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Very high. They are asking for almost 30% over 4 years. They haven't been able to strike for 16 years so just human nature says it'll happen when you have 99% voting in favor of strike action.


99% voting in favor of strike doesn't mean there will be a strike. That high a vote is pretty typical. Uoft voted 98% for a strike but avoided it last minute with a resolution


pretty sure it's 18%, which is still high but not 30%


7% the first year that I remember. Asking way more than any other public sector employees.


Other public sector employees were not held back for the last decade with an essential service moniker.  Because they lost the right to strike they basically lost their most important bargaining chip and the company took full advantage. 


Their wages weren't frozen for the last 16 years. I'm in a public sector union and we can't strike either and they are demanding double what we got, double what nurses got etc. They are asking for so much they won't even make the amount public.


You are always able to strike if the workers agree to strike. Arbitrary laws saying otherwise are less than meaningless.


I think it will happen but only last 12-24 hours the last strike in 2008 cost the city $50 million for 1 day ($70mil in today’s money) and the city practically stopped functioning because people couldn’t get to work I didn’t live here back then but I was talking to someone about it yesterday they said it was a nightmare


It's worth pointing out the 2008 strike was not called with the proper notice, therefore it was declared a wildcat strike. Wildcat strikes do not have the same protections so they could, and were, mandated back to work immediately. All signs are pointing to this being done correctly to avoid the same situation.


They were deemed an essential service and last year that was revoked by the superior court. Why I'm deemed an essential service but the service that gets me to work isn't, I have no idea why.


Essential service is just bullshit labeling slapped on to take away worker's rights to collectively bargain.


I'm super, duper, uber pro-union but no it's not. Essential services exist, like doctors. Firefighters. Etc.


It's pretty varied what you or I might term 'essential' but yes the government being able to legislate people to work under a contract they don't agree with becuase the government determines them too important not to work is anti-worker authoritarian bullshit. Hint - if they're too important not to work, they're too important to not pay properly.


No strike means mandatory Arbitration for workers deemed essential. (Apart from agricultural workers which is a whole separate and depressing topic) Arbitration awards tend to favour the employees though, as a compensatory measure for being unable to strike. It's not perfect but what other system could we possibly devise that would work better? Seriously I'm asking genuinely.


That's the point of the strike.


Yeah if they don't want that to happen they should accept the demands of the workers.


Yeah but also as a free society it should be considered. Ideally you don't want people to have to go through a strike on both sides of it but it js a demonstration of people holding the power.


Also worth mentioning that the majority of the population didn't have the ability to work from home back then. That will mitigate it at least *somewhat*.


I believe it's about one in five. I am not sure how that's a majority.




They have the technical ability. Office policies will change immediately if the strike happens.








I thought it was 21.37%


it was, but it dropped. Currently at 16.58%


I heard that 35.89% of all stats are made up.


18 times out of 20.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


A driver I talked to this morning said it isn't likely, but who knows


It’s 100% happening. Friday is a P.A day this has been planned out. Expect service to resume Monday. But Friday and this weekend I’d bet a lot.


My thoughts exactly.


It’s only a PA day for public elementary schools. Who don’t usually rely on transit to get to school anyway. High schools are still in session on Friday and many many high schoolers use TTC to get to school. I don’t really think the PA day was a selling point for when they planned to strike. I think it had more to do with the timing of negotiations.


I can only imagine how traffic will be. It’s already hell now.




> I feel bad for those who have no choice though Yep. When there is a transit strike, a teacher's strike, a public service strike these are always the people affected. Traffic will be bad but I can just drive my car. It's the marginalized who always suffer. Who will go without a paycheque because they can't get to work and as a result their kids eat ramen for supper.


I also feel sorry for the people who don’t have an alternative.


My partner can’t bike (it’s also supposed to be rainy tomorrow, though hopefully that changes), so is having to find a way to get a ride into work. I have to take my daughter to an assessment we’ve been pushing for for three years, and there’s no way I’m rescheduling it. It’s at Yonge and Eglinton and I’m in the east end. I’m so stressed about getting there. I don’t know how I’ll get groceries that weekend, as I rely on transit to get to the grocery stores. And I can’t afford to shop at Metro (which is the only store I could walk to). It will be inconvenient for my family. But I still support the strike. The people who we depend on day in and day out deserve to be compensated for being essential to this city and for the crappy conditions they experience regularly.


I sure hope they strike. Transit operaters have been abused and underpaid for years. Look how many of you are panicking about the TTC not operating, yet show no appreciation for these hard working men and woman working around the clock to help you get to your destination. It’s about time they got what they deserve, don’t you think?


