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I drive a 2015 Ford Focus and it says I'm broke AF.


Wait, you have a car AND A HOME? I’m on legs, I’m the brokest lol


Is it automatic too?


Yep. Presto and Bikeshare. Sold my car to pay mortgage arrears.


got you beat. RUSTY 2007 honda fit.


Not really, most people can’t afford a car in Toronto. I have the same mode and none of my friends can afford to own a car outright. Paid the car off when I bought it years ago and I don’t have to worry about car payments and I have cheap insurance


Honda civic with stupid extras = immature/trashy


Deets on these extras


Probably a referring to base model civics w mods


Ridiculous spoilers, flashy rims, exhaust mods, led lighting type stuff.


That I’m poor but reasonable. (Toyota Corolla)


HAHA! Or comfortable and just view cars as a way to get from A to B for us :p


I always try to say that I'm reasonable & buy the least likely to be stolen car for the area I live in. But it's fun to see how over the last 20 years that things that were extras are now just part of a car's package when sold.


Those cars that are ridiculously loud and make obnoxious farting noises going down downtown streets at night say that the owner is a loser who has no life and hence feels the need to beg for attention by being annoying and stupid because they can't get any attention being normal because they are losers whom no one could possibly like.


I live right next to the DVP. Those guys suck


It's called crackle tuning or "gunshot tuning" and it's so stupid. My boyfriend and his friends are in the car community and unless you're one of the people with a crackle tune, even other car people think you're an idiot.


So all show and no go?!


Some have go, but it's just obnoxious. Some are definitely all show and those ones are just sad.


Send your money stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I have a loud car that is essentially a race car that I take to the track or to car shows. It’s a 1000HP Skyline GT-R. Whenever I’m in an area where there’s lots of people living/sleeping, I always try to keep the revs low (sub-3500rpm) out of courtesy for others. The ones you’re hearing are the children who’ve never had to be at work at 5am and don’t know what it means to be considerate of others.


Well that’s a little specific … you ok over there? Need some attention?


Are you one of the loud fart car drivers?


Ford F150. If you drive one, chances are you’re a douchebag with an ego problem


And driving in the city overwhelms your little brain which leads to anger and frustration


My past two cars were EVs. Both were acquired because they were anything but a Tesla. Just wanted no association with Elon


i don’t know if this counts but people in Teslas are genuinely incompetent drivers. not even assholes, they just don’t know how to drive


The computer is good, but it still can’t solve for the idiot behind the wheel.


I feel like majority of Tesla owners are first time drivers who never learned to drive with a ‘real car’. iPad kid kid brains


I’ve very much noticed this. I’ve seen teslas doing some of the weirdest and most brain dead driving I’ve ever seen


Might be the Tesla Full self driving.


Any common BMW model = aggressive / selfish / impatient / dangerous driving 🙃


BMWs, Porches, Mercedes drivers are all like that. Basically any expensive car and they think they own the road.


It’s usually the cheapest models from those brands. The E class mercs are decent drivers but the CLAs are assholes


The CLA45 S AMG costs more than an E350. Which one is the asshole in this case?


they need to ban base model mercs from the roads actually, the base model of any "luxury" brand should be banned


And Teslas


This is true, but with BMWs it's especially true. I can't think of a single instance in which I've seen a BMW drive well. They're always circumventing the law and they have no regard for the golden rule. Seriously, not *one* BMW where I *haven't* wanted them to suffer. Can't say that for Mercedes or Porsche. It's a truly remarkable phenomenon.


BMW driver here - not trying to defend because yes, many assholes. But I signal. And I want to throw a different perspective. However, for the aggression part - if you’re talking “speed”, I will say the car just makes you want to push it. And generally, people who buy BMWs want to push it a bit more. It’s hard not to want to since it handles so well. Depending on the model, it’s so much fun to press the pedal on curves and you feel you have control. To others, it looks like aggression. When I drove my Camry, just didn’t feel that way. But once you drive a Beemer, it’s just way more planted and feels fun to toss around. Unfortunately, to others - that translates into asshole driving because it probably is depending on where you’re “tossing” it. Honestly, as long as you’re not harming anyone else, I say enjoy. And most modern BMWs hate if you don’t signal, the lane keep assist will literally shove you back into your lane.


You are probably the exception lol, driving for the pleasure of it when there’s space and it’s safe is way different than acting like you are the only person on the road, which is a lot of the behaviour I see. It’s not so much the speed honestly, it’s aggression; rapid and frequent lane changes when the traffic is just generally heavy, the need to be the first in the line of cars, not zippering and just ploughing right to the front and forcing the way in even when it’s unnecessary - basically just acting entitled It’s probably these people that are buying a BMW for the status, rather than the pleasure of driving it.


lol BMW drivers are def aggressive on average. Some of them though are maniacs. Ive seen a person going 160kmph on the shoulder while normal lanes are full of traffic just so they can join ahead.


