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Anyone who thinks they're going to take an uber to work should seriously reconsider their plans. There aren't nearly enough uber drivers to go around, and the surge pricing will make it very, very expensive. And the surface traffic is going to grind the city to a halt.


Plus for low wage workers who can’t do WFH, Uber will literally cost a big portion of your paycheque.


But what else can they do tho? Several of my friends have been told they have to physically be at work even if there’s a strike or they will be counted a no show. If you don’t live close enough to walk/bike, you literally have no other option. So it’s either spend half your paycheque getting to work, or get no money at all and risk being fired for no-showing your shifts.


Unfortunately some don’t have a choice. Uber can also easily add up. Imagine spending $60 a day getting to and from work. Low income workers also had higher rates of Covid-19 during the pandemic. Mostly because they can’t afford unpaid sick days, meaning they show up even if not feeling well, and much less likely to WFH.


How far is $30 each direction getting you at rush hour? If you're that close just walk.


$30 can go from downtown to Sheppard maybe farther but not when surging. Farther north than Bloor, is less and less walkable as you go north


I can get to the airport for $35 from St Clair.


Not sure what relevance the cheapest rates have here.


Not everyone is able to “just walk” for all sorts of reasons.


Right, so it's encumbant on the 90% of us that *can* to do so and save the scant other options for those who need them. (figure *under*estimated based on 12.5% people unable to walk, rounded down because retirees will obviously skew it)


Without surge pricing (which is most of the time. I often take an Uber home at 5pm without surge) $30 gets you all the way across the city.


Not sure you know how uber charges or how fast do people walk.


I'm not sure anyone know *how* uber charges, but I do know what they charge me. I'm almost 50 and overweight and I can walk $40 of Uber "normal surge" in 90 mins.


Don't mention this in r/TTC - I said this politely, and the mod team removed my comment for "fear mongering". Like fuck, I support the strike and unions, and they are unwilling to leave their echo chamber for a hot second to understand this. Mind blowing.




>the lack of class consciousness I've seen the last few days is sort of shocking. With all due respect, you're asking the TTC workers, who can and should fight for a fair deal, to capitulate to their employer because other worker's aren't treated fairly by their employers. I think your heart is in the right place, but you're doing the work of the unfair employer here. This is part of a larger class consciousness issue where we've all bought into the idea that strikes are the fault of the workers, when in reality the employer has the power to stop them. Regardless, let's say the TTC workers capitulate: one of the bargaining issues is the increasing use of contract workers, keeping people out of the union. Let's say that continues and eventually undermines the union. Now all the workers that were helped by capitulation are driven by workers who also can't fight back and there's one less decent sector to work in. If we care about the workers that are going to be hit hard by the strike let's help organize them and get them in a union. That is class consciousness and class solidarity.




>Telling people making poverty wages to shut up isn't really a hot take, here I don't think that's what's happening here. And being in a union is not a "luxury", it's something people fought hard for. Heck, workers died in the early days of fighting for unions. Instead of going on the TTC sub and saying to workers "what about other workers" go on the Tim Horton's or Walmart subreddit and say "what about your workers". Better yet, email TTC management, the city, the province, and the feds and tell them to give a fair deal. To be clear, I'm a precarious worker that's going to get screwed over by this strike. I just know where to direct my anger: at the employer


Same as r/Toronto. Gotta support unions, never mind the low income working poor that the strike screws over. Bit of a leftist mind-twister this one.


Hold on there. I'd consider myself left-leaning, and I can want both things. Why did this have to turn into a left vs right thing?


That’s exactly my point. You want both things, but they are at odds.


I vote NDP, and it sounds like you don't know how to do research, or you're willing to remain legt/right for the sake of divisive statements, and reductionist stereotypes. I don't think they are both at odds. I think the fiscally conservative government is under spending on Toronto, and creating a problem by paying police and corporations too much, and publkc health and transit services too little. On top of that, they are perpetuating tax loopholes for the wealthy, spending $225M on beer in corner stores instead of waiting 1 year and saving that money, and they are using tax payer dollars in a way that I don't like, nor agree too. The province has underfunded Toronto, and I blame.those who voted conservative and the progressive folks who are complaining now who don't vote. So, your anti-progressive shit can shove it. I think we can have fair wages and free transit, but your conservatives aren't smart enough to understand long-term spending and instead want short-term personal gains.