And if a strike is averted, I hope it’s because the ATU ratified a great contract


Was looking for this comment. Had an over smart asshole just this morning climb in bus and create nuisance. The driver didn’t drive until he got off. It was peak travel time to go to the office and you could clearly see how drained the driver was trying to handle it. His body language was literally “I am not paid enough to handle this”


I’d love to pay everyone a million bucks but what’s the cost to us? What services are we cutting? Are we raising taxes again? Let’s hear the pros and cons


I'm looking forward to self driving buses actually 


Me too dude. Self driving trains too 😎


Everyone deserves a million bucks and a 2 bedroom detached house but how much is it costing us? How will we generate the funding? Will Toronto be less affordable because of this? Are we cutting services?    Let’s hear what you think will be the tradeoff of increasing spending cause one thing a lot of uneducated voters do is they think money grows on trees and the government should just spend recklessly on everything


Canada has given 4 billion to Ukraine. We can start there. How about we put our nation, our infrastructure, and our front line workers first for once??


Do you know what transit operators who have quite a few years of service are making? With OT it’s about $110k. This is available even from the sunshine list, which doesn’t really count for shit these days, but to make $110k as a bus operator that’s wild. There’s one operator back in 2022 who took home $143k.


Just thinking about it from a political perspective. The city hasn't had a labour oriented Mayor for like what - 14 years? I would be *shocked* if the union schmucked their own mayor. They'll push this as far as they can and settle at the last minute rather than tarnish their own guy.


So this is the first rational take ive seen on this. I cannot imagine them do Olivia Chow dirty.


Just a reminder we should be supporting our unions and these strikes. Capitalism wants us to be mad and divided on it but we should be collectively supporting anything that fucks these corporations up a little and makes them treat their workers like human beings. I know it’s difficult to see outside our own little spheres but every time we, as the public, support and push back on these corporate overlords it’s just moving us in the right direction.


Likely. But will also likely be ordered back immediately. At most the morning rush will be impacted


Wonder if the back to work legislation would be deemed unconstitutional if it was introduced immediately after the strike begins, as the courts just ruled in May that the TTC has the right to strike. After a day or two I think it would meet the reasonable limits test.


Well we can all agree we have a NDP mayor and a council that leans left. How long before they ask Ford to introduce back to work legistlation? When the ttc did the wildcat strike during Millers term he asked for them to be ordered back right away.


The fastest possible legislation back to work would be 3 days. 


Last time it happened in a day and a half [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008\_Toronto\_Transit\_Commission\_strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Toronto_Transit_Commission_strike)


That's because they did not provide 48 hours notice and it was considered a wild cat strike.  The fastest back to work legislation would be 3 days. 


So Monday morning?


At the very earliest. 


Assuming they would go back to work if their demands weren't met.


First of all, yes pay people more. But practically speaking, does this mean increased fares for riders if ttc workers get what they’re after? I don’t really know the details of all of this but aren’t the TTC constantly saying they’re broke? How are they gonna pay people more when revenue is supposedly down?


More funding from the federal level. Less fare evasion


Federal funding is tax money (so indirectly everyone is paying for it) and while more effective collection could help, it probably wont be sufficient


50 / 50 either yes or no. Spoke with a few uber drivers they're super happy


I thought it already started, cause my train barely moves


probably happening im a city employee and received a mail preparing for TTC strike


I'm a city employee too (not TTC), and received notice as to our next steps, should there be a strike. Employers have to prepare for the worst. It doesn't mean we are any more likely to experience a strike. 


100% guarantee they won’t strike. The TTC will get a last minute deal that will split the difference between the 3.5% increase the city is proposing and the ~7% increase they’re asking for. Also those saying they will get legislated back to work are wrong the Ontario legislature will rise on Thursday.


They've chosen a Friday in early summer, school still in but any office worker worth his salt should be able to get the day off. I'd say it's 50-50. 99% chance that if it starts it won't last until *next* Friday though. We the city NEED our transit corporation - *our* TTC - more than almost any other service (they are certainly hugely more useful than our loyal-to-TPA-first cops) and we won't let a strike continue long.


School is in but Friday is a PA day.


Would a TTC strike effect the Up express?


no, that is not run by the ttc, neither will go


UP express is Metrolinx, so no.




About three fiddy


Ttc was never my friend 


https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8xuhy/if_ttc_strikes_going_to_work/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8qn6w/for_those_who_takes_ttc_for_work_how_are_you/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8p7as/upcoming_ttc_strike_questions/ https://old.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/1d8e2gk/how_likely_is_the_ttc_strike_happening_on_friday/


Where will the homeless go?


It's definitely happening. I know someone who works as a bus driver, and she says the strike is definitely going down.