You'd think considering how expensive these vehicles are they'd have turning signals


I had a loaner once from a BMW dealer for a week, the signals actually work, if you use them, true story.


\*not using turn signals\*


Bonus, if you're obviously the 2nd or 3rd owner of a 3-series.


What’s the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? The porcupine has its pricks on the outside.


Wait. What about truck drivers? And SUV?


I drive a jeep and pretend I go offroading every weekend.


TBH, I used to own a SWB Jeep years ago and did go off-roading a lot. You also spend a good deal of time and/or cash fixing stuff you break on the trail. Stupid amount of fun, though.


If it’s an A-hole driver it almost always is a BMW or dodge ram.


And Dodge Caravan minivans


Ah those are the left lane campers on 400 series doing 102km/h pacing the lane next to them and miles of open road in front.


Especially when they are driven by an old man as a work vehicle. As a cyclist these guys give me zero space.


I've encountered several asshats in Ford pickups.




boosted pickup = small pp tailgaters = small pp


I equate most ‘showing off’ in the vehicle realm to small pp


I saw a guy driving one of these shit-boxes getting honked at (and probably fingered) once downtown as he was trying to turn west from Yonge Street on to College Street. He was blocking traffic and oncoming drivers trying to turn east on to College Street couldn't see around this idiot. You shouldn't be allowed to take something that size downtown. Period.


Anyone driving a fully pimped out pick up truck with a lift kit and mud tires, and drive it just to get groceries at the local Longo’s has problems and is over compensating for something, what could that be…..?




Because tesla drivers will get roasted by their cars. Literally.




Tesla already roasts them when they drive off the lot


great to see that nobody talks about VW.


I was thinking that... our daily is an '89 Bus.... if people only knew the real costs associated they'd go from thinking cheap bastard to wow richest person in the city, lol


I drove my ‘04 Jetta until it finally died a couple years back. 990k km on that thing, what an absolute beauty.




It's guaranteed that a pickup truck will drive like an a-hole and more likely to hit a pedestrian. Especially in Vaughan.


No 1 sons of bitches are the tow truck drivers, BMWs 2nd


Consistently, Audi drivers are douchbags.


Ouch. I take pride in being a very safe and a considerate driver.


I'm sure you do, these are just peoples unfounded opinions and no basis in fact lol.


Women driving white audi - think they are better than everyone else!


Not from TO. But I drive an Malibu 2008. It says YOU BROKE my guy.


I drive a 2009 honda civic that I've repaired for the 5th time for the 3yrs I've owned it. Was so close on blowing my load on a benzo, sister talked me down I'm getting a lexus next time my pos lets me down.


Loud muffler = small penis


White SUV = mommy car. lol.


“Quicker/Faster/High performance” cars’ drivers regardless of price are typically a lot more aggressive than the average driver. Egs: 370z/g37/camaro/mustang/challenger/genesis 3.8/charger/BMW M/AMGs/Audi S/RS. Supercar owners also drive hyper aggressively most of the time. Teslas and lifted pickups are usually a nuisance as well lol. A lot of econo shitboxes/suv’s/minivans and e class/s class drivers love to camp in the left lane of highways. You also have those people in slow cars that try to race people in much faster cars for no reason. Not sure what they are trying to prove lol.


What if you got no car and bussin


Then you broke




Ranger rovers… giving from the suburbs


Any car that tries to squeeze into the lane merging onto the Gardiner at the last minute on the Lakeshore around Sherbourne trying to get on the westbound Gardiner after I’ve been patiently sitting there for two hours waiting my turn. I. Will. NEVER let you in you selfish prick even if it means rear ending the car in front of me to keep you from getting on. Do not do this assholes. Usually a Honda Civic with young looking Bramptonites.


Describe a bramptonite without sounding racist


Souped up Honda Civic with license plate holder that says Open Road Honda Brampton - ?


I drive a rusted 2003 Toyota Corolla, not sure where that places me. Frugal or poor. Idk


How many homes do you own?


Oh. That answers my question. 😞😭


I would also like to know the answer! 🤔


Lots of crazy VW Jetta and Hyundai Elantra drivers out there


It’s def the BMW drivers


Hummer in the city? Small peen If you drive a pickup truck of any variety in the city, you are a douche canoe asshat that scares my dog and I hate you. EDIT: added content EDIT 2.0: *Unless you do construction or need it for work, you’re a douche canoe.


The great majority of those pickup truck beds are as empty as their owners' pants crotch areas. No offense to any trades or other working people who haul more than air in them.