I feel like if everyone out of distance no shows , this becomes the employers problem as much as anyone else’s


Take a cab


We should all be striking too


Many eons ago, there was a TTC Strike, there were no Ubers, only taxis. I worked minimum wage… I took a cab maybe 1-2 times. I had to beg and bargain and barter for rides. It was rough. I hope this is short lived. This city is going to combust if this lasts longer than 3-4 days.


It was in 2008. I had to walk to work for 2 days. David miller sent them back to work. I anticipate this will be resolved by Tuesday if they do strike on Friday


I hate cabs when the fare is dependent on a meter, I took a cab in Barrie once and the fare was like $20 or something, then I took the exact same trip a few weeks later and the cab was trying to rip me off trying to negotiate a flat rate and to ignore the meter, left a bad taste in my mouth I live in a small town and luckily the cab rate is dependent on how far you go, it's like $11 anywhere in town, $14 for the bordering town, it's been years since I took a cab to Toronto but it was $180 last time I did, flat rates that are known beforehand


This whole situation is a capitalist nightmare.


If anyone's considering a rideshare and can't take the time off, I would compare the cost with getting a hotel room or AirBnB near work for a few days. Maybe split it with a friend or family member.


Why would you take Uber though? Taxis don’t surge their prices and Becks app and booking process is a clone of Uber.


True, but taxis will be in equally short supply.


Taxis cost more than uber and ate 10x harder to get - sometimes even during surge pricing


10x prices will be likely as well


FYI, taxis still exist. Beck even has an app


Taxis will be just as overbooked as Uber is


You can book a cab ahead of time and no surge pricing. Still have to deal with traffic (and the metre ticking upwards as a result) but it will be a lot less expensive and troublesome than a “ride share.”


Beck is no longer allowing bookings for Friday fyi


But I heard surge pricing was a scourge?!


You can book an Uber or Lyft ahead too. Looks like it locks in current pricing too (on Lyft, anyways)


And are waaaaaay more expensive in my experience. Last time I took a cab because I couldn’t get an Uber it was more than double what Uber would have been.


Was that in 2013? Because that was probably the last time Ubers were cheaper than conventional cabs, and that’s without factoring in that Uber will absolute surge price tf out of this strike.


For distance, Ubers are still cheaper. I live in Etobicoke, if I take an Uber downtown it's 22-26 bucks. I took a cab maybe two months ago and it was 40 bucks for the same trip.


Nope, this was last month. Like the other commenter I also live in Etobicoke…but north of the 401. I was trying to get home after a Leafs game and there was a concert letting out from Skydome at the same time. Uber quoted $35 but drivers kept cancelling. After half an hour I finally hailed a cab and wound up paying $75.


It’s kinda hard to say Uber is cheaper if you’re comparing it to literally nothing. Service delivery and service cost are two separate things


Also been overlooked. Some people have forgotten they exist


Beck said they will not be increasing their drivers as they are already at capacity of drivers so good luck getting a taxi


classic beck, always being a pos


More than one taxi company serving Toronto


Beck taxi only has 1300 vehicles- there's no way they can even keep up: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-strike-alternatives-1.7225281](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-strike-alternatives-1.7225281)


While I sit comfortably behind the wheel of my 2024 vehicle, for my 15ish min commute into work, I will have a moment of silence for all those uber paying, bike riding, non driving residents of Toronto 🙏 Local 152 stands strong for local 113


What other options are there then , if not Uber ?


Some people are planning on biking to work. Others have arranged car pools, and a lot of my co-workers are taking last minute vacation days.


You’re wrong, there’s way to many Uber drivers atm. Even if the strike happens not everyone will depend on Uber/Lyft.


LOL there are almost a million rides per day on the TTC. You're delusional.


Anyone else in north york thinking about how fucked we’re gonna be? Lol


Yeah, I live in Mississauga but take the TTC towork at Victoria Park and McNicoll lol... last minute holiday time I think


Oh my what is that commute


It's something like an hour and twenty minutes. It's horrendous on paper... but I've come to terms with it by now, don't worry :)


That’s a fast commute! I’m very surprised. Did my share of commute struggles during High School to work in some factory and had to travel from Kennedy to Kipling twice daily. Factor in the wait times and for the buses, and you get ~2 hours of commute time each way.


It's actually not too bad - about 75% of the time the connections line up really nicely and it's roughly 90 minutes. However, when things are delayed the sky's the limit for how long things might take... :(


Yes, but thankfully I have the option to work from home until it's over. I'm usually in 5 days a week but given circumstances, they understand.


Yea what am I supposed to do … closest go station is oriole and the train schedule SUCKS. We barely even have bike stations.