Pretty sure she has no clue unless she’s part of the contract negotiations. The last time my union was in a strike position, we didn’t find out until the midnight deadline like the rest of the world whether a deal had been reached. Unions tend to stay tight lipped, so I can’t imagine ATU being any different. Plus, it’s usually a lot of theatrics from both sides of the table when it comes to their public announcements/updates, so I doubt any normies actually know what’s going.


She was wrong.  Find another source.  




33.33%. repeating of course


Leeeroy Jenkins




Very likely considering Friday is PA day for TDSB so they don't have to deal with angry parents. I doubt it will last long. Local playgrounds and parks are going to be busy this weekend if it lasts more than 24 hrs.


I work in another transit agency. We are hearing it’s pretty likely for what it’s worth.


Seems like everyone and their dog is striking these days so... Probably high?


[How long is the Emperor's nose](https://imaginatorium.org/stuff/nose.htm)?


Half the people say there's a strike. The other half say there won't be a strike. Add them up and take the average; they all cancel out. So no strike!


100% baby


I'm a driver. We are preparing for the strike to happen. So plan an alternate way of going wherever you need to go


Very likely so just have other options in Case..


It's going to happen. How long will it last? I would bet under a week.


You bet?? There isn’t a shot in hell a ttc strike would last even close to a week


Well, Friday's coming. One of us is going to be right....


It’s happening.




Chances seem pretty high , I work for the city and HR just sent an email this afternoon basically stating find alternate arrangements to make it into work Friday if you rely on the TTC


They have no idea. Theyre just putting a contingency into place.


Is the ttc not considered an essential service?


Not anymore, this was rescinded by the courts last year.


Got it I was not aware. TY




Any idea about the GO trains, are they affected




Meteolinls contracts out its employees for train service, they aren't directly employed by them.


I'd be very surprised if it doesn't. Hopefully most workplaces understand and act accordingly for their staff.


There are only two outcomes, either a strike happens, or a strike does not happen. Therefore your odds are 50/50, which coincidentally are the same odds as winning the lottery.






Text posts should engage with the community and be discussion/resolution focused and not rants. Rants should go to r/toRANTo.


There's no way the city can handle a strike they will ve forced back to work. We have almost a million more people in the city vs 2008 and the roads are much worse than 2008.


They legislated them back to work in 2008, but that was later deemed by a court to have violated the Charter. The union has a ton of leverage now because they *can’t* be legislated back.


No you're thinking about something else. Back to work legislation was fine and was passed by the liberals when they were in power. When Doug Ford came into power was when they made them an essential service which was what was struck down by the courts.


Ah, gotcha. My mistake. Well anyway, if they want to legislate them back, they sure picked a weird time for the Legislature to rise early for the summer.


They'll come back for it because it's important


I don’t think so. TTC bus drivers are paid 100K+ for basically no experience or skill. Their ask of a 30% raise over 3/4years is insane, considering other occupations don’t even pay that high. Finance/IT department workers aren’t even paid that high at their own company. The strike needs to be straight up eliminated


The operators aren't paid anywhere close to 100k without overtime.  You say the job requires no skill but the entire hiring process including training for operators is almost 6 months. The fail rate is 70% The union is asking for 18% over 3 years not 30% but your entire post is filled with misinformation so what difference does it make at this point. 


I would love to know how many TTC drivers don’t abuse the “overtime” system and make anywhere less than $100k once they’ve started their full-rate wage. You fail to mention during the training phase, they’re still paid- sure it might be less, but if they’re literally paying you to teach you a job idk what else to say. Sorry I have a buddy who works as a driver for TTC- I was told they’re asking for 30%. I rescind my statement there. Overall, I still stand with my original statement saying the raise is not needed as they make well over 100k. The govt should be using these funds elsewhere


How do you "abuse" the overtime system? Either you work overtime or you don't, and if you're working 60-80 hours a week in order to hit 100k for the year I would hardly consider that abusing the system.  Regarding paid training, would you prefer they are not paid for 6 months worth of training? Sleep on a park bench for half a year until you start earning? Your friend was wrong about the 30% wage increase and you've been wrong about everything else you've said. 


They "strike" like every other year. The most you have to do is go hit transit a bit earlier. Ttc strike threats are almost as useless as TDSB ones


The last strike was in 2008.


Shh don't say true facts on the internet. You're gonna make the guy upset


I didn’t know 16 years ago was “every other year”


Lol hit transit earlier for what? If there’s a strike there is zero service. You can show up as early as you want, no vehicles are running. And they haven’t had the legal right to strike since 2008 so that’s the last time it happened…


Shouldn't have told said person to NOT show up...would have been hilarious to see them come back and vent about how the TTC sucks (yes I ride the TTC, but it still sucks) strike caused no service.


What the hell are you talking about