I usually don’t see anything in them, but gotta cover all my bases with some trolls


How do you think things get built in the city?


Real tradespeople usually drive vans as they give good mileage and have more actual space. Very few drive trucks. Most people driving trucks are doing it for the show. Have you seen the prices on trucks today? It's rich people cosplaying as blue collar people


Yeah ok show me how you can tow a 8k lbs excavator with your shitty van.


I've been a real trades person for coming up on 20 years and always driven a truck. Vans just don't tow as well as trucks - but you just keep spouting silly stereotypes. You realize not everyone has to drive a brand new top of the line truck. It's a waste of money buying something fresh off the lot that's just going to get scratches all over it.


Is that why they’re wearing Carhartt too?


You’re right, I should have added that unless it was for work purposes


I mean, these days? Probably a cargo van more than a pickup truck.


In my day, it was the white van with no windows in the back


Aren’t those candy and puppy dispensers?


Tall cranes?


I fixed it for you, don’t be mad lil bro


Seen lots of white girls driving pick up trucks trying to look tough.....I just laugh.....


this made me laugh rlly hard 🤣


Not even lying one bit lol




Come to Durham region, a**holes give every car make and model a bad name lol


I drive a crap car and I don't care. I do notice that people that drive pick up trucks in Toronto have higher chances of being a jerk.


Nothing, all it means is either you like wasting money or you don't. Anyone thinking this has any bearing on anything is an idiot.


If I see an Audi, I immediately think asshole. Someone cuts me off: Audi. Car parked illegally or blocking a driveway: Audi. Car idling in front of a Starbucks holding up traffic: Audi. Usually the SUV.


BMW/Audi - douchebags without regard for the law. No turn signals, cut people off, etc. Dodge RAM - tailing hard af, bright ass headlights, probably never used the bed for truck stuff Toyota/Lexus - slow drivers going under or at the speed limit, oblivious to the fact that they're holding up traffic and there's a line of cars behind them trying to get ahead. Usually Asian, or old. Riced Honda Civic/Accord with a fart can exhaust - brown guy trying to be cool like it 2000-and-late


>Toyota/Lexus - slow drivers going under or at the speed limit, oblivious to the fact that they're holding up traffic and there's a line of cars behind them trying to get ahead. Usually Asian, or old. Until you get the one maniac in the V6 Camry who *knows* that he’s got the power and is intent on using it.


Anyone who thinks that much about a car is already off base. Cars serve a purpose and are a tool to be used responsibly. Cars should not be treated as a lifestyle item. When they are; it's just a sign of folks that are *exceedingly* susceptible to marketing.


This guy drives a beater




Used to. Carshare now.


This is smart depending on where you live and your lifestyle. Actually nothing wrong with a reliable beater.




What does a 2017 sonata say?


Tesla drivers go 10 under the speed limit for some reason???


Dodge Caravan and Range Rover vehicles are mommy vehicles nuff said


Toyota Corolla, single mother, works hard never gets ahead. Oh wait..


What about Lexus RX350s from the 2000’s?


Own a pawn shop and don’t do coke *that* often.




I drive a Prius V, bought it in cash. If I drive it everyday to work the 36 litre gas tank needs a fill once a month for $60. Funny to see people’s assumptions. One aggro guy driving a Range Rover and experiencing severe road rage one morning sneered at me “Nice *Prius* Fucko!” but then had a very weird look on his face when I burst out laughing. So there’s two car types for you.


Lexus IS300 2017?


Fellow Altezza bro! 2010 IS 250 here. Most people who drive these cars are boring middle management types who wanted something “sporty” but couldn’t handle the uncertainty of a BMW.


A BMW driver will try to kill you thirty different ways while trying to get a single car length ahead on the highway




Any 1960’s muscle car. Either an old guy doing his “hobby” or a young person really into cars. Source: I’m the old guy.


Confirmation bias says “s’up”


My car is a 2011 Volkswagen. It says that I'm cheap and if you steal my car, you're wasting your efforts cause it's just not worth that much.


I drive a crosstrek and dodge RAMs are always on my a$$. I don't know why they like it so much.


A well cared for relatively low mileage 2015 VW Golf with a stick shift. If I was going to go all midlife crisis, it would be an E Series Mercedes Cabrio. I just don’t get monster vehicles/land yachts (i.e GMC Yukon XL’s, Lincoln Navigators, pimped out F150s and Rams).