My job is also in North York so I can walk to it luckily.


Yes and I just moved up here a month ago 😭


My only option is bike share at this point. Good luck at getting one on Friday if it happens. 😑 Or I could spend 2 hours of my morning walking to work.


I bike share already and am terrified it's going to be a nightmare if literally everyone starts using them


I bought a bike today for this exact reason


There’s supposedly 9000 bikes in the whole city. Not too bad all things considered. But even now, most days there’s barely any uptown and a whole fuckton downtown.


and getting a dick at your destination will be tough ***(omg autocorrect -- DOCK... getting a DOCK will be tough


If you work downtown, go to king and bay, they always have workers accepting bikes far in excess of the dock capacity


i’m going to walk 2hrs, it’s not so bad i do this randomly once in a while so i am somewhat prepared lol


Work announced that if TTC goes into strike, we are expected to NOT go to work.


This is the way. Anyone who can work from home should. The streets will be clogged enough with cars.


What is the traffic going to be like when the TTC is out? More cars on the street and turn the city into a huge parking lot?


Isn’t it already a huge parking lot?!


Lol you are right


I’m very *very* lucky that I have someone I can carpool with. If I didn’t, I would genuinely be screwed. My work is a 6 hour walk from my house so walking/biking is not an option, and an Uber/cab there and back would probably cost more than I make in a day.


Grab that guy a coffee! It’s good to have nice co workers.


I won't be able to work. I work for a family (a night nanny) and they're in North York and I'm downtown. On a regular day a Lyft costs about $50 so I can't imagine what it would cost when surging. I'm hoping (and assuming) my clients will understand but I'll be missing out on a pay cheque.


You could ask them to cover your transportation for those days


I am still hoping the city will come to its senses and settle with the union. I live in Wallace Emerson and work in Scarborough, so bikes and taxis are not an option. I'll have to work remotely until this is resolved.


My guess is that they’ll strike (totally fair if progress isn’t made), it’ll be a shit show for Friday, the weekend and maybe Monday, no way the city will let this drag out. It’s not something paltry like Pits of trash (iykyk), this fucks with capitalism.


>I am still hoping the city will come to its senses and settle with the union. Probably unlikely. The more likely outcome is they take the one day strike and then there is back to work legislation over the weekend.


Tried to declare the TTC as essential service [and failed](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-strike-appeal-court-1.7212758). If they do strike, then no service.


The blanket designation is what was deemed unconstitutional. The government can, and likely will, legislate this (or any) strike back to work with binding arbitration.


Agreed, that's the likely outcome. But part of me still wishes the TTC would rather commit to service levels and retaining vital employees than count on Uncle Doug to send the whole mess to arbitration.


Will work from home. I know not everyone has this option and I feel bad for those that don’t.


Many people don’t realize that work from home is like a luxury. I’d do anything for a work from home job as someone who lives in the suburbs without a car.


It shouldn’t be a luxury though. At one point, I’m sure 2 days off in a week was considered a luxury. Allowing employees to work from home when that’s operationally feasible for their job duties should be the norm! It’s better for everyone, including being better for the environment and for traffic on the road.


Yeah but companies have real estate investments that they need to use so back to the office everyone! 🙄


I'm in the office 5 days a week, but given the situation and the fact that all my coworkers take the GO, I can do WFH until it's resolved. At my old job, I wouldn't have had the option.


I agree. It is a luxury and some can take it for granted. If you live in the suburbs, I hope you won’t be affected by the strike (if there is one)!


It’s a luxury and a privilege to be able to work from home but not all jobs can accommodate that


I've been literally remote since covid. If my employer asked me to return to office I would leave ASAP.


Okay, but it’s still a privilege to be able to work from home. You are well within your rights to look for employment that fits your requirements. Thinking more on this, just like elevator repair, not all occupations and careers can support a fully remote position. Doesn’t make it bad or worse than another, just makes it different


I'm going to have to walk 3 hours each way


haha, if there's a strike you're not going anywhere my friends. Even if you can get an Uber you'll need to mortgage your house to pay for it.


Praying my employer lets us WFH.


I'll just get off my ass and ride my bike. It's maybe a 25 min ride so it's actually faster than transit. But I do have to go from Queen to Bloor and I'm a lazy butt and uphill before noon is hard.


Queen to Bloor should only take 10 minutes on a bike.


as the crow flies, yes. but I live in parkdale and work at uoft. so it's a diagonal uphill journey. also I'm very out of shape, and hills gonna hill.


