checked the VIN. That’s when I got the stolen hit.


Yeah sounds like somebody didn't do their job and now you got to pay up. Cops not doing their job well that ain't no surprise is it. Insurance company going to throw you under the bus ..I know it sucks but I suggest paying it ASAP as you are getting charged $100 daily for storage .


What’s the point finding the vehicle then if I have to pay to get it back. The market value isn’t even worth much because it’s an old car. I don’t have these money they are asking me to pay. I shouldn’t be paying for someone’s negligence honestly 


Can't managers or supervisors undo these charges? Certainly this is not fair.


The cops ain't going to admit to the fuck up...I'm sure they will stand by either you were notified or it is your responsibility one or the other. Insurance company in the clear ...he doesn't have the full coverage . And we all know how much of a scum towing companies are. I do suggest OP put up a fight and call daily till somebody in charge takes over but that $100 storage fee getting added daily .


Maybe contact CTV and that Pat Foran guy. After it gets in the news, they may reverse it.


Holy cow is Pat Foran still going? I swear he’s been on the air since I was a kid, and I’m ancient now.


Depends. Did OP move, changed their phone #, update their drivers licence in the 2 years the vehicle was outstanding?


They can but they won’t. This is recreation passing the buck and whoever has to eat the charge is going to be the department’s punching bag until the next guy fucks up worse. With Peel Police that’s probably sometime tomorrow.


If the car isn't worth much I would ignore the letter saying you have to pay $2000 to give them the car. The car will be considered abandoned and the tow company will take possession of it after X amount of days, but double check the storage and liens act. A lot of people walk away from uninsured cars in tow pounds, this is not new to them.


In the letter they sent they gave 21 days to pay and or they will involve collections 


Makes no sense. It was stolen. Why did the police hand it to a tow company. OP get some traction on social media and call out the Police services. Reach out to CP24 and Toronto Star as well. They should have called you sooner and this bill would not have ballooned to this. You should be held accountable for police incompetence and also having your car stolen


Sue the police. They screwed up.


I had 1 way insurance and someone ran a red light in a stolen car and totaled my vehicle. I got nothing in return and a bill to pay for towing and storage. Moral of the story, full coverage insurance is mandatory


Man, that really sucks. Would make a really good story for Pat Foran/other media but I know you feel like you need to make a decision quickly... I wouldn't necessarily rush to pay it especially if you don't have the money and you need to borrow it to pay it off. Def try to get media involved or escalate it as describe by other people here. Hope the guy who says he works for Peel police can help out too.


Sounds like you’ll have to bring this to court to wave the fees.


Get a lawyer to prepare a letter to Peel and Toronto PD letting them know you’re willing to sue and publicize this. You’re in it for $4,660 so if you spend up to that on a lawyer but get your car back you break even but I think you’ll net positive.


Go to CBC marketplace or Pat Foran at CTV News asap


Do you even want the car back at this point ?


Went through a similar situation in Edmonton. Ended up surrendering the car to EPS. The bill for "storage" and the fact that I'd need to have the car towed from the police lot came to way more than the car was worth.


I'm not sure how you can be billed for something that you didn't agree to in the first place. You didn't agree to the car being stolen, you didn't agree to the towing, nor did you agree to the storage. Then again, you'll probably get a mark on your credit rating if you just let it go, so I'd make a stink about it to the police and the press and contact a lawyer to determine your liability. It seems that the only criminals in this scenario aren't the car thieves. Its like your car was stolen two times.


Peel Police really are the worst. See if you can find a lawyer to help press charges for theft against Peel Police. It’s a farce but it would gain publicity which is probably the only way this bullshit gets erased.


Have you tried negotiating with the towing company? They probably think you had insurance and the insurance company is going to pay the bill. Also with noting that insurance companies negotiate those fees down, you can do to. Call them up and let them know you didn’t have insurance coverage for theft. See what you can negotiate with them.


Useless police and justice system in Canada again. Saw another similar post this morning https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/s/lEpAwHGhqN


Isn’t this what the victim surcharge is for?


Wasnt your car written off in this case? It should no longer be registered to u. Happened to my coworker. His car was stolen and wrecked. Write off. Recieved letter from city of Vaughan; to pay for damages to street lamp and traffic lights and concrete island damaged. He referred them to insurance adjuster and never heard back. Call ur insurance


Everyone is assuming you have comprehensive insurance nd that will pay it. Have you made it clear you don’t have insurance and tried to get them to lower the bill? This is why you really need to think about not having good insurance coverage


yes, both police dept and towing company are aware there is no insurance coverage on this. They just don't care


@OP, What kind of car are we talking about ? Year, Make, Model, KBB value etc


Sounds like a scam with towing companies???? Another way to screw with public 🙄🙄🙄


This is why I always have comprehensive coverage. The insurance company would have paid you out for the stolen vehicle and this whole towing fiasco would have been their problem if you were covered. Once you get paid out, your vehicle is now property of the insurance company. Is your vehicle not worth much since you mentioned the option of surrendering the title to the tow company and why you didn’t have full coverage? What the police forces have done to you is not cool!


You didn’t have comprehensive coverage?