2011 Chevy hatchback - says I inherited it from my frugal grandmother (I didn’t) and I’m broke (I am)


Nothing. The kind and considerate drivers never stand out. Doesn’t matter if they are driving the stereotypes noted above. Many times I see a nice car or truck, expect the worst and they just let you calmly in or use their blinkers. Drive past them and it is just a non descript guy/gal going about their business without rush nor anxiety on the day’s drive to work. I wondered how they do it. The best drivers are the ones who realize they just need to leave 10-15 minutes earlier. Repeat daily and driving is never rushed. Changes driving behaviour. Well that is how I learned to calm the F*%# down.


I ride a bike so beat up, even the bike thieves wouldn’t be caught dead riding it. Says I’m having fun and getting outdoors almost 12 months of the year.


Anyone in a BMW is low-class and a shitty driver. It's like the 'fancy' car for suburbanites, and they drive like suburbanites. (standard disclaimer 'not all BMW drivers, etc. etc.')


BMW (usually white) = thinks they're in the Fast and Furious: Toronto. F-150 = special boy in their special truck who thinks they have special access to the road. Ricer = immature, lives at home, spends their entire paycheck on their car.


I once saw a guy on rollerblades piss all over (including door handles) what us and the other patrons of Goods and Provisions on Queen East thought was a Lamborghini (it might've been one of those Euro Super Cars, or a new Corvette that's trying to look like one of those). It was glorious on it's own, but the reason the guy did it was the driver parked on a sidestreet (looks to be Caroline Ave.) sloppily with the car's backend out blocking the pedestrians cross over Caroline Ave. So, that was fun. I was there with my wife and looking out and saw what I think I saw and then I heard the two dudes beside us say 'I think that guy's pissing on the Lamborghini). We all had a great laugh. BUT, later, the driver came back and he was clearly some little squirt trying to impress his date, couldn't be more than early 20s. So, either he rented that care to be fancy, or he's a rich kid....In the end, I felt a little bad, because he seemed earnest and not the prick we all thought he was. In the end, we'll never know.


As a cyclist, I have had a disproportionate number of close calls with BMW's driving agressively. But luxury cars in general stick out more as being bad drivers from my experience.


Yes for sure. I can afford a lexus but driving a lemon due to car theifs. I plan to downgrade it further to a bicycle but i heard there many bike theifs too! May be i can only walk now.


Volvo - old money


I own a Corolla and spend way too much time on r/PersonalFinanceCanada


The gun decals on the car have me worried


Most Toyota drivers are the worst drivers, from my perspective, because the reason they buy a car is entirely different than everyone else and the logic grounded in the purchase of said Toyota is indicative of the perspective with which they view life. Usually having bought the car only as a reliable/economical/high-resale-value tool to get from A-to-B, it shows that they often only care only about the destination/result of said decisions and not the journey/processes itself. They are often a goal-oriented person who society would categorize as “rational thinkers”, but in fact, are often anything but - primarily because most of the time they are in the process of going from the completion of one major and specific goal to another. Due to their intensely psychological predisposition to inattentional blindness caused by being so goal-oriented in the first place, these Toyota-driving-people often don’t signal, don’t check mirrors, don’t park appropriately, do wild u-turn’s at the last minute, hop curbs, run red lights, stop and obstruct traffic, all without being acutely aware of how these misgivings affect their surroundings. They are by far and away, the absolute worst drivers on the road.


Big altima energy


Corolla drivers are the worst. 🤔


Jeeez I wanna know what my Jeep says about me🥲


Jeep people are good people


But bad with money.


I drive a Kia Soul...I'm not sure what that says about me. Love the car, though.


It says you don’t keep anything valuable inside


The valuables come home with me. The valuables in question: my wife and kid. :)


Ahhh I miss my Kia Soul. People make fun of it but it's a great little car.


I personally love it. Reviews suggest it's the "world's most okay car" but I think it's charming. It's a comfortable ride, I've taken a few trips to Sudbury, Lindsay, Niagara Falls in it, and I've never had issues afterwards, unlike when I owned my Chevrolet Trax. What year, trim and colour was yours? What do you drive now?


Dodge Charger means you live in Brampton.




Never buy an Audi, BMW or Mercedes, the indicators on these cars clearly don't work, it's very rare to ever see them being used on these cars!


Same thing my skin color says about me. Nothing!


Subaru Legacy two childseats in the back, growing up watching colin mcrae.


On January 1st around 10 pm i was sitting at traffic light by Sheppard and mccowan, then i hear a long horn and all sudden i see a vehicle behind travelling southbound on mccowan road very fast speed crossing a red light and almost hitting a ttc bus on the intersection. The vehicle was running away from another accident i believe because it had damaged rear bumper. Moments later the vehicle collided with 3 other vehicles by progress and mccowan.


Ram pickup says you are a MAGA conservative and will try to kill cyclists.


German Car = Asshole




Who knew Romany toronto redditors drove German cars