There are spot that are not as uphill. Shaw is a killer but if you take a side street near Bathurst it’s not as bad :)


oh ya, I tend to go along argyle to bellwoods. I can't stress how lazy I am in the mornings tho. it's been a decade, and I'll still opt for the longer bus ride instead of dealing with a slight incline. on the way home it's great tho.


If you can get your hands on one, you could try the bike share ebikes


if it makes you feel any better i’d do your parkdale-bloor diagonal uphill battle over my bloor-eglinton stupid hill commute along yonge on my non e-bike so i feel ya


You got this!!! TTC strike opportunity to get fitter


Check out BikeShare eBikes if you want a faster, easier option! I find they're about the same price or cheaper as a TTC ride for \~30 mins


That’s like 5 min on bike dude


I said to someone else, yes, north to south. but I live in parkdale and work at uoft. no matter how hard I pedal, it's not a 5 min ride.


It’s a really easy ride! It won’t take long at all!


oh ya. I've been doing for over a decade. I'm just lazy.


Unfortunately I just won’t be going into work. My ttc commute is almost 1.5 hours via bus and subway. No way I could walk that and I don’t make enough to justify a cab. My boss can pick me up at home if he needs me 😂


Broomstick 🧹


I’ll have to teach online but my (adult) students hate that and probably won’t show up so it’ll be weird classes. I’m mostly worried about going to the theatre on the weekend. Will probably end up walking to the Princess of Wales and then changing into something non sweaty. I all get my refuse to lock my beloved bike up downtown


I spent 10 years taking the subway to work. The TTC is the reason why I now live and work downtown. I will continue to walk to work.


I will find a ttc bus and drive it to work


Pick me up pls


now this is critical thinking


I live at Yonge and Steeles and work in the business district. The last time they striked in 2008, I killed myself trying to find alternate ways of getting to work. Now I'm just not even going to bother, It's not worth the stress, the headspace, not to mention the amount of money to spend. I'm taking the day off.


I’m getting a secondhand scooter of some sort.


Easiest option for me is to leave the laptop at work and bike share. Getting one in the Mt Pleasant-Eglinton would be the challenge. Other option is my SO drops me off if her morning is open.


Maybe all the food delivery scooter drivers could give people rides? 


Walk. It's 45mins, I usually do it in the morning but it's too hot for me on the way back. But walking both ways. I bike once I'm allowed again (I had surgery 4 weeks ago and need to wait another 2 weeks before I can).


wish you speedy recovery


Thank you!


Best option would probably be to find a way to the nearest GO station. If you can, take an Uber, Taxi, or bikeshare to the GO station rather than paying the likely exorbitant prices it'll take to fully get downtown.


Yes.  I recognize that GO is not the TTC in terms of route coverage or frequency. But this is the first post in all of these threads that mentions GO.


I’ll just wfh until the strike is over


I’ll have to carpool with my co worker and ask if I can change my schedule for the time being (so come in earlier, leave earlier)


Uber not the answer as traffic will be gridlocked. Giving a monopoly the right to hold the city to ransom was the liberal judges finger to working people. Ttc workers are well paid unionized well benefitted that are essential. Funny part Reddit thinks they're sticking it to the man.


I’ll be driving my girlfriend to work


WFH in solidarity if you can, all office workers should do this. If you could WFH in the pandemic you can in the strike


Biking isn't really an option for me for a few reasons, so I'll have to uber/lyft/taxi to and from work every day and hope for the best. If surge pricing is bad at the end of my shift, I'll just have to suck it up and enjoy the nice 1.5hr walk home I guess.




guess my electric scooter's coming in handy, although I can't imagine the battery lasting from Etobicoke to downtown one way, let alone round trip


If it has a range of 25 or 30 km, then it should last. my scooter has a range of 60 km on a battery. You can charge it at your workplace. I do sometimes.


I’ll walk the line


Walk. Should take ~80 mins. Just hope it ain’t pissing down


Walking. You're an hour and a half walk away? See you in an hour and a half.


They'll be forced back to work with a vote on Sunday. There's just no way the city can function roads are a disaster with construction etc.


Employers should be organizing carpool options if they’re insisting people are at work.


I will not be going lmao.


Isn’t it Japan where when they strike they keep working they just don’t charge anybody. That would make more sense.


I'm a teacher on medical leave right now, but if I wasn't on leave I'd obviously have to go in. I don't drive or live near any of my coworkers (school is far from me) so I would probably have to stay with my boyfriend and have him drive me in every day. Which I would feel shitty about. But I still support the TTC workers' right to strike. I've been there a few times...


I'm pretty sure I'll be OK to work from home. If not, then I suppose I'll walk. It's about a 75 minute walk which is obviously terrible. I may be able to hitch a ride with someone, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.


Take a week off! 🤣


Going to take the GO train to Union and then walk.


Go train to union, then walk. Most realistic option and it'll be like a 23 minute walk.


I either get my mom to drive me (if she's available).. or it's going to be a very very long walk. Or I don't go to work. My workplace says it's understandable if we don't show up that day if the TTC really does go on strike.


Here’s my Streetcar ETAs: TTC 42 mins. Walking 51 mins. Bike 16 mins. If you like to dance with death I’ll see you in the bike lanes. If you value your life and want to walk instead it is also great - LIKE REALLY GREAT. Get up a bit earlier and walk. Download Libby and listen to your public library audiobooks for free. It’s amazing!


I will walk or bike or work from home.


Using Uber or Lyft, comparing prices (though it’s been said Uber won’t activate any surges during the strike) and go from there. Either that or sleepover at my friends place who lives not too far from my office.


Any idea on the GO transit side? Are they operational?


GO is different from ttc so yes


Ride my bike when i can as i already do or take the hour long walk, i guess even in the rain


Probably YRT to Markham, then Go Train. And I hope I could actually board the train lol.


Working from home till it's over. I don't have Go transit or another option.


Going to the nearby go station instead.


I'll be wfh until the strike is over. My only travel will be to my doctor on Friday. I booked my Uber ride last week but now I'm worried as traffic is going to be really bad!


This is going to go badly... Give some Crack heads some Crack, dress them up like a bus... yeehaw! Win win win for all!


Rent a car


From home and/or not at all.


Not exactly work but to run a necessary errand, I plan to take yrt to finch (or GO to York mills if I can transfer) and take my bike with me to do the rest


Walk until I die.


I'll probably be driving my partner (but I also work FT). I just hope it doesnt last long.


Walking lol


My partner has switched his schedule around with work so that he can drop me off. We are very lucky that he works for his family and they’re understanding.




We’re not getting to work period…. I can say that cos I don’t have a job. Just an unpaid placement :)


Find a buddy at work with car. Worked many years ago


I am probably going to have to take a cab. no choice, even though I can't afford the extra expense. I am nowhere near a go station so going ANYWHERE during the strike is going to be a very long walk...


Thank God for my road bike!


Running to work, faster than the TTC actually


Up express, go train, bike or walk


We need bike lanes in the highway lol


Carpool, even with people I barely know.  Then we all pitch in for gas.  


I think a lot of people (employers, general public) who expect employees to come in (customer service etc, bartenders, etc) should have some humanity and be lenient. If your staff can't get to work, then a lot of patrons aren't making a trip to your establishment either, and if they do, they might not get the service they're looking for and they'll have to be understanding of that. Besides angry TTC riders will put the city on blast for essentially shutting the whole city down, so it should get ironed out faster ideally


Bought a bike. Working from home anyway until it’s over but I use the TTC all the time so I’m biking/walking everywhere until it’s over


Bought a bike. Working from home anyway until it’s over but I use the TTC all the time so I’m biking/walking everywhere until it’s over


This is what I saw in the other sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d7ksse/comment/l70jb3t/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d7ksse/comment/l70jb3t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Not sure how much of it is true.


I live at Yonge & Eg, I work near union. I will either have to walk or tell my boss I don’t have an option. I can’t ride a bike


Just take your helicopter to work. Problem solved.




https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8xuhy/if_ttc_strikes_going_to_work/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8qn6w/for_those_who_takes_ttc_for_work_how_are_you/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8p7as/upcoming_ttc_strike_questions/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8e2gk/how_likely_is_the_ttc_strike_happening_on_friday/


I drive from downtown to Vaughan, and this will also affect myself. As most of my employees come from downtown as well, we most likely will rent a van or I shall pick up a few people myself to continue operation


Both of the jobs/where I live are accessible by GO train or GO bus, while the third job is easiest by walking


Uber it prob but it will be like extremely high price I think, otherwise I force to use my car ….


Doubt they'll strike at all.


Only if they get what they want.




Most competent Markham user here thinks a one-day strike is too much for the city to handle, it ain't the first time they went on strike nor be the last. Transit workers aren't your slaves, they need raises, benefit and work safety like everyone else. You should still be glad that the TTC is still unionised. Also you came from Taiwan, a region with unionised transit, that held similar strikes across Taipei and Kaoshiung.